6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 31, 2003 the michigan daily U Campus management, Inc. We are currently showing a variety of houses and large apartments for Fall 2004. Sizes range from 3 bdrn. to 6 bdnn. We specialize in housing for larger groups. All locations very close to central campus. For more info call Jodi at 663-4101 ext. 24 or visit us on nd the web at www.campusmgt.com HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, Open House 1-5 PM on Sat., Nov. 1st. at 520 Fountain. Westside, close to Kenytown, 1 1/4 miles to campus, working fireplace, approx. 1452 sq. ft. (according to tax records), + closed-in porch, detached garage, full basement. Lot is 66 x 128 ft. w/ mature trees. House built 1920, has original un-painted woodwork, hardwood firs., high eff. furnace, new roof, 3 bdrms. + converted lg. attic w/ skylight. 419-875-6529. A FULL PILLOWTOP matt./box set, bra new, in plastic, only $125.248-470-3350. A QUEEN PLUSH top mattress/box, name brand, new in plastic, only $140. 248470-3350. BDRM. 5 PIECE set new in box. Sell $495. 248-470-3350. Can deliver. BDRM. 7 PIECE cherry sleigh bed new in box. Sell $600 can deliver 248470-3350. KING PILLOWTOP MATTRESS & box, new in plastic, w/ warranty, only $225. 248-470-3350. QUEEN PILLOWTOP NEW mattress & box w/ warranty, only $160.248470-3350. CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Available. 665-8825. PARKING AVAIL. IN Downtown AA, close to central campus. $75/mo. Call Cap- po/Deinco Properties, 996-1991. PARKING AVAIL. ON central campus be- tween E. University and Packard. 222-9033. PARKING AVAILABLE ON Forest & Oak- land. Call 222-9903. '93 FORD TEMPO. 2 door, red, low mi., manual. $1675 or best offer. 734-434-6928. 1999 LEXIS RX 300. 46 K mileage, factory warranty, chrome wheels. $25,900.846-0924. CARS FROM $500. Police impounds. Hondas etc. For listing: 1-800-319-3323 ext 4494. TOYOTA COROLLA CE 1999 36,000 miles,- very clean. $8500. Call (734) 998-0903. ! THE BEST avail. rental in AA. This house has everything, 2 bdrn. bungalow, full base- ment, garage, central air, all refinished hard- wood floors, new kitchen/appliances, new tile bath, new wshr./dryr., new paint inside & out, lg. yard in quiet neighborhood w/ central location to everything, a must-see! $1600 or best avail.Nov 1. Call 734-769-6471. !!! 6/7 BEDROOM Tri-Level w/ prkg. up to 6 cars, cathedral ceilings, skylights, remod- eled kitchen, beautifully furnished, and ac- cess to exercise facility and study lounge w/ computers. Near CCRB. Private shuttle to North Campus. Avail. Fall. Call 741-9300. !!!! 4 LG. Bdrm. house. Mary Ct. at IM bldg. Ldry., prkg. May-May $1875.995-3276. !!n!r!! t!!r! t!!!!!!! r!! t! !!!!! r!t! !!!! !!!!!! U OF M, NORTH CAMPUS I & 2 bdrm. $699 includes heat & water Free Parking! 734-972-9037 Visit us @ hrpaacom Security Deposit $250 Roommate Matching Available !!tr!!t!!r!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Campus Management, Inc. Avail. Fall 2004. Apartments and houses; from efficienicies to 6 bdrm. We have all types and sizes with great locations close to campus. Call Jodi at 6634101 ext. 24 or visit us at www.campusmgtcom AVAILABLE FALL 2004 Modem 2 Bdrm. apartments in seven great lo- cations all close to central campus. Furnished and unfumished locations. Heat, water, park- ing, and friendly management included. From $850 to $1499. To arrange a personal showing, call Jodi at 6634101 ext.24 or visit us at www.campusmgtcom !*!*OWN ROOM in charming older homes. 3 to 5 blocks to campus. $395/up. Short tern lease possi- ble. 741-8882/717-1110. ACTIVE COLOR LAPTOPS, $429, parts, accessories, memory, IBM factory rebuilt, DVD, warranty & Intemet ready. 662-7193. APPLE COMPUTER, 15" monitor, Epson Printer $375. Call (734)663-9086. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RESERVE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sprng/Fall 2004 Receive an Early Rental Discount Call Today for details: 888-7294809 !!!!CENTRAL CAMPUS - MAY TO MAY Newly refurbished 6/7 bdrm. houses for rent, fully fumished, ethemet, laundry, parking. CALL 734-972-RENT (7368). !!BEAUTIFUL HOUSE at Kingsley and Thayer. This beautiful air conditioned house contains 7 bdrms., a living room, dining room, two kitchens and three baths. The prkg. area accommodates 4 cars. Three refig- erators, a dwshr., garbage disposal, 2 mi- crowaves and free ldry. facilities are pro- vided. All bdms. have phone, cable and Eth- ernet jacks. Fum. $3500 + util(s). 663-1370 or email nancylat@umch.edu !!BEAUTIFUL HOUSE at Packard and Wells (near Dewey). This beautiful house for 8 contains 7 bdrms., a study, a living room, a dining room, two kitchens and three baths. Three refrigerators, a dwshr., 2 microwaves and free ldry. facilities are provided. All bdms. have phone, cable and ethernet jacks. Fur. Park three cars in the driveway and more on Wells street. $3840 + util(s). 663-1370oremail nancylat@umich.edu !MAY LEASES AVAILABLE! Large contem- porary 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Call 741-9657. $$$ SAVE, 5 bdn. house, 2 blks. from Zingemian's, $2195.994-5284. '04 FALL 971-3193 following incl. prkg. ldry. 1g. 4 bdrr. living & dining plus. Wood- lawn 5 bdn living plus. E. Washington 1g. 5 bdmr, living & dining plus. Lawerence. '04 LEASE, 415 Benjamin - Modem, funm. 1 bdrn. for 1-2 persons, $780; 2 bdrm. bi-level w/ balcony for 2-4 persons $1,250+. dish- washer, A/C, prkg. & Idry. May/May & Sept leases, benjaminrentals.com, (734)657-0684. 4 & 6 Bedroom Houses For 2004 Copi Properties 663-5609 *!* AVAIL. Effs. & I bdrm. apts ($665-$795), 2 bdrm. apt ($995) & 3 bdrm apts. ($1095- $1725) NEG. In charing old homes, close to campus 741-8882717-1110. *** CAMPUS - HOUSES *** 3 to 6 bedroom fumished houses. Call 668-1100 for appt *** LOCATION - FALL - LOCATION *** 1 & 2 Bum.Fum. Apts. Galore. Air, Balconies, Dwshrs., Prkg., Ldry. Great for 2, 3 or 4 people. Stop in at Varsity Mgmt 625 Church St For a complete listing & personalized viewing. ********* NOW LEASING ************ 2004/2005 18 LocationsThroughout Central Campus. Eff., 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Don't Delay..... RESERVE YOURS TODAY!!!! primesh.com Call 761-8000. *****AVAILABLE AUG. 1 and Sept. 1, 2004 near Med. & Central Campus. Modem 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Fum. and Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. ***FORET TERRACE APTS.** 1001 South Forest Huge 2 Bdrm. Apts. Perfect for 2-4 people. Modem Bldg., Fum., A/C, Prkg., Intercom. Call Res. Mg. for appt 222-9903. **LARGE ROOM, HILL St off State. Prkg. For male. $329/mo. 274-0733 or 995-3276. **PARK TERRACE APARTMENTS*** 848 Tappan -Avail.Fall. Unique 1, 2 & 3 Bdnm.fum. apts. w/ balc. Underground Prkg., Air, Intercom, Ldry. Call Res. Mgr. 997-7495 or Varsity 668-1100. **STUDIO/2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE** ONE BLOCK FROM DIAG! University Towers Apartments (734) 761-2680 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apartments on Central Campus. 402 Hill and 1313 S. State. Prkg., A/C, Ldry., Fum. 734-497-0323 or 734-332-6105. 1 BDRM. $675/MO. incl. heat, Idry., full bath.,- kitch. E.Washington. 971-3193 12 BDRM. HOUSE (sleeps 15), only 2 blocks from campus, 4 baths., kitch., living rm., din- ing rm., ldry., & prkg., $4995, 994-5284. U In iver1lty Tower AMENITIES ( Furnished studio, 1,2, & 3 bedroom apartments Phone, cable, & Internet ready - Outdoor swimming pool Fitness center - Game room TV & study lounge - Social activities CONVENIENCE Located on Central # Campus :ks> " Anvtfn nwnnw * 1100 Sq. Ft. Apts, Great for 2-5 people * Free Internet * Free Direct TV * Built in microwave, dishwasher, disposal " Beautifully furnished * Close to CCRB "Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus * Exercise Facility, Rec. Room * Study Lounge W/ Computers * Models open Daily 741-9300 \ .| (EXTENDED HOURS) www.annarborapartments.net 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., from $647/mo. Free heat, prkg., storage. Dwshr., garbage disposal, A/C. Onsite ldry., pool. Pet friendly. Close to UM Hospital & N. Campus. 761-3404. 2 BDRM APT. 1127 Church St. 2/FIrs., walk to campus, prkg, fum., heat/water included, dishwasher, A/C, $1050 (248)348-1607 2 BDRM. APT. in a house, bi-level, clean, bright, fum., prkg. 1 Bdrm. apt in a house, can accomodate 2, w/ 1g. kitch., clean, A/C, fum., prkg. 734-612-9935 kowadia@aol.com 2 BDRM. APT., patio, Heat, H20, net avail. $875/mo. Huron & 7th. Dave 734-417-4888. 2 BDRM. APTS. Recently remodeled, mod- em spacious kitch. w/ built in microwave & dwshr. Beautifully fum. Private shuttle to North Campus. Pets welcome. May & Fall leases. Call 741-9657 2004 RENTAL Check out Michigan Rentals www.michiganrentaLcom 734-260-7215 Avail. Now. I Bdrm. 1303 Granger $600.2 Bdrm. 208 N. First. $800. 506 S. Fifth Ave. $800. Call: 260-7215. 3 BDRM. TRI-Level Hse. w/study! 1 1/2 bath, hardwood firs., 1g. kitch., and private drive w/ carport. Fall avail. D- 741-9675E-368-6489. 3 BDRM., 3/4 people on Catherine/Keny- town. Ldry., prkg., $1200/1300+util 449-4797 3 BDRMS., 1 1/2 baths., vaulted ceilings, A/C, bales., ldry., prkg., walk a little, save a lot, $1295, 994-5284. 3 MIN. WALK to South Quad, I and 2 bdm. remodeled, prkg., Fall '03.973-7368. 4 BDRM. - extra lg. apt Fireplace, screened in porch, bay windows. One of a kind: 668-1100. 4 BDRM. @ 808 E. KINGSLEY. Clean & spacious rms. Utils. included. Free prkg. Ldry. $1995/month. Call (248)738-7022. 4 BDRM. AT 1100 Hill (Bi-level, large, 2 bath, up to 6 persons) & at 912 Sybil. 1, 2, Bdrm. Apts. at 408 Hill, 1100 Hill, 1130 Oakland, 1026 Vaughn, 910 Packard, 908 Sybil, 3 bdrm. at 1600 Packard and other locations on central campus. Fall Lease 2004. JMS Properties 222-9033 or 769-7025 www.JMSprop.com 4 BDRM. HOUSE! Beautifully furnished, re- cently remodeled, 1.5 baths., large kitchen. Great location near Kenytown! 741-9300. 4 BDRM. HSE! 127 Hill. Near Atheletic Fields. $2100/mo. A/C, wshr./dryer. dshwr/ garbage disposal. Tenants pay utils. Call Cap- po/Dienco 996-1991. 4 PERSON BI-LEVEL Apt. near Medical & Science bldgs. 2 full baths., Huge 2 bdrms., newly fum., A/C, dwshr. Loads of closets. Balcs. A must see: Varsity Mgmt 668-1100. 4, 5, 6 or more? Apartments & houses for Fall. Now showing. Jones Properties. Great locations going fast.734-668-1118. 5 BDRM. HOUSES, get them before they're gone. Starting at $2500, pay less. 994-5284. 5 BDRM. HOUSES, jacuzzi tubs, A/C, near athletic campus, $2400, 994-5284. 5 BDRM. MAY/SEPT.-up to 6 people, re- modeled, 2 baths., loft, hardwood, fireplace, porch, garage, ldry., fum., 5-10 min. walk to Law Quad & Elbel Field, $2550, 717-7609. 5 BDRMS. MAY LEASE on Platt near Packard, 1.5 bath., 1g. yard, bus line, campus prkg. possible. $1550 + util(s). 971-3193. 6 BDRM. @ 808 E. KINGSLEY. Utils. in- cluded. Free prkg. Ldry. $2425/mo. ($2350/mo. for 5 persons) Call 248-738-7022. 6 BDRM. HOUSE, 1 block from Yost, get more, pay less, $2850,994-5284. 6 BDRM. HOUSE, wood firs., 2 baths., living rm., dining rm., SAVE! $2995, 994-5284. 8 BDRM. HOUSE (sleeps 10), 1 block from campus, 2 baths., kitch. w/ dwshr., living rm., idry., act fast, $3950.994-5284. AAHH! START W/ UNBELIEVABLE large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts., 1 1/2 baths., and con- temporary in every way. Add free internet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and free rsident shuttle and you have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases avail. 741-9300. www.annarboraparmmnts.net ABOUT CAMPUS: ROOMS. Share com- mon area. Short term, prkg. avail. Call 973-7368. ADORABLE ABODE, CUTE 2 bdnn., ldry., prkg., microwave, dwshr., disposal, Sept. '04, $1000/mo., 668-7955 between 10am-10pm. ADORABLE ABODE, CUTE 3 bdrm., Idry., prkg., microwave, dwshr., disposal, Sept. '04, $1600/mo., 668-7955 between 10am-10pm. APARTMENTS FOR SPRING/FALL 2004 Wilson White Company, Inc. 734.995.9200 www.wilsonwhitecompany.com Equal Housing Opportunity AUG. '04 THRU Aug. '05. House for rent Lg. 4 bdrm., intemet, prkg., Idry. $2050/mo. Call Ken @ 734-717-6913. AVAIL FALL 2004 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. 715 Church St. Across the street from E. Quad. Beautiful, quiet, nicely fum. apartments. Ldry., prkg., heat & H20 in- cld. No pets. No smoking. Rental rate for 1 bdrm is $920-$955. 2 bdrm. $1260-$1575. Call Bobbie 877426-1360. AVAIL. FALL: 4 bdrm. house, fum., remod- eled bath., close to Athletic Campus, 114 E. Davis-a stea; at $1650/mo.! Call 761-8220 or www.michbiznet.com/gm AVAIL. FALL: 5 bdrm./2 bath. house, 5 prkg. spaces, 2 kitch., 2 living rms., HUGE BDRMS.! 611 Catherine, $3000/mo. Cal 761-8220 or www.michbiznet.com/gm AVAIL. IMMED. GREAT WESTSIDE 2 bdrm. w/ deck, $900. Call: 734-769-5778. AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY! CONTEMPO- RARY 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Recently remod- eled, covered prkg., easy freeway and UM ac- cess. Flex. leases. Day:741-9300 Eves. 368-6489. AVAIL. JAN.! GREAT 1 bdrm. apt. in prime loc. Heat & H20 incl. Furn., Prkg. avail. 665-8825. AVAIL. MAY 2004. Spacious, fium., 6 bdrm. house, @ 426 Hill, close to campus. $3300/mo. + utils. Call 665-2723 or email: shahtiger@hotmailcom AVAIL. NOW & Fall '04: 4 Bdrm. Hse. @ Washtenaw and Hill. Living rm. w/ fire place, formal dining rn., ldry., wshr./dryer, off-street prkg. 734-276-2174. AVAIL. NOW - Corner 2 bdrm. apt. near Med. & Central Campus. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Fum. & Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. AVAIL. NOW KERRYTOWN 2 bdm., newly decorated, great location, prkg., $795 monthly plus utilities. Ron 248-437-8907. AVAIL. NOW KERRYTOWN 3 bdrm., living, dining rm., 2 porches, prkg. and ldry. $995 monthly plus util(s). Ron 248-437-8907. AVAIL. NOW PRIVATE Locking Bdrm. Avail. in 4 bdrn. penthouse unit. Heat and Water included. A/C, Laundry on premises $500/mo. 665-8825. AVAIL. NOW SPECIAL Large Studio @ Tower Plaza. Furnished. Call 485-4641 AVAIL. NOW! 2 bdrm. apt. on campus seeks roommate. - Fully. fum. $500/mo. Call: 734-994-0633. AVAIL. NOW. 2 BDRM. APT. Air condi- tioning. Prime location, fireplace, for Fall. Heat & water included. Furnished, free park- ing, $999/mo. Call 665-8825. AVAIL. SEPT. 2004: 1, 2, 3 bdrm. apts. on campus & Keaytown. $900-$2000/mo. Call 665-2723 or email shahtiger@hotmailcom AVAIL. SEPTEMBER 1ST '04, William & Division, Eff., 1 and 2 bdrm. Apts. Security buzzer, Ldry. facilities, and seperate storage and Basement. Gallatin Realty Company, 994-1202, Ext 16. AVAILABLE FOR FALL '04! Effs., 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., and houses on Central Campus. Jan. & May leases avail. Call Amvest Proper- ties @ 260-3610. wwwamvestpropertycom AVAILABLE MAY. BI-LEVEL 2 person apt Walk-in closet. Newly furnished. 1 minute from campus. 668-1100. AVAILABLE NOW! FREE RENT for a month at Greenway Park Apts! Don't miss this great opportunity to live in one of our beauti- fully remodeled 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Featuring balconies, central air, Ann Arbor schools, and easy freeway access. Flex. leases. For details call 434-2844. AVAILABLE NOW! FURNISHED rooms, only blocks from campus. Share kitch./ldry.- /bath. Starting @ $400. Call 994-5284. AVAILABLE NOW!! IMMACULATE 4 lg. bdrm., 2 bath. home w/ on-site ldry. On U of M bus line. Yost/athletic campus area, 3 off street parking spots. $1695 + utils. Non- smoking. 734-930-8686. BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM. + study in Old West- side avail. Dec.1 $990 + util. 248-506-2846. BEAUTIFUL 6 BDRM. 3 bath. near campus for Fall '04 $2200 + util(s). 248-506-2846. BEAUTIFUL OLD WESTSIDE. Two bdmn., dwshr., wood firs. $825. CHEAP! 994-5284. CCRB - 1346 Geddes - Fall - Remodeled 3 bdrm. apt. Eat-in kitch. w/ dwshr., ceramic tile firs. Prkg. Call Varsity for Appt. 668-1100. Available Jan. 1 Beautiful OWS 2 bdrm 3 blocks from downtown $1195/mo Call Doug at 734-214-2992 I I 10 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 It may be vanilla-flavored 6 Pollution problem 10 Fruit-bearing tree 14 Spent 15 O'Neill's daughter 16 City NNW of Virginia City 17 F-4, for one 19 Business gps. 20 Tailor's need 21 Sandwich cookie 22 Part of a pose, maybe 23 "_ girl!" 25 Bean covers? 27 Student body builder? 31 Bailiwick 32 "Giselle," for one 33 Fall back 36 Immediately usable 38 Contemptible sort 39 Ownership unit 41 Put in 42 Eaglets' abodes 45 Vast land mass 46 Keystone State senator 48 Long-horned grasshopper 51 Gathering tool 52 "A Lesson from _": Fugard play 53 It comes to a head 55 Hitter's stat 58 Via del Corso locale 59 Elms, e.g. 62 " Wee 3 Not leave things to chance 4 Sermon topic 5 Entirely 6 A few 7 Charm 8 Only partner 9 Felon's weapon 10 Inspire 11 Spooky 12 Perspective 13 Lover's purchase 18 Toothbrush choice 22 Deck components 24 Pond denizen 25 Symbols indicating similarity, in math 26 Lode load 27 Poet Teasdale 28 Kind of balance: Abbr. 29 Revered 30 Unadorned 33 Spring basket item 34 Cheese with a rind 35 Grizzly, say 37 Ale holders 40 Maligned writer 43 He's coming, in a Laura Nyro song 44 Lively outing 46 Deck acknowl- edgement 47 Kitt of song 48 Small racers 49 Parting of the Pacific 50 Large volumes 53 Sexy, perhaps 54 Dutch cheese 56 Quilters' gatherings 57 " Life Strange": Moody Blues song 59 Met 60 Vietnamese port 61 Managed 6 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: C C R D A M A G E S V I M A R I A L A M O D E O R E P U T A L I DON I T C O T E X E R T S G T P I N E E ON S O L A F NOT A N O T H E R P E E P U G H S I R E N S A R IA H' T R 1 S R OAR S N A P A' S E R T A B LOO P T A L' S T I F L E Y O U R S E L F E R T E T R E K N O E S G A P C E A S E C A N M U M S T H E W O R D O T T S M E A R E D N O G S H H G E S T U R E E S E Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication. Rates: $3.75 per line for the first issue and $1.75 per line for each additional consecutive issue. " Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details " Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non-business ads only) * All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent xwordeditor@aol~com 10/30/03' 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 k18 14 17 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I day 2 aays S days 2 lines 7.50 11.00 16.50 14.50 21.75 4 days 18.00 27.00 QP fn 5 days 070 - Sublet 1[11114J-Il 3 lines 11,25 - .. - c n 21.50 32.25 A q n 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Emplovment r)n nn On nn t a