The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 15, 2004 - 3A
Students First focuses
on budget cut effects
Independents call for
party system reforms
University Hospital
employee stalked
by colleague
DPS reports from Friday afternoon
show that a University Hospital
employee received unwanted messages
and pages from another hospital
employee. The case is classified as a
stalking and a suspect has not been
identified yet. The incident is under
$500 stolen from
Ronald McDonald
House resident
DPS crime reports on Wednesday
show that a person stole $500 from
someone staying at the Ronald
McDonald House on the 1600 block of
Washington Heights Street. The thief
was identified and arrested.
Brawl breaks out
in front of South
Quad res hall
DPS reports show that a crowd of
nearly 40 people congregated in front
of South Quad Residence Hall after a
large fight broke out on Madison
Street early Saturday morning. The
crowd dispersed before the police offi-
cers arrived at the scene and no wit-
nesses were available.
Man receives
citation after
urinating in public
A man was issued a citation for uri-
nating in the Church Street carport
early Thursday morning, according to
DPS reports. The man was given a
summons to appear in court. Urinating
in public is a misdemeanor.
Driver parks in
car lot without
paying parking fee
DPS crime logs show that a park-
ing attendant at the Fletcher Street
carport reported that a person drove
by her booth without paying a park-
ing fee late Friday morning. The vio-
lator has been identified and DPS is
investigating the case.
Caller reports
$150 stolen over
past year
A caller reported to DPS on Friday
afternoon that money was continu-
ously being stolen from an office in
the G.G. Brown building. About
$150 was stolen over the last year.
DPS has no suspects and is investi-
gating the case.
dispensers robbed
in Grad Library
DPS reports show that coin operat-
ed sanitary napkin dispensers were
discovered broken into early Wednes-
day morning. It is unknown how
much money was stolen and there are
no suspects. The case is under inves-
*Woman taken to
ER after repeatedly
falling, fainting
A caller requested an ambulance
early Friday morning for an injured
.woman in Bursley Residence Hall. The
woman repeatedly fell down and
passed out. She was provided with an
escort to the University Hospital's
Emergency Room.
Science lab break-
in proves a failure
An attempt was made to forcefully
gain entry into one of the science labs
at the Life Sciences Institute Building
late Friday afternoon. A door handle
was damaged but the criminals were
unable to enter the lab. DPS currently
has no suspects.
CCRB trespassers
warned, escorted
out of building
According to DPS crime reports,
four people were charged with ille-
gally entering the Central Campus
Recreation Building Thursday after-
noon. The individuals did not have
permission to enter the building and
were warned not to trespass again.
t "The four neonle were then escorted
By Cianna Freeman
Daily Staff Reporter
Entree Plus, the Greek system and
the effect of budget cuts on students are
just a few of the key issues that the Stu-
dents First party plans to tackle if voted
into office in Wednesday and Thurs-
day's elections.
Initially, the party was formed to
make the Michigan Student Assembly
more student-friendly, MSA presiden-
tial candidate Jason Mironov said.
"Before the formation of the Stu-
dents First party, many students com-
mented that they felt it was impossible
to approach MSA. They believed that
the leadership and the representatives
on the assembly were elitist, caring
only what they and their friends had to
say," Mironov said.
Currently, Students First holds a
majority of the seats in the assembly.
The party prides itself on having a
very diverse group of candidates from
various facets of campus life. "Students
First is a party that believes diversity
enhances productivity," said Teri Russiel-
lo, Students First candidate manager.
"While the independents and other
candidates may think that our commu-
nity cohesiveness inhibits our success,
I challenge them to complete the num-
ber of projects Students First has,
while simultaneously reaching out to
student groups all over this University."
Under the direction of Students First,
the assembly has appropriated millions
of dollars to improve recreational facili-
ties, $20,000 for student groups, voter
registration drives and a volunteer late-
night, free taxi service. The results of
the party's effort speak for themselves,
Russiello said.
Party members have some new party
platforms, such as focusing on the Greek
system and the recent budget cuts, as
well as continuing the push for old
issues, such as Entree Plus expansion.
Students First and Pi Kappa Alpha
member Matt Baum said the party
wants to protect the Greek system
against historic district expansion and
deferring fall rush.
If the Washtenaw-Hill Historic Dis-
trict is expanded, rent could increase for
those who live in houses that would fall
under the district, while deferred rush
would affect students' housing options.
Additionally, Students First members
are concerned with the recent cuts that
the University has been administering.
There have been many cuts in the
Division of Student Affairs, such as the
elimination of a position in the Office
of Mult-Ethnic Student Affairs and the
Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Affairs. The Sexual
Assault Prevention and Awareness
Center's reorganization is also detri-
mental, said Students First presidential
candidate Jenny Nathan.
Members felt that there should have
been some student involvement and
input before these changes were imple-
mented. "We're here to protect the stu-
dents," Baum said.
Other party ideas are expanding
Entree Plus and overhauling the meal
plan so that it would include local
restaurants, increasing the number of
bus routes to make them more conven-
ient for students and having later hours
and trainers to assist students with
machines at the Central Campus Recre-
ation Building.
Students First is also composed of
many representatives of the LSA student
government looking to improve campus
life for their school by increasing the
number of minors and creating a more
comprehensive study abroad program
that includes more countries.
Students First members also dis-
cussed the effects of the party system on
student government, which is one of the
reasons the University Party disbanded.
"I think the party system can be help-
ful if utilized properly," LSA-SG presi-
dential candidate Lauren Mary said.
"Once we are in government, we rep-
resent students as a whole, and don't
vote on political lines," LSA-SG vice
presidential candidate Ryan Ford added.
t is
By Cianna Freeman
Daily Staff Reporter
In opposition to the party system,
eight students decided to run for the
Michigan Student Assembly as inde-
pendents this year.
Michigan Student Assembly candi-
dates for president and vice-president
Timothy Moore and Anita Leung dis-
banded the University Party and con-
ducted the remainder of their
campaigning as independents for the
2004 winter elections this Wednesday
and Thursday.
"As one of the only schools in the
nation with political parties for student
government, the party system here has
gotten out of control," Moore and Leung
said in a written statement. "While par-
ties are inherently good, providing viable
competition, we need to reform the cur-
rent party system at Michigan."
Another independent candidate,
Business School junior Brian Gal-
lagher, said he agrees with the idea of a
system without parties.
"I was involved with student govern-
ment as an appointed member and I
saw that a lot of decisions happened
along party lines," Gallagher said.
"People seemed more concerned with
getting elected than making a change."
The current system is not helping
MSA because people are electing politi-
cal parties rather than effective leaders,
MSA candidate Ian Fette added.
"The two-party system includes a lot
of people, but also excludes a lot of
people," MSA candidate Andrew Lan-
dau said.
Despite disbanding their party,
Moore and Leung said they still stand
for the U party principle of MSA
devoting itself to the students.
"The only ideal of the U party that
we carry over is that MSA needs to
bring its scope back down to students,"
they said. "Instead of voting on divi-
sive arguments such as the war in Iraq,
we should be voting on and fighting
for student issues such as (Sexual
Assault Prevention and Awareness
Center) and the Greek community."
Fette, an Engineering senior, said he
plans on getting "real things" done. "I
am trying to get more CAEN labs on
Central Campus, an express bus
between North and Central Campus .
and reasonably priced color printing,"
Fette said. "I'm not trying to go to the
moon, but simply accomplish reasonable
Gallagher plans on improving the
Career Center, getting funding for some
of the clubs at the Business School and
trying to push back Spring Break.
Landau chose to focus on expanding
Entree Plus to restaurants on State
Street and South University Avenue.
Unlike some of the candidates who
have developed platforms, MSA candi-
date Scott Cederbaum wants to base his
campaign on feedback from students.
"I'm trying to go around and see what
people want, and when I'm elected, try
to get these issues accomplished," said
Cederbaum, an LSA freshman.
Candidate Victoria Abidu said she
will respond to campus needs. "I'm not
about making promises," Abidu said.
"I offer people Band-aids when they
are in need."
Some independent candidates have
found it difficult to campaign, especially
in the residence halls, because there are
only a few of them while parties often
have 30 or more members.
"Currently, only the candidates them-
selves can campaign in the residence
halls, so that is a detriment to running as
independent," Moore and Leung said.
"However, we don't believe that running
independent has been a detriment to our
campaign - it follows through with our
beliefs on party reform."
Most of the independent candidates
said they are positive about their chances
of being a success in the elections. "We
are very well connected on campus and
think we have a great chance of win-
ning," Moore and Leung said.
Students can cast ballots for the
elections at
Union offers Mardi
Gras-style family fun
By Lucille Vaughan
Daily Staff Reporter
For those who missed Mardi Gras in
New Orleans, Friday's Michigras pro-
vided a carnival atmosphere and a
chance for University students to intro-
duce their younger siblings to campus
life in the Michigan Union.
The purpose of Michigras, which
included a casino, live music and an
exotic animal display, is to entertain stu-
dents' siblings in the historic Michigan
Union, which is celebrating its 100th
anniversary this year, said LSA senior
Lisa Pang, a member of the Michigan
Union Program Board.
"Michigras has always been a tradi-
tion here in the
Union," she said. "As "She Mvi
usual, we just want to and
reach out to the cam- I wo
pus community." no to my
The Detroit Pro-
ject, the Golden Key
National Honor Soci-
ety and the Persian Fifth grade s
Students Association of LSA freshm
volunteered to host
activities for Michigras, a springtime
tradition that dates back to 1937.
A restaurant by day, the Union's Uni-
versity Club featured live music during
the evening. Jake Gerard, a student at
Western Michigan University, explained
that his band, Albatross, was excited to
play for the students and their siblings.
"Hopefully they will enjoy our playing
and have a good time," he said.
The Pendleton Room of the Union
was home to games including "Tip a
Troll" and "Pepsi Toss," as well as a dis-
play of exotic animals. While fifth
grade student Mariah Robinette recoiled
from having an albino Burmese python
placed around her neck, she consented
to a picture taken with the thick yellow
snake. She said that her favorite part of
Michigras was hanging out with her sis-
ter, LSA senior Jessica Chaise.
LSA junior Evan Major, a member
of the Detroit Project, presented stu-
dents and their siblings with twists of
blue cotton candy. Sporting a shiny
green mask, Major said he felt Michi-
gras was a chance for siblings to come
together and enjoy a night of fun. "The
point of this event is to foster better
relationships between siblings and give
them a chance to experience college,"
he said.
Meanwhile, fifth grade student Katie
Steiner waited patiently to have her pic-
ture taken in the antique photo room. "I
want to dress un as a European queen."
group hoped to raise money for the
city of Bam, Iran, where about 43,000
people were killed in an earthquake
last December. "We're trying to raise
awareness of the disaster and also try-
ing to get our culture out," he said.
Students were able to buy casino
chips and later redeem them for raffle
tickets. The prizes for the raffle includ-
ed a DVD player and two tickets to the
Persian Cultural Show on March 27.
The event was sponsored by the
Michigan Union Program Board, the
Residence Hall Association's Siblings
Weekend and Michigan Union Arts
and Programs.
The Union Ballroom featured an
inflated obstacle course and boxing ring,
as well as a bungee
ed me, cord race. Engineer-
,n sy ing freshman Laura
ldflt say Lacasse and her
sister' brother Kevin
Lacasse were a few
of the many students
~ Katie Steiner and younger siblings
dent and sister who enjoyed these
n Karen Milam activities.
"I don't get to see
her very often, and I like to spend time
with her," said Kevin Lacasse, a fifth
grade student, as he and his sister pre-
pared for a match in the boxing ring
with inflatable helmets and gloves.
Twin brothers Alonzo and Brennon
Edwards, 11th grade students, accom-
panied their sister Rayna Edwards, an
LSA freshman, during Michigras.
Brennon Edwards said he was consid-
ering the University as one of his col-
lege choices. "I like the academic
prestige of Michigan," he said. "I've
been enjoying all the people on cam-
pus and the free stuff."
Flutterby the clown makes balloon objects for students and their siblings as part of the Michigras celebration in the Michigan
Union on Friday. Michigras coincided with Siblings' Weekend.
Manipulating Opinion
Commenting on the PRG, the
author states, "We knew the
creation of this government would
be regarded by the Nixon
administration as an exercise in
propaganda. But this reaction was
essentially irrelevant. Our goal
was to influence public opinion."
P. 146, A Viet Cong Memoir. The
protestors fell for it. How does this
relate to Iraq today?
Gary Lillie & Assoc., Realtors
the daily
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