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November 06, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-11-06

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 6, 2003 - 3A

ME Democrats set date for

Pep rally

Students arrested
with 'substances'
could see fines
Two University students were
-6aught with two different sub-
stances Tuesday at 1:53 a.m. in
Mary Markley Residence Hall. The
Department of Public Safety arrest-
ed the first student with possession
of marijuana.
If the substance, after being
investigated in the lab found to be
marijuana he is facing either a
'$1,000 fine or up to a year in
'prison, because he was found with
it on University property. The other
student was cited as a minor in pos-
session of alcohol. The subject's
court date is scheduled for Nov. 11.
Person harassed by
p0-worker files
complaint with DPS
According to DPS, a caller
reported that he was being verbally
harassed daily by a co-worker at the
,' niversity Hospital at 6:12 p.m.
Hospital Security took the com-
plaint and worked with the supervi-
sor to try to work out the situation.
The issue is still pending.If the
Harassment does not stop DPS said
the matter could turn into a stalking
Trying to urinate
ip Stockwell, man
shoves custodian
A custodian was pushed by a sub-
'ject attempting to use a urinal, in
Stockwell Residence Hall at 10:45
an. on Monday.
The custodian did not need med-
'ical attention, and the case is still
'under investigation, according to
I}PS reports.
Vehicle brushes
pedestrian's hand
DPS said that a caller reported
that while driving his vehicle, he
brushed against the hand of a
pedestrian on North Division Street
Monday morning. The case was
furned over to the Ann Arbor Police
Drinking bus rider
gets cited, picked
up on warrant
A bus driver filed a report with DPS
that one of his passengers had an opened
container of alcohol on Tuesday at 8:32
-Om. DPS boarded the bus to investigate
tlie alleged suspect and ran a warrant
check on him. Then DPS discovered that
there was an existing warrant for his
Arrest in Livington County. The subject
was turned over to Livington authorities
and cited by DPS for open intoxicants.
.patient assaults
medical staff, gets
*ininor injuries
A patient was found assaulting
medical staff at the University Hos-
pital on Tuesday, at 4:06 p.m. When
hospital security officers tried to
restrain him, he received small
injuries. There was a report filed.
.lheft in Alice Lloyd,

'.erchandise missing
valued at $240
A caller reported that between
Oct. 19 and Nov. 3 a table, globe
-and computer mouse were stolen
from the Community Learning Cen-
ter at Alice Lloyd Residence Hall.
The table is valued at $200, the
globe at $20 and the mouse at $20.
The housing security took the report
and forwarded it to DPS.
Falling cement
damages car
A caller reported that a piece of
cement fell on his vehicle and dam-
aged it on Tuesday at 10:14 a.m. in
the Thompson Street parking struc-
ture. The damage was minor, and
tlie case was turned over to parking
maintenance who will look into the
repair of the parking structure. The
University's insurance company,
Risk Management, is expected to
pay for the damages done by the
falling cement.
.:Missing person

Internet voting hearng

LANSING - A national Democrat-
ic committee will meet Nov. 22 to
review whether Michigan residents
should be allowed to vote for their
Democratic presidential favorite over
the Internet in February.
A hearing officer appointed by the
Democratic National Committee ruled
in a report released Friday that Internet
voting should be allowed along with
voting by mail and in person at party
caucuses, despite a challenge by critics
who say the new form would deny
equal access to minority and low-
income voters.
Joel Ferguson, a black DNC mem-
ber from Lansing who was among
those filing the challenge, appealed the
hearing officer's report and has asked
for a full review by the DNC's Rules
and Bylaws Committee.
In a brief filed with the committee,
Ferguson and other opponents to the
plan argue that the hearing officer's
decision to allow Internet voting
ignores "the discriminatory impact ...
on minority and low-income voters
who lack equal home access to the
"The availability of other voting
methods - at the polls and by mail -
does not compensate for the unequal
opportunities to vote online," the brief

said. "These other options still require
a voter to leave his or her home to
stand in line at the polls or at the post
Hearing officer Helen McFadden
said in her report that "the lack of
home access by any voter to the Inter-
net will not deprive that voter of the
opportunity to participate ... because
"The lack of home
access by any voter to
the Internet will not
deprive that voter of
the opportunity to
participate ... because
the voter can cast his
ballot by mail or in
- Helen McFadden
Hearing officer
the voter can cast his or her ballot by
mail or in person at one of the caucus
Her report also required the state
party to take additional steps to make

voting easier for those who want to
participate in the caucuses.
Those steps include increasing the
number of caucus sites from 429 to
576, the same number available in
1988; setting up a toll-free hot line to
help Internet voters; identifying the
location of all publicly available com-
puters with Internet access in minority
and low-income areas; and working
with community and civil rights
groups to publicize those locations.
Michigan Democratic Party Execu-
tive Chairman Mark Brewer said yes-
terday he will file a brief today on
behalf of the party supporting Inter-
net voting.
He said he plans to argue that the
hearing officer's ruling puts extra pro-
tections in place for low-income and
minority residents.
"We're willing to do all those
things (she required) as long as her
recommendation to uphold Internet
voting is sustained," said Brewer, who
is working to line up nearly 150 extra
caucus sites.
The Rules and Bylaws Committee
already has approved Internet voting
once for Michigan, when it accepted
the delegate selection plan in June
submitted by the Michigan Democra-
tic Party.
Continued from Page 1A
erwise all you've got is 10,000 hours
of people talking, and you rally can't
make use of them."
Adams said the Business School
currently organizes its files using a
system called Virage, which is "very
limited archiving and searching."
Adams said weighing Virage against
DAMS is like comparing a Pinto to a
Cadillac. DAMS "is more robust, it's
more secure," he said.
Williams said the School of Den-
tistry currently possesses many video
recordings of oral operations con-
ducted. Using DAMS, professors
will be able to search through the
videos to bring up a particular proce-
dure, he said.
DAMS will also help history of art
faculty work with images of paint-
ings which are currently kept on
slides, he said. Professors may even
be able to call up digital images dur-
ing their lectures, he said.
For IBM, the joint project will pro-

Basketball coach Tommy Amacker gives a speech to inspire the
Maize Rage after the team's' second practice of the season.

House OKs changes
to sex offender laws

LANSING (AP) - Sex offenders
who aren't violent and are not pred-
ators would be able to get off
Michigan's sex offender registry
under legislation unanimously
approved yesterday by a state House
The two-bill package is intended to
remove from the state registry
teenagers close in age who had con-
sensual sex. The legislation now goes
to the full House.
The bills would exempt offenders
sentenced under the federal Holmes
Youthful Trainee Act, which applies to
those between 17 and 21, from
appearing on the state registry.
Offenders are sentenced under the
federal act if the court considers them
nonviolent and non-predatory.

The bill also would allow those pre-
viously sentenced under the federal act
to ask their local prosecutor to remove
them from the registry.
If the bill is signed into law, 18-year-+
old Lonnie Ross could ask the
Muskegon County prosecutor to be
removed from the sex offender registry. 1
Ross told the House Criminal Jus-
tice Committee that he was placed on +
the state's sex offender registry after
being sentenced under the federal act
for having sex with a 15-year-old girl
when he was 17.
He paid $2,000 in fines, was sen-
tenced to a year probation and ordered
to wear a tether for 90 days. He said
he's been kicked off the football and1
wrestling team at Fruitport High
School because of the incident.

vide the company with valuable expe-
rience of testing DAMS technology on
the University's large collection of dig-
ital images and files, IBM spokes-
woman Lesia Figueira said.
IBM has already worked with
museums and schools like North-
western and Indiana University to
implement DAMS, but the Universi-
ty of Michigan is on the cutting edge
of digital imagery, Figueira said.
"The system the University is tak-
ing is one of the largest ever on the
academic level," she said. "I really
think it will give us that edge in hav-
ing one of the leading projects under
our belts."
The deal will set IBM apart from
its main competitors in the academic
arena, Blackboard and WebCT, who
do not have experience working with
rich media, Figueria said.
"We already have probably the
most experience working with these
large repositories," she said.
IBM has also helped CNN, National
Geographic and the National Football
League implement DAMS.

Continued from Page 1A
most recent University statistics show
around 89 students are from Malaysia.
The study, available for purchase in
January, surveyed 275 educators, and
concluded that overall enrollment of
international students increased only
less than one percent, a decline in
growth from previous years.
The University ranks sixth in top inter-
national student enrollment, with 4,601
international students. Though the
study warns of declines in foreign
enrollment, particularly from Muslim
countries, it also notes that it is gener-
ally an uneven effect varying from
location and field of study.

p -

the daily
-m-ensa puzzle


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