2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 5, 2004
Rioters kill
troops in foui
NAJAF, Iraq (AP) - Supporters of an anti-
American cleric rioted in four Iraqi cities yester-
day, killing eight U.S. troops and one Salvadoran
soldier in the worst unrest since the spasm of
looting and arson immediately after the fall of
Saddam Hussein.
The U.S. military yesterday reported two
Marines were killed in a separate "enemy action"
in Anbar province, raising the toll of American
service members killed in Iraq to at least 610.
The rioters were supporters of anti-American
cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. They were angry over
Saturday's arrest on murder charges of one of al-
Sadr's aides, Mustafa al-Yacoubi, and the closure
of a pro-al-Sadr newspaper.
Near the holy city of Najaf, a gunbattle at a
Spanish garrison killed at least 22 people, includ-
ing two coalition soldiers - an American and a
Fighting in the Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr
City killed seven U.S. soldiers and wounded at least
24, the U.S. military said in a written statement.
A resident said two Humvees were seen burning
in the neighborhood, and some American soldiers
had taken refuge in a building. The report could
not be independently confirmed, and it was unclear
whether the soldiers involved were those who died.
A column of American tanks was seen moving
through the center of Baghdad yesterday evening,
possibly headed toward the fighting.
AP PHOTO The military said the fighting erupted after
iti members of a militia loyal to al-Sadr took control
rican of police stations and government buildings in the
C Iraqi cities NEWS IN BRIEF.
Demonstrators rally past an American tank during an an
American protest in Baghdad, Iraq, yesterday. Ten Amer
troops were killed in protests in four Iraqi cities.
Continued from Page 1A
salary hovers at $38,000 a year, Hallo-
ran said.
"Why are we being paid near the
poverty level?" Halloran asked. "We're
doing everything we're asked to do and
more." The average annual salary for
an LEO member on the Dearborn
campus is $23,800. The 2003 poverty
level for a four-person household was
approximately $18,400, according to
the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
Halloran also said many graduate
student instructors are paid more than
lecturers on a per-course basis-for the
same class, a GSI could make $6,700 a
term, while a lecturer could make
$5,500 a term.
She attributes this discrepancy to the
strides GEO has made in its 30 years of
existence. The Michigan Employment
Relations Commission approved LEO
last April, while its constitution was
instated last month.
The progress on job security negoti-
ations has been equally unsatisfactory
for LEO. "We spent eight weeks on job
security (during bargaining), and
we've made insufficient movement,"
Halloran said. The negotiations have
produced an agreement on a tentative
hiring arrangement based on seniority.
LEO wants to eliminate lecturers
temporary-worker status and w
ing system based on clearer
The union is asking that mem
appointed indefinitely after a
tionary period, with terminati
for "cause."
"This proposal would provide
group of faculty with a level of j
rity beyond that afforded mo
instructional employees of the U
ty," like those with tenure, Cour
"The union's proposal would rep
fundamental change in how the
sity appoints its faculty."
However, LEO believes thea
tration is exaggerating its claim
not want tenure. This is about
who have been taken advantag
Protesters clashed with Italian and British
forces in other cities in a broad, violent challenge
to the U.S.-led coalition, raising questions about
its ability to stabilize Iraq ahead of a scheduled
June 30 handover of power to Iraqis.
With less than three months left before then, the
U.S. occupation administrator appointed an Iraqi
defense minister and chief of national intelligence.
"These organizations will give Iraqis the means to
defend their country against terrorists and insur-
gents," L. Paul Bremer said at a press conference.
The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee said yesterday that the June 30 dead-
line may need to be extended. The security situa-
tion in some cities is in shambles and Iraqi police
forces are not prepared to take over, said Sen.
Richard Lugar (R-Ind.).
About three miles outside the holy city of
Najaf, supporters of al-Sadr opened fire on the
Spanish garrison during a street protest that drew
about 5,000 people. The protesters were angry
over the arrest of the cleric's aide, said the Span-
ish Defense Ministry in Madrid.
The attackers opened fire at about noon, said
Cmdr. Carlos Herradon, a spokesman for the
Spanish headquarters in nearby Diwaniyah.
The Spanish and Salvadoran soldiers inside the
garrison fired back, and assailants later regrouped
in three clusters outside the base as the shooting
continued for several hours.
Two soldiers - a Salvadoran and an American
- died and nine other soldiers were wounded,
the Spanish defense ministry said. No other
details were available.
se a hir- years," Halloran said.
criteria. Most lecturers are hired per term or
bers be annually according to variable student
proba- enrollment, budget and job openings.
on only The University has proposed that lec-
turers would be eligible for multi-year
this one contracts after four years of continuous
ob secu- service, Courant said.
st other LEO's third major demand is a more
Jniversi- comprehensive health benefits pack-
ant said. age. They want an "extension of health
resent a care benefits to year-round coverage,
Univer- at no additional cost to the employee
... (and) no erosion of benefits and no
adminis- increase in the cost of benefits," the
."We do LEO website states.
workers The University has proposed to pro-
e of for vide benefits over spring and summer
terms for returning instructors who
have worked at least half the courses of
full-time employees. In the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, a lec-
turer is deemed full-time after teaching
three courses per semester.
The administration worries that
AND LEO's benefits proposals "would be
-7) significantly more generous than the
Est benefits offered to other faculty or
employee groups," Courant said.
Along with GEO, activist groups
like Students Organizing for Labor and
Economic Equality have been rallying
support for LEO and its platform.
"Students in SOLE are concerned that
money given to lecturers is directly relat-
ed to how much the University cares
about our education," said LSA junior
and SOLE member Lauren Heidtke.
SOLE has organized education
sessions in classes and outreach
efforts. These include visits to class-
rooms, placement of banners, chalk-
ing and flyering.
Sharon: Arafat possible assassination target
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said his pledge to the United States not to
harm Yasser Arafat no longer holds, declaring that the Palestinian leader and the
head of Lebanon's Hezbollah are potential targets for assassination.
In an interview set for broadcast today by Israeli Army Radio, Sharon also said
for the first time that under his plan to leave the Gaza Strip, evacuated Jewish set-
tlements would not be destroyed.
Sharon said three years ago he promised President Bush that Israel would not
harm Arafat, but since then circumstances had changed.
"Arafat was (then) given red carpet treatment everywhere in the world. Today it
is clear to the United States and to everyone just who Arafat is," Sharon said.
Israel and the United States are boycotting Arafat, charging that he is responsible
for Palestinian violence.
On March 22, Israel assassinated Sheik Ahmed Yassin, founder and leader of
the violent Islamic Hamas movement, and officials said Israeli forces would
mete out similar treatment to others involved in the group or execution of
attacks on Israel.
WINDSOR, Ontario
Windsor casino shuts down; strike looms
A labor dispute shut down Casino Windsor for a third day yesterday, diverting
many would-be bettors to the three gambling halls across the river in Detroit.
Casino Windsor management shut down operations at Friday night ahead of a
threatened strike by 3,600 members of Canadian Auto Workers Local 444. Work-
ers hit the picket lines starting Saturday morning.
Casino Windsor lawyer George King said management would not resume nego-
tiations unless it knew the union would make concessions.
"Just because there are a lot demands on the table doesn't mean that we have to
sit there and continue to give and give and give things that we don't think we need
to give, and we don't want to give and we shouldn't give," King said.
Negotiations broke off March 28.
Union spokesman Bruce Browning said the casino's offer of 88-cent raises over
three years was a slap in the face.
"We're here everyday, we put a hard day's work in, we expect to get the respect
that we deserve, and they're asking for concessions," Browning said.
Plymouth Rd. across from
the watertower
(2000 Commonwealth Blvd.
(734) 761-5858
Lead suspect in Spain
attacks kills himself
The suicide apartment house blast
that killed the alleged ringleader of last
month's Madrid train bombings and
four other terror suspects left the core
of the terror group either dead or in jail,
Spain's interior minister said yesterday.
Explosives discovered in the building
where the five killed themselves to
avoid capture Saturday night indicated
they were plotting more violence and
were linked to the failed bombing of a
high-speed rail line Friday.
Two or three suspects may have
escaped before the blast, which also
killed a special forces officer and wound-
ed 15 other policeman, Interior Minister
Angel Acebes told a news conference.
Preliminary forensic tests on human
remains in and around the apartment
showed five suspects died in the blast,
one more than previously reported, an
Interior Ministry official said yesterday.
Official: Bush focused
on Iraq just after 9-11
President Bush made clear at a din-
ner with Prime Minister Tony Blair nine
days after the Sept. 11 attacks that he
wanted to confront Iraq, the former
British ambassador to the United States
reportedly told a magazine.
The president raised Iraq at a White
House meeting on Sept. 20, 2001,
Christopher Meyer, the former envoy,
told Vanity Fair. "Rumors were already
flying that Bush would use 9/11 as a pre-
text to attack Iraq," Meyer, who attended
the dinner, reportedly said. "On the one
hand, Blair came with a very strong mes-
sage - don't get distracted; the priorities
were al-Qaida, Afghanistan, the Taliban."
"Bush said, 'I agree with you, Tony.
We must deal with this first. But when
we have dealt with Afghanistan, we
must come back to Iraq,' " Meyer said,
according to Vanity Fair.
Judge ponders Tyco
mistrial, jury issues
With six months of work undone by
a mistrial, state Supreme Court Justice
Michael Obus considered the future of
the legal system.
He had watched, unable to do any-
thing, as two newspapers published the
identity of a juror in the Tyco corporate
corruption trial, and as the juror was
trashed in one newspaper story as a
"batty blueblood" and was denigrated
in Internet chat rooms.
"I'm concerned about what effect
this may have on jury selection in the
future, and jury service in the future,"
the judge said in court Friday just
before he declared the mistrial.
- Compiled fromDaily wire reports
_ -
Continued from Page 1A
marijuana smoking, citing as an exam-
ple the AAPD's tolerance of open use
at the Monroe Street block party.
"There was nobody arrested there," he
said. "On city property there were people
smoking copious amounts of marijuana.
"They don't have to arrest people for
smoking marijuana at the Hash Bash -
they choose to arrest people," Brook
said. "(Saturday), marijuana was not
something that was a big shocker in
Ann Arbor.... People kind of expected
it, it wasn't a big deal. Nor is it a big
deal any other day of the week."
Although the majority of attendees
were not from the Ann Arbor area,
many students were present. The Uni-
versity chapter of NORML was the
student sponsor of the event.
Other students, such as College Lib-
ertarians Vice Chair Andrew Moylan,
worked at a table on the Diag during
the rally and attempted to gather signa-
tures in support of the Ann Arbor med-
ical marijuana initiative.
If enough signatures are received,
the issue could appear on the ballot in
the November city elections. Moylan,
an LSA junior, said College Libertari-
ans collected "a couple of pages" of
signatures at Saturday's event.
"We've been relatively successful,"
Moylan said. "I really don't think it's out
of the question to have it on the ballot."
He added that one difficulty in gath-
ering signatures is confirming that vot-
ers are registered in Ann Arbor. "Since
they're not registered in the city they
can't sign," he said. "Most students
who come aren't registered voters."
Hillsdale resident Trena Moss,
dressed as a bong, was among the
demonstrators on the Diag.
"I don't know why our politicians
don't have compassion for the sick peo-
ple who need marijuana," Moss said. "If
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