the michigan daily CORNERHOUSE APARTMENTS 205 S. State St. across from Frieze Bldg. 2 & 3 bdrm Apt Homes Beautifully Furnished Outstanding views Garage parking Central air 9 foot high ceilings Brand new construction Premier campus location NOW SIGNING LEASES FOR FALL 2004 734-741-9300 AMVESTPROPERTY.COM. EFF. 1 and 2 bdm. apts. and hses. Ctr. Campus. 663-3050. AAHH! START W/ UNBELIEVABLE large 2 bdmi. bi-level apts., 1 1/2 baths., and con- temporary in every way. Add free internet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and free resident shuttle and you have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases avail. 741-9300. ALMOST DONE How about you? University Towers filling up fast. Don't be shut out of the Best of Ann Arbor - Two years running 02 & 03 ANN ARBOR REALTY'S Housing extravaganza. 616 Church St. Sat. hrs.11am to 4pm Mon - Fri.9 -5:30 GREAT DEALS ON HOUSING! Door Prizes! Raffle to win a FREE Summer Week at Beautiful Lost Beach Resort in Jamaica! B THERE or B SQUARE! 734663-7444. ANN ARBOR'S BEST I bdrn., 2 bdnn., 3 bdrm., studio, and efficiency apts.! Great prices on great apartments and homes in great locations. Don't pay more! 994-5284. APTS. AVAIL. FOR Fall 2004 - Apts. avail. now (Packard & Division). 734-260-3619. AVAIL. SEPT. 1ST. 3 bdrm. large beautiful apt. 5 min. walk to classes. 119 E. Liberty. 769-8555 or 662-0805. One year lease. AVAIL. SEPT. LARGE nice 2 bdrm. 1/2 mile from campus on busline. Dwshr., ldry., A/C, prkg., heat & water. $985. 214-2992. AVAIL. SEPTEMBER 1ST '04, William & Division, Eff. & 1 bdrm. Apts. Security buzzer, Ldry. facilities, and separate storage. Gallatin Realty Co., 368-0256. AVAILABLE FALL 2004 - 3-6 BedroomHouses: 810 Arch; 1319 ForestCt. 1700 S. State;1134Forest 708,942, & 936 Dewey I & 2 Bedrom Apxflent: 1009 Church; 409 Third; 928 Oakland; 1455 Marlborough; 813/815 Fountain; 606 W. Summit; 1002/1049 Bluestem Investor's Property Management (734) 662.8832 or AVAILABLE FALL 2004 Sign before 3-15-04 and receive $76/mo. off rent, $600 check, or new living room fumi- tue. Modem 2 bdrm. apartments in great lo- cation on central campus. Furnished at $1375 with heat, water, parking, intemet, and friendly management included. To arrange a personal showing call Jodi at 663-4101 ext. 24 or visit us at AVAILABLE NOW! 2 bdrm. bi-level town- home, Great location! Easy freeway access. Private backyard. Pets welcome! Call 741-9300 for details. Prime Location 721 S. Forest Free Ethernet, Heat, Water, Parking Large Furnished 2 Bedrooms for only $1395 761-8000 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! LARGE 2 , bdm. apts., w/ private entrances, A/C and spacious modem kitchens. Located on beauti- ful West Park. Pets welcome. Short walk to Main st.conveniences. 741-9300. BEAUTIFUL 4 BDRM. house! 2 full bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, den, large back- yard and much more! Located on scenic West Park! Pets Welcome! Call 741-9657. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. Avail. Fall 2004. Apartments and houses; from efficiencies to 6 bdrms. We have all types and sizes with great locations close to central campus. Check us out on the web,, or call 663-4104 to ar- range a personal showing. CLOSE TO BUSINESS & LAW SCHOOL Super 2 bdm. apts., fumished. FALL-VARSITY- 668-1100. COOLAPARTMENTS/HOUSES Excellent U of M, Kerytown, EMU, and De- pot Town locations in Ann Arbor and Ypsi- lanti. All Unit Types. Budget to Luxury. Avail. Now and Fall 2004. Well-maintained. Professionally-Managed by Three Oaks Prop- erty Management. Contact Bill at or 734.214.1600 for appt EFFICIENCIES, ONE & two bdrm. apts. Call Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT ACROSS from CC Little and CCRB. Ldry., fum., ether- net. Well kept, clean and comfortable. Avail. Sept Call Dan at 734-320-0850. / W g a Central Campus 2 great locations 815 S. State Top floor 2 Bedrooms one May to May lease call or email Matt (734) 341-9501 711 Archi 2 &.4 Bedrooms one 3 bdrm. May to May lease call Phil @ (734) 662-5270 prg, fully turn. Loaded Ct close to campus; For more information: Call Tony @(704) 604-6009 or emall HOUSES AVAIL. FOR FALL All houses easily fit 6 people. Free pkg. in- cld. Every house has 2 or more full baths. 510 Mack ............$2699.00 519 Linden............$2699.00 1344 Wilmot. ..........$2699.00 1348 Wilmot.......... $3499.00 campus rentals 1335 South University 665-8825 Campuseatycom LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdnn. apt on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Available Fall '04 lease. Heat & wa- ter incl., 2-sink bath., Intercom/sec. buzzer, New furniture, New appliance, Balc., A/C, Prkg., Ldry., for 24 $1 100-1600. No smkg. /no pets. 734996-3539 or 734-678-7250, ehtseng@comcastnet LARGE FURNISHED TWO bdm. aps. loc. in the heart of central campus. Lots of ameni- ties, call Michigan Realty at 734-662-5500 or LARGE STUDIO FOR the summer @ Tower Plaza 17th FIr.Furnished. 485-4641. NIELSON SQUARE CONDO for rent. 2 Bdnn/study/1.5 Bath, attached garage. Avail. Summer/Fall. 734-769-1442. $2250. OLD WEST SIDE Only minutes farther away but $$$ cheaper! Super 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. Furnished or not Avail. Fall. Call 668-1100. ONE AND TWO bdrm. furnished apts. loc. near the Medical Campus. Call Michigan Re- alty at 734-662-5500 or EHO. Prime Location 721 S. Forest Free Ethernet, Heat, Water, Parking Large Furnished 2 Bedrooms for only $1395 761-8000 ONE BDRM. UNITS close to B & Law School.A/C., prkg. ONE BEDROOM AND STUDIO APARTMENTS *Many great location around Central Campus *Modem kitchens with dishwhr & disposal *Updated bathrooms *Laundry on premises *Fully Fumished Free Parking All Utilities Included No Security Deposit Campus Rentals 1335 South University 734-665-8825 ROOM FOR RENT! Share a beautiful 2 bdrm. apt. located on Central Campus! May and Sept. leases avail. Call 741-9300. SEPT. LEASE - 4 bdrm. house, 2 bath, 4 prkg. spots, central air, near Business & Law school. $1850/mo. Free washer/dryer incl. Max 5 people. Call 312-543-0741. SPRING / SUMMER 2004 Campus Area Apartments Great Selection Greatly REDUCED RATES Wilson White Company, Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity SPRING SPECIAL! 3 Bedroom Apartment Central Campus Location 3 Large Bedrooms Totally Renovated Kitchen Generous Storage Areas Furnished Heat and Water Included $1299 per month Campus Rentals 734-665-8825 WALK TO BUSINESS or Law Schools. Very large efficiencies and large 1 bdms. for 2 ppl. Prkg, ldry. 845-6051 or 429-2089. WALK TO SCHOOL, DON'T RUN- University Towers on Central Campus We have Studio, One,Two andThree Bedroom apartments LEASING FOR MAY/AUGUST 2004 VOTED BEST OF ANN ARBOR - TWO YEARS RUNNING 02 & 03 Stop by to see why We're open 7 days a week University Towers 536S. Forest Ave 734-761-2680 4 BDRM. APT. Hill & State. One block from B School & Law School. Across the street from several restaurants/shops. Free prkg. & Idry. on site. May-Aug. $1200/mo. 717-9489. 829 TAPPAN - 2 Bdim. Apt. 1 min. from B School. Fum., A/C., Rent Neg. 330-3501. PRIVATE TUTORING FOR LSAT, LAW SCHOOL FINALS, BAR EXAM My credentials: - perfect 180 on LSAT - Michigan Law graduate (3.85 GPA) - licensed attomey - 10+ years of teaching experience - hundreds of delighted students 734.996.2861 THESIS EDITING. LANGUAGE, organiza- tion, format. All disciplines. 25 yrs. U-M exp. 996-0566 or CAMP COUNSELOR JOBS - Top ranked children's camp located in Pocono Ms. of Penn. seeking cabin and specialist counselors to teach team sports, tennis, gymnastics, wa- terfront, outdoor adventure, art and more. Ap- ply online at GREAT SUMMER JOB! Perfect for educa- tion majors; work with children on field trips, b-day parties, work outside, some fish cleaning. May-Aug., $8/hr., Spring Valley Trout Farm, 20 min. from campus, dexter 734-4264772. PMP LOCATED IN Livingston County is currently seeking press operators for full time Summer help. 12 hr. shifts starting at $13/hr. with overtime opportunities avail- able. If you are ready for a challenging oppor- tunity please submit your resume to PMP 3970 Parsons Rd., Howell MI 48855, or Fax 517-546-5408, or SUMMER CAMP JOBS across the USA /campjobs APTS. CURRENTLY AVAIL., partially fur- nished, prkg. and Idry., May and Sept. leases., 734-665-5620. AVAIL. FALL - two 4 bdrm. houses near Yost Ice Arena. One totally renovated. Call Ton@ 904-1103 for details. AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY!! CONTEMPO- RARY 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Recently remod- eled, covered prkg. easy freeway and UM ac- cess. Flex. leases. Day - 741-9300, Eves. - 368-6489 AVAIL. MAY. LARGE 2 bdrm. apts. lo- cated in the heart of Central Campus. Excel- lent location near the B-School. Heat, H20., prkg., A/C. Lots of amenities. Contact Michi- gan Realty, 734-662-5500. EHO. AVAIL. NOW CUTE EFFICIENCIES. $450/mo. with option for Fall lease. 845-6051 or 429-2089. AVAIL. NOW THRU summer. 2 bdm apt @ 1015 E. Ann. $1100/mo. + electric. Park- ing storage & ldry. No pets. Call 663-6138. AVAIL. NOW! 3 bdrm. hse. centrally loc. w/ prkg. Fum., wshr./dryer, $1200/mo. Maxi- mum 4 people. 1211 Prospect.663-7444. AVAIL.NOW.2 BDRM. APT. Air condi- tioning. Prime location & fireplace. Heat & water included. Fumished, free parking, $999/mo. Call 665-8825. AVAIL. NOW. OLD West Side. Completely renovated one bdrm. apt. located three blocks to downtown. $725 incl. heat and water. Con- tact Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. EHO. AVAIL. SEPT. 1ST Cozy, large & beautiful 2 brdm. apt. with large attic attachment. Sky- light. Rm. for 3 people. Exc. loc. 4 min. walk to classes. 325 E. Liberty. Free heat-wshr.- /dryer. One yr. lease. 769-8555 or 662-0805. Looking for Affordable Off Campus Housing? Choose the Eastside or the Westside! Two Great Properties in Two Great Locations! Arbor Point II 2020 Arbor Circle East Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 434-9800 !!!!FREE!!!! SPRING/SUMMER sublet apt. finder. 21 distinctive locations to choose from. Studio -6 bdrms. 741-9300. $$ SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET $$ Many to choose from! Call 668-1100 or stop by 625 Church for listing. 1 BDRM. AVAIL. May - Aug. Rent neg. In- cludes heat, H20. & elec. Call 332-4799. 1015 E. ANN. 2 bdnn., Avail. thru August. 663-6138. 2 BDRM. APT. May - Aug. Fuller St. Must Sublet!! What can you pay? We'll talk. David @ 505-710-4919. 415 BENJAMIN - May-Aug. 04 lease, mod- em fum. 2 bdrm. bi-level w/ balcony $780, dishwasher, a/c, prkg. & ldry.,, (734) 657-0684. AMAZING SUBLET! 1, 2, or 3 bdrms. Cor- ner of washtenaw/wilmont.847-602-2127. APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Room- mates... List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. AVAIL. MAY 1 eff. on Hill St. utils. incl. ex- cept cable, fum. except bed, ldry. avail. price negotiable, call 734-645-1453. FURN. 3 BDRM. @ 1040 Michigan Ave. Avail. Spr./Sum. Huge living mm., dining area, lg. kitch. w/dwshr. Free on-site ldry. & prkg. (3 spots) $1050/mo. neg. 734-302-0219 or NEW TOWNHOUSE. 4 bdrm. with A/C., wshr./dryer, dwshr., deck overlooking down- town. Pets welcome. Avail. May 1st. Sum- mer rate neg. Call 734-323-3918. ON CAMPUS 1 bdrm apt., hardwood firs. Avail. May-Aug. Price neg. 248-390-0640. SPRJSU. EF. with free HI-Speed Internet. A/C. Fum. 2 blks to campus. 610 S. Forest or 277-1677. SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET: 1-2 bedroom apt., comfortably fits 2 people. Furnished or unfurnished, v.clean, 'parking. Great location. Price negotiable. SUMMER SUBLEASE! 915 S. Division. Con- venient. Great. loc. 1 bdrm. $500. 2 bdnn. $700. Call: 734-622-8020 or 734-663-2731. !! ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Local Company must fill several P/I. openings ASAP! Position Offers! * Flex Schedules * We Train * Experience in Customer Sales/Services * $13.25 base - appt We require: * Positive Attitude * Team Work * Conditions exist - Must be 18+ Call 944-1223 Mon - Fri 10-6 or visit : !!!BARTENDING!! $300/DAY potential, no experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext.125. ATTRACTIVE FEMALE MODELS. "Sexy College Hotties" is seeking uninhib- ited, young women with sunny personalities for nude photography and adult videos. No experience requird. Must be at least 18. Generous pay strcture. Travel opportunities. Call: Global Photography/Video at 734-6784181 or email us at: BE A BARTENDER!!The fun job. Eam $15 - $40/ihr. Don't be ripped off by mail order scams, Real hands-on training in actual night club setting. The only way to get hired. Day, evening, weekend classes avail. Local school listed by MI Board of Higher Ed., Call now: 1-866-I- CAN-MIX www.canmix.comn DANCE INSTRUCTORS Creative freedom, top pay. Dance instructors needed for the fastest growing studios in Lenawee & Washtenaw counties. If you are a qualified instructor in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Lyri- cal, Hip Hop, Modem, Tahitian, Yoga or P- lates- Call 429-5522 for a personal interview. GET PAID FOR YOUR OPINIONS!! Eam $15-$125 and more per survey. MAKE $$$ TAKING Online Surveys Earn$10-$125 for Surveys. Eam $25-$250 for Focus Groups. Visit MICHIGAN TELEFUND NOW HIRING students for flexible night and weekend schedules. Eam great moneyuand make new friends while supporting your University. Awesome Resume Builder! Work Study / Non-Work Study. Apply online: 998-7420. MOTHER'S HELPER APPROXIMATELY 3 days a week for 3 boys. 248-486-1429. NOW HIRING! EUPHO2RAOxygen Bar, Briarwood Mall. Part Time Sales Associates, Part Time Managers. Competitive pay, com- missions and bonuses. Apply and leam more: www.eupho2riaconVfunjob.html. PAID EXPERIMENT $15-25. Fun group computer game, 2 hours eves. Central Cam- pus. Go to to sign up. PARTICIPANTS WANTED. JUDGEMENT and perception study at U of M, near north campus, experiment requires 2 hoursand pays $20. To qualify must have English as first language, ages 18-30, and vision cor- rectable to 20/20. Email Sam at shevlab@sbc- preferred or call 734-936-8703. SCOREKEEPERS IS NOW HIRING Cooks, Floormen and Waitstaff for immediate open- ings. Bring your class schedule and apply to- day at 310 Maynard A2 - Across from Borders Books Downtown. 995-0100. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT / F!! Work out- side, opportunity for advancement. Make $3000 - $5000. Work Avail. Anywhere in MI! 1-888-277-9787 or SWIMMING POOL SERVICE and con- struction. Fast paced outdoor work, Weekends off. Top pay for hard working, self motivated people to work in the NW DETROIT SUBS. 248-477-7727. THE BEST SUMMER job in the COUN- TRY is working on the BEACH with Tele- scope. Pictures/Beachtown Studio in Ocean City, MD or Wildwood, NJ. Earn up to $10,000.00 for the season! Yes-Housing is Available. No experience necessary!!! Can even be used as an intern- ship! (Sounds to good to be tue-find out for yourself) For more informa- tion visit our website and APPLY ON-LINE WWW.THESUMMERJOB.COM or call 1.800.652.8501. E.O.E TWO WHEEL TANGO FT/PT, Summer Sales. Bring resume to 3162 Packard, Ann Arbor MI 48108 BABYSITTER NEEDED FOR 1 & 3 year old in AA area, starting now-Dec. part time, flex. hrs. must love kids. Call 734-769-7786. PROFESSIONAL PARENTS NEED mature, dependable person to help with care of triplets and lite house work. 734-332-9903. SUMMER CHILD CARE WANTED! Lov- ing & responsible sitter to enrich summer for 2 elementary children. 30 hrs/wk. Non-smkr, car needed. Salary D.O.E. 734-995-5399 SUMMER WORK AVAIL. Work according to your schedule. Substitutes needed spring/- summer at St. Paul early childhood center. Call the director @ 668-0887. ALL U OF M Men's basketball and concert events for buy/sale and more at 517-351-1992 or order online 24/7 at ATTENTION STUDENT FILMMAKERS: Win $2500 in the ACLE College Freedom PSA Contest. Entries due April 16. Go to for more details. NECK PAIN OR BACK PAIN? Dr. Jayson Epstein, chiropractor with 25 yrs. experience. 4 treat- ments $75. Near U of M. 734-994-5966. PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDED FOR Dexter-Ann Arbor Run. June 6. Serious ama- teurs welcome. 800-765-2502. w .. i GREAT SPORTSWEAR! GREAT PRICES! Jackets, Warmups, Bags, Blankets etc. Try it - you'll save $$$ everytime. www.Kammanlntcom * Broadview Apartments * Spacious 1 bedroom apartments " Spacious 2 bedrooms with master bath * Shuttle around campus * Large private balconies with wooded views * Pets welcome I EXTENDEDHOURS) FALL 04. 1 bdrm. & Effs. Near campus & downtown. Great apts. Range from $650 to $925 + electric. Call today 996-1991 or visit us at www.cappomanagementcom FALL2004 Great Locations & Amenities Efficiency & Studio 1, 2, 3 & 6 Bedrooms Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity FALL 2004. INCREDIBLE 3 bdrm. bi-level apartment unit avail. in prime location. 2 full baths. Heating & H20. included. Dwshr., dis- posal, private patio, free prkg. $1599/mo. Call 665-8825. FALL 2004. NEW luxury 6 bdmm. hse. avail. in prime loc. All amenities imaginable, 6 flee prkg. spaces. Amust see! Call 665-8825. FALL/ SPRING RENTALS: excellent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. Campus Apts. Great Locations. 734-663-2731 or 734-622-8020. FOOD, FUN, FRIENDS, FACILTIES! Student Co-op Housing. Rooms available now and for Fall 2004. $430-620/month in- cludes utilities, laundry, parking, meals, and social activities! Contact ICC Office at REDUCED RATES May 2004 6 Bedrooms with Plenty of Parking Wilson White Co., Inc. 734-995-9200 Equal Housing Opportunity LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE - female grad student for room in townhouse. Fum., washer/dryer, by hospital. $550/mo. 341-5595 ROOMMATE FINDER SERVICE! FREE! Let us help you find your perfect match. Call 741-9300. RENT ME I'M A GREAT House! LOCATION BDRM. BATH. PRKG. TERM 418 E. Kingsley A 6 2 3 M or S 418 E. Kingsley B 6 2 4 Mor S 817 McKinley 7 3J 6 Sept. M=May S=Sept J=Jacuzzi All are completely remodeled. Oak floors, 2 fridges, trash compactor, dwshr. 973-7368. RIVER'S EDGE APARTMENTS! 1 mo. free! Why pay the high A2. prices? Ypsilanti is only 15 min. drive to campus. Leasing now! 1, 2, & 3 bdrns. From $595. Free Heat & Water. 487-5750. Virtual tours and apply online at PROFESSIONAL COUPLE SEEKS expectant mother wishing to place her new bom w/ a loving adoptive family. Email or call 734-546-5115. SPECIAL GIFT- We're looking for healthy women between the ages 21-35 for egg donation. All ethnic backgrounds are encouraged. Fee paid. Send inquiries to AARMA, 3145 W. Clark Rd. Ste.301, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Attn: Donor Program. FREE RENT* FREE HIG SPEED INTERNET* COMIO IN TODA YS 1 ancinsr fnr SPRING /FOI 12nnd ! GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT ! Best institute in the country, GUARANTEED! Tutoring and Classes now available. 623-TEST. !!!!!!MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION!!!!!! Quick Turnaround. Reasonable Rates. (734) 461-2946. 180 LSAT! BEST LSAT class in town, taught by Mayssoun Bydon, world renowned LSAT expert. Limited seating. 213-LSAT. AUGUST MCAT! TUTORING and Classes available. Best Prenaration Course. uaran- .5 om. A l x# k$ I ,