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January 13, 2004 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-01-13

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2 - The Michigan Daily - January 13, 2004


Fox supports Bush NEWS IN BRIEF

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immigration plan TRENTON,NJ.
New Jersey legalizes same-sex unions

Iraqi school children wait quietly yesterday as Iraqi police officers pass
out flyers asking the children to help coalition forces near Ramadi, Iraq.
Iraqis ro over lack
of work and food

MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) -
President Bush and Mexican President
Vicente Fox forged agreement yester-
day on the contentious issues of immi-
gration and Iraq, ending two years of
discord that followed the terrorist
attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Fox wholeheartedly embraced
Bush's immigration proposal to grant
legal status to millions of undocument-
ed workers in the United States, most
of them from Mexico. "What else can
we wish?" Fox said at a news confer-
ence with the president.
The two leaders met before the
opening of a 34-nation hemispheric
summit dealing with issues such as
poverty, trade, corruption and unhappi-
ness in Latin America about new U.S.
-security measures to combat terrorism.
Bush dismissed suggestions that the
immigration proposal was an election-
year gambit to attract Hispanic voters
in America.
However, Bush predicted, "There
will be politics probably involved in
whether or not it passes Congress."
"It recognizes the reality of our
country," Bush said. "The truth is, the
vast majority of foreign workers in
America are from Mexico."

The two leaders were eager to proj-
ect unity after two rocky years.
The Sept. 11 attacks distracted Bush
from the immigration overhaul that Fox
had appealed for, and relations cooled
further when Mexico refused to support
the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. In August
2002, Fox canceled a visit to Bush's
ranch to protest the Texas execution of
police killer Javier Suarez Medina.
In a gesture of reconciliation, Bush
re-invited Fox to his Texas ranch
March 5 and 6, and Fox accepted.
They sought to emphasize agree-
ment on postwar Iraq, too. Fox con-
gratulated Bush for the capture of
Saddam Hussein by American forces.
"He will be taken to trial, to judgment.
We fully support that," the Mexican
president said.
Bush offered a forceful defense of
the war, despite U.S. casualty totals
approaching 500. "The decision I
made is the right one for America. And
history will provide it is the right one
for the world," he said.
On another issue, Bush declined to
criticize former Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill, whose new book says the
administration aimed to topple the Iraqi
government before the Sept. 11 attacks.

New Jersey became the fifth state to recognize same-sex partnerships yester-
day, but activists said they will not stop the fight until openly gay couples can
legally marry.
Under the new law, domestic partners will gain access to medical benefits,
insurance and other legal rights. New Jersey also will recognize such partnerships
granted in other states.
The bill does not authorize gay marriage, which is against the law in New Jer-
sey and Gov. James E. McGreevey said he would not support legislation that
would amend the state's marriage laws to include same-sex partners.
The law will not force businesses to offer health coverage to same-sex partners
of employees but does require insurance companies to make it available. It also
allows a surviving partner to gain property rights and other survivor's benefits.
"This legislation is a matter of fundamental decency," McGreevey said before
signing the law.
At least one conservative group plans a court challenge to the law, while gay
rights activists said they would push for more.
"We are pursuing all roads to justice," said Laura Popel, president New Jersey
Lesbian and Gay Coalition.
Sharon to seek parliament approval of plan
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon promised his hard-line allies yesterday that he
would seek parliament approval before taking unilateral steps in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip. A top Sharon confident said Israel could start taking steps to with-
draw from parts of the territories in about six months.
Speaking to parliament, Sharon sought to reassure coalition partners who have
been alarmed by his plans to pull back troops and dismantly some Jewish settle-
ments if peace negotiations with the Palestinians don't bring results.
Parliamentary approval for Sharon's so-called plan of disengagement from the
Palestinians would not be assured. Right wingers oppose the withdrawal, and
moderates accuse Sharon of trying to impose a boundary on the Palestinians.
Sharon said yesterday he remains committed to the U.S.-backed "road map"
peace plan that envisions a Palestinian state as the centerpiece of a peace deal
by 2005.
The prime minister reiterated that if it becomes clear in the coming months

In third day of protests,
400 Iraqis march on
government building
KUT, Iraq (AP) - Ukrainian sol-
diers fired into the air yesterday to dis-
perse hundreds of Iraqis who rioted for
jobs and food as a second southern
Shiite Muslim city was rocked by
unrest - a barometer of rising frustra-
tion with the U.S. led-occupation in a
region of Iraq considered friendly to
the Americans.
Also yesterday, a roadside bomb in
the capital killed one American soldier
and wounded two, bringing the U.S.
death toll in the Iraqi conflict to 495.
Large explosions rocked central Bagh-
dad later in the day, but officials
reported no casualties.
Trouble started in Kut, 95 miles
southeast of Baghdad, when about 400
protesters marched for a third straight
day on a government building to
demand jobs.
Someone in the crowd threw a
grenade at police and Ukrainian sol-
diers guarding the building, injuring
four Iraqi policemen and one Ukrain-
ian, according to Lt. Zafer Wedad.
The Ukrainians then fired in the air
to disperse the crowd, injuring one pro-
tester, Wedad said. He said the demon-
strators hurled bricks at the building
and trashed a post office in the city.
In a similar protest in Amarah on
Sunday, waves of protesters rushed
British troops guarding the city hall
before being pushed back. On Satur-

day, clashes in Amarah killed six pro-
testers and wounded at least 11.
Unrest in the Shiite areas has spread
as the country's leading Shiite cleric,
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sis-
tani, has spoken out against the U.S.-
backed formula for transferring power
to the Iraqis.
In a full-page newspaper advertise-
ment yesterday, al-Sistani repeated his
demand that a proposed provisional
legislature be elected rather than cho-
sen by regional committees as called
for under a plan endorsed by the U.S.-
led coalition and the Iraqi Governing
Al-Sistani is highly influential
among Iraq's majority Shiites.
No details were available about the
death in Baghdad of the 1st Armored
Division soldier. Most of the U.S.
deaths in Iraq have occurred since
President Bush declared an end to
major combat on May 1.
Still, U.S. officials said yesterday
that insurgent attacks against coalition
forces declined to an average of 17 a
day in the past week, compared to 30 a
day before Saddam Hussein was cap-
tured on Dec. 13: Most of the attacks
are believed carried out by supporters
of the ousted regime.
In the late yesterday blasts, Iraqi and
U.S. security officials said at least two
mortars exploded near the Baghdad
Hotel in the center of the capital. At
least one round exploded in the Tigris
River and the other exploded on the
river bank, U.S. troops said. There
were no casualties, the Americans said.

Opposites attract

that the Palestinians are not living up to
al steps.
Guns used in crimes
linked to same stores
About one of every seven guns
linked to American crimes or consid-
ered suspicious from 1996 through
2000 can be traced back to the same
120 gun stores, a gun safety group said
yesterday, urging the government to set
up a watch list of irresponsible or cor-
rupt gun dealers.
Of the 373,006 guns traced from
crimes during the five-year period,
54,694 came from the 120 stores,
according to data from the Bureau of
Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Explo-
sives. The data, which surfaced in a
lawsuit by the NAACP against gun
manufacturers, was made public by the
Washington-based Americans for Gun
Safety Foundation.
The 120 stores - located in 22
states - made up less than 1 percent
of the 80,000 individuals and stores
licensed to sell guns during that peri-
od, said Jim Kessler, the group's poli-
cy director.
U.S. seeks expanded
Japanese military role
As Japan prepares to send hundreds of
troops to help rebuild Iraq, some U.S.
officials hope the deployment marks a

their obligations, he will take unilater-
first step in drawing the staunch Ameri-
can ally into a more active role in U.S.-
supported military operations.
Bush administration and Pentagon
officials would be happy to see Japan
evolve into an ally like Australia, will-
ing to commit its high-tech combat
forces to coalition operations around
the world, according to a Western diplo-
mat in Tokyo, speaking yesterday on
the condition of anonymity.
Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the impend-
ing Japanese deployment historic.
Poll: Americans split
over colony on moon
President Bush's plan to build a
space station on the moon and eventual-
ly send astronauts to Mars hasn't
grabbed the public's imagination, an
Associated Press poll suggests.
More than half in the poll said it
would be better to spend the money on
domestic programs rather than on space
Asked whether they favored the Unit-
ed States expanding the space program
the way Bush proposes, people were
evenly split, with 48 percent favoring the
idea and the same number opposing it,
according to the poll conducted for the
AP by Ipsos-Public Affairs.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
, 6

Former sumo wrestler Konishiki and his wife, Chie lijima, announce
their marriage at a Tokyo hotel yesterday during a press conference.


Continued from Page 1
BAMN and other activists counter
that race-conscious admissions is nec-
essary for equality.
Massie argued that there is a pattern
of discrimination throughout history.
"Inequality is an inescapable part of
society. What affirmative action
attempts to do is offset that. Without
(racial preferences) the University of
Michigan would return to a virtually all
white institution as it was before affir-
mative action was instituted," he said.
"I don't think there's any under-
qualified minorities that have been
accepted to the University of Michi-
gan," he added.
Polls indicate that over half of
Michigan's voters oppose racial pref-
And students are part of the largest
group that approve of banning racial
preferences in higher education, said
Gratz. "Most support comes from
young voters" according to a recent
poll, she said.
But MCRI may face obstacles in the
Democratic Party, which is opposing
the initiative, and the Republicn Party,
which has officially refused to support
the campaign.
Despite the presence of three repub-
lican state representatives at the event
yesterday, prominent members of the
Michigan Republican Party, such as
GOP Chair Betsy DeVos, view MCRI
as divisive to the state.
MCRI Co-Chair and State Rep.
Leon Drolet (R-Clinton Twp.) said
Connerly will be an advisor to the
"Ward's national organization is an
important source of advice. No one is
more experienced," Drolet said.
The first person to sign the MCRI
petition was University philosophy
Prof. and MCRI member Carl Cohen,
who encouraged Gratz to bring a law-
suit against the University.
"With this initiative let us guarantee
that all citizens regardless of their race
or national origin will be equal before
the law," said Cohen as he signed the
The signature drive is expected to
cost $1 million, and if the petition is
completed MCRI expects to spend
another $4 million getting the initiative

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affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscrip-
tions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate
Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. E-mail letters to the
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PHOTO Tony Ding, Brett Mountain, Managing Edito
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