October 24, 2003
©2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 37
trail draws
Kerry's wife
to campus
By Anrew Kaplan
Di Staff Reporter
While her husband courts the nation
for the presidency, Teresa Heinz Kerry
has her own ambitions to think of. A
philanthropist, environmental advocate
and educationalist, her professional
agenda complements - but does not
duplicate - the political program of her
spouse, U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.),
who is vying for his party's nomination
in the 2004 presidential election.
In an interview
with The Michi-
gan Daily yester-
day, Heinz Kerry
- who will
address students
in the Kuenzel
Room of the
Michigan Union
Sunday - said
instead of cam-
paigning along- Heinz Kerry
side her husband,
she uses her frequent public addresses to
allude to similarities between her plat-
form and his. Not surprisingly, her rela-
tionship to Kerry - to whom she has
been married since 1995 - began over
their mutual interest in environmental
"Every time we met it was about the
environment, so there's something
important about that," Heinz Kerry said,
referring to her first meeting with Kerry
during a 1992 U.N. environmental con-
ference in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
"Whether it's fixing environmental prob-
lems or doing urban planning, John and
I have the same genesis about things."
Brought up in politically-riven
Mozambique by a father who practiced
medicine, Heinz Kerry said she learned
at a very young age the effects the envi-
ronment had on public health. She added
that her acquired consciousness nurtured
an interest in environmental protection, a
causefor which she has lobbied since
Sshe came to the United States in the
early 1960s.
"I grew up in Africa in a third world
country - and in those worlds if you
don't prevent, you die," Heinz Kerry
said, referring to widespread disease in
east Africa during the 1940s and '50s.
"My dad, being a physician, took me
around with him a lot. And even as a
child he didn't have to tell me anything
- I could just see.... As a child where I
grew up, it was by the ocean, and you
could not go in at sunrise or sundown"
because of environmental hazards such
as snakes and malaria, she added.
Referring to her husband's pledge
for universal health care and lower
prices for prescription drugs, Heinz
Kerry said she has also sought to
promote wellness among families
and workers. Among her initiatives,
she hosts annual conferences on
See KERRY, Page 3A
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adds to School
of Public Health
Renovations to School of
Public Health will implement
more interdisciplinary research
By Nalla Moreira
Daily Staff Reporter
Six golden shovels wielded by University
officials, students and the state surgeon gen-
eral broke ground yesterday for a 125,000-
square foot addition to the School of Public
The addition will replace the east-west
cine program in the 1940s.
Later, in field trials involving almost 10 mil-
lion children, he proved the effectiveness of his
former student Jonas Salk's polio vaccine.
This year, the Food and Drug Administra-
tion approved the nasal spray flu vaccine
FluMist, based on technology developed by
epidemiology Prof. Emiritus Hunein "John"
Maassab, another former student of Francis.
"This is such a wonderful group of faculty
with .. a history of discovery and public
work," Coleman said.
"I'm really glad we can provide them with
the facilities to do that."
wing of the Henry F.
Vaughan Building,
also known as SPH 1,
and will house mod-
ern laboratories,
classrooms, confer-
ence rooms and com-
mu n it y - fo cu s e d
research space.
Renovations will
also be conducted on
'This is such a
wonderful group of
faculty with ... a history
of discovery and public
- Mary Sue Coleman
University President
Coleman and other
attendees at the ground-
breaking said that the
renovations are long
"Jonas Salk visited us
just before his death,"
said Public Health Dean
Noreen Clark.
"He looked at me and
said, 'It looks exactly the
SPH 1.
"This is one of the strongest schools of pub-
lic health in the nation," said Glenn Fosdick,
University alum and member of the School of
Public Health Board of Governors.
"They desperately need not only the addi-
tional space but also the renovation," Fos-
dick added.
The School of Public Health was recently
ranked 5th in the U.S. News and World
Report yearly ranking.
University President Mary Sue Coleman
spoke at the event, emphasizing examples of
innovative research at the School of Public
Health since its inception in 1943.
Director of the Poliomyelitis Vaccine
Evaluation Center Thomas Francis, for
instance, developed the first influenza vac-
cine and oversaw the U.S. Army's flu vac-
"I said, 'Do you think if we opened the
refrigerator, we'd find your lunch?' "
The addition will include a five-story
connector that will form a bridge across
Washington Heights Street from SPH 1 to
the SPH 2 building.
Construction is expected to be completed
in 2006.
The project is designed to maximize inter-
disciplinary collaboration, foster communi-
cation between researchers and students and
promote connections with local and regional
groups, Clark said.
The addition will feature shared laborato-
ry space, an information technology hub and
state-of-the-art conference rooms, she said.
State Surgeon General Kimberlydawn
See SPH, Page 3A
School of Public Health Dean Noreen Clark, University President Mary Sue Coleman, Provost Paul
Courant and state Surgeon General Kimberlydawn Wisdom break ground at the proposed site of the
school's new additions and renovations.
RHA: Student access to res halls won't change
RHA decides to wait on decision to
allow residence hall access to all Mcard
By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
The weekly Residence Hall Association meeting was more
heated than usual last night as the group debated with Michi-
gan Student Assembly representatives over the question of
Mcard access to residence halls. MSA representatives came to
the meeting to address concerns regarding the difficulty of
access into residence halls.
"There's a policy that only students who live in a building
have access to that particular building," said MSA Rules and
Elections Committee Chair Pierce Beckham. "MSA has
received some complaints (from students) to talk to RHA
about what can be done about the current situation."
MSA Vice President Monique Perry said that access to
dorms should be extended to students living in other resi-
dence halls and to student groups so that they can utilize
study lounges and computer labs.
Perry said she would like to grant access to all Mcard hold-
ers to the dorms from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. "I haven't met one stu-
dent who told me they were satisfied with the current policy,"
Perry added.
But RHA President Amy Keller opposes opening access of
residence halls to all students.
"This concerns residents a great deal. To allow Mcard
access to every student is almost like giving a key to your
home to each student with a Mcard.
"I can see the benefits of allowing access, but in the inter-
ests of the residents - the people who actually live in the
halls - such a policy would greatly infringe on their rights
and personal living space."
Keller added that the RHA has not received any negative
feedback from students.
"The first time we got a complaint was from Monique
Two years ago, anyone had access to residence halls from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. with or without an Mcard. All-access residence
hall policies were changed in February 2002 due to repeated
burglary and peeping tom incidents.
"Safety is our number- one priority," Perry said.
"We think there can be a balance in security and accessi-
bility for students who may need access to residence halls,"
she added.
Keller said RHA is likewise concerned with issues of safety
that would result from a more lenient access policy. She also
said that allowing all Mcard holders into residence halls
would allow them to access computer labs, laundry facilities
and lounges which were built for the specific use of residence
hall students.
"It's not in housing's best interest to satisfy the needs of
every student on campus. First and foremost, it's the resi
dents," Keller added.
But Perry said that many multicultural groups hold meetings in,
the residence hall lounges.
See RES HALLS, Page 3A
International fair presents
work options for students
Give my regards to Broadway
By Tani Kahlon
and Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporters
Students crowded around the CIA's table at
the International Opportunities Fair yesterday,
looking at job and internship possibilities
while collecting compasses and other give-
The CIA was one of more than 40 organi-
zations showcased at the event, held in the
Michigan Union and designed to give stu-
dents interested in international programs the
chance to investigate volunteer, employment
and study abroad opportunities.
The fair was part of a newly initiated pro-
gram, International Career Pathways, which
also featured a series of panels Wednesday
and yesterday, bringing professionals from
the international arena to tell students about
their experiences in the field.
Sponsored by 11 university centers and
schools, the event was developed out of stu-
dent interest and draws on the expertise of
multiple schools and colleges, said Sally
Schueneman, the University Career Center's
events manager.
"It's so comprehensive because it includes
dents looking for full-time positions, gradu-
ate school and summer positions abroad, a
chance for students to connect with some of
the organizations and to learn more about
careers from professionals in the field."
With about 600 to 700 undergraduate and
graduate students working abroad in not-for-
credit experiences, Office of Overseas
Opportunities Director Bill Nolting said he
felt the program would be informative for a
wide array of students, expanding beyond the
credit-based possibilities offered by the study
abroad fair.
"I felt - and the other people on the plan-
ning committee felt - that people with inter-
national interests besides study abroad were
not being served," Nolting said.
"These are organizations where graduating
seniors can ... be placed in working and
interning positions abroad. These organiza-
tions can in part help graduate students with
overseas placement."
Nolting said the event, for which the plan-
ning started a year ago, will continue.
"If it seems to be a success, if the number
of people that are there is such that it would
bode well for it to be an annual event," Nolt-