2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Rumsfeld backs more Iraq troops
Commanders study ways
to increase troop numbers in
Iraq' fviolence spreads
lence in Iraq gets worse, U.S. mili-
tary commanders will get the troops
they need to deal with it, Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yes-
Coalition forces fought on two
fronts yesterday, battling a Shiite-
inspired uprising in southern Iraq
and Sunni insurgents in the city of
Fallujah in clashes that have killed
up to 30 Americans and 130 Iraqis in
the past three days.
Commanders are studying ways
they might increase troops in Iraq if
violence should spread much more
widely, defense officials said.
Among the options: Troops
already inside Iraq could be moved
around. Troops eventually headed for
Iraq, now training in nearby Kuwait,
could be sent early. More troops
could be sent from the United States
- either reservists or active-duty
troops who have already served.
Officials said they also are talk-
ing to six more countries about the
possibility of contributing forces.
Such talks have continued through-
out the campaign but have brought
in just 24,000 international troops,
compared with 135,000 Americans
in Iraq.
"I'm fearful of sending more
American troops who will be drawn
from the guard and reserve forces
once again," said Sen. Ben Nelson
(D-Neb.). "That's when we're going
to exacerbate what I believe is a
looming retention and recruitment
Nelson said, however, that Ameri-
can forces must remain committed.
Noting the Pentagon may have to
send more troops, Sen. Chuck Hagel
(R-Neb.) said, "The bottom line is
that we have no good options. This is
complicated, and it is unpredictable
and very dangerous."
Sen. John Abizaid, the head of
Central Command, and other senior
generals ordered their staffs to study
options after the outbreak of violence
from a previously relatively quiet
sector of Iraq: members of the Shiite
sect of Islam.
Most violence so far has been
attributed to Sunni Muslims - either
members of Saddam's Sunni-led gov-
ernment, or extremists who follow
Rumsfeld said commanders on the
scene, including Abizaid, are con-
stantly reviewing the situation and
troop needs.
"They are the ones whose advice
we follow on these things," Rums-
feld said during an appearance in
Norfolk, Va., with NATO Secretary-
ACLU to sue government over 'no fly' list
American Civil Liberties Union officials declined to comment in advance of their
planned announcement yesterday that they would file a class-action lawsuit chal-
lenging the list of travelers that the government has barred from flying because
they're considered a threat. The civil rights group is representing seven plaintiffs.
Airlines are instructed to stop anyone on the "no fly" list that is compiled by
the Transportation Security Administration. The ACLU contends, though, that
some people are wrongfully put on the list.
David Nelson is a law-abiding 34-year-old lawyer from Belleville, Ill. But he
says the government treats him as if he's a threat to commercial aviation who
shouldn't be allowed on a plane.
Nelson says he believes his name appears on the government's "no-fly list,"
which names people deemed too dangerous to board commercial flights. For Nel-
son, it's a case of mistaken identity: He's not the David Nelson the government
believes is a threat.
Still, he says he's been delayed at airports dozens of times as government offi-
cials questioned him.
VILNIUS, Lithuania
Lithuanian president ousted over scandal
Lawmakers narrowly ousted Lithuania's scandal-ridden president yesterday for
abuse of office, ending the Baltic state's worst political crisis since it gained independ-
ence from Moscow.
The ouster of President Rolandas Paksas in a secret ballot came less than three
weeks before the country joins the European Union on May 1.
The 47-year-old former stunt pilot lost three separate votes in the 141-member par-
liament by closer-than-expected margins. Before they voted, Paksas asked lawmakers:
"Do a few mistakes of mine justify the process of impeachment?"
Parliament wasn't swayed, passing all three accusations against Paksas: that he ille-
gally arranged citizenship for one of his chief financial backers, businessman Yuri
Borisov; that he divulged state secrets; and that he used his office for financial gain.
The accusations stemmed from Borisov's role in Paksas' campaign, including, gov-
ernment reports found, that the Russian was linked to organized crime. Borisov, who
denied any wrongdoing, donated $400,000 to the campaign last year. Afterward,
Paksas helped Borisov get Lithuanian citizenship, although it was later revoked.
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld answers questions from the media
yesterday morning at the NATO Headquarters in Norfolk, Va.
General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.
"They will decide what they need,
and they will get what they need,"
Rumsfeld said.
The 135,000 total of U.S. troops in
Iraq is "an unusually high level,"
Rumsfeld said. American officials
had expected the figure to go down
to about 115,000 when a series of
rotations of new troops into and
older troops out of the country was
complete, Rumsfeld said.
hC " " TEHRAN, Iran
airs of ept. 11 Commission urge Iran to show it won't
produce nuclear arms
memb rs o lave oll'tic ou ofit'Iran promised to prove b mid-May
members to leave pCS out of th does want to bud nuclear
weapons, the chief U.N. nuclear inspec-
WASHINGTON (AP) - Condoleezza Rice isn't
the only one with a lot riding on her appearance
tomorrow before the Sept. 11 commission.
If panel members appear politically motivated in
their questioning of the national security adviser, it
could raise questions about their credibility - and
the findings in their final report this summer.
Thomas Kean, the panel's Republican chairman,
says he and Democratic vice chairman Lee Hamilton
are mindful of the political overtones in a presiden-
tial election year.
They issued an edict to fellow commissioners after
last week's politically charged testimony from former
government counterterror chief Richard Clarke. The
message: Leave politics out of it.
"In a very difficult atmosphere, in a town that is
the most polarized I've ever seen, the commission is
trying to do a job for the American people that is to
the best of our ability nonpolitical," Kean said in an
interview. "That is enormously hard to do, but I think
we can get it done and people should leave us alone."
Nolan McCarty, a Princeton University professor
of politics and public affairs, said Rice's testimony
will offer a stern test for the panel.
"Partisanship is almost inevitable," he said. "There's
going to be pressure from all quarters to reach specific
conclusions either in exonerating the current adminis-
tration or blasting the previous administration or the
reverse. This may be the low point."
Kean, a former New Jersey governor, expressed
frustration with people in Washington whom he said
are intent on politicizing the commission's work.
While panel members are political appointees who
have diverse points of view and different constituen-
cies, they are fair-minded and get along well, he said.
The 10-member panel, made up of five Republi-
"Partisanship is almost
- Nolan McCarty
Princeton University professor
cans and five Democrats, was criticized by some rel-
atives of Sept. 11 victims after two GOP commis-
sioners sharply questioned the motivations of Clarke,
who testified that President Bush hadn't considered
the al-Qaida threat an urgent priority.
The commissioners, Fred Fielding, who served as
President Reagan's legal counsel, and former Illinois
Gov. Jim Thompson, received calls from the White
House during Clarke's testimony. Kean said that in
those calls the two were acting as go-betweens in
hopes of getting Rice to testify that day.
tor said yesterday.
Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the
International Atomic Energy Agency,
said Iranian leaders assured him they
know they must cooperate with the
Vienna-based nuclear watchdog.
The international community has
become increasingly suspicious that
Tehran is hiding evidence about its
nuclear program. "We agreed that we
need to accelerate the process of coop-
eration," ElBaradei said.
Gholamreza Aghazadeh, head of the
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said
at a news conference with ElBaradei that
the country would voluntarily suspend its
centrifuge work starting Friday. The
statement conflicts with Iran's announce-
ment March 29 it had stopped building
centrifuges for uranium enrichment.
MANILA, Phil ppIne
Hostages trained to
use cell phone bombs
Indonesian Islamic militants taught
dozens of Abu Sayyaf recruits how to
make cell phone-triggered bombs and
other terror skills while dodging helicop-
ters and troops in a jungle camp last year,
one of several former hostages told The
Associated Press.
About 40 men completed the bomb-
making course and 60 were taught snip-
ing and combat techniques from late
2002 to the middle of 2003 by two
unidentified Indonesians, whom offi-
cials believe were members of the al-
Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah
network, the ex-hostage said.
The eyewitness accounts by Rolando
Ulah and several other Filipinos once
held by Abu Sayyaf provide a glimpse
into clandestine terror training by sus-
pected militants with ties to al-Qaida and
to rebels in the southern Philippines.
Saliva, sweat may beq
used for drug testing
The hair, saliva and sweat of federal
workers could be tested for drug use
under a government policy proposed
yesterday that could set screening stan-
dards for millions of private employers.
The proposal will expand the meth-
ods to detect drug use among,1.6 mil-
lion federaf workers beyond uirine
It is being implemented with an eye
toward the private sector, however,
because it would signal the govern-
ment's approval for such testing, which
many companies are awaiting before
adopting their own screening programs.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reports
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