m 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 the michigan daily HALLOWEEN COSTUMES-VINTAGE clothing. 15 min. drive to Frieda's Consignment Shop. 113 Main, Pinkney. 734-878-3852. Open daily 10 AM - 6PM. !!! 617 BEDROOM Th-Level w/ prkg. up to 6 cars, cathedral ceilings, skylights, remod- eled kitchen, beautifully furnished, and ac- cess to exercise facility and study lounge w/ computers. Near CCRB. Private shuttle to North Campus. Avail. Fall. Call 741-9300. !!!! 4 LG. Bdrm. house. Mary Ct. at IM bldg. Ldry., prkg., & dwshr. May $1875. 995-3276. rt!!!!n!!!!!!!!!t!!!tn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U OF M, NORTH CAMPUS 1 & 2 bdrm. $699 includes heat & water Free Parking! 996-4992 Visit us @ hpaa com Security Deposit $250 Roommate Matching Available !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! *****PARK EASY FOR SHEEZIE***** At one of our lots!! Call 761-8000 today for your spot, now with reduced rates. CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Available. 665-8825. CAMPUS PARKING Excellent Locations. Call: 668-1100. Spring/Fall 2004 Receive an Early Rental Discount. Call Today- for details: 888-7294809 PARKING AVAIL. ON central campus between E. University and Packard. 222-9033. '93 FORD TEMPO. 2 door, red, low mi., manual. $1675 or best offer.734-434-6928. 1998 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 4 door, Beige, 63.5k miles, Auto, Power, $6300/OBO. 734-623-0768. CARS FROM $500.Police impounds. Hondas etc. For listing: 1-800-319-3323 ext 4494. !!!!CENTRAL CAMPUS - MAY TO MAY Newly refurbished 6/7 bdrm. houses for rent, fully furnished, ethernet, laundry, parking. CALL 734-972-RENT (7368). !*!* OWN ROOM in charming older homes. 3 to 5 blocks to campus. $395/up. Short term lease possible. 741-8882 / 717-1110. !BEAUTIFUL 7 bdrm. home. Central air, 3 full baths. Sept. - Sept. lease, 2004/2005, $3500 plus utils. nancylat@umich.edu 663-1370. $$$ SAVE, 5 bdrm. house, 2 blks. from Zingerman's, $2195.9945284. '04 LEASE, 415 Benjamin - Modern, fun. I1 bdrm. for 1-2 persons, $780; 2 bdrm. bi-level w/ balcony for 2-4 persons $1,250+. dish- washer, A/C, prkg. & !dry. May/May & Sept. leases, benjaminrentals.com, (734)657-0684. ********* NOW LEASING ************ 2004'200 18 Locations Throughout Central Campus. Eff., 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Don't Delay..... RESERVE YOURS TODAY!!!! primesh.com Call 761-8000. *****AVAILABLE AUG. 1 and Sept. 1, 2004 near Med. & Central Campus. Modem 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Furn. and Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. **LARGE ROOM, HILL St off State. Prkg. For male. $329/mo. 274-0733 or 995-3276. **STUDIO/2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE** ONE BLOCK FROM DIAG! University Towers Apartments (734) 761-2680 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apartments on Central Campus. 402 Hill and 1313 S. State. Prkg., A/C, Ldry., Fum. 734497-0323 or 734-332-6105. A FULL PILLOWTOP mattibox set, brand new, in plastic, only $125. 248-470-3350. A QUEEN PLUSH top mattress/box, name brand, new in plastic, only $140. 248-470-3350. BDRM. 5 PIECE set new in box. Sell $495. 248-470-3350. Can deliver. BDRM. 7 PIECE cherry sleigh bed new in box. Sell $600 can deliver 248-470-3350. KING PILLOWTOP MATRESS & box, new in plastic, w/ warranty, only $225. 248-470-3350. QUEEN PILLOWTOP NEW mattress & box w/ warranty, only $160. 248.470-3350. 1 & 2 bdrmn. apts., from $647/mo. Free heat, prkg., storage. Dwshr., garbage disposal, A/C. Onsite ldry., pool. Pet friendly. Close to UM Hospital & N. Campus. 761-3404. 12 BDRM. HOUSE (sleeps 15), only 2 blocks from campus, 4 baths., kitch., living rm., din- ing rm., ldry., & prkg., $4995, 994-5284. 2004 RENTAL Check out Michigan Rentals www.michiganrental.com 734-260-7215 Avail. Now. 1 Bdrm 13035Granger $600.2 Bdm. 208 N. First $800. 506. Fifth Ave. $800. Call: 260-7215. 3 BDRM. FURNISHED can accomodate 4 person & 2 bdrm. cute cottage style closed to B-School and Law School. At 1021 E. Uni- versity.734-612-9935 kowadia@aol.com 3 BDRM. TRI-LEVEL w/ study! 1 1/2 bath, hardwood floors, large kitchen, and private driveway w/carport. Fall avail. Day- 741-9675 Eves. 368-6489. 3 BDRM., 3/4 people on Catherine/Key- town. Ldry., prkg., $1200/1300+util449-4797 3 BDRMS., 1 1/2 baths., vaulted ceilings, A/C, bales., ldry., prkg., walk a little, save a lot, $1295, 994-5284. 3 MIN. WALK to South Quad, 1 and 2 bdrm. remodeled, prkg., Fall '03. 973-7368. 4, 5, 6 or more? Apartments & houses for Fall. Now showing. Jones Properties. Great locations going fast 734-668-1118. 4-5 BDRM. BI-Level apt. w/ 4 prkg. spots, fully furn., near Business/Law School, and private shuttle around campus. Fall avail. Call 741-9300. www.annarborapariments.net 5 BDRM. HOUSES, get them before they're gone. Starting at $2500, pay less. 9945284. 5 BDRM. HOUSES, jacuzzi tubs, A/C, near athletic campus, $2400, 994-5284. 5 BDRM. MAY 2004-up to 6 people, remod- eled w/ 2 baths, loft, hardwood, fireplace, porch, garage, prkg., Idry., semi-furnished, football prkg. $$$, $2550, 734-717-7609. 521 WALNUT- 1& 2 bdrm. apts. in upgraded bldg. Just minutes from campus & bus ine. Fur., heat & water incl., ldry., prkg. Call Res- ident Mgrs. Chelsea & Ashley for apt. at 996-2603 or Varsity at 668-1100. 543 CHURCH- Greatest location for both central campus and north bus line- 1 bdrm. apts., 2 person bi-level apts. & delux, newly remodeled 2 bdrm. apts. 4 bdrm. bi-level apts. also avail. Fum., heat & water incl., ldry. Call Resident Mgr., Robin for apt. at 248-330-8872 or Varsity at 668-1100. 6 BDRM. AT 335 E. Jefferson. 8 Bdrm. at 930S. Forest. 4 Bdrm. at 217 N. Thayer, 1100 Hill, 912 Sybil. 1, 2, 3 Bdrm. Apts. at 9 locations on central campus. Fall Lease 2004. JMS Prop. 222-9033 or 769-7025. 6 BDRM. CAMPUS House Linden St. near Mudbowl. Charming, beautiful home with large bdrms., fireplace, new kitchen, 2 baths., loads of free prkg., wireless internet, free ldry., furnished. Fall '04 $3,300. 426-4772 ask for Jeanie. 6 BDRM. HOUSE, 1 block from Yost, get more, pay less, $2850, 994-5284. 6 BDRML HOUSE, wood firs., 2 baths., living rm., dining rm., SAVE! $2995, 994-5284. 6 BDRM. HOUSES best locations Fall of '04.996-0119. 8 BDRM. HOUSE (sleeps 10), 1 block from campus, 2 baths., kitch. w/ dwshr., living rn., ldry., act fast, $3950. 994-5284. A LEAGUE OF IT'S OWN - Washington Manor Apts. Excellent eff. & I bdrm. apts. loc. just a blk. from campus. Modern bldg. with new kitchens, A/C, furm. balconies. Heat & Water Incld. Call Varsity for apt. at 668-1100. AAHH! START W/ UNBELIEVABLE large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts., 1 1/2 baths., and con- temporary in every way. Add free interne, free satellite TV exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and free resident shuttle andyou have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases avail. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net ABOUT CAMPUS: ROOMS. Share common area. Short term, prkg. avail. Call 973-7368. AT LAST HERE it is 904 S. Forest. Com- pletely renovated house w/ lg. 4 bdrm apt. furnished completely w/ antiques. Everything else is new: heating, A/C, plumbing, electric, cable, phone, carpet, paint, dishwasher, re- frigerator, laundry, and much more. Parking AVAIL. FALL '04 - 5 bdrm. house on S. For- est, off-street prkg., hardwood floors, fire- place, 2 full baths, wshr.dryr. $2800/mo. Call 734-564-2125. AVAIL. FALL: 4 bdrm. house, fum., remod- eled bath., close to Athletic Campus, 114 E. Davis-a stea; at $1650/mo.! Call 761-8220 or www.michbiznet.com/gm AVAIL. FALL: 5 bdrmJ2 bath. house, fum., 3 prkg., free ldry., 312 N. Thayer, $2500/mo. 761-8220 or www.nichbiznet.com/gm AVAIL. FALL: 5 bdrm./2 bath. house, 5 prkg. spaces, 2 kitch., 2 living rms., HUGE BDRMS.! 611 Catherine, $3000/mo. Cal 761-8220 or www.michbiznet.com/gm AVAIL. IMIED. GREAT WESTSIDE 2 bdm w/ deck, $900. Call: 734-769-5778. AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY! CONTEMPO- RARY I & 2 bdrm. apts. Recently remod- eled, covered prkg., easy freeway and UM ac- cess. Flex. leases. Day:741-9300 Eves. 368-6489. AVAIL. JAN. 1ST: Fantastic 2 bdrn, apt. near Packard & Division. A must see! Neg. Rent. Furn., heat & water incl. Call Varsity Management at 668-1100. AVAIL. JAN.! GREAT 1 bdrm. apt. in prime loc. Heat & H20 incl. Furn., Prkg. avail. 665-8825. AVAIL. MAY & Sept. 2004. Spacious, fum., 5-10 bdrm. houses close to campus. $2500- $5200/mo. + utils. Call 665-2723 or email: shahtiger@hotmail.com AVAIL. NOW KERRYTOWN 2 bdrm., newly decorated, great location, prkg., $795 monthly plus utilities. Ron 248-437-8907. AVAIL. NOW KERRYTOWN 3 bdrm., liv- ing, dining rm., 2 porches, prkg. and ldry. $995 monthly plus util(s). Ron 248-437-8907. AVAIL. NOW PRIVATE Locking Bdrm. Avail. in 4 bdrm. penthouse unit. Heat and Water included. A/C, Laundry on premises $500/mo. 665-8825. AVAIL. NOW SPECIAL Large Studio @ Tower Plaza Furnished. Call 485-4641 AVAIL. NOW- Private room in 2 bdrm. apt. near Packard & Division. Call Varsity Man- agement at 668-1100. AVAIL.SEPT. 2004: Eff., 1, 2, 3, & 5 bdrm. apts. on campus & Kenytown. $600-$2600/mo. Call 665-2723 or email shahtiger@hotmail.com 5 & 6 Bedroom Houses For 2004 Copi Properties 663-5609 AVAIL.NOW.2 BDRM. APT. Air condi- tioning. Prime location, fireplace, for Fall. Heat & water included Furnished, free park- ing, $999/mo. Call 665-8825. AVAIL. SEPTEMBER 1ST '04, William & Division, Eff., 1 and 2 bdrm. Apts. Security buzzer, Ldry. facilities, and seperate storage and Basement. Gallatin Realty Company, 994-1202, Ext. 16. AVAILABLE FOR FALL '04! Effs., 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., and houses on Central Campus. Jan. & May leases avail. Call Amvest Proper- ties @ 260-3610. www.amvestpoperty.com AVAILABLE NOW! FURNISHED rooms, only blocks from campus. Share kitch/ldry.- /bath. Starting @ $400. Call 994-5284. BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOUSES close to campus, 6 to 12 bedrooms, some May and some September leases. call 663-1370 or email nancylat@umich.edu for a list BEAUTIFUL OLD WESTSIDE. Two bdrm., dwshr., wood firs. $825. CHEAP! 994-5284. BEAUTIFUL Spacious, Unfurnished Efficiency in lovely italan eight building. Avail. Now. 734-944-2405. BIG HOUSES STARING Fal 04 - 4 to 9 bedroom houses, great locations, close to cen- tral campus, Call today Cappo/Deinco Prop- erties: 996-1991. BUSINESS/LAW BOUND? EXTRA kg. 2 bdrm. Apts. fum., only 5 min from Business/ Law Schools. A/C, prkg., ldry., heat & water incld. Call Varsity for apt. at 668-1100. CHARMER, CUTE AS button 3 bdrm. 1 bath., attached garage, near central campus. updated kitch. & bath. $1200. 734-327-0158. CAMPUS 6 BDRM. house S. Forest. All amenities: internet, new kitchen, fireplace, furnished, prkg., free ldry. Fall '04 $3,090 426-4772 ask for Jeanie. CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS SPRING/FALL 2004 Wilson White Company, Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity CARRIAGE HOUSE ACROSS from CCRB, large contemporary 2 & 3 bdnn. bi-level apts.- 1.5 baths., furn. Fall leases avail. 741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! Spacious room avail. at 1346 Geddes. Fum., prkg., heat & water incl. Yes it's just a short run to the CCRB. Call Varsity Mgmt. 668-1100. CCRB- 1346 Geddes. Recently remodeled 3 bdrm. apt. New eat-in kitch. w/ dwshr. & ce- ramic tile firs. Heat & water incl., ldry, & prkg. Call Varsity for apt. at 668-1100. CRAWFORD HOUSE 3,5 & 6 BDRM. LUXURY PENTHOUSE APT.AVAIL. STOP BY FOR BROCHURE. 1335 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. 665-8825. WWW.CAMPUSREALTY.COM ECONOMY MINDED? GREAT 2 bdrm. furn. apt., Old West Side, only minutes to campus!! Call Varsity Mgmt. 668-1100. EFF., FULL BATH, kitch., heat, A/C, ldry. Util., cable incl. Quiet, no smoking or pets. $650. Call 623-1010. EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS, Old Westside, hardwood floors, natural light, pay less, starting at $515.994-5284. FALL 2003 CLEARANCE Sale. 1 bdrm. bi- level units @ State & Packard $525-$600 per month. Incl. H20 and prkg. 4, 8, and 12 month lease options. MOVE-IN TODAY! Call 663-3098. FALL 2004 LG. furn. houses on cam- pus. $3950 to $4200. Also 3 bdrm. furn. apts. from $1500. Pepper's Prop. 810-231-0239. FALL 2004 RENT with us! We have it all! 4-6 & 10-13 bedroom houses, efficiencies & 6 bdrm. apts. Call PMSI 665-5552.8:30-4:30. FALL 2004-TOP Quality Campus 1 bdrm. apts. In-House.761-6170 btwn. 8am-9pm FOOD, FUN, FRIENDS, FACILITIES! Student Co-op Housing. Rooms available now and for Winter term. Includes utilities, laundry, parking, meals, social activities! $430-620. Contact ICC Office at 662-4414 or www.icc.coop FOREST TERRACE APARTMENTS 1001 S. Forest. Extremely large 2 bdrm. apts. Perfect for 2 to 4 people. Furn., heat & water incl., Idry., & prkg. Intercom entrance. Call Resident Mgr., Yoram for apt. at 222-9903 orVarsity at 668-1100. FREE DECEMBER RENT for Jan. Lease. Spacious 2 bedrooms available now. $875 per month. Heat, H20, prkg. incl. We offer 4, 8, and 12 mo. leases. Call 663-3050 today. FREE RENT FOR a month at Greenway Park Apts! Don't miss this great opportunity to live in one of our beautifully remodeled 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Featuring balconies, central air, Ann Arbor schools, and easy freeway ac- cess. Flex. leases. For details call 434-2844 GREAT REMODELED 2 bdr.°Kerrytown. 3 min. walk to Frieze Bldg. Culinary kitch. Has everything: A/C, heat, prkg., ldry., brand new! Call for special. 973-7368. GEDDES & WALNUT APTS. 515 Walnut & 1506 Geddes. Exceptional I & 2 bdrm. apts. 4 person bi-levels & 2 bdrm. w/- den. Fum., heat & water incl., idry., & prkg. Call Resident Mgrs. Marc & James for apt at 913-8124 or Varsity at 668-1100. GREENWOOD HOUSE (5 bdrm. holds 6). 5 prkg. spaces. Avail. May 2004, call 834-3912. HOUSE 6 BDRMS. 3 baths. totally reno- vated, great condition, new kitchen, parks 6, close to campus and nursing. 347-6372. HURON AND 7TH, 2 Bdrm. patio apt Heat, H2, net avail. $875/mo. Dave 734-417-4888. EIMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - Campus area apartments. Wilson White Company, Inc. 734.995.9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. KERRYTOWN, 1 BLOCK from Hospital. 2 bdrm., A/C, balcony, $850. 994-5284. NOW LEASING FOR FALL 2004 CAMPUS RENTALS HOUSES AND APARTMENTS STOP BY FOR A BROCHURE 1335S. UNIVERSITY 665-8825 WWW.CAMPUSREALTY.COM OLD WESTSIDE- 801 W. Madison. Beauti- ful 1 & 2 bdn. fum. apts. Hardwood firs. & lots of light. Heat & water incl., ldry., & prkg. Call Resident Mgrs. Michael & Jill for apt at 546-4019 orVarsity at 668-1100. ONE AND TWO bdrm. fum. apts. near cen- tral campus. Rent incl. onsite laundry, heat, and water. Prices from $595-$695. Campus Management 663-4101. PARK TERRACE APARTMENTS 848 Tappan. Unique 1-3 bdrm. apts. w/ bal- conies. A must see! Fum., heat & water incl., ldry., & underground prkg. Call Resident Mgr., Jeff for apt. at 997-7495 or Varsity at 668-1100. PETS WELCOME! CONTEMPORARY 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Great campus locations. Call for details. 741-9300. RENT ME I'M A GREAT HSE-Sprng & Fall- LOCATION BDRM. BATH. PRKG. TERM 4 4 916 Mary 7 418 E. Kingsley A 6 418 E. Kingsley B 7 1522 Geddes 7 926 Sylvan 7 909 Sylan 8 927S. State 6 933 S. State 7 1303 S. State 6 817 McKinley 7 1012 Michigan 6 1601 S. University 6 818 Brown 6 3J 2 2 3J 3J 3 3J 3J 3 2J 2 6 May 3 M or S 4 M or S 7 May 6 MorS 7 Sept 4 May 3 May 5 MorS 6 Sept. 6 Sept 4 May 4 MorS 6 0 M=May S=Sept. J=Jacuzzi All have been completely remodeled. Oak floors, 2 fridges, trash compactor, dwshr. 2 have central A/C, rest have room A/C. Call 973-7368, www.allmandproperties.com ROOMS FOR WINTER and summer 2004, From $300. 769-2344. Or Hutch@provide.net Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Chris Matthews's TV station 6 Texas city, familiarly 10 Expressed, as a farewell 14 -_Gay: WWII plane 15 Author Buchanan 16 Yoked team 17 Access the Internet 18 Prepared state 20 Double parking area? 22 _ Luis, Brazil 23 Small, in Dogpatch 24 Hagen of the stage 27 EMT's specialty 30 It's frowned upon 33 Oklahoma native 35 Quickly, in memos 37 Speedy 39 Large-eyed tree climber 41 "His Master's Voice" org. 42 Foolish 43 Where to get two-by-fours 46 Take it slow 47 Black Sea port 48 Crucifix 50 Change the color of 51 Auction action 52 "Slippery" tree 54 Poke 56 Answering 3 Nixed, at NASA 4 Common-interest groups 5 Palestine, in the Bible 6 Titanic's undoing 7 'What's the big ?" 8 Tree knot 9 Arp's art 10 Dog's treat 11 Dismiss summarily 12 __ Moines 13 USCG rank 19 Frozen homes 21 Mouth part 24 Simple camera support 25 Heavy-duty tire rating 26 Diamond pattern 27 Visit 28 False 29 Smacked into 31 Not any 32 Actor's award 34 Presidential office shape 36 Ale sellers 38 Poi, basically 40 Do some lawn repair 44 Enthusiastic get- togethers 45 Karate school 49 High school events 53 Reward for bravery 55 Abzug of Congress 56 Arbor Day honoree 57 Tuscany city 58 Internet address starter 59 Labor 60 Part of a.m. 61 Thousands, to a hood 62 Sitcom planet 63 Furniture truck 64 Squeeze (out), 21 distinctive campus locations, studios to seven bedrooms. Contemporary in every way - Ask about the Free Internet and Free Direct TV - Exercise Facility " Study Lounge w/computers - Recreation Room " Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North Campus L .j I (Extended Hours) www.annarborapartments.net a ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: M A M B A G A P S S N A G U S U A L O P A L P I N E SAS S Y S I S S Y O N T O S P E E O N E S C O N E S W H I G W ALDLY U S M A I L S O L O N A P THUG S A C R E S A M I T A M E S T A D E TIN A S E L M Y AWNS D O N N A R E Y F L I T L IBRYA N M O I S T P A N E G LOA T S U E Z S O O N RAM S P E P P Y P U P P Y O N M E IN D Y A REIES WA YS AD OS DE EE Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication. Rates: $3.75 per line for the first issue and $1.75 per line for each additional consecutive issue. * Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details * Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non-business ads only) * All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent xwordeditor@aol.com 12 3 4 S7 15 18 9n 1p 10/20/03 10 11 12 13 16 Wo F 21 23 30 31 32 33 37 38 I day 2 days 3 days 2 lines 7.50 11.00 16.50 14.50 21.75 4 days 18.00 27.00 5 days 070 - Sublet 21.50 32.25 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 0 _2 cmmer Vmninlomnt 3 lines 11.25 I i i i I I I U _1