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April 01, 2004 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2004-04-01

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Thursday, April 1,2004
News 8A Text of President
Coleman's letter
on budget cuts
Sports 10A Cagers battle for
NIT title tonight

Funding cuts: What they mean for the University ... Opinion, Page 5A


HI: 52
LO 33

Weekend 6B

The Daily explores
the A2 jazz scene

One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 125 @2004 The Michigan Daily

Police end
case about
SAE rape
APD now
investigating underage
drinzking at fraternityspary
By DomUM. Feswd
Daily Staff Reporter
While the Ann Arbor Police
Department dropped its investiga-
tion into a reported rape at the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
house, it has opened a separate
investigation against SAE members
for serving alcohol to minors at the
same party the victim cited in her
initial assault claims.
The rape charges were dropped
after the alleged victim decided not to
press charges, AAPD officers said
yesterday. The woman said Tuesday
her conduct with a member of the fra-
ternity was consensual.
"We're in the middle of that investi-
gation, and that will take a week or
so," AAPD Sgt. Jeff Conley said,
referring to the possible serving of
drinks to minors. "If we determine
that they knowingly served alcohol to
any minors then we'll be charging
those responsible."
According to the initial police
report, the female was let into an
unregistered party at the SAE house
Friday night along with five friends,
despite not being on the guest list. At
the party, the female reportedly got
drunk and had sex with an unknown
male, after which she was taken to a
hospital to be tested with a rape kit. In
an initial interview with AAPD offi-
cers, the female reported not remem-
bering the details of the event.
Conley said the president of a fra-
ternity found to have knowingly
served alcohol to minors at a social
event could be charged under the state
host law, violation of which is a mis-
demeanor carrying a maximum penal-
ty of 30 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
"In my years I can think of probably
at least three (cases) where charges
were sought against fraternity presi-
dents for violating the host law said
Conley, who has been with the depart-
ment for 19 years.
* Conley said AAPD officers will
meet tomorrow with members of the
University Office of Greek Life to dis-
cuss the incident.
"I spoke to the University today," he
said. "They're just as disappointed as I
The Office of Greek Life could not
be reached for comment.
SAE President Dustin Nelson said
he had not been contacted by the
AAPD since Monday and declined to
comment on the circumstances sur-
rounding the party, but expressed
relief that the alleged victim declined
to press charges.
"I'm glad to hear that that has been
taken care of" Nelson said. "I know
there were a lot of guys in (SAE) that
felt really bad about it."


OKs board
of advisors

Student committee will
serve as liaison to Diviion
ofStudent Affairs
By Alison Go
Daily Staff Reporter
In response to several weeks of
student protests against student-
service budget cuts and changes,
University President Mary Sue
Coleman has proposed the forma-
tion of a student advisory commit-
tee and student-run budget
meetings in a written statement
sent out yesterday.
"Future dialogue
needs to ensue, but "NOw is
we're glad President
Coleman is eager to time to r
implement change," students
said LSA junior
Harlyn Pacheco, a budget p
member of Student
Voices in Action,
which has rallied Universit
against certain
changes affecting
students recently.
Coleman said she wishes to
"establish productive dialogue
among students and administra-
tors" and "accelerate decisions that
have taken tookng."'
Coleman's key move was agree-
ing to establish a Standing Student
Advisory Committee. The commit-
tee will be run by Vice President
for Student Affairs E. Royster
Harper and will "encourage addi-


tional student input on University
issues that have an impact on stu-
dent communities," Coleman said.
But Coleman said Monday the
committee would not have veto
power over certain administrative
decisions, despite SVA's original
requests for such authority.
The advisory group will include
representatives from several differ-
ent student organizations, but the
specifics on who will comprise the
committee, and how it will be run
remain unclear.
Although the details of the commit-
tee have yet to be decided, University
spokeswoman Julie Peterson said, "it
would be a structure in
place indefinitely."
he right Coleman also
proposed the ref-
-engage ormation of an
n the annual discussion
between Provost
OCeSS. Paul Courant and
members of the
Julie Peterson Michigan Student
spokeswoman Assembly. Before
MSA discontinued
them, the meet-
ings traditionally
were convened "to discuss the
budget-setting and prioritization
process," but recently failed to be
organized due to lack of student
"Stud.ent participation was low
to nonexistent," Peterson said.
"Now is the right time to re-engage
students in the budget process."
Peterson added that the years
when no meetings took place were
See LETTER, Page 8A

Members of the Greek community perform in last night's "Sing and Variety Show" at Hill Auditorium. The event marks the end
of Greek Week, during which fraternities and sororities held events to raise $45,000 for charities. Performers given top marks
by judges in the show received money to donate to a charity associated with their Greek Week teams.
Endn week with variety
show, Greeks raise $45K

Inside: The full text of President Coleman's letter. Page 8A

By Victoria Edwards
Daily Staff Reporter

For the first year ever, the National
Pan-Hellenic Council and Multicultur-
,4l Greek Council joined the Interfrater-
nity Council in performing in the
"Sing and Variety Show" yesterday
evening at Hill Auditorium, marking
the end of a week during which frater-
nities and sororities raised more than
$45,000 for charities.
The Variety Show is the culmina-
tion of Greek Week, which was devot-
ed to raising money for charities
through a variety of activities and

competitions. There was a $10 cover
charge for the show, which involves
fraternities and sororities pairing with
each other to perform a pop a capella
song of their choice.
Neal Pancholi, co-president of
Alpha Iota Omicron, which is part of
the Multicultural Greek Council, said
that he was excited to participate in
the show.
"I definitely think it is a good expe-
rience. It is good to integrate our-
selves; we've always been separate
between the IFG and MGC. It is good
to come together. We have a common
goal with different perspectives. I feel

like we can learn from each other,"
Pancholi said.
Their participation raised between
$45,000 and $50,000 for charities,
while last years' events raised $38,000.
Greek Week Co-Director Laura Butler
said the money is being split between
Coach Carr's Cancer Fund and Camp
Heartland, a camp for children who
have been infected with HIV and
AIDS, with 10 percent of proceeds
going to the charity of the team that
wins the competition at show.
The Friars, an octet subgroup of the
Men's Glee Club, sang during the
See VARIETY, Page 8A

LSA senior Kristen Harris speaks to administrators regarding student services at a
Student Voices in Action meeting in the William Monroe Trotter House Monday.

Effects of state ballot initiative will reach beyond admissions

'U' says effort may threaten
retention of minority students

By Kristen Przybyiski
Daily Staff Reporter

In addition to eliminating race-con-
scious admissions, the Michigan Civil
Rights Initiative's ballot proposal could
have crippling effects on the retention
of underrepresented minority students
if passed, according to the University.
The initiative could also decrease the
availability of scholarships and spots
in special academic programs to these
students, University spokeswoman

of racial minority students.
"Even if you have a private scholar-
ship, there's no retention program,"
said BAMN member Kate Stenvig, an
LSA senior. "I think that if our society
is moving in a direction of more segre-
gation those private programs might be
During the 2002-2003 academic
year, The University and other outside.
sources granted nearly $206 million in
scholarships to its students. Of these
grants, 19 percent were awarded to

Ripple Effect
Race-focused ballot initia-
tive would have broad
The University claims a state
constitutional amendment
backed by the Michigan Civil
Rights initiative banning the use
of race in public policies would
also threaten its minority stu-
dent retention.
Certain scholarships and
financial aid packages to eth-
nic minorties and women

By Alison Go
Daily Staff Reporter

With much debate surrounding the
Michigan Civil Rights Initiative's
effect on race-conscious issues, its
impact on women's programs and
scholarships at the University has
gone virtually unnoticed.
"People are very much surprised
that gender has anything to do with
(the initiative)," said Cinda Davis,

opposing MCRI in the name of the
University, a group of University staff
and faculty members has been con-
vened to "research and educate the
public" and to discuss the conse-
quences of the passage of MCRI, said
Susan Kaufmann, acting director of
the Center of the Education of
"(The administration needs) to
determine what the impact is going to
be and what we should do about it,"

Proposal may jeopardize enrollment of
women in higher ed, science programs

applies to public programs and most
scholarships are private, MCRI will
have a minimal direct effect on these
institutions, like scholarships for
women in engineering, said Justin
Lacroix, an LSA sophomore and coor-
dinator for the MCRI on campus.
However, MCRI may have a signifi-
cant impact on recruiting and persuad-
ing women to attain a college-level
education, especially in fields uncom-
monly chosen by women.



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