ether Friday January 9,2004 02004 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan * Vol. CXII, No. 73 - - -- = m as P P m , One-hundred-thrteen years ofeditona;freedom TODAY: Partly cloudy all day with very low winds 1 9 Tomorrow: 20)1 wwwmichigandaiIy~com Workers vote to accept new Borders deal The Hill is alive Auditorium dazzles audience with lights By Andrew Kaplan Daily Staff Reporter Agreement includes new wage increases and g employees forum By Mona Rafseq Daily Staff Reporter A year of hard feelings, picket lines and stalemates ended yesterday when hourly workers at the Borders Books and Music downtown store in Ann Arbor ratified a two-year agreement with the corporate office of Borders Group. The agreement ends almost a year of negotiations between the Madison Heights chapter of the United Food and Commercial Workers, which serves as the workers' union, and Bor- ders Group. "I believe this is the start of a good relationship between Borders Group and the union," said Hal Brannan, a Borders hourly employee and one of the union representatives at the bar- gaining table. The agreement raises starting wages for hourly employees by twenty-five cents. Previously, sellers ear*id $7.00 per hour and beginning cashiers were paid $6.75 per hour. The contract also removes a wage cap from veteran employees. The cap on wages had halted pay raises for senior employees after they had served a certain amount of time at the bookstore. Now, wages will increase by 3 percent or more for hourly workers. Fifteen of the 43 non-salaried employees went on strike after negotia- tions failed Nov. 8. Both sides reached a tentative agree- ment and 20 out of 32 employees voted Brewer: Michigan caucus up for grabs By David Branson Daily Staff Reporter With the addition of online and mail-in ballots to the traditional voting system, the Michigan Democratic cau- cuses on Feb. 7 are striving to reach more voters than in past elections and building support for a Democratic presidential candidate. "We're really getting ready for the fall with the caucuses, this first step is an outlet for people's enthusiasm," said Mark Brewer, exec- utive chair of the Michigan Democ- rats. "Right now, Michigan is really up for grabs." The new Internet and mail-in ballots are both options for voters who Brewer favor privacy or the simplicity of vot- ing from their own home. The party also takes measures to aid those who do not have computers or Internet access in their homes by selecting more than 1,500 computers in libraries and on campuses as free access sites for voters. Both new options require registered voters to apply by Jan. 31 so they can receive their Internet security code or mail-in ballot in time for the caucuses. People who wish to vote online can apply at the webstite "Our party's philosophy has always been to make voting as easy as possi- ble, and this is just another step," Brewer said. Another major change in the Michi- gan caucuses is that this year poll sites are open to all eligible voters regard- less of registration. Although the to ratify it. In addition to addressing pay issues, the approved agreement also creates a management labor committee. The committee will provide a forum for hourly workers and mem- bers of Borders to discuss ways to improve the store. Brannan emphasized that the com- mittee will not hear grievances, dis- putes or negotiations. The contract also contains dispute procedures, including arbitration. "Workers have a voice and I think that the Borders Group understands that," Brannan said. Jim Kirk, a former striker who also served on the bargaining committee, said about 95 percent of non-salaried workers voted. He said only two employees did not vote. "We would like it to have been 100 percent but (the agreement) was still pretty strongly reported," he said. The voting occurred yesterday for two hours, between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. before the store opened, and between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. before the night shift began. Voting took place across the street from the downtown store, in the Graduate Employees Organization building. Brannan said other obligations restricted some union members from voting, especially students who work part-time. Employees who came in to vote were given copies of the contract as well as a sheet with its main points. After members of the bargaining com- mittee answered questions, the workers signedin and put their vote in the bal- lot box. The union supervised the vot- ing process. Even when the sun shone briefly over a frigid State Street yesterday morning, its brightness was no match for the golden halls of Hill Auditorium. Nearly two years since closing its doors for renovations, the legendary auditorium - which housed such greats as opera virtuoso Luciano Pavarotti and impresario Leonard Bernstein in past years - reopened yesterday to University students and thousands of members of the Ann Arbor community. What they encountered was a structure prodi- giously different from the aged, graying theater of the last five decades. "It's just brighter," said Jennie Lombard, an Ann Arbor resident who graduated from the University in the class of 1959. Visitors wan- dered the auditorium, following musical performances and a ribbon- cutting ceremony by University President Mary Sue Coleman, administrators and architects. Lombard recalled concerts she attended in the auditorium during her days as a student, when the theater wore coats of gray and beige paint that concealed hundreds of opalescent lights. Today, the pale colors have been stripped away. The highest points of the ceiling now don sashes of blue and gold setting into gleaming bronze arches above the stage. "I've been in a lot of auditoriums and this was amazing," said Jessica Chaise, an LSA senior. "I've never seen a hall so beauti- ful," Coleman said before participat- ing in the ribbon-cutting ceremony on stage. But as project coordinators quick- ly pointed out, the auditorium's new look - which carries a $40 million price tag the University covered partly through donations - is more of a conservative transformation than a metamorphosis into anything radical and untried. The renovation, which spent more than 10 years in See HILL, Page 3 ABOVE: The restored Hill Auditorium features beautiful bronze arches among many new features. RIGHT: Ann Arbor residents Allsande Cutler and Lydia Bates look at plans for Hill Auditorium outside the luncheon for donors. I UHS launches campaign to combat spread of flu By Farayha Arrine Daily Staff Reporter ;- / f' ,4 L lT r ; ." J - ,,,ro..,,+ @ w...ou it' S _; N' ' i Tn :0 ,.r.. : -. .k Facing the onset of another harsh Michigan winter and a severe shortage in flu vaccinations, University health centers are hoping that a simple, seem- ingly obvious measure will prevent the spread of further infections. The goal of the University Health Service's "Cover Your Cough" cam- paign is for people to simply use a tissue when they cough or to cough in their sleeve to prevent the spread of droplets from an infected person's nose or mouth from harming some- one else. This happens not only through direct contact but also from touching objects such as computer keyboards in libraries. UHS plans to advertise the cam- paign with posters throughout campus including in residence halls and buses, beginning next week. "If a person infected with the flu coughs on their hand and then uses a keyboard and then someone else uses it after them and then later ... eats a cookie, that person has been inoculated with the illness," UHS Director Robert Winfield said. "We need to be responsible by changing our public health behavior ... Most people think if you don't have a fever but a cough you can still go to school. That's okay with you, but what about the people that you are sitting next to?" The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other health centers have even expressed confidence that limiting contact between healthy and sick students can prevent the spread of the flu. Chinese officials succeeded in using isolation to contain the SARS breakout last year. But Winfield said isolation is a dras- tic measure not yet used for the flu, and that only a higher risk would lead' UHS to begin separating patients in waiting rooms and encouraging the use of surgical masks, said Winfield. For now, through the "Cover Your Cough" campaign health officials hope to safeguard people without the flu by changing the behavior of those infect- ed, encouraging them not to expose their illness to others. "I think the campaign would be a good idea," said LSA freshman Emily Work. "It's an important reminder because a lot of people don't really know how serious it is." By posting advice on how to pre- vent the spread of germs, UHS hopes to help students avoid the flu by teaching what is called University Respiratory Etiquette which they believe will make a substantial differ- ence in stopping the spread of influenza. Although preventive measures help to prevent the onset of influenza, nothing remains as effective as the flu shot, which is currently only provided to those at high risk because of the ongoing shortage. This causes people at an average risk to seek the alternative FluMist, an See COUGH, Page 3 Ir u._a JEFF LEHNERT/Daily University Health Service graphic artist Diane Dues works on a poster for the "Cover Your Cough" campaign poster set to begin next week. Students prepare to fight Connerly ballot initiative Cash or credit? By Aymar Jean Daily Staff Reporter Organized opposition groups are launching an impassioned campaign to halt a ballot initiative that calls for the end of race-conscious programs in Michigan. The Michigan Civil Rights Initia- tive, created by Ward Connerly - a University of California regent and vehement opponent of racial prefer- ences - will begin a petition drive Monday to place a proposal on public employment, education and con- tracting. Although the campaign offi- cially begins Monday, MCRI has already amassed some initial funding and volunteers. Opposition groups see Connerly's amendment as an attempt to nullify this summer's U.S. Supreme Court decision, which upheld the principle of diversity and race-conscious admis- sions but rejected the undergraduate point system. A number of student groups, includ- ing BAMN and the Students of Color of efforts to curtail the petition drive. The newly-formed coalition includes such organizations as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the AFL-CIO, but it expects its membership to grow to the hundreds, said Michael Rice, the execu- tive director of the coalition. The group's goal is to educate the public on the amendment, and in the end dissuade Michigan residents from signing. "Hopefully (our member organiza- tions) will be able to communicate effectively to their members to really i SHUBRA OHRI/Daily 1 .1