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March 19, 2004 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-03-19

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 19, 2004 - 3

Speaker urges collaborative movements

Anti-war march to
be held tomorrow
On Saturday the Ann Arbor Area
Committee for Peace, together with
Anti-War Action! and Veterans for
Peace, will hold a march and rally
titled "The World STILL Says No To
War." The event will send the message
that the war in Iraq has been a tragic
mistake. Participants will reflect upon
the loss of life of American soldiers
and Iraqi civilians.
The day's events will begin at 11:30
a.m., when demonstrators will form
marches at four Ann Arbor locations:
People's Food Co-op at 216 N. Fourth
Ave, at the front steps of the Michigan
Union, South Main Market at 609 S.
Main St. and Wildwood Families at
Linwood Avenue and Arbana Drive, on
the west side of Ann Arbor. The
marchers will meet at the Federal
Building at noon and proceed to the
Diag for a rally
Israel conference at
League features
many speakers
The University's 3rd Annual Academ-
ic Conference on Israel will be Sunday
from 11 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. at the Michi-
gan League. This year's theme is "Israel:
The Successes, The Setbacks, The Road
Ahead." The conference is free and open
to the public, but pre-registration is
strongly encouraged at www israelcon-
ference.com. Some of the speakers
include Israeli Supreme Court Justice
Dalia Dorner, Lt. Colonel Amos Guira
of the Israeli Defence Forces School of
Military Law and University of Michi-
gan political science prof. Zvi Gitelman.
Dance Marathon
raises money for
charity this weekend
Dance Marathon is this weekend
from 10 a.m. tomorrow to 4 p.m. on
Sunday at the Indoor Track and Field
Building. Dancers will stay on their
feet for 30 hours to raise money in
support of William Beaumont Hospi-
tal in Royal Oak and C. S. Mott Chil-
dren's Hospital in Ann Arbor.
Students are encouraged to be
dancers and moralers at the
marathon. There will be a variety of
activities, including a line dance,
sports and arts and crafts.
Legislators come to
Union to talk about
U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow and state
Sen. Liz Brater, both Democrats, will
speak Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at the Uni-
versity Club in the Michigan Union.
They will be speaking about women,
politics and the environment. This
event will recognize two prominent
female political leaders and highlight
the critical connection between politics
and the environment.
Journalists discuss
politics, environment
Environmental journalists from
around the nation will hold a panel dis-
cussion today at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1040 of the Dana Building. The pan-
elists, members of the National Board
of the Society of Environmental Jour-
nalists, will answer questions about
politics and the environment.
Event showcases
social role of

museums, sites
A symposium titled "Activating
the Past" will explore museums as
gathering places today from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe-
ater. The event brings together the
leading forces in an international
movement to change the role of his-
toric sites in civic life. Presenters
include representatives from the
Lower East Side Tenement Museum,
St. Augustine's Church, the Japanese
American National Museum and the
Perm Gulag Museum. A public
reception will be held from 4:15 to
5:30 p.m. in Rackham's fourth floor
reception hall.
Tibetan expert
speaks at University
Geshe Michael Roach, the first
American to ever complete the rigor-
ous 20-year geshe program of
advanced Buddhist studies at a
Tibetan monastery, will be speaking
today at 2 p.m. in Room 1636 of the
School of Social Work Building.
As part of the South Asia Guest
f 'Lecture Series, he will be aiviniz a

By Lucille Vaughan
Daily Staff Reporter
Dan Clawson took last night to pose a question
to student activists, asking, "How do we turn the
world around?"
Clawson, a sociology professor and co-presi-
dent of the faculty union at the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst, encouraged activists
to unite in correcting injustices from the past
last night.
Clawson, who spoke to about 40 students in
the School of Social Work, called for unions and
the labor movement to combine their efforts with
social movements involving race and gender to
facilitate greater social justice and corporate
"I'm not saying everyone in the labor movement
has gotten over their racism, sexism and national-
ism," he said. "I'm saying it has come a long way."
Clawson said that a great opportunity was
missed when these two groups did not collabo-
rate earlier.

"I would argue that the central tragedy for the
left in the past 50 years is that the social move-
ments of the 1960s did not connect with the labor
movement," he said.
Yet Clawson claimed labor organizations are
steadily creating partnerships with a wider
range of groups to promote equality in the
"In order to mount an effective campaign,
unions are being forced to form alliances with
student groups and communities," he said.
Clawson also criticized the current state of
corporate ethics in America. "Things look really
gruesome in the labor movement," he said. "Cor-
porations are not accountable to anyone as it
stands now."
The event was part three in the "Corporate Crime
and Justice Speaker Series" sponsored by Solidarity,
Justice for Bhopal, Amnesty International and Stu-
dents Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality.
SOLE recently petitioned the University for greater
wage disclosure in all factories that produce school
apparel. The University Advisory Council on Labor

Standards and Human Rights discussed the propos-
al at a meeting last week.
RC junior Lauren Heidtke said Clawson's
address left her feeling more empowered as a
socially involved college student.
"I thought that it was really interesting that stu-
dents were included as a relevant source of
power," she said. "I feel, as a student activist, this
gives us more legitimacy."
Rackham student Pete Soppelsa approved
Clawson's message of uniting the labor move-
ment with social movements such as feminism.
"As a general union policy, equal work gets
equal pay," he said. "These links are slowly form-
ing. We should push it to the logical extreme."
LSA sophomore Becky Tarlau said labor
organizations are continually threatened by com-
panies such as Cintas Corporation, which manu-
factures apparel for the University.
"Union membership is decreasing because
people are afraid they will lose their jobs if they
join a union," she said. "It's dangerous for work-
ers to talk to union organizers because then

they'll get fired for no reason."
Wade Gates, a spokesman for Cintas, said there
are no barriers to union entry in the company.
"Our position on unions is that it is up to the
individual as to whether they want to belong to a
union or not," he said. "Where it is the choice of
the individual to have union representation, we
negotiate fairly and honestly with them."
Gates added that out of 27,000 Cintas employ-
ees in the United States and Canada, about 700 of
them have chosen to be in a union.
Ronald Wagner, who was scheduled to speak at
the event about his experiences as a Cintas
employee, never arrived. Gates said in his initial
search he could find no record of Wagner as a
Cintas employee.
RC sophomore Claire Beyers, a member of
SOLE, said her group hoped to raise awareness of
corporate injustice in the University community.
"Our whole mission is to bring social and eco-
nomic justice," she said. "Tonight is an educa-
tional event. We want the University to contract
with companies with high ethics."



Justice Scalia will hear
case involving Cheney

WASHINGTON (AP) - In typically combative
style, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dis-
missed a request yesterday that he stay out of a case
involving his friend, Vice President Dick Cheney,
saying a duck hunting trip they took was acceptable
socializing that wouldn't cloud his judgment.
"If it is reasonable to think that a Supreme
Court justice can be bought so cheap, the nation
is in deeper trouble than I had imagined," Scalia
wrote in response to the Sierra Club's request that
he disqualify himself.
The environmental organization is pursuing a
lawsuit that seeks to compel the Bush administra-
tion to release information about closed-door
meetings of Cheney's energy task force, which
crafted the administration's energy policy.
At issue in the case are allegations that energy
industry executives and lobbyists were in on the
Cheney meetings while environmentalists were
shut out. Cheney is a former energy executive.
In his 21-page statement, Scalia revealed
details for the first time of his trip with Cheney to
Louisiana, where the justice hunts each winter.
He said he was the go-between to invite
Cheney to hunt with a Scalia friend, Wallace Car-
line, who owns an oil rig services firm. Scalia
and Cheney are friends from their days working
in the Ford administration, the justice noted, and
the trip plans were made before the energy case
went before the court.

Scalia and Cheney flew together on a govern-
ment jet, accompanied by one of Scalia's sons and a
son-in-law. The justice said that he still bought a
round-trip airline ticket and "none of us saved a
cent by flying on the vice president's plane."
The court agreed in December to hear the ener-
gy task force case, and three weeks later Scalia
and Cheney flew to Carline's hunting camp.
The trip spurred calls from some Democratic
lawmakers and dozens of newspapers for Scalia
to recuse himself. The Sierra Club spoke of "the
continuing damage this affair is doing to the pres-
tige and credibility of this court."
Supreme Court justices, unlike judges on other
courts, decide for themselves if they have con-
flicts, and their decisions are final. There was no
obligation for Scalia to explain his decision, but
he did in a 21-page memorandum.
The conservative Reagan administration
appointee said that despite "embarrassing criti-
cism and adverse publicity" he saw no reason to
step aside because of the 48-hour excursion with
the vice president.
"My recusal is required if ... my impartiality
might reasonably be questioned," Scalia said.
"Why would that result follow from my being in
a sizable group of persons, in a hunting camp
with the vice president, where I never hunted
with him in the same blind or had other opportu-
nity for private conversation?"

Student Craig Williams sports his birthday suit during the "beachwear" portion of the
University Students Against Cancer/Cancer Awareness Week fashion show at the
Michigan Union yesterdayI

Please report any errors in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com



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