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March 09, 2004 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-03-09

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - 5

U.N.: Pakistan likely
knew of nuclear trade

UN inspectors believe
leaders aware offtechnology
exchange with NKorea
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - U.N.
investigators are increasingly certain
Pakistan government leaders knew
the country's top atomic scientist was
supplying other nations with nuclear
technology and designs, particularly
North Korea, diplomats told The
Associated Press.
While rogue nations were the main
customers of the nuclear black mar-
ket, sales of enriched uranium and
warhead drawings have fed interna-
tional fears that terrorists also could
have bought weapons technology or
material, the diplomats said.
The investigation has widened
beyond Iran, Libya and North Korea
- the identified customers of the
network headed by Abdul Qadeer
Khan - they said, speaking on con-
dition of anonymity in a series of
Thehdiplomats' assessment comes
about half way through the probe by
the International Atomic Energy
Agency and western intelligence
services into the Khan network,
whose tentacles extended from Pak-
istan to Dubai, Malaysia, South
Korea, Switzerland, Germany, Japan,

Britain, the Netherlands and beyond
with potential ties to Syria, Turkey
and Spain.
Investigators said they expect to
complete the probe by June, eight
months after U.S. officials confronted
the Pakistani government with suspi-
cions about Khan, setting into motion
events that led the father of Islam-
abad's nuclear program to confess last
Despite denials by the Pakistani
government, investigators now are
certain that some, if not all, of the
country's decision makers were aware
of Khan's dealings, especially with
North Korea, which apparently
helped Islamabad build missiles in
exchange for aid with its nuclear
arms program, said one diplomat.
"In all cases except Pakistan, we
are sure there was no government
involvement," he said. "In Pakistan,
it's hard to believe all this happened
under their noses and nobody knew
about it."
The diplomats didn't say which
parts of the Pakistani government
might have known of Khan's black
market activity - 'military, politi-
cal or both.
Andrew Koch, of Jane's Defense
Weekly, said he ran into evidence that
senior military officers knew of
Khan's sideline four years ago when

he attended a military technology
exhibition in Karachi. There, the
booth of A.Q. Khan's Research Labo-
ratories, complete with pamphlets
offering uranium enrichment equip-
ment, shared space with displays of
electronics, anti-tank missiles and
other items sold by the government
defense industry, he said.

Martha Stewart leaves a federal court with her lawyer Robert Morvillo yesterday. Stewart was convicted Friday of lying to
investigators about why she sold ImClone Systems stock.
Facing sentence, Stewart
consults probation officer

NEW YORK (AP) - Martha Stew-
art met with a probation officer and
thanked viewers and readers for their
support yesterday as the board of her
namesake empire met to discuss her
Stewart briefly addressed a horde of
camera crews outside a Manhattan
courthouse where she spent about an
hour with probation officials who will
make a sentencing recommendation for
lying about a well-timed stock sale.
"I want to thank my readers, my
viewers and the Internet users," Stewart
said as she stepped into a sport utility
vehicle. "I just want to thank everyone
for their support."
The courthouse appearance came as
stock in Martha Stewart Living Omni-
media continued to slide and the board
was gathering to discuss her future,
according to a source close to the com-
pany who spoke on condition of
anonymity. Her syndicated television
show, "Martha Stewart Living," was
taken off the air yesterday on Viacom-
owned CBS and UPN stations.
Stewart, wearing a black overcoat
and carrying a Martha Stewart Living
umbrella, was accompanied by her
lawyer, Robert Morvillo, and another
member of her defense team.
The remarks were her second since
being convicted. As Stewart left the
courthouse on Friday after the verdict,
the New York Daily News asked her to
comment on the fairness of the trial.
She replied, "The unfairness of the trial,
that's the right comment."

Officials will hand up
a report
recommending a
range of prison time
for tewa..... Most
legal experts expect
that to be 10 to 16
The meeting with probation officials
is the first step toward Stewart's sen-
tencing in June.
After a series of meetings, officials
will hand up a report to U.S. District
Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum
recommending a range of prison time
for Stewart. Most legal experts expect
that to be 10to 16 months.
The judge can allow Stewart to spend
part of her sentence in a halfway house,
or in home confinement. The law also
calls for up to a $1 million fine for the
four counts on which she was convicted
- conspiracy, obstructing justice and
two counts of making false statements.
Stewart, 62, and former stockbroker
Peter Bacanovic, 41, were found guilty
of lying to investigators about why
Stewart sold her shares of ImClone Sys-
tems stock on Dec. 27, 2001, the day
before a disappointing government
report on its cancer drug Erbitux.
Stewart told investigators in April

2002 that she had no memory of being
tipped that ImClone CEO Sam Waksal
was trying to sell his shares. Morvillo
later admitted in court that Stewart was
Bacanovic also met briefly with pro-
bation officials yesterday, but did not
address reporters.
Stewart stepped down from the board
of cosmetics giant Revlon Inc. yester-
day, Revlon spokeswoman Catherine
Fisher confirmed. She would not com-
ment further. Stewart had served on
Revlon's board since 1996.
With her conviction, the government
will likely press to have Stewart
removed from the board of her own
company, but the big question is how
involved she will be. Stewart's name,
now tainted with a conviction, is
stamped on a wide variety of products,
from TV shows to magazines and mer-
Stewart stepped down from her role
as chief executive and chairman of the
board in June after being indicted, but
remains as chief creative officer and a
member of the board.
Dennis McAlpine, a managing direc-
tor of the research firm McAlpine
Associates, said the company has a
number of options as it digests the ver-
dict, from Stewart taking the company
private to a complete name change.
Shares in the company continued to
fall, closing yesterday at $9.90 on the
New York Stock Exchenge, down 96
cents. That added to a nearly 23 percent
tumble on Friday after the verdicts.

Continued from Page 1
"I was hoping that John Kerry
would take a stand one way or
another on gay marriage. By his
attitude of trying to ignore the
issue, it really makes a statement
about him," she said.
Despite her displeasure with
Kerry's vacillating stance on gay mar-
riage, Mahadevan said she still
intends to vote for him. "Right now
I'm planning to vote for John Kerry,"
she admitted. "I'm one of those 'any-
body but Bush' people."
LSA junior Lauren Snabb said she
feared the Bush administration might
undermine the rights of women.
"What sticks in my mind, because we
were just talking about it in my
Women's Reproductive Health class,
is reproductive health issues, and the
appointment of new court justices,"

she said. "I want women's rights to be
protected, and I feel that Bush would
not do as good of a job as Kerry."
LSA sophomore Luke Meinzen
named education as the single most
important topic that candidates should
focus on. "I think a lot of social prob-
lems that need to be addressed have to
do with education, and equalizing
how much schools are financed, rather
than a local income tax," he said.
Meinzen added that he did not
intend to vote for either major party
candidate. "I actually plan on voting
for a third party candidate, because I
think the two party system is ineffec-
tive," he said. "Even if I don't agree
with the third party candidate, I will
vote for him so that he gets federal
funding." Meinzen said that he will
vote for Ralph Nader, the Green Party
nominee in the 2000 election, if
Nader makes it onto the 2004 ballot as
an independent candidate.

But many University students are
undecided about the year's presiden-
tial elections, and hope to gather more
information about the candidates in
the months to come.
Kinesiology freshman Leon Hall
said that he had not yet decided upon
a particular candidate, and urged other
voters to educate themselves before
making their decision. "I think the
most important thing is that everyone
is informed about who they are voting
for," he said. Meanwhile, some Uni-
versity students said they feel alienat-
ed from the political process.
LSA freshman Helen Wong said
that the 2004 presidential elections
seem far removed from the concerns
of her everyday life. "To be honest,
I'm really aloof," she said. "Govern-
ment at that level is just not as press-
ing as college life. I think it definitely
is relevant, but in college there are
more urgent things right now."


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