Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Arts 9A O.A.R. discuss the
jam band scene
Opinion 4
Sports 14
Columnist D.C. Lee
explains how to boost
your GPA.
Defining good vs.
bad penalties
Reams begins to develop her offensive game ... Sports, Page 12
£ it st ,il
L .W 11
One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 89
©2004 The Michigan Daily
Two local
this week
Washtenaw County
Shenrs Department looking
for suspected rapist
By Ashley Dinges
Daily Staff Reporter
Two women were allegedly
attacked in the last two days in sex-
ual assaults that may be connected.
The first reported assault
occurred in Washtenaw Community
College's parking lot at about 6:30
p.m. Monday. David Egeler, com-
mander of the Washtenaw County
Sheriff's Department, said a man
grabbed the victim from behind
while she was walking through the
parking lot. He pulled her into his
van, where he allegedly raped her.
The second incident occurred
shortly after midnight yesterday
morning. The victim was found run-
ning without a shirt down Geddes
Road in Superior Township after the
alleged attack. A passing motorist
stopped to assist her.
"We don't know if it was a sexual
assault or not. The victim fled the
area before they had chance to talk
to her," Egeler said.
The second incident was reported
to the scheriff's department by the
driver who stopped to help the
woman and intended to take her to
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. But the
victim jumped out of the vehicle as
the driver was talking on the phone
with the police.
Egeler said he suspects that the
assaults may be related, because
similar vehicles were reported in
both cases. They were both
described as dark-colored, full-size
vans, and the vehicle in the first
incident was reported to have cur-
tains over its windows.
In the second incident, the sus-
pected vehicle was sighted farther
up the road from the victim.
"She appeared to be running from
something, scared. The motorist
drew the conclusion - right or
wrong - that the van was what the
girl was running from," Egeler said.
Sheriff Daniel Minzey, urged the
second victim to contact the depart-
ment, either by phone or their con-
fidential tip line, at 973-7711.
Although the University's Depart-
ment of Public Safety was not
involved in either incident, DPS
See ASSAULTS, Page 7
Lieberman drops out
of race; Edwards
wins South Carolina
By David Branson
Daily Staff Reporter
Last night's seven Democratic pri-
maries and caucuses tell one conclu-
sive fact: a clear victor at this stage in
the race for the presidential nomina-
tion cannot be found. But with 269
of the 2,161 delegates attending the
Democratic National Convention in
July up for grabs, yesterday marked
another important stage in the race
for the Democratic nomination.
Sen. John Kerry of Massachu-
setts won five states, and Sen. John
Edwards of North Carolina stayed
in the running by winning the
South Carolina primary. Retired
Gen. Wesley Clark won a close
race in Oklahoma.
Yesterday's primaries, following
after Iowa and New Hampshire,
marked a number of new voter hur-
dles for the candidates. The race in
South Carolina represented the first
primary or caucus with a substantial
black voting body, at almost 47 per-
cent of the population. Similarly,
Arizona and New Mexico held the
first primaries with large Hispanic
The most indicative victory of the
night went to Kerry, who finished
with five commanding victories in
Arizona, Delaware, Missouri, New
Mexico and North Dakota.
But Edwards remained a con-
tender with a first-place finish in
South Carolina, a "must-win" state
for his campaign, and a second'
place finish in Oklahoma and Mis-
Clark also kept his campaign
alive with a narrow victory in Okla-
homa over Edwards.
Even though Clark had not
focused his campaign on either Iowa
or New Hampshire, Democratic
nominees historically have won a
state by the February 3 primaries
and caucuses.
South Carolina, where Kerry fin-
ished second, was the focal point of
both Edwards' and Rev. Al Sharp-
ton's campaigns this week. While
Edwards finished strongly in his
home state, Sharpton took a third
Sharpton had focused the bulk of
his resources on South Carolina, but
vowed to continue his campaign.
After failing to mount a victory in
the must-win state of Delaware,
Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecti-
cut officially withdrew from the
nomination race.
The race for nomination remains
hotly contested, albeit more delineat-
ed. Until yesterday, Kerry held a 115-
to-114 delegate lead over Dean,
whose campaign continued to lose
With the delegates Kerry won in
five states last night, he holds a com-
manding lead in the allocated dele-
gates thus far.
"I think a lot of people were sur-
prised that Febuary. 3 would be such
a dogfight," said Brad Anderson,
Sens. John Edwards of North Carolina and John Kerry of Massachusetts speak to supporters. Both candidates gained
Important victories In yesterday's primaries, with Kerry winning five of seven states, and Edwards winning South Carolina
and finishing a close second in Oklahoma.
Republicans watch primaries without much concern
By Mona Rafeeq
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA freshman Mary Fox doesn't think that
the Democratic Party stands a chance against
President Bush in November.
Fox is just one of several Republican stu-
dents on campus who have been following the
ongoing Democratic presidential primaries but
says Bush's chances for re-election will not be
"The Democratic candidates all have great,
strong personalities, but their proposals are too
wishy-washy and don't have any real direction,"
she said.
Scott Foley, the chairman of Students for
Bush, said he wants to see former Vermont
Governor Howard Dean win the Democratic
Party nomination.
Like Fox, he believes Dean would be the eas-
iest candidate for Bush to defeat in the Novem-
ber general election.
Foley, a Business School junior, said he thinks
either Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina or
Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut have the best
chance of giving Bush stiff opposition.
"John Edwards is a Southerner, which has
proven beneficial in general elections. Joe
Lieberman is more of a centrist than the others
in the field of Democratic candidates, and
would likely attract more independents than
any of the other candidates," he said
He added that he finds it unlikely that either
Dean or Lieberman will continue to the end of
the Democratic primaries.Lieberman dropped
out of the race last night after failing to win any
of the seven states that held primaries and cau-
Some students, like College Republican
president Steve MacGuidwin, said they
believes Democrats are too divided to provide
serious opposition to Bush.
"Republicans love to watch this Democratic
to send team
Fair offers students
cultural experience
to Iraq; weekend
death toil up to 101
IRBIL, Iraq (AP) - The number of
dead rose to 101 yesterday in the twin
suicide bombings of two Kurdish polit-
ical offices, the highest confirmed toll
in any terrorist attack since the U.S.
invasion of Iraq.
Kurds blamed
Ansar al-Islam, a r
militant group
allegedly linked to
Osama bin Laden's '..
al-Qaida. 4
The string of
insurgent attacks ra " 3.
killed another 2 .
American soldier dt
Tuesday and came M.. 2003 .
as U.N. Secretary-
General Kofi : In s
Annan met with g r f
President Bush and xumpd fr4m.
announced he'll ,3
send a team to Iraq . .
to break an
impasse between the U.S.-led coalition
The attacks - by bombers with
explosives wired to their bodies -
were the bloodiest since at least Aug.
29, when a vehicle bombing outside a
Shiite mosque in
Najaf killed more
than 85 people.
Some estimates
have placed the
Stt Sf Najaf death toll
d dd i much higher.
The victims of
the earlier attack
.included Shiite
o ba leader Ayatollah
Mohammed Baqir
k the aver. U.S. Brig. Gen.
attsks Mark Kimmitt said
:$ 2 er day- 'the U.S. investiga-
tion has not deter-
mined who was
behind the attacks
in Irbil, though he would not rule out
By Nura Sedique
For the Daily
Nearly 200 people filled the
Media Union Art Gallery yesterday
to taste and experience international
Commemorating the
diversity that Martin
Luther King, Jr. repre-
sented, seven student
multicultural groups
showcased food and gave
insight into their cul-
tures. The event was
sponsored by the Ameri-
can Society for Engi-
neering Education.
ASEE president Sean
Holleran said all multi-
cultural organizations on
campus were invited to
participate within the
fair. Each group that
does attend was given
money to help create a booth that
illustrates its culture to the public.
"This event is open to the public.
We wanted everyone in the community
to come and celebrate the spirit of this
Haqq participated within the fair.
The HSA offered different foods
for the public to try, such as
spanakopita or spinach pies. Mem-
bers also wrote people's names in
"Writing their names in Greek
allowed them to see
LK how Greek is a part of
everyday life because
they can sometimes rec-
'ai ognize the Greek from a
'V math or science class,
ua and it's fun to see their
. reactions and surprise,"
c& HSA Vice President
rb Alice Shukla said.
s L Seni Silat Haqq, an
Indonesian and Malaysian
ji group that performs mar-
tial arts dance, screened
videos of their past per-
"Having cultural fairs
such as this one helps
bridge the different cultures and
come together through the connect-
ing of hearts," said Ibrahim Gross, a
member of Seni Silat Haqq.
The Filipino American Student
A ccncintnn nnrt. 0nt0A n the fair