2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 12, 2004 NATION/WORLD Court orders gay NEWS IN BRIEF {, .T4 - w marriages to SMassachusetts Legislature ingtwo prelimin passage is far fr clears two hurdles toward riage supporters state gay marriage ban cedural man ultimately lead tc SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Massachusett California Supreme Court ordered an the national deb immediate halt to same-sex weddings following a lan in San Francisco yesterday as Massa- highest court ii chusetts lawmakers gave preliminary reaffirmed lastr approval to a constitutional amend- the stage for th ment to ban gay marriages in the only sanctioned gay n state where they have been ruled legal. Lawmakerss Teary-eyed couples were quickly marriage ban b turned away at San Francisco's City voters were unsu Hall, where 4,161 gay couples have House-Senate se tied the knot in the last month. San Francisco "We were filling out the application som waded into1 and they told us to stop," said Art same time, orde: Adams, who was the first to be denied on Feb. 12 to iss as he and partner Devin Baker sought a licenses. license. "It's heartbreaking. I don't Newsom's d understand why two people in love law prompted should be prevented from expressing it." across the natio On the other side of the country, President Bush Massachusetts legislators returned to San Francisco the Capitol to consider a constitutional announced that amendment that would strip gay cou- ing the U.S. C ples of their court-granted right to mar- same-sex marr riage but allow civil unions. dozens of state The amendment won approval dur- the issue. stop nary votes, but its final rom certain. Gay mar- were conducting pro- euvers that could o the proposal's defeat. s took center stage in ate over gay marriage idmark decision by its n November that was month. The rulings set e nation's first legally marriages on May 17. seeking to put a gay before Massachusetts uccessful during a joint ssion last month. o Mayor Gavin New- the debate at about the ring his administration sue same-sex marriage efiance of California several other cities on to follow suit, and last month cited the weddings when he t he supports chang- Constitution to ban iages. Lawmakers in s have also taken up PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti U.S. troops attempt to disarm Haitians U.S. Marines raided a house in search of weapons yesterday, trying to shore up a fragile peace in Haiti as the ousted president planned a return to the Caribbean from exile in Africa. With morgues full and government offices closed, bodies were piling up in the capital, littering the streets and serving as bitter reminders of an armed rebellion that has divided the country. Prime Minister Gerard Latortue, who began choosing a cabinet yesterday, has said ridding the population of weapons is a top priority. Marines raided a home near the presidential palace before dawn yesterday, hours after Latortue arrived in Haiti from Florida. U.S. Army Gen. James Hill said troops would work to collect weapons, from "rusted M-1 s to top-of-the-line Uzis." "The message out of this is we are looking, and we will continue to do so," Col. Charles Gurganus said. Ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his wife will travel to Jamaica early next week, returning to within 130 miles of Haiti less than three weeks after fleeing into exile, Jamaican Prime Minister P.J. Patterson said yesterday. a AP PHOTO A body of a dead passenger lies next to a damaged train car in Atocha train station in Madrid, after bombs rocked trains in three train stations in the city yesterday. EAST MEDOW, N.Y. Bush makes first dig at new 9-11 memorial BOMBING Continued from Page 1. Some fled into darkened, dangerous tunnels at the station, a bustling hub for subway, commuter and long-dis- tance trains just south of Madrid's famed Prado Museum. The bodies of the dead, some with their cell phones ringing unanswered as frantic relatives tried to contact them, were carried away by rescue workers. The wounded, faces bloodied, sat on curbs as buses were pressed into service as ambulances. One firefighter said he saw 70 bod- ies along a platform at El Pozo station, just east of downtown Madrid. One corpse had been blown onto the roof. Forty coroners worked to identify remains, the national news agency .Efe said, and a steady stream of taxis carried relatives to a sprawling con- vention center where the bodies were taken. A total of 10 bombs, nearly all in backpacks, exploded in a 15-minute span along nine miles of the commuter line - running from Santa Eugenia to the Madrid hub of Atocha - killing 192 people and injuring more than 1,240, Interior Minister Angel Acebes said. Police found and detonated three other bombs. President Bush shoveled dirt yesterday at the somber groundbreaking for a new memorial for victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, an event that has defined his presidency and is the centerpiece of his re-election campaign. Bush used images from the World Trade Center's smoldering wreckage in his first re-election TV commercials last week, and refused to retreat when critics called them crass exploitation of those killed in the attacks. The president made no remarks at the ceremony attended by several hundred peo- ple, uniformed Nassau County firefighters, a color guard and bagpipers who played "Amazing Grace." But earlier, at a factory in another part of Long Island, Bush said the lesson of Sept. 11 is that "we must deal with threats before they fully materialize." Pat Kiefer, mother of a 25-year-old victim of the attack on the World Trade Center, said the government should have done more to prevent them. "I will never vote again. I don't believe any of the politicians," said Kiefer, who held an enlarged photo of her son and talked to reporters after the event. vo FDA to limit andro supplement sales FLYERS Continued from Page 1 about McDaniel though they did starl- tie her. She saw the flyers posted around McDaniel's classroom in Alice Lloyd Residence Hall. "Obviously now that this has hap- pened you're going to think twice about being in his class, just like you're going to think about being in any male's class- room. But he doesn't worry me in par- ticular"the student said. But the student, an LSA freshman, said she had personally not encoun- tered any uncomfortable situation with McDaniel, nor had she heard of any similar encounters with other students. "The overall opinion is being sur- prised. Now everyone thinks about it in class, but we're not uncomfortable now. You still think about it in the back of your mind," she said. Peterson said if a student feels that they need guidance about a possible harassment, or wishes to file a report, they can do so anonymously at several locations throughout the University. One resource for students is the Office of Institutional Equity, a part of the University's Human Resources and Affirmative Action division, which can provide anonymous assis- tance to potential victims of sexual harassment. The office - which was created by a recent merger of the Sex- ual Harassment Policy Office and the Office for a Multicultural Community - prepares reports and conducts investigations into reported cases of harassment. Another resource, the Sexual Assault and Prevention Awareness Center, also assists victims and offers advice. "If a student feels they have a con- cern, they should definitely come for- ward to one of those offices," Peterson said. WASHINGTON (AP) - The gov- ernment will crack down on the steroid- like supplement taken by Mark McGwire, telling companies yesterday to quit selling androstenedione unless they can prove it's not dangerous. Commonly called andro, the product is a steroid precursor - the body uses it to make testosterone. That means it poses the same health risks as directly using an anabolic steroid, the Food and Drug Administra- tion says in warnings telling 23 manu- facturers to cease their production. "Anyone who takes these products in sufficient quantities to build muscle or improve performance is putting himself or herself at risk for serious long-term and potentially irreversible health conse- quences," FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan said. The FDA's newest ctfakM6Wn comes as it is facing a legal challenge to its pending ban on another dietary supple- ment, ephedra. That herbal stimulant, widely used for weight loss, has been linked to 155 deaths, including Balti- more Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler dur- ing spring training last year. The maker of the Stacker 2 brand of ephedra supplements, NVE Pharma- ceuticals, filed suit this week in federal court in New Jersey seeking to block FDA's sales ban, which is set to begin April 12. "We're confident that we do have a clear legal basis" for the ban, FDA spokesman Brad Stone said yesterday. Anabolic steroids, which build mus- cle, are controlled substances. But andro - because it is a precursor, not the steroid itself - has long been marketed as a dietary supplement and been sold over the counter. NEW YORK Former Congress aide arrested as Iraqi spy A former journalist and one-time press secretary for four members of Congress was arrested yesterday on charges she served as a paid agent for the Iraqi intelligence service before and after the U.S. invasion. Susan Lindauer, 41, was arrested in her hometown of Takoma Park, Md., and was to appear in court later in the day in Baltimore, authorities in New York said. She was accused of conspiring to act as a spy for the Iraqi Intelligence Service and engaging in prohibited financial transactions involving the government of Iraq under dictator Saddam Hussein. Prosecutors say she accepted $10,000 for her work. "I'm an anti-war activist and I'm innocent," Lindauer told WBAL-TV as she was led to a car outside the Baltimore FBI office. WASHINGTON Bill to raise fines for radio, TV vulgarity The House overwhelmingly passed legislation yesterday substan- tially increasing the maximum fine for radio and television indecency. The vote was 391 to 22. Similar leg- islation is pending in the Senate. "I am tired of hearing parents tell me how they have to cover their chil- dren's ears," Rep. Joseph Pitts (R- Pa.) said during debate on the measure. "Today, we're saying enough is enough." The bill would raise the maximum fine for a broadcast-license holder from $27,500 to $500,000. The fine for a performer would jump from $11,000 to $500,000. HARTFORD, Cona. Stewart's new home not so comfortable The Danbury Federal Correctional Institution has next to nothing in com- mon with Martha Stewart's world of porcelain pudding bowls and Egyptian cotton bedding. The millionaire who taught America how to make pillows and decorate with doilies is expected to spend 10 toy16 months sharing a toilet and working for, about 12 cents an hour at the minimum- security women's prisoli, (where the walls are drab concrete and the 1,300 inmates wear starched khaki jumpsuits. "There's nothing soft or colorful or pleasant in the whole environment,' said Caryl Hartjes, a Catholic nun who served three months at Danbury for trespassing during a protest against the U.S. military. - Compiled from Daily wire reports I I I I AlMai I 4a NaIl WWW.MICHIGANDAILY.COM The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in'Septembervia U.S. mail are $105. Winter term (January through April) is $110, yearlong (September through April) is $190. University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscrip- tions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 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