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January 20, 2004 - Image 1

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January 20, 2004
02004 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan


One-hundred-thirteen years ofedtorinalfreedom

Sunny with
the day


Vol. CXIII, No. 79


Two students
die In weekend
car accident
By Adhiraij Dutt
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the University community are mourning
two students who died in a car accident while returning
home from a ski trip Sunday afternoon in Ontario.
Business School senior Joseph Hadeed and LSA jun-
ior Erin Tierney died in the accident and LSA junior
Kathryn Tetreault was hospitalized with a broken col-
larbone after their car skid into oncoming traffic and
was hit by a truck.
Hadeed and Tierney became good friends after joining
the debate team at Eisenhower High School in Shelby
Township. Tetreault and Tierney became close friends
after living in the same residence hall freshman year.
Tierney was a responsible, organized and punctual per-
son who rarely missed work, LSA senior Sean Smith said
in a written statement.
"The amazing thing about her, though, was that in spite
of these qualities which seem to make for a rigid person,
she was the warmest and most easily-loved person to any-
one who came in contact with her," Smith said.
"She was always quick with her wit, but quicker to be
there for anyone who ever needed it. One time I
sprained my knee, and although she wouldn't miss work
if she had the bubonic plague, she drove me to class
and sat in the car with a magazine until it finished, tak-
ing her whole day off for me. That was the kind of per-
son she was."
Tierney's top priority was starting a family, Smith said.
"She wanted to one day have her own (family) and
would have been a fantastic mother," he added.
Hadeed was friendly and always eager to help others
and respond to people's needs, Business School senior
Ryan Hoadley said. Hadeed and Hoadley became close
friends after they were in the same pledge class at Delta
Sigma Pi, a business fraternity.
Hadeed, Tierney and Tetreault were part of a group of
11 people returning from a ski trip at the Blue Mountain
Resort in Canada.
"The trip was organized by Delta Sigma Pi. Everyone
was a B-School student except for the two girls," Busi-
ness School senior Mark Ostroth said.
The three students were the last to leave the resort after
the other eight people left between 11 a.m. and noon.
They were supposed to leave at 12:30 p.m., Hoadley said,
although he wasn't sure of the actual time they began
their six-to-eight hour drive back home.
"The two girls were sick so (Hadeed) offered to drive
their car home for them," Hoadley said.
He added that the roads were icy and that snow was
blowing across the roads, making for difficult driving
The students' friends heard about the accident Sunday
r. See DEATHS, Page 7A

Comeback Kerry wins owa
Caucus resultS ull
h o suprses as race
yy }rtegins to narrow
By Andrew Kaplan
'7 Daily Staff Reporter
~ \~' 4

Although five presidential candidates competed in the
Iowa Democratic caucuses yesterday, only four of those
contestants say they have emerged with relative victories.
After two candidates who had lagged in the polls until
recently took first and second place in the voting, U.S.
Rep. Richard Gephardt's (D-Mo.) campaign came to an
end and presumed national front-runner Howard Dean suf-
fered a major setback.
Capitalizing on last-minute campaign drives before the
caucuses, U.S. Sen. John Kerry from Massachusetts,
trailed closely by John Edwards of North Carolina, gath-
ered the support of more caucus-goers than expected.
Kerry leaves Iowa with the greatest number of delegates
representing him in an upcoming statewide convention -
garnering 37.6 percent of the 3,000 state delegates. Delegates
attending the statewide convention will then nominate repre-
sentatives to the Democratic National Convention in July,
where they will each push to make their candidate the Demo-
cratic nominee for the presidency.
Kerry, who lagged behind counterparts former Vermont
Gov. Howard Dean and retired Gen. Wesley Clark in polls
conducted last year, has added new life to his campaign

Presidential candidate John Kerry, who surprised the country by winning the Iowa caucuses, addressed Iowa residents at a
rally held in the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines on Sunday night.

Caucuses brhz
pocess to 44Jef
By David Branson
Daily Staff Reporter
With their focus on individual partici-
pants, the Iowa caucuses may represent
democracy in action, but they are far from
the one person-one vote ideal.
In the Iowa caucuses there are no ballots.
People crowd into schools, auditoriums,
school cafeterias and churches for the
chance to raise their hand in favor of their
Polk Countr6's Precinct 45 elected three
delegates who will be represented at the

Democratic National Convention this July.
Residents of Precinct 45 included Drake
University students living in dorms, seniors
living down the street and several families.
All told, 199 Iowans arrived to throw their
support to their favored candidate.
In a caucus, however, people divide them-
selves into preference groups according to
their candidate. If the number of people in a
group supporting a candidate is less than
15% of the total caucus attendance, the can-
didate is considered "nonviable" and group
members are given the option to realign with
See VOTING, Page 7A

Speaker explores racism, poverty link
By Karen Schwartz "

Daily StaffReporter
Class difference is not just a black-
and-white issue, Prof. Lani Guinier of
Harvard Law School explained yester-
day to an audience of more than 3,000
at Hill Auditorium.
Guinier discussed the role of race
and poverty as
variables in the
fight for equalityate
as the keynote,|
speaker at the
17th Annual m
Reverend Dr.
Martin Luther,
King Jr. Sympo-.
sium Memorial
"Race masks
and it sustains deep flaws in the way
our society allocates opportunity and
privilege to everyone," she said, point-
ing to standardized tests and "incarcer-
ation instead of education" as

not limited to minority groups, but
affects the majority of Americans
across racial lines.
"In fact, it is those high-stakes
aptitude tests, along with many other
ways in which we provide opportuni-
ties to those who are already privi-
leged, that has made higher
education in this country a 'gift from
the poor to the rich'," she said, using
a phrase she said was coined by
Anthony Carnavale, vice-president of
Educational Testing Service.
She added that this 'gift' is subsi-
dized by taxpayers and enjoyed by the
most affluent, citing Carnavale's
research based on a Century Founda-
tion study.
The study found that among the 146
most selective colleges and universities
in the country, 74 percent of the stu-
dents come from the top 25 percent of
the highest income bracket, while only
10 percent belong to the bottom half.
"It is no accident, therefore, that
some of the more wealthv suburbs off

"We are not going to solve the problem of
racism in this society if we don't also solve
the problems of poverty in this society."

ates from their high schools to the Uni-
versity of Michigan, and yet Dearborn
High School, which is working-class
blue collar white, sends 5 percent of its
graduates to the University of Michi-
gan," she said.
Guinier said there is a need to link
class, gender and geography to race in
order to create a deeper fundamental
understanding of the relationship
between race and social inequality.
"We are not going to solve the
problem of racism in this society if
we don't also solve the problems of
poverty in this society," she said.
Guinier reviewed the legacy of the
Brown v. Board of Education ruling,

- Lani Guinier
Harvard Law School Professor
but also criticized the ruling itself.
"Brown v. Board of Education in
some ways is both part of the solution
but it is also part of the problem, she
said, adding that the landmark decision,
while providing for the desegregation
of public schools and inspiring a gener-
ation, only focused on the effects of
segregation on black students.
"The Supreme Court, under the
influence of very well-intentioned
racial liberals, focused on segregation
and the way in which it damaged, the
Court said, the hearts and minds of
Negro children," Guinier said. "No
doubt segregation was evil. And no
doubt segregation damaged the hearts
See KEYNOTE, Page 5A

University President Mary Sue Coleman and Harvard law Prof. Lani Guinier at the 17th examples of how social inequality is Detroit send
Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium yesterday at Hill Auditorium.
Affirmative action supporters honor
MLK Day with renewed coalitions

50 percent of the gradu-

Leaders of tomorrow

By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter

Mounting opposition to an anti-affirmative
action initiative affirmed its support of race-
conscious policies yester-
day as groups and
lecturers across campus
reflected on civil rights
and the life of Martin .
Luther King Jr.
A high-spirited rally V,
hosted by BAMN and a
more subdued meeting of
state leaders both sought
to halt a ballot initiative

Michigan. Participants in both events looked to
perpetuate King's ideals - universal civil rights
and equality of opportunity.
The group they oppose, the Michigan Civil
Rights Initiative, is running a petition drive to
put the question of affirmative action on
November's ballot. By July 6, the group must
collect 317,757 signatures from registered vot-
ers. If successful, state residents will vote on a
constitutional amendment to ban the use of
race, ethnicity, sex and other characteristics in
the public arena. MCRI formally began its cam-
paign last week.
Opponents view the initiative as a direct
affront to affirmative action and last summer's
U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding race-

(D-Ann Arbor), along with various school
administrators, ministers, political activists and
student group leaders.
Yesterday's holiday brought these coordina-
tors together in the Michigan Union in an
attempt to create an organized opposition to the
amendment proposal propagated by MCRI and
its sponsor Ward Connerly, a University of Cali-
fornia regent and chair of the American Civil
Rights Coalition.
"We have to do what we can as public offi-
cials to make clearer our opposition to this
effort. It's very appropriate on Martin Luther
King Day to initiate this effort locally," Brater
said during the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was to develop a

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