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February 11, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-02-11

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Wednesday, February 11, 2004

News 3
Opinion 4
Sports 10

MSA funds buses to
D.C. abortion march
DPS should be hands-
off while off-campus
Michigan basketball
prepares for Minnesota

Oft-forgotten animated gem 'The Critic' returns on DVD ... Arts, Page 8


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One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michigmdaiy.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 94 02004 The Michigan Daily

'U':Cause of, flu
was norovirus

Students for a Democratic Society founder Alan Haber speaks In Angell Hall on Tuesday, Haber, a longtime Ann Arbor resident,
formed the organization in 1959. He was key in SDS's movements In the 1960s protesting the Vietnam War, poverty, racial
injustice and imperialism.
SDS founder hpsfor
new revival oncampus

By Ashley Dinges
Daily Staff Reporter
University officials confirmed yester-
day that norovirus - a highly conta-
gious virus that spreads easily in close
quarters - caused the outbreak that
began last week in Mary Markley Resi-
dence Hall and recently spread to other
residence halls such as East Quad.
The health officials said they are
making headway in fighting the out-
break of viral gastroenteritis - com-
monly known as the stomach flu -
caused by the virus.
"I don't think we're done but this
seems to be coming under control,"
University Health Service spokesman
Robert Winfield said.
Winfield added that although
norovirus can be transmitted by
food, the University's Department of
Occupational Safety and Environ-
mental Health has been unable to
link the Markley outbreak to a food
source, especially because food-
borne outbreaks typically occur in
higher numbers.
"The University of North Carolina
had an outbreak of 300 students earlier
this year, and they were able to trace it
back to the salad bar in the cafeteria,
but not which item in the bar was the
problem," Winfield said.
"In this case we were not able to
identify a common shared food that

would have caused this to be food-
borne," he added.
Data collected by the Washtenaw
County Health Department and OSEH
was sent to the Michigan Department
of Community Health last week, where
the tests were conducted.
"We've been working together as a
collaborative team," said Winfield.
He said he has a positive opinion
about the University's handling of the
viral outbreak.
"I'm pleased with the outcome so
far. When you consider that there are
(many) students in Markley and it
appears that well less than 10 percent
became sick, that's really good," Win-
field said.
Housing spokesman Alan Levy said
in total, 93 students reported them-
selves as having flu-like symptoms in
the last week. But after interviewing
students, OSEH confirmed that 11
cases were not related to the Markley
"OSEH can say 11 of them have
been eliminated for further considera-
tion because they either had symp-
toms unrelated to this, or they weren't
even sick at all," Levy said. "The
actual number of cases we're still
looking at is 82."
Levy said two new cases were
reported in East Quad Residence Hall,
and one case was reported in South
Quad Residence Hall.

In addition, several new cases were
reported in Markley, but as OSEH con-
tinues to investigate the outbreak, they
may be able to eliminate more cases.
Levy said dining service employees
will continue to take precautions to pre-
vent the spread of the virus.
"We think we have very high
standards to begin with. All of that
has been re-done in terms of com-
munication to the staff the high
concerns of handling food safely.
That's across all dining rooms, not
just Markley, to make sure we are
staying ahead wherever there are
possibilities of transmission," Levy
Both Levy and Winfield said that
many of the precautions taken by the
University were directly related to
"We decided that since we thought it
was probably the germ and since it's
the hardest to contain we would go
ahead and be as aggressive as we could
be, feeling that that was the appropri-
ate thing to do in light of our suspi-
cions," Winfield said.
Some students like LSA freshman
Brad Lazarus seem to be less wor-
ried about contracting the virus, as
the number of cases decreases.
Lazarus is a Frederick House resi-
dent in South Quad, where one stu-
dent has been infected.
See FLU, Page 7

By Melissa Benton
Daily Staff Reporter
More than 40 years after Students for a Democratic Soci-
ety was first formed in Ann Arbor, the organization's origi-
nal president is urging students to bring it back to campus.
Ann Arbor resident Alan Haber and other community
members discussed last night how to create an "association
of comradeship" and promote the ideals that gave the group
nationwide attention decades ago.
Haber, who founded SDS in 1959, encouraged students
to get involved in the progressive and liberal organization
because, he said, college students can make a difference in
Despite scant attendence, participants discussed ways to
solve problems ranging from fascism to the economy to
business conglomerates.
"I'm just searching for avenues and trying to find differ-
ent communities that are interested in these issues because
they are very important issues," LSA freshman Paul
Abowd said.
Haber said he would like to see changes in the Bush
administration's war policy, the liberation of Palestine and a
fight against poverty.
"It's the big picture that is the focus rather than one of
these in particular. All of these issues hang together,"
Haber added.
The ultimate goal of SDS is to produce a world free from
violence and poverty., Haber said. "I want to see if these
memories of old struggles can forge a culture of peace and
nonviolence for the children of the world," Haber said.
SDS committed itself in the 1960s to resolving many
important issues - such as racial injustice, poverty, and
imperialism. Yet they are most known for their 25,000-per-
son march on Washington protesting the Vietnam War in
April 1965.

.IT ( .1 "

"1 want to see if these memones
of old struggles can forge a
culture of peace and non violence
Moree ceagles ,ffalconsl
for the chiden of the world:

- Alan Haber
Founder, Students for a Democratic Society

By Naila Moreira
Daily Staff Reporter

recreational parks

History Professor Matthew Lassiter said SDS represents
an opportunity for college students to come together and
make a difference in American politics.
"SDS proved that students had the potential to be in the
vanguard of social change," he said.
SDS grew out of the League for Industrial Democracy,
established in 1905. Haber joined the organization as a Uni-
versity student in the 1950s.
By 1959 the organization was named Students for a Democ-
ratic Society. In 1962, several SDS members wrote a list of
goals, which later became known as the Port Huron Statement.
"There were a number of University students involved in
the Port Huron Statement, particularly Thomas Hayden who
was the main writer," Lassiter said. Hayden, later a state
senator in California, attended the University from 1957 to
1961 and was editor in chief of the Michigan Daily in 1960.
According to a recent article called " The Port Huron
Statement at 40" written by Hayden and posted on his web-
site, the original ideas spread very modestly at first and then
quickly grew much stronger.
"SDS represented the first defections from the mainstream.
The student government leaders and campus newspaper edi-
tors who came to Port Huron asserted the notion of student
See SDS, Page 7

The bald eagle reported hunting near the University Hos-
pital last week would have been unusual several years ago.
But now, city ornithologist Dea Armstrong to whom the
bird sightings are reported - says she's not so surprised.
Birds of prey like the bald eagle - once rare enough to be
counted on the U.S. endangered species list - have
rebounded in the state and nationwide.
University students, faculty. and staff can now expect to
see birds of prey even near campus, she said.
Armstrong said the recovery of these birds is due largely
to the 1972 U.S. ban on the pesticide DDT, Armstrong said.
Once used for crop pest control, DDT causes birds of
prey to lay eggs whose shells are too thin, said ecology and
evolutionary biology Prof. David Mindell, co-curator of
birds at the University's Museum of Zoology. Parent birds
may inadvertently crush these thin-shelled eggs while mov-
ing about the nest.
Predatory birds are exposed to pesticides like DDT
because they eat smaller birds and fish, which in turn
have eaten insects or seeds contaminated with the pesti-

"The pesticides get concentrated in birds of prey because
they're at the top of the food chain;' Mindell said.
Birds of prey recover slowly from environmental shocks
compared to other birds, due to several biological factors, he
First, birds of prey breed slowly compared to songbirds.
Peregrine falcons, for instance, breed only once a year,
while smaller songbirds can lay two or more clutches of
eggs per summer, he said. Secondly, young birds of certain
species are slow to reach maturity.
"For species like the bald eagle, they don't breed until
they're five or six (years old)," Mindell said. Birds of prey
also need larger territories than small birds and tend to have
lower population densities, he said, which further slows their
Armstrong said, since the ban on DDT, "almost all
kinds of large birds at the top of the food chain are
increasing in numbers." She added that in the Ann
Arbor area, the populations most positively affected by
the ban are eagles, Cooper's hawks, peregrine falcons
and osprey.
The Cooper's hawk is now common even in the mid-
dle of town, she said. "You'll see Cooper's hawks on
See BIRD, Page 7

Kerry claims two
victories in South,
Clark to drop out

Nation of Islam
speaker highlights
struggles of blacks

Kerry vanquished his Dixie-bred rivals
in Virginia and Tennessee on yesterday,
all but unstoppable in his march
toward the Democratic nomination
with a Southern sweep that extended
his dominance to every region of the
And after finishing third in both pri-
maries, Wesley Clark, the novice
politician with four-star military cre-
dentials, abandoned his presidential
bid yesterday. The retired Army gener-
al will return to Little Rock, Ark.,
today to announce his departure from
the race, said campaign spokesman
Matt Bennett.
"Americans are voting for change -
East and West North and now in the

Kerry crushed Edwards and Clark in
Dean, the fallen front-runner, fin-
ished in single digits in Virginia and
Tennessee, the latter the home state of
political benefactor Al Gore. Dean had
already retreated with his staggering
campaign to Wisconsin, site of a Feb.
17 primary.
Edwards, a successful trial lawyer
before entering politics, tells voters at
every stop that he is the only candidate
who could beat Texas-reared Bush in
his own backyard, the South, yet he
lost to a Massachusetts Brahmin in
Dixie. Edwards will remain in the race,
aides said yesterday, pointing to his
troubled campaign to Wisconsin and
March 2. when 10 delegate-rich states

By Farayha Arrine
Daily Staff Reporter
Nation of Islam minister David
Muhammad said he believes the gov-
ernment still prevents blacks from suc-
ceeding in life.
"(They) do not want to see the rise
of the black man, the black woman (or)
the black family," he said, adding that
the U.S had always failed to implement
justice for blacks.
To celebrate the 95th birthday of the
National Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People, the Universi-
ty's chapter invited Muhammad to
speak last night at the Michigan Union
on the role of black college students in
the black community.
Erin Johnson, president of the Uni-
versity's chapter of the NAACP said

goes down on campus that they're not
a part of," he said.
He added that black college students
were not given the proper education
needed to ameliorate their low status
on campus.
"They are only giving us an educa-
tion to fit into a system that they have
designed ... or programmed ... to
attain certain goals," Muhammad said.
"(The education) does not give us spir-
itual force ... the repair work and sal-
vage that is needed to save blacks is
not given to us."
He added that this was done because
the authorities wanted to keep their
"ruling seats of power."
LSA sophomore Sean Robinson
who attended the event said blam-
ing whites was inaccurate because
of the cases of "black on black

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