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October 21, 2003 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-21

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 9

The Nation's Leader in Test Preparation
All Princeton Review Grad Courses Include:
" Free extra help
- Current materials
" Online student center access
" Satisfaction guarantee
Call now. Spaces are limited!
Review w.Piceo/eiwVo

*Social Work Day
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
2-5 p.m.
2:00 - 3:00 p.m. The Michigan Union, Pendleton Room
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. School of Social Work, 1080 S. University
Reception immediately following presentations
For students interested in learning more about careers in social work and University of
Michigan degree programs:
Master of Social Work
Ph.D. in Social Work and Social Science

RSVP by Nov. 5 via our website:
or call (734) 764-3309 then press zero

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omne take a good look
Calli 0)0.255.3169) x19. www.portfollocentercom
Your parents expected you to go to college, so
you went. They expected you to get a degree, and you
did. You got your degree in English, Communications,
Art History, Philosophy, Art... Now they're expecting you
to get.anice nine-to-ie with a boss who wears wing
tips and a receptionist named Alma. Maybe it's time to
do the unexpected. Portfolio Center is the school for
college graduates who won't be content to doodle on
their spreadsheets. ("~v .. mm Y..~o
On Campus October 22"'
The GradFair 11-3


>urses Offered in Winter term 20(

Graduate Study
at the

TheG School
Ope nk r21,
from 1:00 pm 4O m.Ih t$Foster Library
(2nd fl fW6Hall).
Speak with students, faculty and staff, and learn more
about what makes us a premiere school of public policy.

University of Michigan
School of Education
Oct. 22, 2003 " 11a.m. - 3 p.m.
Michigan Union
Visit us at the Graduate
Information Fair and learn about:

" Education: One of today's most important and rewarding
fields of study.
" Outstanding, intellectually-stimulating academic programs
that rank in US News and World Report's top 10.
" Earning elementary or secondary teaching
certificate and MA simultaneously in intensive, field-based,
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" National research centers devoted to critically important
topics in education today including the improvement of
mathematics and science education.
" Superior resources that help put students on the cutting-
edge of research.
" A highly qualified student body representing a wealth of
prior life and professional experience furnishes an
exceptional learning community.
" Distinguished faculty that help shape the intellectual
landscape and serve as leaders in t!hPi fields of practice.

Connect with
a Bright Future

Visit us at the
Career Center
Graduate School
Information Fair
in the Michigan
Union Ballroom
from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
October 22!

Enhance your skills to meet the challenges
of the Information Age. Now is the time to
earn the professional degree that's right
for today: the Master of Science in Information
from the U-M School of Information. Find out
how you can tailor your own program or
specialize in Archives and Records Manage-
ment; Human-Computer Interaction; Infor-
mation Economics, Management and Policy;
or Library and Information Services. You can
also earn a dual-degree with Law, Business,
Nursing, Public Health, and Social Work. Stop
by and learn about the admissions process

For more information contact:


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