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2B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thursday, April 8, 2004
Warm weather causes stupidity, other side effects
The Michigan Daily - Weekend Mag
A guide to who's where,
what's happening and why
you need to be there.. The Weekend List
By Hussain Rahim
Daily Arts Writer
The Michigan Daily: Hey, is this
Random: Yeah.
TMD: Congratulations! You've been
chosen from millions of students for The
Michigan Daily Random Student
R: Haha, the random what?
TMD: The random student interview.
R: OK ...
TMD: It's for Weekend Magazine on
Thursday. We call a random student and
have a convo and ask some questions.
R: OK.
TMD: Before we start, are you funny
and interesting? We have high expecta-
tions here at Weekend Magazine.
R:Yes I am.
TMD: Then this should be a good
interview. What do you think of the labor
problems going on with the LEO?
R: I think it's weird because I never
had a lecturer before, so it's hard for me
to see how they are different from pro-
fessors. I don't think it's really effective
for them to strike for one day. It's just
because they had a meeting and said,
"OK we have to get this resolved or
we're striking tomorrow"
TMD: I think a love-in is a great fol-
low up to a walkout.
R: A love-in?
TMD: In the old days, the hippies
would all gather together and share the
R: Haha, we should do that. Cover the
fishbowl and have everyone come in.
TMD: Did you check out the Hash
R: Uh, yeah. The funniest thing I saw
from the Hash Bash was this one guy
with a guitar, and he was just walking
and these two bike cops go past him and
he starts singing and playing the theme
from "Cops"
TMD: (Laughs) That's absolutely
poetic and beautiful. Did you have your
own "private" Hash Bash ceremony?
R: No, I'm not into that.
TMD: That's wise to say that; those
cops might be reading. Going along with
Ann Arbor traditions, is the Naked Mile
officially dead?
R: Yeah, I don't think people will even
think about doing it. It will be a thing of
the past.
TMD: Any other Ann Arbor tradi-
tions worth doing before it's all over? Or
any new ones to add to the list?
R: I don't know ... I'm big into the
basketball here.
TMD: I think everyone should have
sex in the grad library at least once.
R: Absolutely, and then mark it on the
ventilators so I can read it when I'm
bored. I've had conversations with peo-
ple back and forth from the stacks.
TMD: And you don't even know who
they are? So if you could have anyone
standing with their back to you while
they look down a long flight of stairs and
you could give them a little nudge, who
would it be?
R: An administrative person?
TMD: Anyone and no one will catch
you. Just nudge and leave. One person.
R: Hmmm... Tough one. (Thinks
deeply) Um... I'm gonna have to go
with Jim Tressel, the football coach from
Ohio State.
TMD: You'd give him a nudge?
R: Yeah, those sweater vests...
TMD: Not working for you huh?
Understandable, and how is Passover
going for you?
R: Good.
TMD: Have you partaken in any of
the Jewish goodness from the dorms?
R: I had some matzo the other day.
TMD: Did you enjoy it?
R: No, that stuff's pretty stale, man. I
know you're supposed to put all the stuff
on it but...
TMD: Did your not enjoying it have
anything to do with your raging anti-
Semitism inspired by "The Passion?"
R: No, I'm not anti-Semitic. (Laughs)
It just doesn't taste good.
TMD: Hmm ... (gives the squinty
eyes over the phone) or so Mel Gibson
would have you believe. I heard that
when it starts to get warm, people get
excited and start under-dressing and that
pisses the weather off so it gets cold
again. And thus it's April and we are
barely getting any sun. Thoughts?
R: I'm going to have to disagree
with that. I don't think that Mother
Nature would be pissed because we
have so many winter months with girls
wearing sweat pants and sweatshirts
that we need one day where I can see a
girl in a skirt. Too much winter with the
big jackets.
TMD: That's understandable.
R: I need something to stare at.
TMD: Are you one of those people
who wears shorts when it's 40 degrees
R: Absolutely.
TMD: So girls should wear skirts
when it's 30 degrees just to spice things
up for you?
R: I think they should have to do it at
least once during the winter
TMD: They should announce that as
an LSA prerequisite. But only with good
R: Yeah, that would narrow it down
TMD: Any departing words of wis-
dom for the University campus?
R: Just party like hell before exams.
TM: Wise words. Look for this
R: Thanks, bye.
TMD: Cool, take it easy.
Films opening
The Alamo A coonskin hat and
a rifle seem like very appropriate
accessories for Billy Bob
Thornton. At Showcase: 12:45,
1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 6:45, 7:15, 9:40,
10:10, 12:30 (Fri. and Sat.). At
Madstone: 1:00, 4:10, 7:00, 9:45.
Citizen Toxie: The Toxic
Avenger Part 4 It appears as
though only one toxic avenger
film per weekend isn't enough to
placate the appetites of the series's
fans. At Madstone: 11:30.
Ella Enchanted Ella can be as
enchanted as she darn well
pleases, but it sure doesn't look
as though audiences will join
her. At Showcase: 12:30, 1:00,
2:45, 3:15, 5:00, 5:30, 7:05,
7:50, 9:15, 11:20.
The Girl Next Door A fea-
ture film about a porn star.
Maybe it could co-headline
with "Deep Throat." Now
there's an idea to ponder. At
Showcase: 12:35, 3:00, 5:20,
7:40, 10:05, 12:20 (Fri. and
Sat.). At Madstone: 1:00, 3:15,
5:30, 7:45, 10:00.
Johnson Family Vacation Is
there any reason why studio
executives keep spending
money on Steve Harvey and
Ced the Entertainer? They've
been utter failures ever since
'The Steve Harvey Show" died.
At Showcase: 12:15, 2:25, 4:40,
7:10, 9:25, 11:40.
Les Fleur du mal CThe Flower
of Evil) Maybe French films aren't
successful here in the states
because their creators can't create
names any more interesting than
'The Flower of Evil." At Madstone:
1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40.
The Toxic Avenger We bet
no one saw this adventure hero
coming. Let's see what Spider-
Man can bring to the table
against the animated avenger.
At Madstone: 9:30.
The Whole Ten Yards When
Bruce Willis isn't John McClain, he
isn't worth the price of a ticket. Oh,
yeah, and Matthew Perry is never
worth the price of a ticket At
Showcase: 12:40, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25,
9:35, 11:45.
Women's right to choose between C-sections, natural births under national scrutiny
By Alison Go
Daily Arts Writer
When Utah prosecutors alleged 28-year-old
Melissa Ann Rowland murdered her unborn child,
the nation reacted with a firestorm over fetal rights,
rights of pregnant women and abortion.
Rowland gave birth to a stillborn baby after
refusing to undergo a timely C-section that doc-
tors said would have saved the her fetus' life. The
Salt Lake County prosecutor's office charged
Rowland with homicide or "depraved indifference
to human life." Rowland was pregnant with twins
- the surviving twin tested positive for alcohol
and cocaine and was later sent to an adoptive fam-
After prosecutors dropped the murder charge,
Rowland, who has a history of mental illness and
drug abuse, pleaded guilty yesterday to two counts
of child endangerment. She could receive up to five
years in prison, court probation and admittance to a
drug treatment program.
But, the story will not end after she has served
her sentence. The controversy Oregarding civil lib-
erties will remain long after Rowland's name is
This is the first time that a woman has been pros-
ecuted for refusing to have a major operation.
Though 275 women have been charged nationwide
for child abuse and neglect while pregnant, these
charges have traditionally involved drug and alco-
hol abuse during pregnancy.
The feminist argument and outrage over the case
stems from "a conflict in the law between the rights
of the fetus and women," said women's studies
Prof. Anna Kirkland. "Other people can refuse
medical treatment," she added. "Pregnant women
seem to be a special class of people."
Kirkland said that if a group other than preg-
nant women faced a similar situation, prosecution
wouldn't even be considered. For example, if a
major operation on a father could save his child's
life, like a bone marrow transplant, his refusal to
undergo the procedure and his child's subsequent
death would not warrant a charge of homicide.
Prosecution of this type most likely would not
occur in Ann Arbor or Washtenaw County,
becuase "there has to be a political environment
for casesslike these to be filed," any case,
Kirkland said.
"Women's rights are too much of a priority in
Ann Arbor," said Ronald Brown, an assistant pub-
lic defender for Washtenaw County.
But the double standard held to women is not
the only issue brought to light by these charges.
The National Organization for Women, Planned
Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties
Union have said prosecutors went too far, calling
the case a back-door effort to undermine abor-
tion rights.
On the other hand, Jennifer Graham of the
National Review Online, cited in her column that
on the prosecutorial front, the case is "hardly
groundbreaking" and follows legislative trends,
like the U.S. Supreme Court refusing to hear the
appeal of a woman convicted of homicide by child
abuse. The woman, who gave birth to a stillborn
infant in 1999, used cocaine while pregnant.
Another issue that the Rowland case raises is the
idea of medical paternalism. "Do we want to invest
this much power in doctors' orders when they aren't
necessarily accurate?" Rowland asked. She adds
that studies have shown C-sections are often over-
recommended and that half the procedures per-
formed in America are unnecessary.
Graham counters with the assertion that natrual
births are just as invasive as C-sections. "Even with
the incredible advances of modern medicine,"
Graham said, "pregnancy and childbirth remain
uniquely hazardous events in a woman's life. "
Even some anti-abortion advocates draw the dis-
tinction between abortion and Rowland's right to
refuse a C-section. "It's a difference of choosing
death, while this case is actually about choosing
how to have a baby," said pro-life advocate and
LSA sophomore Krista Swenor.
President Bush on April 1 signed into law new
protections for the unborn that for the first time
make it a separate federal crime to harm a fetus
during an assault on the mother.
"If the crime is murder and the unborn child's life
ends, justice demands a full accounting under the
law," Bush said. "The suffering of two victims can
never equal only one offense."
- The Associated Press also
contributed to this report.
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Senior Weekend Editor:
Writers: Alison Go, Kevin Hollifield,
Andrew Horowitz, Megan Jacobs,
Matt Kivel, Emily Liu, Charles
Paradis, Hussain Rahim, Ruby
Robinson, Amanda Shapin
Photo Editors: Elise Bergman,
Tony Ding, Ryan Weiner
Photographers: Forest Casey, Joel
Friedman, Mike Hulsebus, Seth
Lower, Shubra Ohri
Cover Illustration: Sam Butler
Arts Editors: Jason Roberts,
Managing Editor
Adam Rottenberg, Alex Wolsky,
Associate Editors
Editor in Chief: Jordan Schrader
Films holding
The American Astronaut The Ladyldiers Tom Hanks can
C'mon and take a free ride to the play one hell of a Colonel Sanders;
loneliest, most boring town in this that's all you need to know. At
here galaxy. At Madstone: 1:00, Showcase: 12:25, 2:50, 5:05,
3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00. 7:35, 9:55, 12:10 (Fri. and Sat.).
At Madstone: 1:00, 3:10, 5:20,
Dawn of the Dead Here at the 7:30.
Daily, we fully endorse any film
that stars a gun-wielding Ving The Passion of the Chuist This
Rhames and includes gratuitous is making Jesus Christ more of a
chainsaw violence. At Showcase: superstar than "Jesus Christ
10:25, 12:40 (Fri. and Sat.). Superstar" ever did; the irony of it
all. At Showcase: 1:10, 1:40, 4:00,
Eternal Sunshine of the 4:30, 6:30, 7:00, 9:00. At
Spotless Mind From "The Madstone: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45.
Mlask" to probable Oscar nomi-
nee: The Jim Carrey story. At Power Trip If you're really look-
Showcase: Noon, 2:15, 4:35, ing to pique your interest, you
6:50, 11:50. At Madstone: 1:05, probably should check out this
3:15, 5:25, 7:35, 9:45. rousing number about post-Cold
War Russian power plants; it's a
Heilboy If you don't enjoy watch- doozy. At Madstone: 1:20, 3:20,
ing a red Ron Perlman battle Nazi 5:20, 7:20, 9:20.
madmen, then we don't know
what will satisfy you. At Showcase: The Prince and Me Here is yet
Noon, 1:30, 2:35, 4:10, 5:10, 7:15, another remarkable testament to
7:45, 9:10, 9:50, 10:20, 11:55, Julia Stiles's versatility and range as
12:25 (Fri. and Sat). At Madstone: an actress. At Showcase: 12:05,
1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:40. 2:30, 4:55, 7:20, 9:45, 12:05 (Fri.
and Sat).
Hidalgo Just because Viggo was
a commanding, triumphant king Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters
does not mean that he's good on Unleashed Hopefully the creator
horseback. Regality does not make of Scooby-Doo doesn't condone
good cowboys. At Showcase: this crap; if he does, we probably
9:05. won't continue to be fans. At
Showcase: Noon, 12:20, 12:50,
Home on the Range Disney 2:40, 3:10, 4:50, 5:25, 6:55.
studios really needed top stop
while they were ahead. They won Secret Window If Johnny Depp
their Oscar, and they really ought can't salvage a Stephen King story,
to throw in the towel. At then we don't know who can. It's
Showcase: 12:55, 2:55, 4:45, probably time to call it quits, Steve-
6:40, 8:30, 10:30. o. At Showcase: 2:20, 4:25, 8:45.
Phone Numbers: Michigan Theater: 668-8397; Quality 16: 827-2837; Showcase: 973-8380;
State: 761-8667.
Showtimes are effective Friday through Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are effec-
tive for Saturday and Sunday only.
The Company It's quite shock-
ing that people actually pay to
see films about ballet. At State
Theater: 7:00, 9:15.
Monsieur Ibrahim An intrigu-
ing story of friendship between a
grocer and a disillusioned boy;
well, intriguing if you're into that
lame stuff. At Michigan Theater:
7:15, 9:15.
The Reckoning You ain't seen
a priest movie until you've seen
one with Willem Defoe as clergy.
At Michigan Theater: 7:00, 9:30.
The Triplets of Belleville
Remember: if we're talking
film, French and silent always
mean better. At State Theater:
7:15, 9:30.
Jean Grae Jean was always
one ugly girl. When I met her
for dinner she was all tight
about that Exeter bastard who
dumped her for Millicent in
August. Club Above at
Heidelberg, 215 N. Main St. 9
p.m. $6. 663-7758.
The Ron Brooks Trio This
lousy band was playing when
Jean and I were eating. I couldn't
even taste the goddamned water
because that trio was so far off.
Bird of Paradise, 312 S. Main St. 9
p.m. $5 662-8310.
Vincebus Eruptum Just a
bunch of phonies using Latin to
try to sound smart. Reminds me
of old Ackley, except his name
wasn't Vince. The Elbow Room, 6
S. Washing ton St., Ypsilanti. 10
p.m. $5. 483-6374.
Bolcom's Songs of
Innocence and Experience
William Bolcom beg an setting all
46 poems in William Blake's
"Songs of Innocence and
Experience" to music when he
was 17 and now, 25 years and
more than 200 musicians later,
the work has been completed.
Hill Auditorium. 8 p.m. $10-$65.
An Arthur Miller Celebration
A collage of scenes and mono-
log ues, this play brings together a
collection of excerpts from 12 of
Arthur Miller's plays, all falling
under the banners of the
Depression, love or persecution.
Trueblood Theatre. 8 p.m. $8-
$15. 764-2538.
Princess Ida Drawn from
Tennyson's "The Princess,"
Gilbert adopted a three act form
and blank verse for the dialogue
of this play while Sullivan
responded with one of his great-
est scores, creating a story
where love and war are the
motivating forces. Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. 8 p.m.
$9-$20. 764-2538.
The Company See Thursday
At State Theater. 7:15 p.m.
Goodbye, Lenin Kids having
fun and fooling their old lady tha
Lenin was successful. At Michigan
Theater. 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
Monsieur Ibrahim See
Thursday. At Michigan Theater
7:15 p.m., 9:15 p.m.
Triplets of Belleville See
Thursday. At State Theater. 9:3C
The United States of
Leland We could probably
tell you that it's an intriguing
crime thriller, but it's probably
more effective to say simply
that it stars Kevin Spacey an
Don Cheadle. At State Theater
7 p.m. 9:15 p.m.
Peter Mulvey Dad's frienc
Peter always played a mix of con-
temporary folk-rock and frigic
WASP attitude. The Ark, 316 S
Main St. 8 p.m. $13.50 761-1451
Mirah I suppose you expect me
to start complaining about my
life, all that rich kid stuff. We
screw it, I'd rather listen to this
crap. Halfway Inn, East Quac
Residence Hall. 9 p.m. $5.
Rome for a Day Jean weni
home and I walked across the
park. D.B. always said the park
was his favorite part of town. He s
off dicking around in Hollywooc
now. The Elbow Room, 6
S.Washington St., Ypsilanti. 1C
p.m. $5. 483-6374.
Dinner with Friends This
Pulitzer-Prize winning show
depicts the relationships of twc
couples. East Quad Auditorium. 8
p.m. Free.
An Arthur Miller Celebration
See Thursday. Trueblood Theatre
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