The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 3A
Thousands of
dollars in radio
equipment stolen
The Department of Public Safety
reported that two handheld radios was
stolen from the Aerospace Engineering
propulsion laboratory. Each two-way
radio is valued at $2,000, and they
were stolen from a maintenance area
earlier this month.
Stranger wanders
into MoJo dorm,
steals wallet
A Mosher-Jordan resident called
DPS Monday after an unknown sus-
pect walked into his unlocked room
and stole his wallet. The victim was in
his dorm at the time of the theft, but
had his back turned to the suspect. The
suspect was not apprehended by DPS,
but leads are being investigated.
Suspect swipes,
damages MLB
tech equipment
A computer keyboard was vandalized
and a computer mouse was stolen from a
computer lab in room 2001 of the Mod-
ern Languages Building Tuesday,
according to DPS reports. University
staff reported the incident to DPS, and
the keyboard damage was estimated at
$30. There are no suspects in the case.
Drunken Couzens
resident taken to
University Hospital
DPS was notified that a student
was sick early Sunday morning in
Couzens Residence Hall. The stu-
dent was transported to the Univer-
sity Hospital that day. The subject
may have been intoxicated and it is
unknown if a citation was issued for
the incident.
Sexual assault
reported between
0 hospital employees
DPS is currently investigating a
report of criminal sexual conduct,
involving unwanted touching, that
occurred between two University Hos-
pital employees Sunday. The incident
occurred in a parking lot. The case is
pending investigation.
Cash stolen from
unattended purse
at 'U' Hospital
A staff member of the University
Hospital reported that a $50 bill
was taken from a purse she left
unattended Sunday morning. The
cash was the only item missing
from the purse, and DPS has no sus-
pects in the case.
Wallet stolen at
NCRB gymnasium
DPS responded to a student's
report that his wallet was stolen
from the North Campus Recreation
Building Monday afternoon. The
wallet was left unattended in the
gym of the NCRB. The value of the
wallet and its contents are unknown.
*Cell phone taken
from Undergrad
A student reported that a cellular
phone left unattended was stolen
Monday from the UGLi. The value
of the phone and the location of the
theft are currently unknown, but
DPS warns that the Undergraduate
Library is often a "hot spot" for lar-
ceny of unattended items.
Bus rider with
medical problem
suffers seizures
DPS reports indicate that a person
suffered seizures while riding a Uni-
versity bus on Fuller Road Monday.
The person suffered unknown medical
problems, and was transferred to Uni-
versity Hospital emergency room
Thief steals chair
from Residence
Hall lounge
A caller reported to DPS that a
lounge chair was stolen from Stock-
well Residence Hall late Monday after-
Times reporter questions rationale of SUNsR
By Nalla Moreira
Daily Staff Reporter
That shiny red sport utility vehicle
may be the coolest car in the parking lot,
but it and other SUVs pose severe safety
hazards for drivers and pedestrians, New
York Times reporter Keith Bradsher said
to a crowd gathered at the School of
Natural Resources and Environment
Bradsher added that drivers younger
than 25 are more likely to get into dan-
gerous accidents with SUVs.
"Teenagers and young drivers
should not drive SUVs," Bradsher
said following the talk. "Even the
vice president for safety of Ford
(Motor Co.) said that she doesn't
believe in SUVs for young drivers."
Bradsher's talk focused on his new
book, "High and Mighty: The Danger-
ous Rise of the SUV," which can be
bought at local bookstores. The talk
was co-sponsored by the University's
Center for Sustainable Systems and its
Office for the Study of Automotive
The book represents his nearly 10
years of research on SUVs and the auto-
motive industry. He spent much of that
time covering automotive issues in
Michigan as Detroit bureau chief for the
Times from 1996 to 2001.
In the book, Bradsher describes the
history of SUVs and details their impact
on road safety and the environment. He
writes that the primary danger to the
driver of an SUV is that the vehicle is
more likely to roll over than a smaller
car. "Hitting a curb can flip you in a less
stable vehicle. You're much more likely
to flip when you're in an SUV"he said.
He reports that SUVs represent a seri-
ous danger to smaller vehicles. Because
they are taller than other cars, they may
bypass the bumper and other protective
features of small cars and strike more
vulnerable areas. Also, in highly popu-
lated areas, the lower maneuverability of
SUVs makes them a particular threat to
pedestrians, he said.
This lower maneuverability, renders
SUVs more difficult for young people
to control, he added. Although parents
believe the large vehicles will keep their
children safer, "it's particularly a mistake
for young people because of their
propensity for getting into rollovers and
getting distracted," he said.
Bradsher said the automobile industry
has begun to address safety concerns.
For example, 15 automobile manufac-
turers have pledged to redesign their
SUV models by 2009 so that the vehi-
cles' hardest parts will collide with the
harder parts of smaller cars in the event
of an accident. Some manufacturers,
such as Ford, have also voluntarily
improved the environmental impact of
their SUVs.
Some audience members expressed
concerns that increased regulations
could injure an industry that represents a
vital lifeline for the American economy.
"In my opinion, finding ways to
reduce the impact (of regulations) on the
domestic industry hasn't received
enough attention," said Charles Griffith
of Ann Arbor's Ecology Center.
"They're a huge part of the political and
economic base of this country."
When, during his introduction to the
talk, CSS co-drector Greg Keoleian
asked the audience of about 50 whether
anyone owned an SUV, only one person
raised his hand. However, Bradsher said
that nationwide, the vehicles comprise
about 30 percent of all automobile sales.
SNRE student Maya Fischhoff said
she found Bradsher's speech interesting.
"People have a big emotional response
to SUVs. They're big, they're shiny ...
so it's easy to be drawn. Learning about
the social and environmental costs takes
more effort."
Warnings notwithstanding, University
students seem as confident of their driv-
ing abilities as youth have been since the
Blood Fa(
Bl...........ood Face Off Dates
..WalO unwelcoe but doehihingil to doatear
*n aur.e to make apppltmnts on te blood baffle
w~k a mww. 4rbloodatl l.&r
Today -- Mosheri-Jordan' Residence Hall 2-8 p~m.;Pierpot
Commo~ns 126 p~m......
F riday C~%ozens Residene Hail 2-8 p~m.; south Q~uad Resi
deuce Mall 248 p~m.
Moday - Aic Loyd Rsdenceall 28pm;Mr
Markley Residence Hil f2 pm.Mmar
Tuesday -- nvrsity Hfospital Towsley Centr 7'a~.-7 pm.
Fast 9Quad Residence Hall 2-8 pm
0 Feb.1 1± University Hospital Towsley Center 7 a.m.-7p~m
. Feb±12 -- Michigani League 248 pm
Feb. 3 ast Hall Atrium 2-8 pm
Feb. 15 St. Mary's Sttudent Parish,'±13 pm.
Fe~. 16 -aMichigani Union 28 p~m.;4 Melcal School
(Furstenberg Cent) 8.3amr-'8:30 p~m.
VS Feb. 17 -Michigan Union 28 p~m.; lDental School
Feb.1 9 institute for Social Re~search 10 ai. - p m
f: Feb. Z20 Physics Departmn0t (Randall Labratory)
eb 24 - Plan~t Operations 8.30l a.m - 2.30 p~m.
Fe.27 - t Medical enteron Pymotoad a~m. -2p~m.
hockey in
By Victorla Edwads
Daily Staff Reporter
With the outbreak of sickness typical-
ly occurring most during this time of the
year, Co-coordinator of this year's Blood
Face Off Jodi Keller said that blood
donations have been low.
"There has been a severe shortage of
blood in general. (The Red Cross) has
warned people to be careful driving
because the blood is especially low.... It
is especially important that people
donate now to help increase the blood
supply," Keller said.
This year's Blood Face Off is the
second annual competition between
Michigan and Michigan State Univer-
sity to collect the most blood dona-
tions, Keller said.
The drive began Tuesday and will end
on Feb. 27 - one week before the
Michigan hockey team clashes with
Michigan State in Joe Louis Arena on
March 6.
New York Times reporter Keith Bradsher speaks In the Dana Building yesterday
regarding what he calls "The Dangerous Rise of the SUV."
car's invention. But LSA freshman Elizabeth G4,
"I don't feel unsafe in them," said wood, whose family also owns an SU0
LSA freshman Joe Filloy, whose family said that although the vehicles doni
owns an SUV, as do several of his make her feel unsafe, she would not buy,
friends. "I don't feel like it makes them one. "It's too big for me. If feel like I
unsafe if you drive them the way they're can't go as quickly around turns
supposed to be driven." (and) it's harder to park in Ann Arbor."
e 11 Ofhglgts Apr
vairy withcharjitj
The blood drive battle will take place winning side will be recognized at J
at locations around the University, such Louis Arena and may also receive a tra
as residence halls, the University Hospi- phy, Keller said.
tal and the Michigan Union. It is being Art and Design freshman Andre
jointly sponsored by American Red Johnson said he contributed blo&Pd,
Cross and both Michigan and Michigan toward this goal, although not for the
State's chapters of the Alpha Phi Omega most conventional of reasons.
co-ed service fraternity. Donations col- "I like watching the blood, I like the
lected from the drive will be donated to way it looks, that's sort of why I (donate
the Red Cross, Keller said. blood)," Johnson said.
Walk-ins to the blood drive are wel- He added that besides his fascination
come. with watching it trickle out of his vein s,
"The (overall) goal of the blood drive he also donates blood to help the Red
is 1,600 pints. ... We just made our Cross collect blood for a good cause.
(daily) goal today, right on the dot," Engineering sophomore Kyle Dalzie4
Keller said last night. She added that the who also donated yesterday, said his rea
goal was 65 pints for West Quad Resi- son for blood donation also stems from
dence Hall and 50 pints for Bursley Res- his desire to help others.
idence Hall. "This is the third time I've donatedl
While both Michigan and MSU are It's no big deal - it's a relatively pain-,
striving to win the Blood Face Off with less way of helping others out. I do it
at least 1,600 pints of blood, Keller said about twice a year. I started when I gqi
it is too early in the competition to deter- here - they come to where you live so,
mine which side is ahead, although the they make it a really easy way of helping
University came up first last year. The out" Dalziel said.
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