2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 10, 2003 NATION WORLD Saudis accus RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Saudis blamed al- Qaida militants yesterday for the suicide car bombing of a Riyadh housing complex, declaring it proof of the terror network's willingness to shed Muslim blood in its zeal to bring down the U.S.-linked Saudi monarchy. The attack late Saturday at an upscale compound for foreign workers - where mostly Arabs lived - killed 11 people and wounded more than 120. The blast, not far from diplomatic quarters and the king's main palace, left piles of rubble, hunks of twisted metal, bro- ken glass and a large crater. "It's no longer an issue of terrorism for them," said Dawood al-Shirian, a Saudi analyst. "It's become a war on the regime, a war to turn the country into a new Afghanistan ruled by a Saudi-style Taliban." U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said he was "personally quite sure" al-Qaida was behind the Saturday night attack "because this attack bears the hallmark of them." Such attacks appear to be directed "against the gov- ernment of Saudi Arabia and the people of Saudi Ara- bia," he said, adding that he expected more to follow. Gunmen - possibly disguised as police - shot their way into the 200-house compound, trading fire with security guards. The attackers, believed to be in a police car, then drove into the compound and blew themselves up. Those killed were Lebanese, Egyptian, Sudanese and Saudi - four of them children. The Interior Min- istry said most of the 122 injured were Arabs as well. Most of the compound's residents were Lebanese, but some Saudis, German, French and Italian families also e al-Qaida of car bombing XT-'v TT LL il rVwco uN DIXLDr f. HEADLINES FROMAROUND THE WOR...I D Gore condemns Bush's post-9/11 actions Former Vice President Al Gore accused President Bush yesterday of failing to make the country safer after the Sept. 11 attacks and using the war against terrorism as a pretext to consolidate power. "They have taken us much farther down the road toward an intrusive, 'big broth- er'-style government - toward the dangers prophesied by George Orwell in his book '1984' - than anyone ever thought would be possible in the United States of America" Gore charged. Gore, who lost the disputed 2000 presidential election to Bush, said terrorism-fighting tools granted after Sept. 11 amount to a partisan power grab that have led to the erosion of the civil liberties of all Americans. He was especially critical of the Patriot Act, which expanded government's sur- veillance and detention power following the terrorist attacks. Gore chided the administration for what he said was its "implicit assumption" that Americans must give up traditional freedoms in order to be safe from terrorists. "In my opinion, it makes no more sense to launch an assault on our civil liberties as the best way to get at terrorists than it did to launch an invasion of Iraq as the best way to get at Osama bin Laden," Gore said. His speech before a crowd of about 3,000 people was sponsored by the liberal activist group Moveon.org, which earlier this year held an online presidential pri- mary in which Howard Dean finished first. BAGH DAD, Iraq Suspects in Baghdad hotel attack arrested Soldiers arrested 18 people in a deadly missile barrage last month that Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz narrowly escaped, officials said yesterday. U.S. warplanes bombed near a center of Iraqi resistance, and the military said it was intensifying the fight against insurgents after increasingly bloody attacks. The U.S. command also announced the death of another soldier, killed late Sat- urday when his vehicle struck a land mine in Baghdad. A senior Iraqi official warned that mounting violence may delay steps toward a new constitution, consid- ered a major condition for returning the country to full Iraqi rule. Lt. Col. George Krivo, spokesman for the U.S. command, said the 18 suspects were arrested in Baghdad by the 1st Armored Division but gave no further details. The missile attack Oct. 27 against the Al-Rasheed Hotel killed a U.S. colonel and injured 18 others. Wolfowitz, one of the architects of the Iraq war, was staying in the hotel but escaped injury. The barrage was part of a series of escalated attacks over the past two weeks, including the downing of a Chinook helicopter Nov. 2 in Fallujah in which 16 soldiers were killed and 21 injured. AP PHOTO A bulldozer moves rubble from the smoldering ruins of a house as Saudi rescue personnel stand by at dawn yesterday at the site of Saturday night's attack in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. lived there. Four U.S. citizens were among the wounded, the ministry said. In Washington, State Depart- ment spokeswoman Amanda Batt said "some Americans were treated for minor injuries and released." In comments published yesterday on the Web site of Saudi daily Okaz newspaper, Interior Minister Prince Nayef said he could not rule out a connection to sus- pected al-Qaida terrorist cells targeted in recent sweeps, as a number of suspects from those cells were still at large. States to cut next year's presidential priaries The Associated Press Several states have moved to drop their presidential primaries next year, worried about costs in still-tight finan- cial times and wondering if the political exercise would serve any purpose. Some say they can't afford the mil- lions of dollars it costs to put on an elec- tion. Others say the decisions reflect the lopsided nature of modern primaries: The front-runner gets anointed by the media and campaign donors after the first few state primaries and the rest of the primaries are formalities. The decisions add fuel to the argu- ment that the primary system is in dire need of repairs. In most states forgoing a primary, party-run caucuses will be used instead to choose delegates to the national conventions. "Fewer voters will participate because (caucuses) are more complex," said Cur- tis Gans, director of the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate. State politicians are freezing out average voters, he said, because caucuses bring "lower turnout, and more advantage to whoever's organized." Primaries usually don't get turnout much higher than 20 percent of regis- tered voters, but they're better than cau- cuses. In Missouri, the 2000 primary brought 745,000 people to the polls, while the 1996 caucus brought 20,000, the state Democratic Party said. So far, Kansas, Colorado and Utah - all with Republican-controlled legisla- tures - have canceled their state-run 2004 primaries. Republican legislatures tried unsuccessfully to drop primaries in Arizona and Missouri, but Democratic governors either vetoed the primary bill or restored the funding. Some Democrats complain that cut- ting primaries hurts them especially, with their crowded field of candidates. President Bush has no challenger. Al-Sadr tones down fiery commentary KUFA, Iraq (AP) - A Shiite Muslim firebrand who has been a thorn in the side of Iraq's American administrators is showing a more conciliatory side. Gone is the talk of setting up a rival govern- ment and the denounciations of rivals. Now he says Saddam Hussein - not America - is the enemy of Iraqis. Muqtada al-Sadr's new tone may have more to do with fear of arrest than any decision to abandon his quest for leader- ship of Iraq's Shiite majority, coalition officials believe. Nonetheless, it's a radical departure for the 30-year-old al-Sadr, whose fiery anti-American sermons raised fears of a new front in the battle against the Amer- ican occupation. In a rapid rise to promi- nence this year, backed by young clerics and mostly poor, urban Shiites, he chal- lenged the religious elders of Iraq's Shi- ite leadership. Now, al-Sadr is opening channels of dialogue with Shiite groups he once dis- missed, his aides say. And he is striving to attract educated Iraqis to his move- ment by toning down his rhetoric. The spread of anti-U.S. violence into Shiite areas would present a grave chal- lenge to the U.S.-led coalition. The vast majority of attacks have been in central and northern Iraq, areas dominated by minority Sunni Muslims. Last month, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers, said that Washington's problem with al-Sadr "is that anybody that incites violence against the coali- tion, that's not proper or legal" and that it "remains to be determined" whether the Americans would take action against him. TOKYO Opposition party gains seats in Japan Japan's ruling coalition will narrowly retain power after yesterday's parlia- mentary elections, an exit poll indicat- ed, bolstering Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's mandate to press ahead with economic reforms. The opposition Democratic Party, however, also appeared set to make big gains. Facing his first test in lower house elections since taking office more than two years ago, Koizumi had called the tightly contested race a test of his ruling party's public support. All 480 seats in the powerful chamber, including his own, were up for grabs. Public broadcaster NHK said its exit polls indicated the Liberal Democrats would take between 214- 241 seats, with its coalition partners adding another 25 to 42 seats. The opposition Democrats stood to make a major gain, boosting from 137 to between 170 and 205. $ PETERBOROUG H, N.H. Minister asks church to widen 'fences' The Rev. Gene Robinson began his ministry as the Episcopal Church's first openly gay bishop yesterday by saying he wants to bring the message of God's love to "those on the margins." He also said the church should speak out on issues of social justice, including the lack of access to health care for many Americans. "How dare we in this country spend $87 billion on war when 44' million people have no health insurance?" he said in his sermon. "It's up to the church to lead on some of these moral issues," Robin- son added. FREEHOLD, NJ. Illeo l immigrants sue store for discimn'ation Niie illegal immigrants who worked as janitors at Wal-Mart until they were arrested during federal raids last month have sued the company, accusing it of discrimination. The nine say they were paid lower wages and offered fewer benefits because they are Mexicans, and they accuse Wal-Mart and its cleaning contractors of failing to pay for overtime, withhold taxes or make required workers' compensation contributions. Their lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Superior Court in Freehold, seeks more than $200,000 in back pay. - Compiled from Daily wire reports. 6 I AP PHOTO Shiite Muslim firebrand Muqtada al-Sadr leads a Friday sermon at a mosque in the southern Iraqi town of Kufa. Art Spiegelman Tuesday, November 11, 2003 AMP PRESENTS... 7 p.m., Pease Auditorium tni/P C Jane Cortez and the L rirespitters FREE Pizza! Tuesday, November 18, 2003; 7 p.m., McKenny Union Ballroom FREE CDs! free! FREE Makeup! 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