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April 05, 2004 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-04-05

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By Brad Johnson Daily Sports Writer
Imagine treading water for 28 minutes.
Now imagine treading water for 28 minutes while trying to fight off brutal kicking, grabbing
opponent who would like nothing better than to rip the ball out of your hands. Water polo I
the most physically demanding sports in existence - and for good reason. Only in this sport is
cal component of the game that takes place under water and out of sight of the spectators in
where the real battles take place. Each player on a water polo team has a distinct role to fill,
doing their job properly, the team can resemble a well-oiled machine, gliding effortlessly
In its four short years of existence, the Michigan water polo team has achieved unparalleled
record of 92-41-1 that includes a 32-0 conference record and four Central Water Polo Associ
What is the recipe for success? Sprinkle in seven hard-working role-players, throw in a dynai
healthy superstition, and ... Voila! The result is the most dominant water polo team east

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