2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 16, 2004
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City can't
handle gay
Demand for same-sex marriage
licenses has been so great that yester-
day officials turned away hundreds of
gay and lesbian couples lined up out-
side City Hall, saying they simply did-
n't have the time or resources to meet
all the requests.
San Francisco authorities calculated
they could process 400 licenses during
special weekend hours - but on Satur-
day they granted 600 licenses and per-
formed 270 weddings by late
afternoon. Then officials gave numbers
to 320 couples, securing them places in
line for yesterday.
After quickly distributing another 80
numbers yesterday morning, disap-
pointed couples lined up around the
block were asked to return today.
"We're at capacity right now," said
Mabel Teng, the official who over-
sees marriage licenses for city gov-
ernment. "We normally do about 20
to 30 couples a day. We're doing
about 50 to 60 an hour."
Many couples stayed in line despite
instructions from city officials, hoping
to receive numbers today.
"It's a major disappointment," said
Jill Kasofsky, 40, who had lined up
with spouse-to-be Cynthia Juno, 45, at
8:15 a.m. after driving up from Los
Angeles. "I'm thinking about coming
back at midnight to sleep on the side-
walk. I'm sure I won't be alone."
Couples from even farther away said
they were ready to stay in town for as
long as it took.
"Mentally, we came prepared to
camp out if we had to," said Mike Fry,
43, who flew out Saturday from Min-
neapolis with George Hamm, 44, his
partner of 20 years.
In a controversial challenge to both
legal and social convention, San Fran-
cisco officials began issuing same-sex
licenses and officiating at City Hall
marriages on Thursday. The city has
gone out of its way to provide the
services - City Hall is normally
closed on Sundays.
The decision prompted two conser-
vative groups to press for court inter-
vention. But on Friday a judge allowed
the weddings to continue through the
The issue returns to court tomorrow,
when judges will hear separate
requests from advocates of traditional
marriage to void the licenses and order
the city to stop giving them out.
The two organizations argue that the
licenses violate state law, which
defines marriage as the union of a man
and a woman. San Francisco officials
counter that they are legally binding
documents that take a swipe at discrim-
ination against same-sex couples.
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Shooting linked to 23 other Ohio attacks
The day after the chief investigator said authorities were closing in on a serial
highway shooter, a man stood in plain view on an overpass and fired a handgun at
cars below. He then walked to his car and slipped into traffic.
Ballistics testing has confirmed that the Saturday morning shooting was the
24th in a series in the Columbus area, investigators said yesterday. No one was
injured in that shooting.
The bullet recovered from the battery of a sport utility vehicle struck on Inter-
state 70 matches eight others recovered during the investigation, including the one
that killed a woman in November, according to a news release. The others have
been linked by factors including location and circumstances.
Experts said the shooter is becoming bolder after evading capture for three
months, when authorities first established a pattern in the shootings.
"He's sending a message to police: 'You're not as close as you think you are. I
can shoot in broad daylight, and you still won't find me,' " said Jack Levin, a
criminologist and director of the Brudnick Center on Violence at Northeastern
Police capture No. 41 on Iraqi fugitive list
A special Iraqi police unit arrested a senior Baath Party leader on the U.S. mili-
tary's most-wanted list during a raid yesterday on his home in a Baghdad suburb.
The capture of Mohammed Zimam Abdul Razaq leaves only 10 top figures still at
large from the list of 55 issued after the Saddam Hussein regime fell. Abdul Razaq
was No. 41, and the four of spades in the military's "deck of cards" of top fugitives.
Deputy Interior Minister Ahmed Kadhum Ibrahim touted the arrest as evidence
that the still-rebuilding Iraqi police force "can be depended upon in the fight
against terrorism" - looking to give his troops a boost a day after police in the
turbulent city of Fallujah were overwhelmed by dozens of gunmen in one of the
best organized guerrilla attacks yet.
U.S. officials gave conflicting reports yesterday on whether foreign fighters or
Saddam loyalists carried out the bold, daytime assault on the Fallujah police station.
At least 25 people, mostly police, were killed in the raid, more than 30 people were
wounded and the attackers freed dozens of prisoners at the station. The assault raised
questions about whether Iraqi security forces are ready to take the front line against
the insurgency when the United States hands over power to the Iraqis on June 30.
f >
Calif. leaders debate
budget crisis plans
California is quickly running out of
cash and bracing for acute financial
pain following three years of political
procrastination and budget bungling.
Now voters must decide if it makes
more sense to approve a $15 billion
bailout bond that might extend the mis-
ery for a decade or more, or suffer it
more intensely through temporary tax
increases and deep spending cuts.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying
to convince voters the bitter medicine
should be dispensed gradually - that
paying back the bailout bond over the
next nine to 14 years is the most humane
way for California to rehabilitate itself.
His opponents say California will be
making a terrible mistake if it shoulders
long-term debt to solve short-term
problems. In either case, it's clear the
time has come for California to balance
its checkbook.
SEOUL, South Korea
S. Korea to deploy
3,000 troops in Iraq
Secretary of State Colin Powell
expressed "deep appreciation" to South
Korea's foreign minister in a phone call
yesterday for the parliament's decision
to send 3,000 troops to Iraq, the gov-
ernment said.
South Korea's National Assembly on
Friday approved the deployment, the
third-largest contribution to coalition
forces after the United States and Britain.
South Korea already has 465 medics
and engineers in the southern Iraqi city
of Nasiriyah. More South Korean
troops are expected in the northern
Iraqi city of Kirkuk before the end of
April. The deployment - likely to
include special forces commandos and
marines - will be responsible for secu-
rity and reconstruction in the area.
Chinese orders boost
Minn. ining region
Trainload after trainload of iron pellets
rumble out of town, usually on their way
to a U.S. steelmaker. But China's explod-
ing steel demand has created a new mar-
ket for U.S. ore and brought jobs back to
Minnesota's struggling Iron Range, the
center of U.S. iron ore mining.
U.S. Steel's Minntac plant here is fir-
ing up an idled ore production,'line to
meet a 650,000 metric ton order by
Shandong Taishan Iron and Steel Co.
And in nearby Eveleth, Laiwu Steel
bought a 30 percent stake in what had
been a shuttered ore plant, under a part-
nership with Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
The move put 385 people back to
work in Eveleth, which had suffered
layoffs at the mine and other companies.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
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US. army
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1) Press. ADDRESS:1
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BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - As the NEWS
United States military draws up long- 763.2459, new
term plans to leave Iraq, top officers EDITORS: Jeremy B
looking to the U. intervention in STAFF: Farayha Arrive,M
are S. Fresand, Alison Go, Meg
Bosnia's civil war as a model for an McCormack, Naila More
American exit strategy here. OPINION
The United States will keep combat 7630379, opliu
teams in Iraq for the next few years, STAFF: Benjamin Bass,I
pulling them gradually out of cities into Andy Kula,Jessica Ris
the countryside, and then perhaps into CRTOONSTS: SavyaB
Kuwait and other countries. Eventually it Meziish, Ar Paul, ZacP
will leave entirely, said Maj. Gen. SPORTS
Charles H. Swannack, commander of 7r
the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division. NIGHT EDITORS: Josh H
A slower version of this pullout plan Herbert,Brad ohnso";
is under way in Bosnia, with peace- Kyle O'Neill, Jake Rose
keeping forces dwindling from 60,000 ARTS
in 1995 to about 12,000 now. 763.0379, artsp
"You have the 82nd Airborne Divi- SENIOR EDITOR, W
sion that can jump in here to reinforce EDITORS, WEEKEN
jump SUB-EDITORS: Andrew M.
regional forces, or you have Marine STAFF: Jennie Adler, R
offshore forces that can come in here anmeer Joel Hoard, I
Evan Mcarvey, Vanes
and reinforce for a while," Swannack Serilla, Jaya Soni, Anth
said in an interview with The Associat- PHOTO
ed Press. "That's what we have in 764.0563, phot
The military's two-year disengage- STAFF: Trevor Campbell,
ment plan could be upended by any O'Donnell, Al"Olsen,S
number of events in Iraq. Civil war ONLINE
between its ethnic and religious groups 763.2459, onlin
might prolong the occupation, or it could STAFF: Bethany Dykstr
be shortened by the election of an Iraqi
government that orders the Americans .
out, said Anthony Cordesman, a military DISPLAY S
analyst with the Center for Strategic and 764.0554, disph
International Studies in Washington. ASSOCIATE MANA(
y (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
niversity of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies
at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail
term (January through April) is $110, yearlong (September through April) is $190. University
ect to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscrip-
paid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate
The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. E-mail letters to the
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'Feb 16th
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