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September 04, 2003 - Image 1

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September 4, 2003
©2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditoralfreedom

sunny all h'
day long
and partly "HI:,7 0
clear at LOW. 80

Vol. CXIV, No. 3

Prof book
links grade
By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
As concern over grade inflation
grows across campus, a new book
by biostatistics Prof. Valen Johnson
suggests that teacher evaluations are
a significant part of the problem.
"Grade Inflation: A Crisis in Col-
lege Education," which came out
this summer, "is a study on how
(grading) practices are influencing
the courses students take and influ-
encing the evaluations the faculty
receive (from students)," Johnson
This study is "the first large-scale
experiment that really looked at that
effect. The effect is fairly substan-
tial. For most items on most course
evaluation forms, a student expect-
ing an A- is about 35 to 40 percent
more likely to give a faculty mem-
ber a more favorable (evaluation),"
Johnson said.
Subsequently the good or bad
evaluations may decide the outcome
of a professor's career.
Teachers who receive good evalu-
ations do not necessarily benefit
from course evaluations, but those
who receive poor evaluations cer-
tainly suffer, said an English profes-
sor who wished to remain
He added that he was distressed
over the practice of grade inflation.
"Anybody can get a B. ... I have a
real problem with grade inflation."
The professor, who admitted to
being stingy with high grades, said,
"Ultimately, it hurts the student,"
The book is based on a study
completed in 1999 at Duke Univer-
sity while Johnson was a professor
there. Johnson arrived at Michigan
last year.
The study also showed disparities
in grading between natural science
and humanities courses. "The sci-
ence and mathematics faculty tend-
ed to grade about a half letter-grade
more difficult than in humanities,"
Johnson said.
Jen Anstett, an LSA senior and
sociology major, said she has
noticed grade inflation in higher
level classes. Anstett did not seem
to have a problem with the inflation,
adding, "I'm okay with getting A's."
"I haven't really noticed (grade
inflation)," said John Pranger, an
See GRADES, Page 7A

Code critic
finds flaws



Lack of representation
by attorneys at hearings
irks former MSA Student
Rights Commission chair
By Tomislav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite Tuesday's changes to the
Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities, the modifications are
not substantial and University students
still lack the right to legal representa-
tion, a former Michigan Student Assem-
bly member who proposed amendments
to the statement said yesterday.
The revised statement includes gen-
der identity in its non-discrimination
policy, clarifies that students can
receive advice from an attorney during
arbitration hearings and states that
arbitration decisions must be based on
"clear and convinc-
ing evidence."
University offi-
cials claim the ,
revised statement
will clarify for stu-
dents the proce-
dures by which the rovred
University has te dv
operated for years. 0 tffs
"Part of our job is
informing the entire i
community of what
we do, and these
changes really clan- T O hea eod
fy that. ... What this /,wwwwrr
has done now is
made it explicitly clear that students can
have an attorney and what the standard
of evidence is," said Office of Student
Conflict Resolution Director Keith
He added that at past meetings with
OSCR officials, students were
informed that they had such rights
even though they were not spelled out
in the statement. "That had been the
case, but it hadn't been explicitly stat-
ed," he said.
But Andrew Block, last school
year's MSA Student Rights Commis-
sion chair, said the statement only per-
mits attorneys to advise students and
not to speak or file evidence on their
behalf. At the same time, the material
presented in hearings for students fac-
ing criminal charges could be used
later in a trial court, he said.

"Information that comes out during
a University hearing could theoretical-
ly be subpoenaed by civil authorities,"
said Block, who assembled and wrote
the rationale for seven statement
amendments proposed by the MSA
earlier this year.
Dean of Students Ed Willis said
arbitration hearings are a closed
process, and that he does not believe
such information can be released to a
court unless a student opens up the
trial process. "Once heard in (the Uni-
versity hearings), that's where it stays.
The student is the one who ought to
take it from the campus" he said.
The process is also meant to be edu-
cational, and attorneys representing
students could detract from that value,
he said. "These are infractions that
happen in (the University) community
and ought to be heard by that commu-
nity.... It's not a court of law," he said.
Despite the pos-
sible educational
value of the hear-
ings, Block said
sthatargument has
served for too long
as justification for
tatemetwilf overlooking the
rights of students.
And many of
the rights that
University stu-
guaranteed in
,I similar statements
.d._ and codes of con-
duct at other uni-
versities, Block said. "There are basic
rights given by other Big Ten univer-
sities and other elite universities that
are unprotected by the University of
Michigan. In many ways, we lag
behind other universities," he said.
Willis said he has not specifically
studied the statements at other Big
Ten schools, but he said he is cer-
tain that students at most schools
across the country do not enjoy the
right to legal representation. "What
happens here at Michigan is not
atypical to what happens at most
campuses," he said.
Block said he is happy with the
changes protecting gender identity and
that the "clear and convincing evi-
dence" standard is the strictest possi-
ble, but he said three substantial
See CODE, Page 7A
plex will

Ginn Foudle - a professor from Capetown, South Africa - speaks on the murder of her daughter Lynda, who was killed in a raid ordered
by former Azanian Peoples Uberatlon Army Cmdr. Letlapa Mphahlele. She addressed a crowd at the MLB Auditorium yesterday.
unts death
daug--hter, forgiving kilers

By Dan Trudeau
and Adam Supernant
Daily Staff Reporters
When Ginn Fourie's daughter Lyndi
was killed 10 years ago during an
attack by a South African freedom
fighters, she began a long and difficult
journey that would ultimately teach her
the power of grief and the importance
of reconciliation.
Speaking last night at the Universi-
ty's Modern Language Building,
Fourie, a South African of British
descent and professor of physiotherapy

at the University of Cape Town,
recounted the unusual chain of events
that resulted in her eventual friendship
with the former rebel commander Let-
lapa Mphahlele - the man who
ordered the attack on the Cape Town
bar where her daughter was killed.
After three black South Africans were
arrested for the murder, Fourie confront-
ed them in court and found herself
struck by her inability to wish harm on
those who killed her daughter in a vio-
lent demonstration against white domi-
nance brought on by years of Apartheid.
"As I looked at them standing in the

dock, I couldn't muster any hate because
in their eyes I saw what I thought must
have been enormous confusion" Fourie
said. "I sent them a message through the
translator that if they were or felt guilty,
then I forgave them."
The perpetrators thanked Fourie for
her forgiveness and in 1997, when they
were granted amnesty through the Truth
and Reconciliation Commission of the
post-Apartheid government, they met
with her in person, taking the opportuni-
ty to suggest they all engage in some
form of cooperative therapy.
See FOURIE, Page 3A


New sciences com

"I want to make sure the
city doesn't pass the
Washtenaw Hill Historic
Area Expansion:'
- Rick Lax, Independent

Rick Lax

"I wanted to inject some
debate into the race, so
the incumbent (Marcia
Higgins) didn't just walk
right in:
- Scott Trudeau, Green Party
"I've always supported
the positions and policies
of the (Libertarian) Party,
and I'd like to support
(them) at the local level:'
- Daniel Sheill, Libertarian

By Ryan Vicko
Daily News Reporter

"I'm a firm believer of
bringing fresh, new blood
into the political system
whenever possible."
- Robert Haug, Green Party

offer a new edge for the 'U'

Scott Iruaeau

Robert Haug Daniel Sheill
Four join race against incumbents

The Life Sciences Institute, part of a
project to update the University's infra-
structure to meet the demands of the
post-genomic era of science, is sched-
uled to open Sept. 15.
Currently there are three additional
buildings under construction, covering a
large block where Washtenaw Avenue
meets Huron Parkway. Also scheduled
to be completed.this year is the Com-
mons Building, which is slated to open
in November. In September 2004 the
Life Sciences parking structure is set to
be finished, and the Undergraduate Sci-
ences Building is scheduled to be com-
pleted in December 2005.
Karl Bates, LSI's director of com-
munications, said that the construction
of LSI puts the University amongst the
leading institutions in the life sciences.
Construction began in late 2000,
with a budget of $100 million. An
additional $100 million was allocated
for a long-term research fund, and a
$30 million startup fund was instituted
in order to hire new staff and buy
materials. The project was developed
by the Life Sciences Commission,
instituted by former University Presi-
dent Lee Bollinger in May of 1998.
LSI Managing Director Liz Barry
said LSI will function as a "cross-dis-
ciplinary hub," bringing together such

By Adam Rosen
Daily Staff Reporter
Although student representation on the Ann Arbor City
Council currently does not exist, University students Rick
Lax, Daniel Sheill and Robert Haug and alum Scott
Trudeau hope to add their names to the council roster for
the November elections.
"The city of Ann Arbor is roughly one-third made up of
students, but there are no seats on the council being occu-
pied by students" said Lax, a Daily arts writer on leave for
the -r-n "T+ i s rvdiAfficult fAr atudent ti oit

race ranged from dissatisfaction with city policies to per-
sonal opposition to incumbent Marcia Higgins (R-Ward 4)
running uncontested.
Lax said he feels city government has been irresponsi-
ble the past few years, especially towards the students of
the University.
"I want to make sure the city doesn't pass the Washte-
naw Hill Historic Area Expansion," Lax said. "This would
extend (the historic area), and if it passes, would raise the
cost of housing possibly dramatically for people living in
this area."
Citing his entrv into the City Council election as part of

With the opening of the Life Sciences Institute Sept. 15, construction on the
building is now near completion.

ally and geographically pull the sci-
ences together."
Now that the human genome has
been completely sequenced, the next
step is to determine how it functions
within cells. Some questions that the
Life Sciences Institute seeks to answer
are how genes and their encoded pro-
teins make life possible, how they inter-

doors, large rooms and integrated
offices, "the building itself is designed
to encourage interaction and collabora-
tion," said Bates.
The new building will be compara-
ble to Harvard University's Center for
Genomic Research and The California
Institute of Technology's Broad Center.
LSI will be host to not only faculty



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