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November 17, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-11-17

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 17, 2003 - 3A


DAAP looks to bring civil rights issues to MSA

Football tickets
swiped from golf
course office
Department of Public Safety
reports show a caller reported on
Thursday that two football tickets for
the upcoming Ohio State game had
been taken from an office at the Uni-
versity Golf Course. A larceny report
was filed regarding the incident.
Patient with gun
located by officer
A DPS officer identified a patient
who had brought an air gun into the
University Hospital on Thursday
evening. The officer confiscated the
air gun from the patient and filed a
Dorm door suffers
damage due to
kicking incident
A 21-year-old male student was
,arrested early yesterday morning for
kicking the main entrance door to the
Martha Cook Residence Hall. The man
was released pending authorization.
DPS reports indicate extensive damage
to the residence hall door.
Thermostat anti-theft
-covers vandalized
A caller from the Earl V. Moore
Building reported that somebody had
ripped off and destroyed six anti-
theft covers for thermostats located
on the second floor of the building.
The caller reported that the destruc-
'tion occurred Thursday night or
early Friday morning.
Officer bitten by
hospital patient
DPS records indicate a hospital
security officer was bitten on the
right forearm by a patient while they
were both in the courtyard of the
University Hospital on Friday. The
patient was not cited, but was
returned to the emergency room to
for continued treatment.
Man walks into
door, injures head
A 30-year-old male injured his fore-
'4ead after walking into a glass door on
the south side of the Alumni Center
Triday, according to DPS reports. The
'man was bleeding from his head, but
declined medical assistance.
Case of missing
can stash turns
up no suspects
DPS records show that 300 empty
mans were taken from the Alice Lloyd
Hall maintenance shop Wednesday.
The cans were meant to be returned
for deposit - the estimated value of
the stolen cans is $30. DPS has no
:Dorm panhandling
:lads to warning
: A panhandler was warned for tres-
passing after he begged for money on
the south side of South Quad Resi-
dence Hall Saturday night, DPS
reports show.
e Wallet holding $40,
credit cards stolen

from hospital room
According to DPS records, an
unknown person stole a wallet from a
room in the C.S. Motts Children's Hos-
pital. The wallet held $40, credit cards
and identification. The larceny report
was filed Friday.
Kitchen equipment
turns dangerous in
'meat-slicer incident
A caller from the Pierpont Com-
mons requested an escort for an
employee who had cut his thumb
'and forefinger while using a meat
slicer Friday. DPS responded and
transported the injured man to the
emergency room at the University
Locker proves no
deterrent for
computer thief
DPS reports show that a caller from
Hutchins Hall reported his laptop com-
.puter had been taken from his locker
"swmetime between Thursday night and
,A 4'riday morning

The University's Defend
Affirmative Action Party seeks
more assembly seats
By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
Hoping to push for civil rights and for the
defense of affirmative action, the University's
oldest student government party is working to
gain seats on the Michigan Student Assembly
in this week's elections.
"We represent the new civil rights move-
ment," said Kate Stenvig, an LSA senior and
chair of the Defend Affirmative Action Party.
"We want to make MSA a real student union
that is fighting for students' rights, fighting
to be the voice of the new civil rights move-
ment on student government."
DAAP, formed in 1997, is the only student
government party focused around a single
issue. "I think we've been the only party to

really take a real position
and to act on what we
say," Stenvig said.
Now that the U.S.
Supreme Court has
upheld the Law School's
use of race in admissions,
the party's next task is
fighting the drive for a

FALL 2003
e ect7o

MSA should be a
place where students
feel they are wellrep-
resented, she said.
"I don't think
that's what it is right
now, and it should
really be accountable
means that the people who

state constitutional amendment banning affir-
mative action in higher education.
"We're focused on defending the victory
that we had in Grutter v. Bollinger at the
Supreme Court," she added. "(We are) against
Ward Connerly's ballot initiative in Michigan
against affirmative action. We're building a
national boycott of Coors Brewing Company
and any other companies that are funding
Ward Connerly."
Stenvig said DAAP supports the Borders
workers strike and the boycott of Borders. It
also supports the Graduate Employees Orga-
nization, the graduate student instructors'

to students.
"So I think that

are elected to MSA, the people who are run-
ning for MSA, should take stronger posi-
tions," Stenvig said.
Monica Smith, a DAAP candidate for LSA
representative, said a focus on meaningful
issues sets her party apart from the other two,
the University Party and the Students First
"We're not about superficial things ...
We're more on the serious issues, the ones
that affect people's lives," Smith said.
Stenvig said DAAP was key in securing a


Hunger Banquet calls
attention to gobal
I aunger problems

By Mona Rafeeq
Daily StaffReporter

Several students and Ann Arbor
residents went home hungry after
attending a banquet at the William
Monroe Trotter House last night.
Unlike other banquets, the
Hunger Banquet, which kicked off
Hunger and Homelessness Week,
demonstrated the world's problem
with hunger through income dis-
tribution by giving diners differ-
ent seating arrangements and food
As partici-
pants walked "Hunger hb
in, they were
asked to pick Udiferent ca
colored slips of of which is
paper out of a
box. The slips of food.
where each per-
son would sit
and how much
food they would receive.
"Hunger has many different caus-
es, one of which is not lack of food,"
said Nayana Dhavan, one of the co-
coordinators of the banquet.
Dhavan, an RC sophomore, added
that some possible causes of hunger
include discrimination, drug and
psychological problems and popula-
tion distribution problems.
About 10 participants sat at a
table covered with a white table-
cloth and represented the part of
the population with a high
income, or about 15 percent of the
Mike Forster, vice chair of Stu-
dents for Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan, said people

with high incomes are able to pro-
vide for their own and their fami-
ly's necessities and usually
consume more than they need.
Engineering freshman Josh Roe
said he knew about the global
hunger epidemic before coming to
the banquet but didn't realize the
extent of it.
"I didn't know the populations
were distributed like that," he
said. Roe and others who sat at
the high-income table were given
full plates of food.

victory for affirmative action at the Supreme
Court in April thanks to the party's presence
in MSA.
It was responsible for organizing the buses
that transported students to march on Wash-
ington. "We are actually the people who
organized that march on April 1 at the
Supreme Court.
"We mobilized 50,000 people from across
the country ... That mobilization is the reason
we won at the Supreme Court."
Smith said DAAP candidates have been
making their campaigning rounds in the last
few weeks.
"We're going door-to-door and having con-
versations with people. We're giving them our
fliers, putting posters up, talking, phone
DAAP has 10 candidates from LSA, Social
Work, and the Medical and Music schools
running for MSA positions.
It currently has three representatives on
lend hand
in search
U.S. gov't extends
search for terrorists to
insurance documents
DETROIT (AP) - Blue Cross Blue
Shield of Michigan and Aetna have
scoured the records of millions of
patients, employees and health care
providers in search of terrorists.
Company representatives said Blue
Cross Blue Shield has checked 6 million
Michigan files and Aetna has checked
13 million nationwide, including 18,000
in Michigan, The Detroit News reported
The insurers said they were required
by the U.S. government to search their
massive databases.
"I wouldn't say we were asked. We
are legally obligated to look to see
whether we are somehow receiving any
transaction of goods and services" from
a suspected terrorist, said Blues spokes-
the woman Helen Stojic.
The government, however, says it only
demands that companies don't do busi-
itat ness with terrorists.
part Some customers, public policy
said experts and civil libertarians say health
e it care insurers shouldn't conduct the
lot, "It's kind of disgusting," said Virginia
vent Rezmierski, an adjunct associate profes-
said sor in the Gerald Ford School of Public
Policy and School of Information at the
ess University of Michigan.
the "At what point did Blue Cross Blue
)ali- Shield become an arm of the govern-
with ment, as opposed to a service provider
for people?"
bout Since last spring, the Blues' comput-
will ers have spit out the names of about
d C 6,000 Michigan residents who matched
On names, addresses or other keywords on
give the federal government's list of terror
lun- suspects.
A more extensive computer probe
showed none was a terrorist suspect.

The students

as many
auSeS, One
not a lack
-Nayanna Dhavan,
RC sophomore
basic needs like

sitting in chairs
arranged in a
circle denoted
middle class
people who
make up 30
percent of the
world's popula-
Forster said
these families
can pay for
food and shelter

LSA sophomore Chris Joseph eats with his hands as "lower-class" person at
Hunger Banquet at Trotter House yesterday.

and can also pay for electricity
and a basic education, especially
for boys.
Coordinators served members
of the middle-income group plates
half-full with food.
The majority of the participants
had to sit on the floor and had
small portions of food.
According to Forster, low-
income families make up 55 per-
cent of the world. Most of the
people in this group work for
landowners, or if they are able,
own some land and grow crops on
it to feed their families.
Many are homeless and have to
walk many miles to find drinkable

water. Forster added that the mortality
rate in this group is also very high.
After Forster explained the seat-
ing arrangements, the simulation
continued as some participants
were given the chance to change
their status.
In one role-playing situation,
six people moved up from the
low-income group to the middle-
income group because a U.S.
industrial plant switched opera-
tions to Mexico, and more people
could find jobs there.
But the participants' economic
status didn't always improve.
Six people from the middle-
income group tried to unionize for
their jobs were laid off, forcing
them to move to the low-income

Mahima Mahadevan, a Hab
for Humanity member who was1
of the middle-income group,s
the event was effective becaus
was a visual experience.
"You read about hunger a
but when you take part in an ev
like this, it gets us involved,"s
Mahadevan, an LSA senior.
Hunger and Homelessn
Week, which is sponsored by
Hunger and Homelessness Co
tion, will continue tomorrowv
a Day of Awareness.
"Listen," a documentary ab
homelessness in Ann Arbor,N
be shown at 8 p.m. at the Pon
room in the Michigan Union.
Sunday, a Day of Action willg
students the opportunity to vo
teer at local homeless shelters.

Continued from Page 1A
"We hope to reinvigorate CSJ as part
of this project to mediate between stu-
dent groups and to be a supreme gov-
erning body to determine what's
appropriate and inappropriate in regis-
tered student groups. CSJ has the abili-
ty to render a verdict that is binding on
any registered student governments

and student groups," he added.
Mironov said MSA will hold a meet-
ing within the next week to review pro-
cedure and materials to prepare the new
justices for their tenure, which will last
through the winter term.
MSA elections are Wednesday and
Thursday. Mironov said he is unsure
when the CSJ will be able to meet, but
added that he hopes to have justices up
to date before elections.

Vietnam Strategy
The strategy employed by the NVA
and NLF was called The Three
Heads of the Dragon; which were
propaganda, political and military.
The least important of these was
military, which was only used to
attain the goals of political and
propaganda. In other words, they
were out to influence the protest
movement and win within our own
Gary Lillie & Assoc., Realtors

the daily


Continued from Page 1A
But LSA sophomore Jacqulyn
Willard disagrees with the findings.
"I've had to work two jobs and
take out loans and financial aid
helps a lot. It's not easy without that
extra support from your parents but
I keep it going," she said.
Although the research focused on par-
ents' contribution, it did find that as age
increases the money from mom and dad
decreases. From the 18 to 20 range, the
money coming annually averages at
$3,499 and drops to $1,556 by ages 33
to 34, meaning that students are receiv-
ing that much usually 10 years after they
have completed their undergraduate
This of course is not true for all stu-
dents. A deeper look into the study's
averages reveals great disparities in
parental contribution depending upon
the financial status of the parents.
Families in the lowest two categories
help their children out with about
$25,000 after the age of 17 while fami-
lies in the top one-fourth financial

bracket provide their children with
$70,000 between the ages of 18 to 34.
LSA sophomore Sonya Krascil-
shchikova said she is not surprised
by these statistics.
"A lot of people I know, their parents
pay for everything but for me it was it
was basically 'OK, good luck ... you're
going to have to get the money yourself,'
"Krascilshchikova said.
In spite of the amount that young
adults receive, the money is spent
essentially on the same thing. "Indi-
rect evidence (suggests) that hous-
ing, education, and food are the
three largest components of the
expenditures" Shoeni said.
The research was carried out
under a larger project on the Transi-
tions to Adulthood headed by Frank
Furstenburg at the University of
The ISR panel of Income Dynamics
provided the data through 6,000 young
adults, members of families that the ISR
panel has been following since the
1960s. The study will appear in "On the
Frontier of Adulthood," to be published
by the University of Chicago Press.



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