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December 08, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-12-08

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 8, 2003 - 3A

SUV stolen from
U' parking lot
Department of Public Safety reports
show a motor vehicle theft of a dark
blue Mercury Mountaineer from the
Hill Street parking lot sometime Satur-
day morning. The vehicle is still miss-
ing and DPS has no suspects.
Unlocked door
imperils sleeping
Stockwell resident
A caller from Stockwell Residence
Hall reported Saturday that an
unknown person stole her black shoul-
der bag from her room on Friday. The
thief apparently entered the room
through an unlocked door while the
girl was sleeping in the room. DPS has
no suspects in the incident.
Fight lands one in
ER, both fighters
in handcuffs
DPS records show a caller reported
two people fighting in the Engineering
Arch near West Hall Wednesday
evening. Neither was affiliated with the
University. Officers arrested one man
at the scene and transported the other
man to the University Hospital for
medical treatment. He was later arrest-
ed and both were released pending
authorization of warrants for aggravat-
ed assault.
Beer bottle street
brawl halted by
Ann Arbor police
Early Saturday morning the Ann
Arbor Police Department responded
to a call from the 800 block of Tap-
pan Street that an unspecified num-
ber of individuals were fighting with
beer bottles. The people involved in
the fight were apparently threatening
to kill each other. DPS was called to
offer backup, but AAPD managed to
contain the fight.
Gift certificates
stolen from office
A report was filed with DPS that 20
to 25 University gift certificates had
been stolen from an office in the East
Quad Residence Hall dining area Fri-
day afternoon. University Housing
originally issued the stolen certificates.
DPS has no suspects in the incident.
Man arrested for
faking it at
Wolverine Towers
A caller from Comerica Bank in
Wolverine Towers reported a man
trying to cash a forged check Friday
afternoon. The caller described the
man as a tall white man with black
hair wearing a red jean jacket and
black pants. DPS officers respond-
ing to the call located and arrested a
32-year-old man in connection with
the incident.
Owner of stolen
bike gets DPS to
confront thief
A man whose bicycle had been

stolen reported seeing his bike Fri-
day afternoon outside Angell Hall
in the possession of a suspicious
person. DPS officers contacted this
person, who was known to be unaf-
filiated with the University. The
bike was confiscated by DPS and
handed over to the original owner.
Officers released the so-called "sus-
picious person" and filed a report
on the incident.
Argument over TV
prompts police
DPS officers intervened in a dispute
between two families at C.S. Motts
Children's Hospital Thursday night.
The argument was reportedly over
rules surrounding after-hours television
Class interrupted
by unexpected
A caller reported a trespasser dis-
turbed her class in the Frieze Build-
ing Wednesday afternoon. The
caller told DPS that she could not
meet with an officer at that time
and would contact DPS when she
was able.

Galens Tag Days ra
to benefit local cha

student Nina
k' accepts a
from a
passerby to
h support the
..k Galens
Proceeds go
the C.S.
Hospital and
rise funds
with the society brave the cold and
work four-to-five hour shifts collect-
ing money. "I saw a ton of kids and
how much charity helps them. There's
a difference between getting stuck
doing it and volunteering'" said Nina
Casanova a Medical School student
and volunteer, as she requested
passersby to help the children of
Washtenaw County.
While some people gladly dropped
in spare change, others walked off
quickly pretending not to hear, while
others were a bit more extreme.
"It's interesting the reactions you
get," Casanova said. "This morn-
ing I had people yelling at me."
She said people told her they were
college students and could not
afford to donate to charities.
The volunteers may have it rough
when they're out collecting, but the
Happy Vans are there to "boost
morale," Tinianow said.
Driven by Medical School faculty,
the Happy Vans deliver food and hot
chocolate to volunteers, pick up dona-
tions from them and help them with
any problems they may be having. The
Happy Vans are put together through a
community effort. The vans are donat-
ed by Auto Key Rentals, while local
eateries provide food to the hungry

Continued from Page 1A
the Athletic Department.
Another problem for students is the
high price of airfare. For one nonstop
roundtrip ticket to Los Angeles from
Detroit, prices on Expedia.com range
from $581 to $1,025. Prices vary
depending on the dates of departure and
"Airfare prices are absolutely ridicu-
lous. The cheapest ticket I could find
was $550 roundtrip from Minneapolis to
Los Angeles," Arnold said.
One option for students is buying a
travel package that includes hotel rooms,
airfare and transportation. The Universi-
ty's Alumni Association, which is also
offering travel packages, has already
received approximately 4,000 requests
for their bowl packages, according to
events manager Kirk Lutz.
Alumni, as well as students, faculty
and parents of Michigan Marching Band
members are eligible to purchase one of
the association's five packages, which
include hotel accommodations, game
tickets and transportation. There is also
an airfare option in two packages and
other additional add-ons are available,
such as tickets to the Rose Parade.
"Any time it's a Rose Bowl, numbers
are higher than in other years. Last year

we took about 400 people to the Out-
back Bowl," Lutz said.
Yet the high costs of traveling, tickets
and accommodations do not deter many
students from making the trip to Pasade-
na. LSA senior Burke Greer looked into
packages offered by STA Travel, located
in the Michigan Union, but according to
him they were "very expensive." Greer
will be traveling with friends, and stay-
ing at an EconoLodge to cut back on
"I'm a senior and this is my last
chance. I decided to go no matter how
much (the cost),"Greer said.
But some students are upset
because priority is not given to sen-
iors or students with more credits.
Some believe the lottery should favor
these students.
"I think they should give priority to
seniors. It's a hard call, because the Uni-
versity is a community and everyone
should be able to go," Greer said.
All orders must be submitted to the
website by 5 p.m. Wednesday in order to
be considered for tickets. Bodnar
suggested that if students have
questions about the application
process, they should e-mail mtick-
"We are monitoring all questions
and will get back to students," Bod-
nar said.

Rose Bowl-bound hit by
hikz aifare, ticket prices

By Farrayha Arrine
Daily Staff Reporter
Four-year-old Kristen is helping the
children of Washtenaw County this
holiday season. With the help of
the Galens Medical Society, which
has chosen her as their poster girl
this year, her picture and story
play a large part in persuading
passersby to donate to the society's
effort in raising funds for hospitals
throughout the Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti area.
Kristen is a patient at C.S. Mott
Children's Hospital and is beginning
her sixth round of chemotherapy for
Ewing's Sarcoma, a type of bone
cancer. It is because of children like
Kristen that the society has been
collecting donations through the
Galens Tag Days since 1927.
Over the weekend, volunteers held
out buckets collecting donations. The
purpose of the program is to donate
funds to hospitals and other organiza-
tions "to make a kid feel like a kid,"
said Casey Tinianow, a Medical
School student who is helping to put
the event together.
Tag Days have been successful
in their mission and have collected
from $55,000 to $70,000 per year
in the past, organizers said.

"This year, we're looking to
make around $55,000," said
Galens Tag Days "czar" Paul Pfeif-
fer, also a Medical School student,
who is in charge of the event.
The process the society uses to
award its money is based on who
asks for it. "The organizations can
contact me or the people in charge
of funding and fill out a form to
specify for what you want the funds
and how much you want. Then we
vote on how much to grant to each
proposal,"said Tinianow.
The funds granted to Mott are
used toward the Child Life Pro-
gram, which provides activities for
children in the hospital and helps
them cope with their illness. "We
do it during holiday time because
it's a giving time, but it is not holi-
day-oriented. The money funds
activities throughout the year for
the children," said Pfeiffer.
While Mott is a major recipient,
the society also gives thousands of
dollars to other groups throughout
the area such as the Ronald
McDonald House, Ann Arbor
Hands-On Museum, and the Cor-
ner Health Center. They especially
like to help out groups that are just
starting out, Pfeiffer said.
Medical school students involved

Continued from Page 1A
The Rose Bowl features the first-
ranked team versus the fourth-
ranked team, while Nos. 2 and 3
will clash in the Sugar Bowl - a
seemingly perfect precursor to a
"That's a wonderful setup and there's
just one more game (to be played),"
Carroll said.
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said he
would also support a playoff in the-
future, if the traditional bowls
remained in place.
Controversy aside, both coaches, as
well as Rose Bowl officials, were
happy that the bowl will return to the
traditional matchup of Big Ten Cham-
pion versus Pac-10 Champion.
Carr said his team wouldn't neces-
sarily be motivated by the fact that it

could have a hand in determining the
national champion.
"I think we're going to look at it
as opportunity to play the No. 1
team in the nation in the 'Grand-
daddy of Them All' and the oppor-
tunity to go back to Pasadena," said
Carr, calling the Rose Bowl "the
single greatest tradition in college'
And as for whether or not the
Wolverines should receive national
title consideration if they beat the top-!
ranked Trojans?
"That will be something for some-
body else to decide," Carr said.
If Michigan were to beat South-,
ern Cal., the Wolverines would be
unlikely to be named National
Champion because the Sugar Bowl
winner would have just one loss and
be ranked ahead of Michigan in the
AP poll.

SSH is a program which can gain access to a computer server. This was
incorrectly reported on page 1 of Friday's Daily.

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