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April 02, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-04-02

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Friday, April 2,2004

News 3
Opinion 4
Sports 11

Diag prepares to blaze
during Hash Bash
New FEC rules would
limit activities of political
action committees
Men's gymnastics heads
to NCAAs

Bob Dylan's historic Halloween performance released ... Arts, Page 8
One-hundred-thirteen years of editorialfreedom


HI- 47
LOW: 37

www.michigandaily com

Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 126

©2004 The Michigan Daily




Michigan senior Bernard Robinson cuts down the nets yesterday sfter his final game for the Wolverines, a 62-55 victory in the NIT finals over Rutgers at Madison Square Garden.

Wolverines topple Knights in

By Dan Rosen
Daily Sports Editor

NEW YORK - The Michigan basketball
team found a way to bounce back.
After pushing aside the disappointment of
being left off of the NCAA Tournament
bracket just a few weeks ago, the Wolver-
ines rebounded to win the NIT with a 62-55
victory over Rutgers at Madison Square
Garden last night.
"We're definitely on a high right now,"
freshman forward Brent Petway said.

"Selection night we may have been on a
low, but then we got that phone call (from
the NIT) and we knew we had to go play
some ball."
The Wolverines made it interesting
down the stretch against the Scarlet
Knights. With 1:51 remaining, senior
Bernard Robinson gave Michigan a 56-
.48 lead with a pair of free throws. But
the team hit just four of its next nine foul
shots to let Rutgers get back within four
with 18 seconds left.
"We just knew we had to focus," Michi-

gan guard Daniel Horton said.
And that's exactly what th
did, knocking down two free
charity stripe with seven se
clock to ice the win and the N
The Wolverines were once
the young backcourt of Dio
Horton, the tournament's M
combined for 27 points and e
the night.
Harris got things rolling ea
man, who was later named to
nament team, buried a three-p

9-2 Michigan run to start the game. The
he sophomore Wolverines led by as many as nine in the
bies from the opening stanza, despite shooting just 38 per-
-conds on the cent from the field and hitting on just 6-of-
IT title. 11 free throws.
again led by Rutgers forward Herve Lamizana, a third-
n Harris and team All-Big East selection, kept his team in
IVP. The duo the game in the first half with an emphatic
ight assists on shot-blocking display. The 6-foot-10 senior
tossed aside five Michigan shots in the first
rly. The fresh- 20 minutes, including an authoritative swat
the All-Tour- of a Bernard Robinson dunk attempt.
ointer to cap a See KNIGHTS, Page 10

In NI1 Blue
learns new
lesson: victory
NEW YORK - Michigan was
ahead 41-29 in the second half
when it started.
Rutgers's Ricky Shields hit a 3-
pointer. Then, Juel Wiggan scored
off an offensive rebound. Herve
Lamizana nailed a jumper, and
Shields did the same. In the blink CHRIS
of an eye, Michigan was down 44-
43 and pro-Rutgers Madison BURKE
Square Garden was alive. Goin' to Work
Suddenly, every Michigan fan in
the place was stuck in flashback mode, their mind wandering
to losses at Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Indiana
- games where the Wolverines played so well for so long,
only to collapse in the waning moments.
But last night, something strange happened: Michigan did-
n't fold.
Instead, the Wolverines tightened up their defense and
rediscovered their confidence on offense. A layup by Michi-
gan center Courtney Sims put the Wolverines ahead with
4:55 left, and five minutes later, the Wolverines found them-
selves with something that had too often eluded them in regu-
lar-season road games.
Don't kid yourself- Michigan would not have won this
game earlier this year. No way.
The NIT version of the Michigan basketball team, though,
was different than the regular-season version. After the win,
senior Bernard Robinson said that Michigan had been capa-
ble of a performance like last night's all year.
And therein lies the difference: Regular-season Michigan
couldn't get it done. Postseason Michigan played up to its
Regular-season Michigan would have imploded had it
turned the ball over four times in four minutes, as the Wolver-
ines did last night during Rutgers's run.
But postseason Michigan found a way to get the job done
- be it Dion Harris nailing a 3-pointer with all the Rutgers
fans on their feet, or Daniel Horton racing back on defense
after a turnover to get the Wolverines the possession back
with a steal.
The mantra all season for this baby-faced Michigan squad
was that it takes young teams a long time to learn how to win.
Well, consider the lesson learned.
"As a coach and as a teacher, when you see your players
and your students get better at the things that you've been
coaching and preaching and teaching, there's nothing better,"
Michigan coach Tommy Amaker said.
And the result of that knowledge spoke for itself last night.
It's a word that hasn't accompanied the end of a Michigan
See BURKE, Page 10
Police to step
up prevention
of hate crimes
DPSplans to provide more
comprehensive trainin~g, have officers
specilize i preventing hate crimes
By Melissa Benton
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA junior Stephanie Chang said she can't believe that
only one hate crime was recorded by the Department of
Public Safety in 2002.
"If DPS had better reporting of bias incidents and hate
crimes it could just be the first step towards finding the
solution to the problem," Chang said.
Chang is a member of Student Voices in Action - a group
formed to protest recent University cuts and changes to stu-

dent services. The group also wants DPS to start accurately
recording hate crimes and bias incidents.
SVA states that Michigan is the state with the fifth-high-
est number of hate crimes reported yearly. SVA also said the
Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Affairs
recorded 12 hate crimes and bias incidents last year and 26
in the previous year.
DPS officials, on the other hand, claim that while they can
make improvements, they already encourage people on cam-
pus to report suspicious incidents.
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown said few hate crimes are
reported. "We're always encouraging students to report suspi-
cious incidents. We want people reporting all kinds of crime
and incidents that people perceive as crime,"Brown said.
A hate crime is "a crime which in whole or part is moti-
vated by the offender's bias toward the victim's status,"

Greeks drop out
of coalition for
student services


By Andrew Kaplan
Daily News Editor

Citing dissimilar interests and frus-
tration over tactics, Student Voices in
P Action and the Greek Taskforce both
said its members will no longer work
alongside one another when engaging
University administrators to protest
changes and cuts to student services.
Leaders of the Greek community said
SVA's "rude" addresses to administra-

tors and an agenda
with little in com-
mon convinced
them to stop work-
ing with SVA, while
representatives of
the new student
activist group said
the Greeks' mission
proved too narrow
for SVA's multifac-
eted plan.
The break marks

"SVA said,'
don't want
with (admii
we want yo
our demanc

our concern," said LSA junior Nate
Stormzand, a member of the task force
and president of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He
described SVA's pursuits as mainly
In recent meetings with Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs E. Royster
Harper, the Greek Taskforce has urged
the administration to refrain from
instituting a host of possible changes
to the community, such as mandatory
live-in advisors in fraternity houses
and a deferred rush
No we schedule.
Stormzand said
to meet the decision to break
nistrators) from SVA followed
/' a meeting with
u to meet administrators at the
1 nWilliam Monroe
Trotter House on
Monday, which he
Nate Stormzand said "lacked a sense
psion President of professionalism
and was rather
rude." At the meeting, several students
barraged administrators with demands
for changes to programs and services,

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Arthur Miller speaks with visiting Prof. Mark Lamos yesterday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater about his experiences as a University student in the 1930s, his beginnings
as a journalist for The Michigan Daily and the current state of theatre In society.

Renowned playwright
discusses his past at U


Sigma Phi E

By Donn M. Fresard
Daily Staff Reporter

was not really accepted as an academic course -
it was too close to life," he said. "Harvard had a
course in playwriting ... they got rid of it,
because they were embarrassed.
"This place seemed, because of the Hopwood

the end of a short-lived coalition
between SVA and the task force -
comprised of three to five members of

Renowned playwright Arthur Miller said he
was not interested in theatre when he came to the


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