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February 04, 2004 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-02-04

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February 4, 2004



By Michelle Kijek 1 1



WMUZ - Located at 103.5 FM on Ann Arbor's dial, this station is
perfect for locals seeking upbeat and uplifting Christian tracks. The
Praise Company plays the top hits from 4 PM to 9 PM on Monday
thru Friday with personable DJ Robin Sullivan.

3-D Display - Sharp is the innovator of a new technology offering
three-dimensional viewing for personal notebooks without glasses.
Relying on retinal disparity in the eye, two images displayed concur-
rently are presented to create amazing images. The notebooks are now
available for $3,000, but TVs using this technology are not far away.
Imagine what that means for video games ...
"Days of Our Lives" - The pinnacle of wacky daytime television,
this 36-year-old NBC drama has intrigued audiences with its latest
murder mystery revealing leading lady Marlena Evans Black as the
killer last week. The storylines haven't been this exciting since Mar-
lena was possessed by the devil a decade ago.
The Oscars - Sure, they are a month away, but /
that leaves very little time to catch up on an
entire year of cinema before the big night.
Plus, watching those long acceptance speech-
es will be a lot more fun if you know what
they are talking about.'{
"Sex and the City" - With only three
episodes left, this TV landmark is wrap-
ping up its sixth season of steamy scenes
and hilarious antics on HBO. Sarah Jessi-
ca Parker put it best in an interview when
she said they decided to end the show
while it was still good. The star's recent
win at the Golden Globes proves "Sex
and the City" has the potential to end its
run on top.
Courtesy of HBO

Daily Arts Writer
When the name Ohio State gets
tagged onto any joke here in Ann
Arbor, the chances are slim that the
punchline is going to be in favor of
the Buckeyes. How many Ohio State
undergrads does it take to screw in a
light bulb? None - that's a graduate
course. However, Ohio State graduate
Jerry DePizzo, saxophonist for
O.A.R, was able to set aside his opin-
ions on football prowess long enough
to talk with the Daily about how he
and the four other Ohio State alums
who make up O.A.R. have built a
career as a band that has become any-
thing but the butt of a joke.
After a high school study-abroad
semester in Israel, Marc Roberge
(singer, lyricist) and Chris Culos
(drums) traveled back to the United
States and ended up in Columbus,
where their transatlantic experiences
became the foundation for the dynam-
ics of the band. "It's a pretty lofty
name, especially when you're 14 or
15 years old, and basically when
you're 25 you're just trying to live up
to it," said DePizzo. With the majority
of their fan base between 16 and 24
and the large amount of sell-out per-
formances thus far, it is obvious that
the idealistic essence of their name
has been readily accepted.
Most bands might find difficulty in
ascribing to such a fixed audience
because of limitations that
it proposes to the band's
progress, but DePizzo
expressed a much more
receptive attitude. "I think
it's a really cool thing that TA
we draw the age group orA
demographic of people that
we draw because that's the time of
you life when music really means
something to you. You really take it
personally and it becomes a part of

great compliment that people come
out and support our shows at that
age," he said. "You see that you really
mean something to them."
Those who have seen them live
understand how O.A.R. has become
a prominent figure on the jam band
scene. Their high-energy perform-
ances are loaded with improvisa-
tional jams and sing-alongs
highlight this band's repertoire.
"Through college, or, to be honest,
since '98 we've been touring every
weekend. We just keep hammering
away at it until people come to the
shows, and it's because of the live
shows that we've really built up a
fan base."
Now, after signing with a major
record label and releasing their
fifth album only six months ago,
DePizzo commented on the band's
past stratagem and future hopes.
"It's a little bit of luck and basical-
ly taking that fortune and
being very smart about
our decisions and work-
ing hard and realizing
that you have a great
opportunity and not let-
ESS ting it go to waste. Like
you look at a band'like
U2 who's been relevant for .. .
some 20 years in pop culture. At
some point you kind of want to
enjoy that kind of success."

Courtesy o fava

We are not Linkin Park.


your life."
Addressing the high aspirations
that cling to the average college stu-
dent, DePizzo found it most appropri-

ate that because of the laid-back, care-
free attitude that pervades a majority
of O.A.R. songs, students find their
music appealing. "I take it as a really

Lane fails to
deliver on DVD
i r
By Abby Stotz
For the Daily
"Under the Tuscan Sun" is a slightly better-than-average
riff on the romantic comedy genre. It's sort of romantic
and not very funny, but somehow manages to pull itself
together to be a decent movie.
Within the first 10 minutes, Frances Mayes (Diane Lane,
"Unfaithful") goes from being a classy and happily married
book-reviewer to the saddest divorcee _______,______
you'll ever meet. Frances looks like Under the
death warmed over, the epitome of a
rough breakup, and moves into a dreary Tuscan Sun
apartment building infested with people Buena Vista
' sharing her plight. Patty (Sandra Oh,
TV's "Arli$$"), Frances's pregnant lesbian best friend, is
concerned and she sends Frances in her place on the "Gay
and Away" bus tour of Tuscany.
Once there, on the advice of a slightly crazy blonde
woman, Frances buys a broken down villa and settles
down to start a new life. She hires a Polish remodeling
crew, starts learning the language and how to pick olives,
but is still missing something. Eventually, she winds up
falling for Marcello (Raoul Bova), a native complete with
his very own tasteful white leisure suit, and gets back in
action. The rest of the film centers on Frances's path to the
almighty true love and the rocky patches along the way.
The movie is visually stunning and the DVD is set in
Dolby Digital Sound. The visuals are exquisite, complete
with sunflower fields, lush hills and mouthwatering bowls

Local electronic acts take on Prince

By Emily Liu
For the Daily

Ann Arbor darlings Midwest Product
and Dykehouse performed as "Paisley
Product" on Saturday, playing Prince

Courtesy of Buena Vista

covers to an enthusi-
astic crowd at the
Blind Pig.
Midwest Prod-
uct's combination of
electronics with live
instruments brings
an organic feel to
their unique brand
of glitch-pop. Dyke-

Saturday, Jan. 31
At the Blind Pig

Unlike Julia Roberts, I shave my pits.

of pasta. The only real problem with the movie is the star;
Lane seems to be miscast. The supporting characters are
funny, the plot's mediocre-but none of that matters when
Frances continues to look like a sad, decrepit woman
throughout the film. She's too serious for a light romantic
comedy, and that seems to bring the movie's spirit down.
The supporting cast is very good, but the setting is more
compelling then the story.
The disc's extras include a whopping three deleted
scenes, an audio commentary by director Audrey Wells
and a making-of-featurette. This behind-the-scenes look,
entitled "Tuscany 101," doesn't reveal much. In a stunning
revelation, we learn the Polish contractor named Pawel is
really an actor named Pawel and that Italy is a pretty coun-
try. The director, producer, Lane and that guy named Pawel
are all showcased in the featurette. The extras aren't too
great, but then again, neither is the movie.
Movie: **i
Picture/Sound: ****
Features: **

left side of his face, spun videogame-
like music. The Impaler, an electro-pop
band with a gothic twist, followed,
incorporating a vampire cape, fishnets
and a whip.
Midwest Product kept their set short
with only three of their own songs.
Although this was well-received, Pais-
ley Product's performance was what
the audience really craved. Dykehouse
joined the band on stage, opening with
"Take Me With U," and the floor
steadily became more crowded, sweaty
and frenetic.
Choosing songs mainly from Purple
Rain and 1999, Paisley Product enter-
tained the audience with perennial
Prince favorites like "I Would Die 4 U,"
"Little Red Corvette," "Raspberry
Beret" and "Erotic City." The covers
were generally true to the originals,
although updated from the synthesizer
sound to Midwest Product's live instru-
ments, electronic clicks and whirrs. Dif-
ferences in interpretation were most
evident in "Dirty Mind" and "Contro-
versy," with the addition of live guitar.
Dykehouse also exhibited a great falset-
to, complementing his smooth tenor. At
one point, he jokingly apologized to the
audience, saying, "You might want to
clean out your ears after this song." But
this apology was unnecessary, since the
crowd was clearly enjoying the music
and dancing up a storm.
Paisley Product ended the set with

house, a fellow artist on Ghostly Inter-
national, fuses shoegazing, pop and
IDM together in his music. As expected
from musicians who cover Prince songs,
both acts share a sense of humor as well.
The first-time Midwest Product and
Dykehouse united as Paisley Product
last year was a smashing success,
inspiring the crowd to dance madly
into the night. Drew Schmedling
(bass, keyboards) explained that play-
ing Prince covers was Ben Mullins's
(electronics, guitar) idea, and that of
all the band members' various musi-
cal tastes, Prince was the one thing
they all had in common.
The first opening act, Aneurysm, a DJ
with a long scraggly beard on only the

Coresy of hsl nntony al.
Look Eric, it has sprinkles.
a rousing rendition of "1999." Sur-
prisingly, they did not perform "U
Got the Look," considering that the
title of Midwest Product's latest
album, World Series of Love, is lifted
from the song's lyrics.
The concert flyer, featuring Dyke-
house's head superimposed on Prince's
naked body from the Lovesexy album
cover, advertised Saturday's concert as
an "annual tribute to 'The Artist."'
Given the popularity of Paisley Product
with concertgoers, more live shows
might be in the works. Schmedling men-
tioned that there was talk of doing a
show of David Bowie covers. Keep your
fingers crossed.

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