4A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 16, 2004 OPINION 420 MAYNARD STREET UANN ARBOR, MI 48109 opinion .mchignaily.com tothedaily@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JORDAN SCHRADER Editor in Chief JASON Z. PESICK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE The two defining events for this year have been the State of the Union and the 'Meet the Press' interview, and both have been colossal failures." - A Republican election strategist, speaking on condition of anonymity, explaining why President Bush is set to begin an aggressive campaign, as reported yesterday in The New York Times. SAM BUTLER THE SOAPBOX Lamenting the loss of an American institution JOEL HOARD OT YEAH? "People will come, Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steam- rollers. It has been erased like a black- board, rebuilt and erased again. But base- ball has marked the time. This field, this game: It 's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good, and it could be again. Oh, people will come, Ray. People will most definitely come. i dt's been 15 years since I first saw "Field of Dreams" and heard James Earl Jones intone those lovely words, but they still get me every time. I've never cried during a movie, but whenever I hear that speech, I come awfully close. One of these times I'll lose it. You see, I've long held a romantic notion that baseball is America's lifeblood, the one constant in an otherwise chaotic world. Baseball is the national pastime for a reason; it holds a special place in our collective heart. At least it used to. As Sean McAdam writes on ESPN.com, "More out of habit than anything else, we still refer to base- ball as the national pastime." Now baseball is somewhat of a relic, something Ameri- cans hold in their minds not because they necessarily enjoy it or appreciate it, but because it's a part of our national identity. It's a lot like the national anthem: It holds true significance to but a few; to the rest it's something we pretend to care about for the sake of our nation's wellbeing. I consider myself among those few who still relish baseball for the institution it once was. It's one of the few things that get me through the winter doldrums. The second the first snow starts to fall, I remind myself: Just wait until March. Baseball will be back. The snow will melt; the grass will turn green; and the boys of summer will return. No matter how hard I try to escape it, I have to face the fact that I'll always be just a dorky white guy. I can explain the infield fly rule and why it exists. I can tell you how slugging percent- age is calculated. I can give you Ty Cobb's lifetime batting average. I can write you a 5,000-word essay on how the A-Rod-to- the-Yankees trade is the best/worst thing to ever happen to baseball. Call me a baseball junkie, which is why I felt a pang of sadness when I read McAdam's piece. Because football - and not baseball - as he explains, is Ameri- ca's sport of choice in 2004. To be sure, it's not a novel idea that football has replaced baseball as the national pastime. Even the most casual and uninformed fan can tell you that football now dominates the American sports landscape. It would be easy to blame it all on base- ball itself. The players and owners are greedy and constantly at odds, and there may or may not be a steroid epidemic. But most of the blame falls with mod- ern American society. We are a people obsessed with violence and anger, and we like cheap thrills and flashiness. It's a fact that's reflected in our preference of foot- ball to baseball. We turn to football for release. We relish in its violence. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that. I enjoy football as much as the next guy, but it can never be the intellectual pursuit that baseball is. After watching a baseball game, I feel enlight- ened, and the world makes a little bit more sense. After watching a football game, I feel stupider, and I crave raw meat. The contrast between the two sports was perhaps best described by Washington Post columnist Thomas Boswell in a piece he wrote in 1987: "Football is played best full of adrenaline and anger. Moderation seldom finds a place. Almost every act of baseball is a blending of effort and con- trol; too much of either is fatal." But Americans no longer desire moder-. ation and restraint. The very mention of the concepts is enough to make most peo- ple cringe. How else can we explain why the football championship game has such a gaudy word as "super" in its name? Unfortunately, this has become a nation of meatheads. Americans don't want to think about anything on any level, espe- cially not when they're watching sports. There's no other place in the world where guys like Terry Bradshaw and Sean Salis- bury would be labeled "analysts." I hope that one day the average Ameri- can will come to appreciate baseball's refinement and sophistication once again. But for now I'm left to ask, what happened to my country? Hoard can be reached at j.ho@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Language requirement comes too late to make a real difference for students TO THE DAILY: I am in full agreement with Dan Adams's proposal to abolish the language requirement (Estoy enojado, 02/11/04) but I believe he fails to address some of the most important reasons to do so. First, college is simply too late to force the language burden on people. If someone hasn't learned a language by the time he is a first-year student, the odds he will learn it in subsequent years are not worth the effort the University invests in attempting to teach him. While proponents of the requirement point out that other countries always teach their students English, they do so starting in ele- mentary school or earlier. If Americans are going to learn another language, it needs to happen long before college - the current program simply doesn't work well. Related to this first problem is the issue of fairness. Every other requirement the University imposes on students is universal. No matter how much attention I paid to natural sciences in high school, I still have to take at least seven credits when I arrive at the University. The same is true for every student in every requirement, except in language. Consequently, students who have learned a language early in life or had access to a high quality language program in primary or secondary school have a diminished require- ment load compared to students without these advantages. Finally, there is the illogical nature of the claim by language requirement proponents that language is too important a skill to neg- lect in modern society. While this claim is certainly true - if exaggerated in extent - it is alsoutrue that more important skills have no requirements at all, let alone the four semesters of language students are forced to take. All students should know how to use a computer, compute interest payments and speak effectively in public, but these issues receive only indirect attention at best. Like Adams, I have no problem with the language departments, but I do take issue with an unfair, illogical and ineffective language requirement. DYLAN KEENAN LSA freshman n -n , ] s irn , rM ,,Ye entrepreneurs, and he advocates the elimi- nation of these laws. Suppose you are an upstart entrepreneur with a revolutionary new idea. Without any intellectual property laws to protect your idea, someone with established economic power could just copy it and bring it to mar- ket without giving you a single dime. So instead of being rewarded for your idea, you are forced to either starve or work for one of the "rich industrialists" that Paul mentions. Then the next time you come up with an idea, perhaps you'll keep it to your- self because.there's no point in making the rich even richer. Or you won't have time to come up with a new idea because you're working in a factory. The problem with Paul's proposed solu- tion of eliminating intellectual property laws is that it removes the economic incen- tive for innovation, invention and creativi- ty. And contrary to his belief that the only purpose of the laws is to protect the eco- nomic elite, they also protect the rights of people with new ideas against that same economic elite. I agree with Paul that the recording industry is not deserving of pity. However, the best way to avoid handing your hard earned money to the recording industry is to buy songs directly from the musicians. The technology to allow this kind of purchase already exists, and hope- fully musicians will begin to cut the recording industry out of the loop. Elimi- nating the only protection that musicians have against the theft of their music, as Paul advocates, will only make the things worse. VIKAs REDDY Engineering sophomore roups' accts show they don't understand V-Day meaning To THE DAILY: Last Friday, campus activists gathered on the Diag as part of a week-long cele- bration of V-day. V-day is an international campaign whose purpose is to raise aware- ness about violence against women. The American Movement for Israel and the Jewish Women's Forum apparently missed that point. While condoms bearing the slo- gan "Israel, it's still safe to come" distrib- uted by these groups are certainly clever, they have no relevance to V-day, or to end- and Palestinian women in Israel. Perhaps a more appropriate handout would have included information about abuse of women within Israel and Palestine. For example, Palestinian women under occu- pation are often subject to abuse from the Israeli Army, including sexual harassment and rape. Within Israel, the increased mili- tarization of Israeli society has contributed to a rise in domestic violence and rape rates in the past few years. In the United States, approximately one in five women will be raped in her lifetime, and in Israel, one in three women will be sexually assaulted. Whitewashing the situation for women in Israel is incredibly naive and undermines the purpose of V-Day in its efforts to end violence against women worldwide. ABBY HAUSLOHNER LSA junior SHOsH RUSKIN LSA senior Ruskin and Hauslohner are co-chairs of the Progressive Arab Jewish Alliance Article headline creates misconception of Protest TO THE DAILY: The title of the article "Gratz speaks at Union amidst massive protest" is mislead- ing. I was studying at the Michigan Union at the time of the protest and went to the lobby to see what was going on. There were far fewer than 50 people there, even at the peak. There were less than 10 people actually yelling outside the door of the Pond Room. The rest of the people in the lobby were curious onlookers waiting to see something interesting happen. This was not at all a "massive" protest. If I am able to studyhin a roomjust a few feet from where this was taking place it could not possibly be "massive." The title is dis- respectful to all truly "massive" and important protests that have taken place on this campus and in this country. MICHAEL ROHDE LSA junior 4 4 ,_ . e . :::.... ,:.. I