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January 28, 2004 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-01-28

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Voters explain how candidate

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 28, 2004 - 5

Continued from Page 1
he decided whom he was voting for
when he walked in the door at the
polling site.
"On the way here I was still
undecided," he said. Dean's stances
on education and tax reform helped
convince Chatfield to vote for the
former Governor.
"I like the way he spoke out on
Iraq," said ninth ward voter Pam
Gagnon, referring to Dean's staunch
opposition to the war. "He doesn't
go with the flow," she added. "He's
not a puppet"
"We need someone out of the Belt-
way loop," said Chris Adams, who
also voted for Dean in the ninth ward.
"We need to clean the smog out of the
air," he added. Adams said he made
his decision within 40 minutes of
arriving at the polls.
"I closed my eyes and imagined
who would be there Jan. 20," he
said, referring to the date of the
presidential inauguration. The man
he saw was Howard Dean.
"It's almost like having a cold
and taking the right medicine,"
Adams said, describing his revela-
tory experience.
Registered Democrat Matt
Thibeault voted for Edwards in the

third ward.
"I just think the man's got
soul," he said.
Aurore Vincent, from th
ward, called Edwards, the s
mill worker, a "down to eart
lar guy."
Vincent, who opposes ab
voted for the senator even
he supports abortion rights.
"I had no choice," Vincent s,
decided on Edwards after viem
final debate in New Hampsh
Thursday. "He's not reaching
impossible. He's reaching ou
average intellect, the average
can,"Vincent said.
Thibeault chose Edwar
days ago, after narrowing his
down to Edwards and Lieb
He was won over by Ed
"theme of two different sch
constantly referred to by the
as "two Americas."
"Lieberman is too cloy
Republican," Thibeault adde
still claims Saddam had son
to do with Sept. I1. I dor
Thibeault said Edwards'
eliminate the deficit influen
decision, though the sena
said he would not repeal
class tax cuts.
Thibeault, father of tw

their choices
education reform was an issue on
a good which Edwards prevailed over the
other candidates. The senator's via-
e ninth bility was also a concern for
on of a Thibeault.
h, regu- "Edwards is going to be a lot
stronger in the South than
ortion, Gore/Lieberman were," he said.
though Another third ward voter, Kris
Shultz, elected Clark, who lost half
aid. She his support in New Hampshire in
ving the the week since Iowa.
ire last Shultz, a political consultant,
for the said, "Clark opposes the war, but
t to the his military experience gives him
Ameri- street credibility.
She added that the retired gener-
ds two al's Southern roots and humble
choice background made an impact on her
erman. decision.
ward's The Republican primary was also
hemes," held in New Hampshire yesterday
senator as a formality. The Republican
Party has already decided Bush will
se to a be their nominee.
ed. "He Kerry's campaign, with two vic-
mething tories to its credit, may spell trouble
n't buy for Dean. Former President Bill
Clinton won the Democratic nomi-
plan to nation without winning Iowa or
ced his New Hampshire.
tor has But Clinton, a former Arkansas
middle- governor, could manage in his
native South. Howard Dean has no
o, said such luxury.

-; :;

Voters cast their ballots in yesterday's presidential primaries at the Carol M. Rines Center in Manchester, N.H. Sen. John
Kerry of Massachusetts finished first in the Democratic primary at 39 percent with a 13 point cushion between him and
runner-up Howard Dean.

Dean, Kerry pour ad money into Iowa
and N.H., but hold off on other states

WASHINGTON (AP) - Campaign commercials
featuring John Kerry and Howard Dean are fixtures
only on New Hampshire television, but that will
change after the state's first-in-the-nation primary on
Both Democratic presidential candidates awaited
the primary results before deciding where to spend
their ad money next, most likely in states where they
think they have the best chance to pick up the most
Rivals Wesley Clark, John Edwards and Joe
Lieberman are advertising in a mixture of six of the
seven states with primaries or caucuses on Feb. 3 -
Arizona, South Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Delaware and North Dakota. No one is advertising
yet in Missouri, the seventh state, but several are con-
sidering it.
Bill Carrick, a veteran Democratic strategist who

directed media for Rep. Dick Gephardt before he quit
the race last week, predicted modest advertising buys
from the candidates in the campaign days ahead.
"I think everybody's tapped out," he said. "Every-
body just threw an enormous amount of money into
Iowa and New Hampshire."
Competitive multicandidate races in those two
states led to unusually expensive advertising cam-
paigns. Kerry and Dean each have spent about $2
million to run TV ads in New Hampshire. In Iowa,
Kerry poured in at least $2,5 million, and Dean spent
at least $3.5 million.
And, unlike their rivals, neither Kerry nor Dean is
getting periodic checks from the federal government
as matching funds. The two decided against accept-
ing taxpayer money so they could raise and spend as
much as they wanted.
"Right now in a presidential race, free media

becomes more important than paid media," said
David Eichenbaum, a Democratic media consultant
for former presidential candidate Bob Graham.
Kerry, a Massachusetts senator who won Iowa's
caucuses, has only run ads in Iowa and New Hamp-
shire. Advisers have said a win yesterday, combined
with last-minute TV advertising, would boost his
momentum even further heading into next week's
Dean, a former Vermont governor, has run com-
mercials periodically in nine states. He had been on
the air consistently for the past couple of weeks in
South Carolina, New Mexico and Arizona but has
not advertised there this week.
Campaign advisers say the decision to scale
back advertising in those states does not indicate
that Dean, who raised $41 million last year, is
short on cash.

Dean supporters vow
to continue campaign
in Mich. despite loss

Howard Dean speaks at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, N.H., before the
primaries kicked off. Dean, the former governor of Vermont, placed second in the
primary behind Kerry at 26 percent.
Continued from Page 1
Manchester resident.
The Senator's mother, Marsha, said she has been campaigning in Manchester
for a couple of weeks and even rented an apartment. "I've been campaigning with
senior citizens and having a great time at it," she said.
"What I love most is that (Lieberman) is a man of integrity. He is the real
deal. What you see is what you get," said Audrey Blondin, a campaign vol-
No more than a block from Lieberman headquarters, Princeton University
sophomore Christopher Lloyd was calling New Hampshire residents advocating
the candidacy of Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.).
Lloyd said he was not an Edwards supporter until he heard the Senator speak
about "two separate America's," a speech Edwards has delivered numerous times
throughout the campaign.
"I woke up at 3 a.m. and delivered literature to peoples houses, scoped out
restaurants with the advance team, (visited) polling places ... whenever someone
needs me I'm there" Lloyd said.
On the sidewalk outside Edwards' office, New York resident Beatrice Moritz
urged passing cars to vote for Gen. Wesley Clark as she held a "Clark 04 sign."
Even though the Edwards supporters with a megaphone drowned Moritz out, she
} still felt she was being useful.
"It's a really crucial primary. Every body counts. There's so much at stake. I
want to get Bush out of office, she said.

DETROIT (AP) - Michigan sup-
porters of Massachusetts Sen. John
Kerry celebrated his victory in yester-
day's New Hampshire primary, while
backers of runner-up Howard Dean
vowed to keep working toward victory
in the state's Democratic presidential
Despite his victories in New Hamp-
shire and last week's Iowa Democratic
caucuses, the Kerry camp was wary of
a big push by Dean in Michigan -
where 128 convention delegates are the
most awarded by a single state through
Even before the polls closed yester-
day, the Dean campaign hastily sched-
uled appearances by the former
Vermont governor for Thursday in
Lansing and Sunday in Detroit. Specific
times and locations had not been deter-
mined as of yesterday night, campaign
spokeswoman Christy Setzer said.
"We're very happy with the results
in New Hampshire," Chris Trebilcock,
spokesman for Kerry's Michigan cam-
paign, said 30 minutes after The Asso-
ciated Press declared the four-term
senator the winner of the primary.

"We're trying to build our support and
go toe to toe with (Dean).
"Certainly we're going to get a nice
bounce out of New Hampshire but by
no means is everything signed, sealed
and delivered."
Kerry planned to campaign in seven
states that hold primaries or caucuses
on Feb. 3. Michigan's caucus is sched-
uled for Feb. 7. "We're not sure when
he's going to make a visit to Michi-
gan," Trebilcock said.
The Dean campaign was sending 50
additional staffers into Michigan dur-
ing the next five days, joining the 20 or
so already in the state to do field work,
handle the media, manage Web com-
munications and perform other duties,
spokesman Daren Berringer said.
Berringer expressed satisfaction
with the one-time front-runner's show-
ing yesterday in New Hampshire.
"I think everyone outside our cam-
paign, from the media to every political
pundit, was expecting this campaign to
be finished after Iowa," Berringer said.
"We've shown that in a week's time
we've been able to rally the troops and
come in a very respectable second."

U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio takes a break from the primary to dine with
guitarist Tim Reynolds at the Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester, N.H. yesterday.

Volunteered in
Romanian orphanage.
Produced TV documentary

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