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September 03, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-03

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 3, 2003


Ayatollah's NEWS IN BRIEFE
ST T C Court overturns 100 death sentences






Higher Learning. Louder Living.

for deaths
NAJAF, Iraq (AP) - About 400,000
mourners took to the streets yesterday,
flailing their backs and pounding their
chests in anguish at the funeral of a
leading Shiite cleric assassinated in a
car bomb attack. In Baghdad, another
car bomb exploded outside police
headquarters, killing one and wound-
ing 13.
In an angry funeral oration, the cler-
ic's brother blamed the U.S. occupation
forces for the lax security that led to
the attack at Iraq's most sacred Shiite
mosque. He raged against the Ameri-
can troops and demanded they leave
Iraqi soil.
Men clad in white robes and dark
uniforms brandishing Kalashnikov
rifles stood guard along the roof of thez
gold-domed Imam Ali mosque, wherei
Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim
was killed Friday in the bloodiesti
attack since the fall of Saddam Hus-I
sein. Accounts of the death toll ranged
from more than 80 to more than 120.t
"The occupation force is primarilyc
responsible for the pure blood that wasI
spilled in holy Najaf, the blood of al-
Hakim and the faithful group that wasI
present near the mosque," said Abdel-1
Aziz al-Hakim, the ayatollah's brotherl
and a member of the U.S.-picked Gov-
erning Council.a
L. Paul Bremer, the U.S. civilian
administrator for Iraq, told a Baghdad
news conference that U.S. occupation
authorities will push the new Iraqi
Cabinet to assume governing duties
and want to quickly train Iraqis to take
over security.
He insisted there was no rift betweeni
the coalition and the Governing Council.r
"I completely agree with the argu-a
ment that we should find ways quick-
ly to give Iraq and Iraqis morea
responsibility for security," he said.a
"They (the Governing Council) havea
encouraged us to do what we werea
already doing, which is putting Iraqisa
... in Iraqi security."c
Bremer, a former diplomat and
counterterrorism expert, said there
were already as many as 60,000 IraqisI
involved in security or undergoingt
"What we need at this point is bet-
ter intelligence to find out where thef
terrorists are who are killing Iraqis,"r
he said.N
Al-Hakim has said he would nott
resign from the Governing Council buti
spoke with great anger about theF
American military's inability to pacifyE
the country.I
"This force is primarily responsible
for all this blood and the blood that is1
shed all over Iraq every day," he said,
voicing the frustrations of Iraqis
throughout the country. The criticism
could signal an open fissure in the his-a
torically cooperative relationships
between the Shiites and the U.S.-ledf
civilian and military occupation. t
"Iraq must not remain occupied and
the occupation must leave so that wef
can build Iraq as God wants us to do,"
he said.
Earlier, the slain ayatollah's son
warned that the country had entered a
dangerous new era.

A federal appeals court threw out more than 100 death sentences in Arizona
and two other states yesterday because the inmates were sent to death row by
judges instead of juries.
The case stems from a 2002 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, in which the
high court found that juries, not judges, must render death sentences. But the
Supreme Court left unclear whether the new rules should apply retroactively to
inmates awaiting execution. In an 8-3 vote, the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals said all condemned inmates sentenced by a judge should
have their sentences commuted to life in prison.
The ruling applies only to Arizona, Idaho and Montana, the only states in the
9th Circuit that have allowed judges to impose death sentences. Two other states,
Nebraska and Colorado, have also allowed judges to sentence inmates to death.
But the federal appeals courts that oversee them have yet to rule on the issue.
The ruling affects approximately 3 percent of the 3,700 people on death rcw in
the United States. "By deciding that judges are not constitutionally permitted to
decide whether defendants are eligible for the death penalty, the Supreme Court
altered the fundamental bedrock principles applicable to capital murder trials;'
Circuit Judge Sidney Thomas wrote for the court.
Defense attorneys hailed the verdict.
SEOUL, South Korea
North Korea calls for non-aggression pact
North Korea said yesterday that it is willing to resolve the dispute over its
nuclear program "through dialogue," in an apparent softening of its stance follow-
ing last week's six-nation talks in Beijing.
After last week's landmark talks in the Chinese capital, North Korea angrily dis-
missed the need for more talks and threatened to strengthen its "nuclear deterrent
force," casting doubt on the prospects for future meetings.
Yesterday, the North's state-run news agency, KCNA, repeated North Korea's
threat to increase its nuclear capabilities unless the United States changes its poli-
cy and signs a nonaggression treaty with the communist state, but also said North
Korea is willing to continue the six-nation talks.
"The DPRK's fixed will to peacefully settle the nuclear issue between the
DPRK and the U.S. through dialogue remains unchanged," KCNA said in an Eng-
lish-language commentary monitored in Seoul. DPRK stands for Democratic Peo-
ple's Republic of Korea, North Korea's official name.
Last week, representatives from the United States, the two Koreas, Japan, China
and Russia met in Beijing to discuss ways to end the nuclear crisis.

Reorganization to
up number of agents
The Bush administration is shuffling
its homeland security operation to
make 5,000 more armed agents avail-
able to protect commercial flights.
The reorganization will combine the
air marshal's program with the customs
and immigration security programs so
agents can be cross-trained and used for
aviation security, officials said. This will
allow the government to put extra agents
on airliners if officials believe they are
going to be a terror target.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom
Ridge described the changes as a way
to better mobilize the resources of his
"This realignment offers a sweeping
gain of additional armed law enforce-
ment officials who will be able to pro-
vide a 'surge capacity' during increased
threat periods or in the event of a terror-
ist attack," Ridge said in remarks pre-
pared for a speech yesterday to the
American Enterprise Institute.
Study: More money
needed to fight cancer
Cancer deaths may be leveling off
after several years of decline, and many
states are lagging in proven methods to
fight the most common tumors, says
the nation's annual report on cancer.
Sixteen states spend less than $1 per
person on tobacco control - far less


than the $5 to $10 per person recom-
mended - even though smoking is the
leading cause of lung cancer, the nation's
top cancer killer. Screening for breast
and colorectal cancer varies widely, too.
And there's a widening racial gap as
white Americans increasingly survive
certain tumors better than blacks, says
the report published Tuesday in the
Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
"The progress against cancer contin-
ues to be mixed," said co-author
Michael Thun of the American Cancer
VIENNA, Austria
Doctor says 'cough
CPR' will save lives
Coughing vigorously until an ambu-
lance arrives could save the lives of
heart patients who are going into car-
diac arrest, a doctor said yesterday.
Tadeusz Petelenz, a researcher in
Poland, said the technique, called cough
CPR, forces blood to the brain while
the heart is starting to fail and keeps
patients conscious long enough to call
for help.
It may also rectify their heart rhythm,
he told a meeting of the European Soci-
ety of Cardiology.
He recommended Cough CPR be
taught to the public, but other experts
said while the concept is provocative,
it needs more study.
Every year about 300,000 people in
the United States die from sudden car-
diac death.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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