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March 04, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-03-04

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Thursday, March 4, 2004

News 3A
Opinion 5A
Sports 8A

'U' profs research
Jason Z. Pesick loves
his centrists
Men's basketball
falls to Indiana

From brooches to minis, check out this Spring's fashions ... Weekend, Page 1B
One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom


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Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 105

©2004 The Michigan Daily








' '


Dean Lewis accepts
provost position at Emory
University in Atlanta
By Alison Go
Daily Staff Reporter
Earl Lewis, dean of Rackham
Graduate School, will be leaving his
post this summer for the second-
highest administrative position at
Emory University in Atlanta.
Lewis will be named provost and
executive vice president of Emory
this summer. He will be the highest-
ranking black administrator in the
university's history, answering only
to Emory's President Jim Wagner.
In addition to overseeing more
than 7,000 Rackham graduate stu-
dents, Lewis is currently also the
vice provost for academic affairs and
graduate studies at the University.
Lewis joined the faculty in 1989
and has served as dean since 1997.
While working as a professor in the
history department- and the Center
for Afro-American and African Stud-
ies, he was appointed director of
CAAS in 1990.
"Earl Lewis has made tremendous
contributions to the University of
Michigan as professor, director of

CAAS and dean of Rackham," said
Provost Paul Courant in a written
statement. "He has shown himself to
be a visionary and accomplished aca-
demic leader. I
salute Emory on
their excellent
After the exit
of former provost
Rebecca Chopp
in June 2001,
from Emory con-
vened a search 5
advisory commit- Lewis
tee to find some-
one to fill the empty position last
Following several interviews and
visits to the Emory campus in Janu-
ary and February this year, Lewis.
was offered the position.
Lewis was one of four final candi-
dates considered.
According to Ron Gould, professor
of mathematics and computer sci-
ence at Emory and a member of the
search advisory committee, the
members of the committee believed
that Lewis embodies several of the
qualities important to the selection.
"It was a combination of his expe-

rience and his knowledge of funda-
mental issues facing big universi-
ties," Gould said. "His personality
and his vision of the future really
struck a chord with the people in the
After receiving approval from the
Emory Board of Trustees, Lewis
will take up his position starting
July 1. Wagner announced the hir-
ing Tuesday.
Members of the University com-
munity have expressed disappoint-
ment in Lewis's departure.
"Earl Lewis has been a wonderful
faculty member and administrative
colleague during his 15-year tenure
at Michigan," President Mary Sue
Coleman said in a written statement
"We deeply regret losing him to
Emory, but understand his desire to
accept the role as provost."
Lewis could not be reached for
Lewis majored in history and psy-
chology and graduated from Concor-
dia College in Moorhead, Minn., and
earned his doctorate from the Uni-
versity of Minnesota.
Lewis then taught at the University
of California at Berkeley for four-
and-a-half years in Afro-American
Critics of
speak out
By Genevieve Lampinen
Daily Staff Reporter

Michigan's Daniel Horton goes up for a shot between Indiana's Marshall Strickland, left, and
George Marshall during in a game in Bloomington, Ind., yesterday. Indiana won 61-56.
a onaa bi ae aeA

In past three years,
Ensign has accumulated
$20,000 to $100,000 in losses
By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
As the University administration
faces budget shortfalls and tuition
increases continue to strain students,
one student publication is experiencing
the pressures of operating in the red.
Over the past few years, the Michi-
ganensian yearbook has continually
accumulated financial losses, failing to
amass enough revenue to cover its
costs. For Fiscal Year 2003, the year-
book acquired a deficit of about
$40,000. The yearbook in the past
three years has produced losses rang-
ing from about $20,000 to almost
$100,000. The bulk of the Ensian's rev-
enue arises from book sales, with earn-
ings ranging from about $150,000 to
$180,000 per year.
Most agree that the primary problem
is poor book sales - possibly resulting
from a lagging economy - increased
tuition and a lack of knowledge or
interest in purchasing the Ensian.
"The preference would be to sell it
more effectively, and I think the stu-
dents believe that too," said Alan
Lenhoff, Board for Student Publica-
tions chair. The board's job is to ensure
financial solvency, guaranteeing that
its three student publications - The
Michigan Daily, The Gargoyle and the
Michiganensian - stay in business for
generations to come.
To rectify the problem, Ensian
staffers met with members of the board
Monday to discuss ways to improve the
yearbook's business model. This year's
budget will focus on cutting losses and
expenditures in order to break even,
said Lenhoff, who is also an executive
at Detroit Newspapers. But Student
Publications Manager Sam Offen said
the yearbook would most likely run
another deficit this year.
For Fiscal Year 2005, both the board
and Ensian staffers resolved to develop


Former Vietnamese spy
discusses work for CIAP FBI

By Andrea Carone
For the Daily

Kellogg Auditorium played host yester-
day to Yung Krall - a soft-spoken woman
people would never think to be a spy.
In an effort to expose the University
community to the often unheard historical
issues regarding the Vietnam War, Gary
Lillie, a member of the Vietnam Veterans of
America, is sponsoring a series of presenta-
tions featuring people involved in the war.
The first event took place yesterday after-

noon, and spotlighted Yung Krall, a former
Vietnamese spy for the
CIA and FBI, born and cc I de o
raised in Vietnam.
The daughter of a com- With Got
munist, Krall provided her .
listeners with a first-hand a deal wi1
account of growing up in a who thot
country divided by war
and political ideology. Were as i
While her father and eld- as God -
est brother went to North
Vietnam to support com-
munism, her mother raised Former Vietna
five girls and one boy in
the south, under the U.S.-
backed South Vietnam
government, Krall said.
She added that her older brother never
supported communism and was forced to
fight for the Viet Cong. When the U.S.
bombing of North Vietnam ceased, she said
her brother exclaimed, " 'You coward
Americans! Why do you stop bombing
before you finish the job?' Why would my
brother say this? Because he hated commu-
nism, but he was forced to fight for it in


Her family torn apart, Krall added that
she watched as the Viet Cong murdered her
friend's parents and kidnapped her high-
school teacher.
At 21, Krall met and fell in love with U.S.
Navy pilot Lt. John Krall. In April of 1975,
when South Vietnam was about to fall to
communist rule, Krall offered her services as
a spy to the CIA in exchange for her family's
safe passage from Vietnam to America.
"I made a deal with God, I made a deal
with people who thought they were as pow-
erful as God - the CIA," Krall said. Dur-
ing her time with the CIA and FBI, Krall
testified against a high-
ranking U.S. State Depart-
ment official, who had
I made offered information to the
Vietnamese intelligence
i people stationed in communist
East Germany, she said.
y Krall said her work as a
iWelfUl spy hurt her family. She
he CIA." added that because of her y
testimony, which landed
- Yung Krall the official in prison for
ese spy for the 15 years, her son went to
CIA and FBI three different schools in
three years, while she her-
self received death
Despite these hardships, Krall insisted
that her endeavors were worthwhile. "Spy-
ing is not as glamorous as 007, it is a duty.
One must execute it well, so no one gets
hurt. Experience hurts like hell, but I am
proud I did it," she said.
Krall added that she learned from her
experiences to not feel guilty for living in a
successful, free country, and that citizens

Although President Bush's recent
support of an amendment banning
gay marriage has received strong crit-
icism recently on campus, Young
Americans for Freedom Co-chair
Robert Raham said he whole-hearted-
ly agrees with Bush's opposition to
gay marriage.
Bush has shown outstanding lead-
ership in his actions towards the gay
marriage issue, said Raham, an LSA
Bush said in a speech last Tuesday
that in order to preserve the definition
of marriage as between a woman and
a man - so defined in 1996 by the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
passed by President Clinton - a con-
stitutional amendment should be
"I do agree that the constitutional
amendment is the way to go," Raham
said. "Marriage should be reserved
for a man and a women - that is
what Bush is trying to protect and
that is what I support."
Raham also said although the pro-
posal will appeal to religious Repub-
licans, he does not believe Bush is
using the proposal merely as a cam-
paign device. The proposal has
emerged out of recent events such as
the issuing of same-sex marriage
licenses in California violating the
state's constitution, he added.
On Friday, the California Supreme
Court declined requests to halt gay
marriage licensing immediately.
Student leaders from the lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender com-
munity have said the courts through-
out history have overturned
discriminatory practices. They said
ls they hope the judicial branch will
h. uphold the rights of gay people.
er But YAF member Jeston La Croix
he said he feels the amendment is the
only option to prevent cities like San
ve Francisco from violating their own
he laws.
at "I would rather not have it be nec-
's essary. ... I support the amendment

Yung Krall, who has served as a spy for the CIA and FBI, tells
her experiences yesterday in the Kellogg Auditorium. Other
speakers on the Vietnam War will appear March 10 and 17.

Students size up 'U' career center services

By Michael Kan
Daily Staff Reporter

For some students, a visit to
the Career Center marks the firstv
step of the job search process.
Yet some students have leftr
the center frustrated that their .
services aren't helping them r

helped him polish his resume and interviewing
skills in order to help him on his search. But he
still hasn't found an internship
yet and says the University isn't
going far enough to help LSA
I Although he recognizes that
2 no one can do his job-searching
for him, Corban said he was

for students, but instead to give them the skill
needed to successfully carry out their job searc
Furthermore, career advisors say all the care
programs use similar resources, and none of tb
programs has an advantage over the other.
Corban also said that the Business School ha
its own career development program. He added]
feels that those programs seem more effective,
getting jobs for students than the University

E 1


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