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March 01, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-03-01

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Monday, March 1, 2004

Opinion 4A

Zac Peskowitz is
sad that history isn't

Freshman Brent Petway charges up the Wolverines ... Sports, 8B


Arts 8A The Daily reviews
Mel Gibson's
controversial film
"The Passion."


One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom


Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 102

©2004 The Michigan Daily

Students blast
Bush's call for

By Mona Rafeeq
Daily Staff Reporter
Leaders of the gay community on campus
expressed distress about President Bush's
announcement last week in support of a proposed
constitutional amendment banning gay marriages,
saying they hope the judicial branch will uphold
the rights of gay people.
Kelly Garrett, assistant director of the Univer-
sity's Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Affairs, said gay marriage has
become more of a forefront issue since the
Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in Novem-
ber that banning gay marriage is inconsistent
with the state constitution.
But Garret said she thinks the judicial branch
has been instrumental in reversing discriminatory
"Throughout history, judges have been called
upon to help resolve discriminatory practices, (as
in) Brown v. Board of Education, and I'm sure
that many people during that time period viewed
certain decisions by judges in favor of desegrega-
tion as 'too liberal,' " Garrett said.
Genevieve Vose, co-chair of OUTlaws, a group
for gay Law School students, said the job of the
courts is to protect persecuted minorities who
otherwise are not protected in the political
"That isn't limited to sexual orientation - if

we didn't have brave courts, this country wouldn't
have even begun to combat racial and gender
inequality," said Vose, a Law School student.
Bush said in a speech last Tuesday that an
amendment was needed "to prevent the meaning
of marriage from being changed forever."
"Today I call upon the Congress to promptly
pass, and to send to the states for ratification, an
amendment to our Constitution defining and pro-
tecting marriage as a union of man and woman as
husband and wife," he said.
Bush added that states should be left the abili-
ty to define other legal arrangements for gay
Other University students also expressed strong
views about the issue of gay marriage and a con-
stitutional amendment.
"I think an amendment like that is unnecessary.
It is none of the government's business to take
away people's rights to choose who to get married
to," said LSA sophomore Diane Cederberg.
David Morley, also an LSA sophomore, said
the decision about who has marriage rights
should be left up to the individual.
"If a priest doesn't want to marry a couple based
on their religious beliefs outlawing same-sex mar-
riage, then that should be okay, and the couple can
go to another priest or cleric or official who does
believe in gay marriage,"he said.
One student, Kinesiology junior Hallie Farber,
said the decision on gay marriage should not be
controlled by the government, but that the public

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, at right with back to camera, gets a warm welcome as he holds a town hall meeting at James Lick Middle
School after permitting the city to grant thousands of gay marriage licenses. In response to the licenses and a Massachusetts court ruling last year
legalizing gay marriages, President Bush announced he supports a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

'The King'

reigns supreme on Oscar night

By Zach Mabee
and Adam Rottenberg
Daily Artsditors

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci-
ences has, for the 76th time, issued its verdict on
the year's finest films and cinematic achieve-
ments. As always, the field was diverse, show-
casing mega-studio blockbusters, overachieving
independent triumphs and everything in-
Some winners were expected, others were
astonishing surprises, including Annie Lennox's
undeserving Oscar for Best Original Song; in
any case, certain films that competed for the
golden statuettes were certainly bred for star-
dom. Yet the final trip to Middle Earth stood tall
over its competition, steamrolling everything in
its path.
Billy Crystal returned to host the festivities
Bush starts
withi Kerry
By Jameel Naqvi
Daily Staff Reporter

and started things off with one of his trademark
skits. The mock trailer, running through the
major films of the year and highlighted by a
Michael Moore cameo, signaled the return to
form for the sagging awards show. Further con-
tinuing the Crystal tradition, he sang about the
nominees in his monologue and provided witty
commentary throughout the evening.
Tim Robbins began the evening as the first
major winner, picking up hardware for Best Sup-
porting Actor for his work in "Mystic River."
Robbins's victory signaled a trend that would
continue for the rest of the night, actors winning
for their bodies of work, not just the film up for
the award. Renee Zellweger's subsequent win
confirmed the theory, as her performance in
"Cold Mountain" didn't garner nearly as much
critical acclaim as her work in "Chicago."
A heartfelt tribute to funnyman and perennial
Academy Awards host Bob Hope played to the

crowd. Later, Oscar paid tribute to director
Blake Edwards with an honorary statuette for his
films, which includes such classics as "The Pink
Panther" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's." He accept-
ed the award in comedic, yet emotional fashion,
leaving the audience in wait. Continuing with
tributes for the night, the late Katherine Hepburn
received a video package highlighting her body
of work. Finally, Gregory Peck received a
posthumous tribute, showcasing his vast talents
with clips from his movies.
One of the most deserving recipients of night,
Sofia Coppola, found Oscar gold for her beauti-
ful screenplay for "Lost in Translation." Unfor-
tunately, however, it would be the only award her
near-masterpiece would win.
Best Actress went to Charlize Theron, the
expected frontrunner, for her portrayal of a les-
bian serial killer in "Monster." However, the
See OSCARS, Page 7A

U.S. Mannes arrive in
Haiti as leader resigns

Anticipating John Kerry as the even-
tual Democratic nominee, President
Bush's campaign has begun the assault
on its probable rival.
The Kerry and Bush campaigns are
becoming the dominant forces on the
political field, to the detriment of now-
longshot Sen. John Edwards of North
Carolina. Sen. Kerry of Massachusetts
is expected to sweep the 10 state nomi-
nating contests being held during
tomorrow's "Super Tuesday," when
1,151 delegates to the Democratic
National Convention will be at stake.
Bush will launch his first wave of TV
ads this Thursday.
"We've entered a phase of the race
where we fully expect a two-man race
between Bush and Senator Kerry,"
said Bush campaign spokesman
Kevin Madden.
na Rneh mnra thinl u 4ilpd ntnk n

U.N Security Council approves
deployment ofpeaceeepingforce
durnng emergency meeting
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) - President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide resigned and flew into
exile yesterday, pressured by a bloody rebellion
and the United States. Gunfire crackled as the
capital fell into chaos, and U.S. Marines arrived
in the country.
The contingent totaled fewer than 100 Marines
and more were to arrive today. They were the van-
guard of a multinational force that the U.N. Secu-
rity Council approved late yesterday night, and
France said it would send troops today.
"The government believes it is essential that
Haiti have a hopeful future. This is the beginning of
a new chapter," President Bush said at the White
House. "I would urge the people of Haiti to reject
violence, to give this break from the past a chance
to work. And the United States is prepared to help."
Aristide's whereabouts were uncertain late yes-
terday, with officials saying his jet stopped to
refuel in the Caribbean island nation of Antigua.
A senior Caribbean Community official said

Aristide told him during the refueling stop he was
bound for South Africa.
After word spread of the president's departure,
angry Aristide supporters roamed the streets
armed with old rifles, pistols, machetes and
sticks. Some fired wildly into crowds on the
Champs de Mars, the main square in front of the
National Palace.
The head of Haiti's supreme court said he was
taking charge of the government, and a key rebel
leader said he welcomed the arrival of foreign
"I think the worst is over, and we're waiting for
the international forces. They will have our full
cooperation," Guy Philippe told CNN.
The crisis has been brewing since Aristide's
party swept flawed legislative elections in 2000,
prompting international donors to freeze millions
of dollars in aid.
Opponents also accused Aristide of breaking
promises to help the poor, allowing corruption
fueled by drug trafficking and masterminding
attacks on opponents by armed gangs - charges
the president denied.
The discontent erupted into violence 3 1/2
See HAITI, Page 2A

Haitians roam the streets in front of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, yesterday, after President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide resigned and flew into exile.

LSA-SG considers language-requirement changes

A---+---+ 11

By Krmistn PDvbvlski xnIoratorv nrocess for students. can inrorm aaministrators or student wisnes deparunents.

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