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October 29, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-29

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 29, 2003


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Californians flee


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SAN DIEGO (AP) - Tens of thou-
sands of people fled the San Bernadi-
no mountains yesterday to escape
raging wildfires, causing a traffic jam
on a narrow mountain highway, and
frustrated firefighters said there was
little they could do to stop the flames.
About 80,000 full-time residents
have been evacuated from the moun-
tains since Saturday, and the situation
got worse yesterday.
"Just about everything is burning,"
said William Bagnell, fire chief of the
Crest Forest Fire
Protection District.
Authorities $
announced two '
more deaths in San
Bernadino County
on yesterday,
bringing the death
toll to 17 in Cali-
fornia's deadliest
wildfires in more
than a decade. TenD
thousand firefight- Davis
ers were on the front lines throughout
the state, and Gov. Gray Davis esti-
mated the cost at nearly $2 billion.
"This is a total disaster," Davis said.
"It reminds me of when I was in Viet-
nam, communities were burned out."
Since Oct. 21, at least 10 wind-
driven wildfires - many of them
arson-caused - have rampaged
through Southern California, demol-
ishing neighborhoods, gutting busi-
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nesses and blackening more than half
a million acres of land from the Mexi-
can border to the Ventura-Los Angeles
county line.
Nearly 1,600 homes have been
destroyed. Two burn victims were in
critical condition in San Diego.
In San Diego County, exhausted
crews were pulled back even though
two devastating blazes began merg-
ing. A blaze of more than 200,000
acres formed a 45-mile front stretch-
ing into Scripps Ranch and Julian.
The fire was just miles from joining
with a 37,000-acre fire near Escondi-
The two fires have destroyed more
than 900 homes. If they join up, the
flames would cut off escape routes
and whip up the wind.
Reinforcements were sent out, but
Rich Hawkins, a U.S. Forest Service
fire chief, said he needed twice as
many firefighters.
"They're so fatigued that despite the
fact the fire perimeter might become
much larger, we're not willing to let the
firefighters continue any further," he
said. "They are too fatigued from three
days of battle."
Authorities believe the largest,
nicknamed the Cedar Fire, was set
by a lost hunter trying to signal res-
cuers. The state forestry department
issued Sergio Martinez, 33, a misde-
meanor citation for setting an unau-
thorized fire.
Continued from Page 2
the first time something like this
has happened," Ricci said. The
Media Union, which is usually open
24 hours, shut down at 9 p.m. last
night. Pierpont Commons and sev-
eral other buildings, including the
Arts and Architecture, Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science
and G.G. Dow buildings were also
closed early.
Engineering senior Brent Fiedler
said he is more upset about other
inconveniences relating to the water
main break.
"I was really pissed - there hasn't
been coffee down in Pierpont Com-
mons. It's not making me happy. In the
Media Union all the restrooms are shut
down except for the one on the bottom
floors," Fielder added.
Continued from Page 1
book companies charge more
domestically, they should drop those
prices and "give up their extensive
profit margins, especially on course
packs," he said.
"The University should set up
bookstores so that products are sold
at cost. Cheaper textbooks will help
students financially and thus reduce
the amount of aid the University has
to provide for students," Jain said.
But LSA freshman Megan Smith
said students should not buy abroad.
"Supporting the textbook company
is in good spirits of corporate Amer-
ica, and it's worth paying the extra
$10 for textbooks."
Managers at campus bookstores
did not see overseas sales as impact-
ing their business greatly.
Steven Smith, textbook purchas-
ing manager at Shaman Drum
Bookshop, said he was "alarmed
and fascinated at the differences in
He said publishers dictate prices
and the bookstores themselves are
not responsible for keeping prices
Brown also said textbook compa-
nies dictate the prices, and added
that profit margins are very low on

He added that sometimes the
books sold abroad sport a plain
cover instead of a colorful one and
contains pages printed in black and
white instead of in color.
Textbook costs here are also
higher because the faculty often
recommends that students use
newer, more expensive editions
instead of reusing old versions,
Brown said. He blamed the text-
book companies for having a dou-
ble standard.
Since many of them are based in
other cities with Big Ten universi-
ties, he thought of the pricing as "a
conspiracy by other schools to bring
us down."
More recently, rising costs of col-
lege tuition and textbooks have
been a huge concern for many
politicians. Recent statistics show
that one in five students cannot
afford to buy required college text-

Dems back down,
approve EPA chief
Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt won Senate
confirmation yesterday to become head
of the Environmental Protection
Agency after Senate Democrats sharply
critical of the Bush administration
backed down in the face of an over-
whelming Republican show of force.
The lopsided 88-8 vote did not
reflect the intense efforts by some
Democrats to hold up the nomination as
they attacked the Bush administration's
environmental decisions.
President Bush's nomination of
Leavitt to head the 18,000-employee
agency was helped by the Utah Repub-
lican's three terms as governor, during
which he forged personal relationships
with many Senate Democrats, some of
them former governors.
"He's very good at bringing people
together," Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) said
moments before the vote in explaining
why he was supporting Leavitt.
Fed leaves interest
rate at record low
The Federal Reserve left a key inter-
est rate at a 45-year low yesterday and
repeated its pledge to keep rates low for
some time to come.
Many economists predicted the cen-
tral bank will wait until late 2004

A car bomb exploded yesterday west of Baghdad, killing at least four people
a day after three dozen people died in a wave of suicide bombings in the Iraqi
capital. U.S. officials said one of Baghdad's three deputy mayors was killed in a
hit-and-run shooting.
The latest attacks, including the killing Sunday of Deputy Mayor Faris Abdul
Razzaq al-Assam, raised fears that a strengthened insurgency is increasingly tar-
geting Iraqis who work with the U.S.-led coalition as well as international groups
that had considered themselves at less risk than U.S. soldiers.
Despite the escalation in attacks on Iraqis, American forces remained targets,
with insurgents firing on a U.S. military base and convoy in two northern cities
In Baghdad, a rocket-propelled grenade attack killed one U.S. soldier
and wounded six others while they were trying to destroy roadside bombs,
the U.S. military said yesterday.
The soldiers, from the 1st Armored Division, were attacked Monday, the same
day a team of suicide car bombers devastated the Red Cross headquarters and three
police stations, killing three dozen people and wounding more than 200.
KABUL, Afghanistan
Ambush kills 2 Americans in Afghanistan
Two Americans working for the CIA have been killed in an ambush while
tracking terrorists in Afghanistan, the agency said yesterday.
The ambush Saturday happened on the same day and in the same region as a six-
hour firefight in which U.S.-led coalition aircraft and Afghan militia killed 18 rebel
fighters, the U.S. military reported from its headquarters in Afghanistan yesterday.
Six Afghan militia soldiers were wounded in the fighting, but there were no
coalition casualties, the military said. It was unclear whether the two incidents
were linked, but the military did not explain why its account of the fighting was
delayed by three days.
In Washington, the CIA identified the two men as William Carlson, 43, of
Southern Pines, N.C., and Christopher Glenn Mueller, 32, of San Diego. Both
were veterans of military special operations forces, the CIA said.
They were "tracking terrorists operating in the region" of Shkin, a village in
eastern Afghanistan, when they were killed Saturday, the CIA said in a statement.
The pair was working for the CIA's Directorate of Operations, which conducts
clandestine intelligence-gathering and covert operations.

lower and trigger a destabilizing bout
of deflation.
Striking black gold is!
black day for families
When Rodger and Melissa Bentley
noticed that the well at their Kentucky
home was filled with a bubbling crude,
they didn't run off to tell relatives they
had struck it rich. That is because they
found just enough of the oil to foul
their only source of drinking water and
enough natural gas to cause their well
house to explode in flames.
Such stories have become all too
familiar in central Appalachia, where a
myriad of holes have been drilled deep
beneath the mountains to extract oil
and natural gas. Some residents say the
oil and gas have seeped into their water
wells, ruining them and creating the
risk of an explosion.

before starting to raise rates, to give the
economic recovery time to gain
The Federal Reserve went out of its
way in yesterday's brief statement to
avoid surprises that might have caused
financial markets to suspect that gath-
ering signs of stronger growth might
prompt the Fed to start raising interest
rates in coming months.
The central bank said its chief
unease remained the remote threat that
an already low inflation rate could fall


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- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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Art Spiggelman
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
7 p.m., Pease Auditorium


Jane Cortez and the
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
7 p.m., McKenny Union Ballroom

NEWS Shabina S. Khatri, Managing Editor
763.2459, news@mIchigandarly.com
EDITORS: C. Price Jones, Kylene Kiang, Jennifer Misthal, Jordan Schrader
STAFF: Jeremy Berkowitz, Ashley Dinges, Adhiraj Dutt, Sara Eber, Victoria Edwards, Margaret Engoren, Alison Go, Michael Gurovitsch.
Aymar Jean, Carmen Johnson, Michael Kan, Andrew Kaplan, Emily Kraack, Tomislav Ladika, Evan McGarvey, Naila Moreira, Kristin Ostby,
Michael Pifer, Mona Rafeeq, Adam Rosen, Karen Schwartz, Maria Sprow, Adam Supernant, Dan Trudeau, Trista Van Tine, Ryan Vicko
OPINION Aubrey Henretty, Zac Peskowitz, Editors
703.0379, opinionemichIgandaIly.com
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Daniel Adams, Sravya Chirumamilla, Jason Pesick, Jess Piskor
STAFF: Nicole Avenia, Benjamin Bass, David Betts, Darryl Boyd, Aryeh Friedman, Bonnie Kellman, Rachel Kennett, Sowmya Krishnamurthy, Andy
Kula, Garrett Lee, Suhael Momin, Laura Platt, Keith Roshanger, Ben Royal, Courtney Taymour, Joseph Torigian, Samantha WollJoeZanger-Nadis
CARTOONISTS: Sam Butler, Colin Daly
COLUMNISTS: Steve Cotner, Johanna Hanink, Joel Hoard, An Paul, Hussain Rahim, Lauren Strayer
SPORTS J. Brady McColiough, Managing Editor
764.8585, sportsmichigandalycom
SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Burke, Courtney Lewis, Kyle O'Neill, Naweed Sikora
NIGHT EDITORS: Daniel Bremmer, Gennaro Filice, Bob Hunt, Dan Rosen, Brian Schick, Jim Weber
STAFF: Jeremy Antar, Eric Ambinder, Kyle Carpenter, Waldemar Centeno, Mustafizur Choudhury, Ian Herbert, Josh Holman, Steve
Jackson, Brad Johnson, Jamie Josephson, Melanie Kebler, Megan Kolodgy, Phil Kofahl, Matt Kramer, Julie Master, Sharad Mattu,
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ARTS Todd Weiser, Managing Editor
763.0379, artspageemichigandaly.com
EDITORS: Jason Roberts, Scott Serilla
WEEKEND MAGAZINE EDITORS: Charles Paradis, Rebecca Ramsey
SUB EDITORS: Katie Marie Gates, Johanna Hanink, Joel Hoard, Ryan Lewis, Sarah Peterson
STAFF: Jennie Adler, Marie Bernard, Sean Dailey, Laurence Freedman, Andrew M. Gaerig, Andrew Horowitz, Lynn Hasselbarth, Mary Hillemeier,
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Ravi, Adam Rottenberg, Melissa Runstrom, Julie Sills, Niamh Slevin, Jaya Soni, Justin Weiner, Douglas Wernert, Alex Wolsky



ml ee

Savion Glover
Sunday, Janurary 18, 2004
7 p.m., Pease Auditorium

PHOTO Tony Ding, Brett Mountain, Managing Ed
764.0563, photo@michlgandallycom
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Elise Bergman, Seth Lower
NIGHT EDITORS: Jason Cooper, Ryan Weiner
STAFF: Nicholas Azzaro, Trevor Campbell, Forest Casey, Joel Friedman, Ashley Harper, Curtis Hiller, Jeff Lehnert, Kelly Lin, Danny
Moloshok, Brendan O'Donnell, Shubra Ohri, Laura Shlecter, Jonathon Triest, David Tuman
ONLINE Geoffrey Fink, Managing E
763.2459, onllno@michlgandally.com
EDITOR: Ashley Jardina
STAFF: John Becic, Kate Green, Janna Hutz, Mira Levitan
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