October 28, 2003
02003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 39
One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom
during the
day and
night with
winds up to
15 mph.
HI: 47
LOW: 38
'U' faculty
Suicide bombers target
Red Cross, police stations
F benefits
Committee discusses
current state of health
care coverage for faculty
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
The ongoing national debate over
quality health care hit the University
this week as noticed by issues dis-
cussed at yesterday's meeting of the
Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs.
Several SACUA members raised
questions about the current state of the
Faculty Health Appraisal Unit. The
unit, located within University Health
Service, provides free thorough physi-
cals to all faculty members with at
least a 50-percent appointment in an
academic department and staff mem-
bers above a certain ranking, based on
experience and performance.
Until 2000, faculty members were
invited periodically, depending on
age, to receive a free physical. But
three years ago, the University halt-
ed that process due to increasing
costs and because all University
insurance plans already provided
free annual checkups.
Yesterday, Courant clarified the Uni-
versity position - to let the program
"wither away" as older faculty retire
and not to inform younger faculty
about the program.
"The current plan which has been in
effect for a number of years has been
not to eliminate it, but not to advertise
it," Courant said in a phone interview
after the meeting.
But SACUA members said they
liked the unit program because the
same physician treats them every time
and service is quick, something not
always guaranteed at the University
"I find it much more user-friendly
than going over to the hospital," neu-
ropsychology Prof. Stan Berent said.
"If you have a special problem, they
follow up on it"
Confusion arose at the meeting
about the future of the unit program.
Later on, Berent said that he was
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Striking
in rapid succession, suicide car
bombers bent on death for "collabora-
tors" devastated the Red Cross head-
quarters and three police stations
yesterday, killing three dozen people
and wounding more than 200 in the
bloodiest day in Baghdad since the
start of the U.S. occupation.
From north to south in this city of 5
million, the explosions over a 45-
minute period left streetscapes of bro-
ken bodies, twisted wreckage and
Iraqis unnerved by an escalating
underground war. The dead included a
U.S. soldier, eight Iraqi policemen and
at least 26 Iraqi civilians.
"We feel helpless when see this,"
said an Iraqi doctor.
Iraqi and U.S. authorities in Bagh-
dad blamed the coordinated quadruple
blasts on foreign fighters intent on tar-
geting those they accuse of collaborat-
ing with U.S. forces. One captive
would-be bomber was said to carry a
Syrian passport.
But in Washington, Pentagon offi-
cials said they believed loyalists of
ousted President Saddam Hussein
were responsible. President Bush said
insurgents had become more "desper-
ate" because of what he said was
progress in Iraq.
The tactics suggested a level of
organization that U.S. officials had
doubted the resistance possessed. In
past weeks, bombers have carried out
heavy suicide bombings but in single
Not only were yesterday's attacks
coordinated, they also involved dis-
guise: the use of an Iraqi ambulance
in the Red Cross attack, a police car
and uniform in a police station explo-
The blasts, which echoed the Aug.
19 bombing of the U.N. headquarters
here, left the Red Cross and other aid
agencies examining whether they
should decrease their presence in Iraq.
Paris-based Medecins Sans Frontieres
said it would reduce its seven-member
expatriate team in Baghdad.
Secretary of State Colin Powell said
he hoped nongovernment organiza-
tions, contractors and the United
Nations would stay in Iraq despite the
"They are needed. Their work is
needed. And if they are driven out,
then the terrorists win," Powell said in
The differing theories about who
was behind the bombings underscored
the confusion generated by two days of
See IRAQ, Page 2
Iraqi police carry away the remains of a bumed body after a suicide bomber rammed an ambulance packed with explosives
into security barriers outside the offices of the international Red Cross in Baghdad yesterday.
Rising tuition costs catch eyes of lawmakers
By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Affordable higher education is a key issue
among legislators and university officials -
especially now that skyrocketing tuition costs
have been highlighted in last week's College
Board study on higher education prices.
While most agree tuition should be lowered
to ensure that students are able to pay for col-
lege, educators disagree on whether govern-
mental regulations should be implemented to
control increasing tuition costs.
Earlier this month, U.S. Rep. Howard
"Buck" McKeon (R-Calif.) introduced the
Affordability In Higher Education Act, which
if passed would eventually allow the federal
government to remove direct funding to insti-
tutions that increase tuition and fees more
than two times the inflation rate.
The bill would also establish a standard
measure by which con-
sumers of higher education
could compare tuition
"Our nation is grappling
with a college cost crisis
that is threatening to push
higher educations out of
reach for low and middle
income students," McKeon
said in a written statement.
"We are beginning to find McKeon
But Provost Paul Courant said the bill is a
"bad idea" for the University because it
favors private universities.
"There isn't enough distinction where uni-
versity tuitions are already very high since
the bill only takes in account the rate of
increasing tuition," Courant said. "We are
cheaper than private universities so under this
bill it would be hard to compete with their
This year, the University raised its tuition
by 6.5 percent - significantly lower than the
national average of 14 percent among public
Courant added that the bill does not
account for many other factors that determine
tuition such as state funding, financial aid or
the cost of keeping up the quality of higher
In the past, the state contributed about 70
"Our nation is grappling
with a college cost crisis
that is threatening to push
higher educations out of
reach for low and middle
income students.'
U.S. Rep. HowarTi'Bu&" McKeon
percent of the cost of education for in-state
residents, but contributed only an estimated
30 percent this past year.
While University officials say the
See TUITION, Page 7
Muslims focus on fasting,
spirituality du
By Alison Go
Daily StaffReporter
At sunset yesterday, 1.2 billion Muslims world-
wide broke from a day's worth of fasting. Yesterday
marked the second day of Islam's holiest month,
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calen-
dar, during which Muslims forego food, drink and
other sensual pleasures.
"Abstaining from food is a way for Muslims to
feel for the needy - those who are not as fortu-
nate;" said LSA senior Lena Masri, vice president
of the Muslim Students Association.
While Muslims abstain from food and drink
from dawn to dusk, abstention from sensual and
material pleasures is practiced throughout the
month of Ramadan.
"On one hand, you control your appetite, and on
ring Ramadan
the other, you control your sexual urges and be
careful of what you listen to and what you say,"
Business School junior Nauman Syed said. "When
you're fasting, it's a reminder of what you should
and shouldn't be doing."
Ramadan is also a time of intense spirituality,
and students said fasting fosters connections of
spirituality and community.
"We abstain from anything that might distract us
from our spirituality," Masri said. "Fasting brings
people together. It reminds Muslims who they are
and why they are here."
Followers of Islam believe that the first revela-
tion of Quran was revealed during the month of
"Ramadan is the holiest month," Syed said.
"This is the best chance of the year to focus and
build on your faith. It is an opportunity to do good
See RAMADAN, Page 7
gives students
renting tps,
legal advice
Rock the vote
By Sara Eber
Daily Staff Reporter
Amid a circus of balloons, popcorn,
candy and giveaways, anxious students
filled the Michigan Union Ballroom yes-
terday at the Fourth Annual Housing Fair
in hopes of finding clues about where to
live next year. Sponsored by University
Housing, the event brought together 55
rental agencies and property managers, as
well as many other housing and student
service organizations.
Hunting for off-campus housing for the
first time, Music freshmen Audrey
Bayshore and Jennifer Trombley said the
fair made them more comfortable about
the searching process.
"We were afraid we had no options left,"
Bayshore said. She and her two future
housemates sat inha circleon the second
floor of the Union, surrounded by rental
fliers and price lists in hopes of finding a
house before they left.
Trombley added that finding a place to
live is so competitive, "and I'm still nerv-
ous we may not get what we want."
While students crowded the tables
belonging to rental companies, some ven-
dors did not see as much traffic. Potential
renters overlooked the Student Legal Ser-
vices booth in particular. Douglas Lewis,
director and attorney for the organization,
explained that SLS plays an important role
ire th hrn. in" nnra c a n n on,, -nt
Students visit the booths and tables offered by rental agencies, property managers and other
housing services at the Housing Fair in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
"People just don't read (the con-
tracts)," he said. "Later on, they decide
they want to get out of them because
their carpet wasn't cleaned or they don't
like their roommates, and it just doesn't
work like that."
SLS offers help to students who want to
review their contracts before they sign, as
well as issues that may arise during the
year with landlords.
"If we know your landlord, that's a bad
thing," Lewis said.
appointment is necessary to meet with
SLS attorneys, they do not charge for their
services because the fees are already
incorporated into tuition payments.
Located in the Union, SLS handles a
variety of legal issues, including employ-
ment grievances, consumer problems,
criminal defense and family law.
Michigan Rental representative Zaki
Alawi said there is a solid demand for
housing this year and that students are
much more enthusiastic than in previous
verAlthonugh half of the houses~ Michi-
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