4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 16, 2004 OPINION 420 MAYNARD STREET UANN ARBOR, MI 48109 opinon michigandaily conm tothedaily@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JORDAN SCHRADER Editor in Chief JASON Z. PESICK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE I announce a truce with the European countries that do not attack Muslim countries." - A voice attributed to Osama bin Laden, in an audio tape broadcast yesterday by the Arabic satellite networks al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera, as reported by The Washington Post. SAM BUTLER THE SOAPBOX bvf/ttas amu rbr (w Oak r S i Finding faults even in paradise SHABINA S. KHATRI IT's ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD he time has come for my goodbye column. Dun dun dun. Since this is a special occasion, I'm not going to spend it lecturing you on the plight of Palestinians or the sad condition of the Rwandan people. These are definitely column-worthy topics, but this time I feel obligated to leave you with something more explicitly relevant to your lives. That something is a lesson on sucking it up and dealing with your current situation, howev- er wildly comfortable or truly pathetic it may be. I admit, I'm only about to offer you a fresh twist on the "it's the journey, not the destina- tion" epiphany, but what is communication really, other than just a bunch of recycled age- old notions wrapped in different-colored pack- ages? So here goes. In one of my Spanish classes we recently read a very Thoreau-ish-type novel about a man who set out to search for utopia by abandoning civilization and heading for the hills. The book prompted a discussion on "The Beach," a movie in which a bunch of kids, disenchanted with their people's ways, started their own soci- ety on an island isolated from the rest of the planet. But it turned out that the problems these island inhabitants had left behind in "civilized" society ended up presenting themselves all over again in their new world. Our conclusion was that there is no out- side. It's dismayingly impossible to escape problems by running away from them, because wherever you go you're just going to end up repeating the same mistakes. As sim- ple and logical as this concept is to grasp, common sense can only take us so far, until reality steps in and proves how counterintu- itive such a notion really is. It's a common gut reaction on our part to deal with unpleasant- ness by recoiling and then doing everything in our power to get the hell away from the cause of our pain. What's the old saying, nothing soothes memory like distance? To a certain extent, getting away from it all may be just what the doctor ordered. But be careful of your expectations, because you might end up sorely disappointed once you make your move. So many times, we fall vic- tim to the idea that a change of location or a change of careers or a change of partners will solve life's difficulties, that there really is one sweeping solution that can cure all of our prob- lems or make us truly happy. I contend that those who believe in such a notion have truly been victimized, because that idea is completely false and tragically danger- ous. I agree that starting all over has a certain appeal to it, because we always make the inten- tion to approach a fresh slate with a different perspective and a more careful strategy in hopes that we won't mess up too bad this time. But a chronically depressed person, for example, is not going to suddenly shake free of that condition by losing 10 pounds. Still, he believes this to be true and tells himself that once he reaches this goal and moves away from his portliness, he will be happy. Then, after he loses this weight, he might set his sights on acing a certain class, and promises himself that once he accomplishes this, he will be content. And the vicious cycle continues. Thus, the danger lies in the fact that we keep postponing our happiness until that future date when we'll have the perfect car or job or rela- tionship. We end up disappointed and confused when we get what we want because the antici- pated joy is not as intense as we imagined it would be, leading us to believe that true happi- ness has eluded us once again. That is why I advocate being happy with just taking the journey and not stressing so much about the end goal or goals. Returning to our kids on "The Beach," they learned the hard way that starting all over doesn't neces- sarily mean starting afresh. A brooding couple in "Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind" similarly discovered such a contention - after having their memories erased of each other, a chance encounter causes the pair to end up together all over again. The same holds true on a macro level. Will destroying Saddam's regime mean the end of oppression in Iraq? Did taking out the Taliban make everything all better for the Afghani people? I'm not saying that complete over- hauls are bad. We should all fight for change, especially in places where justice is forlornly absent. And I am not unaware that the danger associated with being happy in the current instant is complacency. But even government-hating, tree-hugging Thoreau pleaded with the masses to check their expectations at the door, even for a few moments a day, in order to appreciate their lives and attain some sort of inner peace. In "Walden;' he says, "However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you are. It looks poor- est when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poorhouse." What a wise dude. I don't profess to be as wise and hope that you all can forgive me if I ever seemed to put across such a pretense. Almost four years at the Daily and only two months as a columnist have really taught me the value of the journey, regardless of the des- tination. Not that the destination isn't also important - as idealistic as he was, Thoreau actually offered mankind a bit of common sense in his conclusion: "In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." I conclude similarly: The journey is nothing if you have nowhere to go. Take care, all. a6 Khatri can be reached at khatris@umich.edu. This beer pong's for you HUSSAIN RAHIM NARCOLEPTIC INSOMNIA Go me. I did it. I managed to live in Ann Arbor for four years and I'm damn near done. Maybe in theory I can see why these were supposed to be the best four years of one's life but surely that is some sick joke. Having this opinion of Ann Arbor puts me in yet another minority category at this school because most people here truly love and enjoy being little Wolverines and everything associated with it. But not I. The most common rejoinder I hear is "Oh Hussain, c'mon, it can't be that bad." But oh my friend you are quite wrong. Granted, if I came from a farm, or liked hanging out with the same five people for four years, then a place like Ann Arbor may totally rock. But I didn't and I don't. Much to my own impediment at this small town, I am from New York (I know, I know, thank you, thank you) and I expect more. So then I hear the second most popular retort which is, "Oh yeah, well if New York is so great then why didn't you stay there?" To that I say, that my college advisor was a fool- ish, evil woman, I tried to be daring and differ- ent and that the University gave me lots of money which it slowly took away year by year thinking I wouldn't notice. I see you, financial aid office, don't call me for alumni donations ... Not too long into my stay here, sometime during freshman year, I moved away from actual participation in the social ongoings of campus life and more into a realm of an anthropological study of them. Observing and laughing at, but never with, allowed me to keep some sort of sanity. Along my travails here I've made many observations that I haven't figured out but would like to share. Midwestern people are notably different from non-Midwesterners. Besides the general passive-aggressive thing, I've noticed a little thing that I like to call the Midwest Glare. It involves eye contact with a stranger, more specifically with a female at any of the local campus locations. This includes classrooms, computer labs, parties or bars. Of course once eye contact is made said female quickly looks down at the floor. Once I turn away she starts looking again. Rinse and repeat. I enjoy this look particularly because it is a mix of interest, fear and shock. Any other part of America a look leads to some interaction, but not here. I saw you, don't hide baby. I've also picked up on a little secret. House parties are never fun. Ever. But what they are is an accurate reflection of this entire school's mentality. People only want to hang out and associate with people they already know. So there's a party at the corner of 123 Don't Walk Sign St. Let me guess, this will start off with some pre-drinking which is actually the same as post-drinking, or just drinking and then be followed with a "party" with 27 friends that are from the same high school or part of the right palm. These people will gather over the favorite or cheapest beer, which is by the way amongst the most vile liquids in existence, and throw ping-pong balls into cups while sharing memories of previous ping-pong-throwing escapades. Don't hog all the fun now. It's one thing to have a group of friends who all bond throughout undergrad, and it's another to keep incestuous pods that can only be pene- trated by intruders upon three letters of recom- mendation. "You know Becky? Why didn't you say so?" Also, I have never seen more abominable bars in my life. Keeping a long line waiting out- side of Rick's (Or should I say Dick's, get it? because there are a lot of guys there ... oh well) doesn't fool anyone. Except for the people in the line I guess. And once inside, what is more fun than dodging spilt pitchers and receiving con- gratulations on my latest great football game? "Great game man, I love the way you play" "Thanks man, I do it for Michigan." I swear to God that happened. Then there are the girls who get enough alcoholic courage to break away from the Mid- west glare and decide to confess years of undy- ing secret love and whatever else. Of course post-alcohol or post-coitus they stare at the floor with renewed intensity. However, once I leave I'm following their cue and never looking back. Brooklyn, bitches. Rahim can be reached at hrahim@umich.edu. 6 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 0 Syed suffers from the standard delusions that plague the Middle East TO THE DAILY: I've read Waj Syed's articles for the Daily in the past, and while I rarely agreed with his opinions or conclusions, I under- stood his logic in the context of his back- nnn A A a~,ar.. nnaC onnrhprn in i complaints directed at the United States from Syed and others would still flow like honey on a hot day. It's ironic yet predictable that Syed, educated in America and acclimated to its free press like millions of other foreign nationals before him, would seek to submit this screed to an American newspaper. Would he ever have the balls to publish such a criticism of the Pakistani, or any other Middle Eastern government, in a ribly substantive. Syed is paralyzed by the same schizo- phrenia as many other thinkers from the Middle East. On one hand, they resent the involvement and presence of the United States in the Middle East and see it as the cause of problems there. On the other, they seem to imply that the United States alone must solve these problems. Which way do you want it, Waj? KENNETH A. LONGO la ;: ..:,.::a.,e., , ....":« .w.1...:.....,«,. . > . .. ... ..+ .,,.,..ti. .,-.-.., ,x .+ecs ..:; . rx a t s s a a rvi^t r5 . ss.r t rci >i I