Wednesday, March 3, 2004
News 3
Opinion 4
Sports 8
MSA gears up for
The Daily opposes
two proposed consti-
tutional amendments
Men's hoops to
face Indiana
Cleaning up the mess of TV's February sweeps ... Arts, Page 5
t4lk au
HI: 48
LOW: 37
One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 104 ©2004 The Michigan Daily
virus fills
By Victoria Edwards
Daily Staff Reporter
The newest and most disruptive
strand of the Bagle computer
virus hit the University e-mail
system yesterday - leading to
massive e-mail clog ups and pre-
venting access for many students.
The virus, designed to appear as
if it comes from University
administration or staff, has a sub-
ject line attempting to warn the
user of a new virus, and asks the
user to open an attachment. The e-
mail can be safely deleted but
upon opening the attachment, the
user receives virus.
Bruce Burrell, computer and
anti-virus team leader for Virus
Busters, said the virus spreads
rapidly once opened and allows
hackers to have instant access to
information on the computer.
Virus Busters is a division of the
University's Information Technol-
ogy Central Services.
Burrell added that this new
virus is unique because of its vast
success in spreading throughout
the University.
"They're doing it in a more
organized fashion - there's a
good chance that it's more than
just some kid sending out these
viruses ... (Normally) out of 100
viruses there is one successful a
month. But we've seen bunches
of these released intentionally.
There seems to be more of a con-
certed effort to make (the viruses)
succeed," Burrell said.
He added that the person or group
responsible has been making a spe-
cial effort to spread the virus.
The virus infects only Microsoft
Windows, but it disrupts Macin-
tosh users as well. It is too soon to
tell how many students the virus
has affected, or how much longer
it will take to rid computers of the
LSA senior Karl Sturk said he
is annoyed by the virus because it
has slowed his e-mail use.
"It is taking forever for my stuff
to open up. There are some weird
messages that seem phony from
management at the University. It
seemed phony, so I just deleted
it," Sturk said.
But LSA senior Rocky Pasha
said he only uses Macs and has
not experienced any problems
from the virus.
"I just delete viruses. If at this
point you can't recognize a com-
puter virus you freaking deserve
it. You can only get it if you open
it," he added.
Burrell said that under no cir-
cumstances should students open
up unsolicited attachments, even
if the person who sent is familiar.
Students, staff and faculty should
protect their computers by download-
ing the software off the University
website www.itd.
Kerry wraps up nomination
Edwards to
drop out this
By David Branson
Daily Staff Reporter
In the most important day of the primary season,
Super Tuesday proved its ability to choose the Democ-
ratic presidential nominee. While Sen. John Kerry suc-
ceeded in mustering wins in nine state primaries, the
deciding factor was his last viable rival, Sen. John
Edwards, dropping out of the race.
The Associated Press reported that Edwards would
withdraw from the race for the nomination.
"I believe that in 2004, one united Democratic Party,
we can and we will win this election," Kerry said last
night during a victory speech. "Change is coming to
He also targeted President Bush, claiming that the
president's foreign policy has been the most "inept,
reckless, arrogant and ideological" in the modern histo-
ry of the United States.
Democratic National Committee chairman Terry
McAuliffe, in an interview with The Michigan Daily in
Iowa last month, expressed his desire for a clear candi-
date to emerge by today.
Kerry's commanding lead in delegates made his cam-
paign virtually uncatchable even before last night,
when Kerry had 754 delegates and Edwards had 220.
Although Kerry has yet to reach the 2,162-delegate
threshold for the Democratic nomination, he is now
effectively the man that Bush will face in November.
In 10 Super Tuesday states, 1,151 delegates were up
for grabs, 746 of which were available in Ohio, New
York and California where Kerry handily won.
In light of Kerry's campaign strength, Edwards's
campaign had debated reeling back its intensity without
a strong showing in Minnesota, Ohio or Georgia.
Edwards had devoted the bulk of his resources to those
three states, but an Edwards campaign spokesman said
he planned on campaigning in Texas and Louisiana fol-
lowing Super Tuesday. Instead, Edwards is now expect-
ed to deliver his withdrawal speech from Raleigh, NC
this afternoon.
Last night, while the votes were being tabulated in
Georgia's close race which Kerry also won, Edwards
spoke to his supporters in Atlanta and reaffirmed much
of the rhetoric his campaign had espoused.
"Throughout this campaign I talked about building
one America," Edwards said. "This is the America that
you and I believe in and we will fight for as Democrats
come November."
His comments reflected unity within a Democratic
party that has been criticized for its divisions.
See EDWARDS, Page 7
Democractic presidential hopeful Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, with daughter Vanessa, step-son Chris Heinz-Kerry and wife Teresa Heinz-
Kerry celebrates In Washington last night after winning nine more primaries and caucuses on Super Tuesday.
CAWI. 66%
CONN. 58%
GA. 46%
MASS. 72%
MD. 60%
MINN. 50%
R.I. 71%
VT. 34%
Networking seen as key to finding jobs
By Michael Kan
Daily Staff Reporter
After four years laboring at the University and
thousands of dollars exhausted on their education,
many graduating seniors are seeing that in the tight
job market, their degrees won't much matter when
it comes time to find employment.
LSA senior Adam Lasoff said the job offer he
received as a consultant after graduation ironically
had very little to do with his college education.
"I feel a lot of people who have jobs have
been getting it through friends," Lasoff said,
adding that his roommate's mother helped him
find the job. "Seems like a college education
doesn't do too much."
That's been the story for many seniors as they
have found the only way to get jobs is not through
their credentials, but through networking or using
their own personal connections with friends, fami-
lies and employers.
With the tight labor market, for many seniors
finding a job is like trying to spot an endangered
animal. It's become a backbreaking safari, as many
job searchers try slicing through the market using
old-fashioned means of sending out resumes and
more modern schemes of browsing the Internet for
Yet most of these methods are
getting stuck in the mud as the job <
market continues to be stubborn..
Growth remains sluggish and
employment opportunities still<
seem to hibernate. Because of ther
state of the job market, students
and experts are convinced the best s
way to find jobs is to network so
that they can connect with people who can employ
Lynne Sebille-White, assistant director of
recruitment services at the Universi-
ty Career Center, said students
should expect the conventional
" ° methods of attaining a job will be
less effective.
But Sebille-White said just
because those methods do not work
like the way they use to doesn't
mean jobs aren't out there. They just
aren't listed, so they can be very
tricky to track down, she added.
"There's a small percentage of job openings
Iraq blasts kill
143 on holy day
Music to our ears
'U' students to run
exPeriment with
NASA airplane
Explosions lead to
bloodiest day since fall of
Saddam Hussein
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Suicide
bombers carried out simultaneous
attacks on Shiite Muslim shrines in Iraq
yesterday, detonating multiple explo-
sions that ripped through crowds of pil-
grims. At least 143 people were killed
and 430 wounded - the bloodiest day
since the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Unofficial casualty reports, however,
mi +bP trl :., nainlan a hnnac
the Shiite calendar.
The blasts fanned fear and anger at a
time when leaders of the Shiite majori-
ty are pressing for more power in a
future government after years of
oppression under Saddam. The attacks
forced the delay of a milestone in the
path toward the U.S. handover - the
planned signing tomorrow of an inter-
im constitution approved by the U.S.-
appointed Governing Council.
"What we've seen today in these
attacks are desperation moves by al
Qaeda-affiliated groups that recognize
the thr* that n cn-cerP trnti n in
By Jonathan Cohen
For the Daily
Four University engineering stu-
dents travel to Houston today to run
an experiment that could benefit
future space exploration.
Seniors Arianne Liepa, Travis
Palmer and Christy Schroeder and
junior Greg Hukill were selected by
NASA to conduct experiments in its
zero gravity airplane KC-135.
The team is among 68 university
Mars, magnesium mixed with iodine
may combust to produce energy. The
energy would particularly help people
who might be on the planet for an
extended period of time.
The students hypothesize better
results in KC-135's zero-gravity envi-
ronment than in the environment con-
ducted at the University's lab.
The student researchers said they
hope the information acquired on this
trip will aid NASA's future expedi-
tions to Mars.
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