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October 30, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-30

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October 30, 2003
02003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 41

mom = NJRJb"

One-hundred-thirteen years of editorialfreedom

cloudy dur-
ing the day
and night
with moder-
ate winds up
to 13 mph.


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111111 UNION

Student assaulted



B dg

Department of Public Safety
issues crime alert after unknown
male fondles female victim
By Victoria Edwards
and Emily Kraack
Daily Staff Reporters
A female University student was assaulted
while walking alone on the 800 block of East
Washington Street near the Frieze Building
rally for

around 6:15 p.m. Tuesday. The student said an
unidentified male jumped out at her from
behind the bushes and forcibly fondled her,
said Department of Public Safety Lt. Crystal
The victim was able to escape by pushing
her assailant off of her. She broke free, fled the
area and contacted DPS.
James said the suspect is described as a
white male weighing about 150 pounds and
25 to 30 years of age. James said the suspect
is between five-foot-ten and six feet tall and

was identified as having dark, spiked hair.
The victim described the suspect's clothing
as a dark blue or black puffy, waist-length
Tuesday's attack is currently classified as a
second-degree criminal assault, a felony that
carries a maximum of 15 years in prison.
DPS is investigating the case and has no sus-
pects. Anyone with information should con-
tact the DPS Confidential Tip Line at
The incident prompted DPS to release its

third crime alert of this school year, informing
the campus community of the incident and
reminding students to take precautions while
walking on campus. James said that students
should take measures to reduce the risk of such
assaults. Students should avoid walking alone
in unsafe areas and should take advantage of
DPS safety resources such as officer escorts
and emergency phones offering a direct line to
DPS, she added.
"We always advise students to look
assertive and to be aware of their surround-

ings. It's also important to try to walk with a
friend. If you're in an unsafe area, give us a
call for an escort or try to get to a safer area,"
James said.
This is the second crime alert issued in Octo-
ber regarding an attack on a student walking
alone. A crime alert was issued on Oct. 5 after
an attack on a female student who was pushed
to the ground by an unknown assailant while
walking near the 600 block of State Street. That
crime is still under investigation, and there are
no current suspects.

By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Lecturers left their classrooms yester-
day afternoon and rallied on the Diag to
show their discontent with salary and
job security, among other grievances, at
the University.
Lecturers Employee Organization
members have been in negotiations
since August with the administration
and who agreed on several provisions
but did not yet discuss the lecturers' key
University spokeswoman Julie Peter-
son said the University negotiation team
is positive about the bargaining
Members of LEO spoke as they stood
on the steps of the Harlan Hatcher Grad-
uate Library and spoke of their individ-
ual concerns as non-tenure faculty.
Ian Robinson, who teaches in the
Residential College and the sociology
department, said lecturers deserve
more respect.
"Lecturers are treated like second-
class citizens because we do not publish
and research as much as professors do,
but as lecturers we do the bulk of the
teaching -- something, we believe is
most important;' Robinson said.

Residential College lecturer Martin Walsh participates in Lecturer Employees Organization's rally in the Diag yesterday. During
the rally, participants held up paper masks to cover thier faces, and after introducing themselves, they turned the masks over
to reveal their organization's logo.

By the end of March, LEO members daughter's kindergarten teacher, who
hope their demands are met and specifi- just graduated from Eastern (Michigan
cally that their salary is increased. University), is making more than me,"
Kirsten Herold, who is on the LEO said Herold, an English lecturer.
negotiation team, said lectures' salaries Because lecturers' positions are non-
are "pitiful" compared to what profes- tenure - which, LEO members said
sors receive. makes their job less secure - their
"After 12 years of teaching here, my bargaining platform includes establish-

ing explicit criteria for regular job
"I think job security is a very impor-
tant issue," said Herold. "I know co-
workers who don't even know if they are
working next semester."
LEO, formed last May, represents
See .EO, Page 7A

Death of student in '97
leaves message of love

By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
The annual Tamara Williams Memorial Lecture,
a series of lectures started to celebrate Williams'
life and to remind everyone of the ongoing fight
to end violence, started with a description of the
circumstances under which she died.
After her death in 1997, friends and family of
Williams, then an LSA senior, said they had had
no idea of the violence associated with Williams's
relationship with boyfriend Kevin Nelson.
The two had been in a long on-again, off-again
relationship, accompanied by spouts of violence
and abuse, which, according to police reports,
started in November 1995. Though friends knew
Williams occasionally fought with Nelson, they
had no idea how serious the situation was.
On Sept. 23, 1997, the secret violence led to a
tragedy that shocked campus. That morning, Nel-
son stabbed Williams to death, then was fatally
shot by Department of Public Safety officers after
he refused to drop his weapon.

"I was never aware of the violence in their rela-
tionship. You know how kids are, they always try
to keep anything bad away from you," Jeanette
Hart, Williams' grandmother, told the Daily after
the stabbing. "This is the first time I even heard
about the domestic violence charge."
The murder was the most serious crime to hap-
pen on campus in at least the last 10 years,
Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane
Brown said yesterday.
Last night, standing in front of a room full of
students, Tamara's mother, Yvonne Williams,
made a heartfelt plea to her audience: Don't make
the same mistake.
"To all the students, the ladies, the men, I just
want to say, just be careful, take care of your-
selves ... if you have a problem, tell somebody.
Tell your mother. Tell your father. Tell some-
body," she said, adding that life since her daugh-
ter's death has continued to be a struggle.
"Just keep on keeping on and don't let anyone
stop you. Please don't let anyone stop you," she
See DEATH, Page 5A

Loretta Ross speaks yesterday in "Freedom from Violence is
a Human Right," part of the annual lecture series in memory
of Tamara Williams, a University student murdered in 1997.

'M' women's soccer stuns second-ranked Irish

By Melanie Kobler
Daily Sports Writer
SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Something
was in the air for the Michigan women's
soccer team last night when it took on
No. 2 Notre Dame (18-1-1 overall) in
South Bend. Maybe it was the Wolver-
ines' need to improve their spooky 6-6-6
overall record in order to gain an NCAA
Tournament berth. Maybe it was just
time for the Fighting Irish's yearly domi-
nance of Michigan to die an ugly death.
Whatever the case may be, it was the
Wolverines who did the tricking and
who came out with the treat - a 3-2
upset of the nation's second-best team.
"This means everything," Michigan
coach Debbie Rademacher said of the
win's importance to the now 7-6-6
Wolverines. "This puts us above .500,
which is the first criteria of the NCAA

about a probable NCAA berth. Yester-
day's win broke Michigan's eight-game
losing streak against the Fighting Irish, a
team it has never beaten. And the three-
goal outburst was the most Michigan has

and broke the Irish's 10-game shutout
streak when freshman forward Katie
Kramer collected the ball on the left side

of the box and
Dame keeper.

lifted it over the Notre

scored in a game
since its 4-2 win over
Iowa State in early
"It's amazing,"
freshman goalkeeper
Megan Tuura said.
"We had nothing to
lose, and we came out
as hard as we could.
Everything fell into
place tonight."

"We had no
lose and we
as hard as w%
place tonigh

"It was huge,"
thing to Rademacher said of
scoring first in the
came out game. "We knew if
ve could. we could surprise
(them) and get an
fell into early one in, then we
1t could get comfort-
't. able and maybe not
- Megan Tuura be so nervous."
eshman goalkeeper The nerves
seemed to disappear
after that first goal and didn't come
back even after Notre Dame notched an
equalizer one minute later. Before the
half was over, sophomore forward
Therese Heaton had knocked home a

goal lead into halftime.
"Most of our goals in the last half of
the season came on set plays,"
Rademacher said. "We've been having
trouble scoring, so we said, 'We don't
care (where the goals come from).'
We've just been making the most of it."
Michigan stretched its lead early in
the second half on another corner kick.
Freshman Katelin Spencer headed a hard
ball toward goal that Notre Dame keeper
Erika Bohn deflected into the crossbar,
and senior forward Stephanie Chavez,
who has made a habit of being in the
right place at the right time, knocked in
the rebound.
Even though the Fighting Irish slipped
a second goal past Michigan's defense
with about 20 minutes left in the second
half, they were unable to take the lead at
any point in the game. Tuura - who
played the whole game instead of split-

Tuura was even feeling happy enough
to joke about the Wolverines' record.
"Now we don't have to worry about
being 6-6-6 anymore," she said, laugh-


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