10 -- The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 20, 2004 FRIDAY FOCUS All of my life, I have lived as a transp lant. Born in Michigan, raised in South Carolina,. I've moved back and forth between the two dozens oftimes. It isn't that my f amily hasn't felt at home in either place - quite the con trary. We are intoxicated, like so many others, with the smell of the saltmarsh and the brutal hmidity of the South and, conversely with the serenity and civility of Michigan.Mymother, a University graduate and 1985 Hopwood, Award winner, composecta poem to accompany these phlotos; which pay a Tribute to the Southerncity that still has not worked its waout of my bloodstream. It stands in sharpcon- trast to the normal Spring Break destinations, with their tacky neon, all-night parties, and drunken, scanti- ly-clad women. In a sea of Spring Break smut and sex, Charleston floats with an ancient dignity and grace. - Forest Casey "Rainbow Row" on East Bay Street is the largest continuous row of Georgian townhouses in the world.-The show of color In these homes Is much more tasteful than the neon of South Carolina's other vacation city, Myrtle Beach. Photos by rsCDaily Staff Photographer Poetryb Elizabethj b~erszt, University Alum a ( t j ~ My mother, the poet, Is pictured pnce .a a> of on an "wAo- 6/ed 6atte.~ t;dcry , W a 6o6re GaG a d a4/ f&. he- ,aado&f & mo,194e& 6etwee, MelA& &a* a4& w Me fcol t um / tfdtGaelet, Jhere In pure Lemony Snicket style with my sister Claire among the river pylons In Charleston. Att~~twwed idecvy t V teP/once wa& a worna* Gh&UEJ~ chda evd' woe a moat fgf etgnnevw, a>6ooEiji( o va9rc gf friI&b~oo oeU ' and BweeW tea. - le and 6kirt y:cltr ,9e.eonce wa& a woman' who-Ahad 1w o xt wmo, Anww Ito MtthW at the i aW ef - A e, ,a eiyPl CA4 6Iot fe tARei f e q had ciwn6kdav/dof_ 6o 'y a wtne, and av~ acchkntal ma-wioh' Right: The Old Exchanige and" Provost Dungeon, also on East Bay Street, Is considered to be one of the - top three Colonial buildings in historicat significance in the United States. Left: Though the beaches of South Carolina are not always sandy, their beauty Is undeniable. Below: Charleston's residents, still cannot rival the. age Of the city, which was founded In ,1670.'; m -'-MEN t I~ ~ ME ME i