-EIMMIM 4 4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 21, 2003 OP/ED Ul~~~4 4rh~mt&l 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 letters@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 LOUIE MEIZLISH Editor in Chief AUBREY HENRETTY ZAC PESKOWITZ Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE So far, they are a pretty sorry group if you want to know my opinion." - Former first lady Barbara Bush in an interview that aired on yesterday's "Today" show, on the Democratic presidential candidates, as quoted by Reuters. WELL HER Emeil"%; 3rizsb kT;TNE N g' TUCk SN R RS AM S'NE l ERK1N' 01! . S VAP-SM A NEw w TFa'Pt1MP, l s AND AER1i IC CAwMN. V N' UWL RUN YAP A 30UT87 BILLION, BUTT! ATIS BUST AN MM L t . oil .. V O Aw h COLIN DALY THE MICHIGAN DALY I 0 -NI~ ! -Wlt. :"Sete IS EC Gi1 "I" V.S. 4R61 "MPDE IN 714E U.S.A."' The blanding of America JESS PISKOR JOIN THE PISKOR ood is an interest- ing thing. It both keeps us alive and makes life worth living. It is both nourishment and a source of pleasure. Unfortunately, the plea- surable aspects of food are under attack by a group of unadventurous and ignorant eaters: the Blands. The Blands are intent upon making our world uniform. Blands are the people who seem to thrive on the boring and the uno- riginal. Blands are the people who desper- ately search for the same thing, the same foods and experiences everywhere they go. One of the main reasons chain restau- rants are successful is the Blandian mantra, "I like the comfort of knowing that a burger in Los Angeles will taste the same as here in Ann Arbor. When I eat at Tchotchke's I know what I'm getting, no matter where I am." Why do Blands feel this driving need to have the same food everywhere? Lack- ing any understanding of real food, Blands only feel comfortable eating when there's a big pile of fried something on their plates and free refills. When I was a junior in high school, my French class went to Paris. One evening, our teacher gave us free reign to stroll the Champs-Elysees to find dinner. A couple friends and I found a little bistro where we enjoyed a simple yet elegant authentic French meal with fresh bread, a nice entree, a cheese course and a cheap French wine. For a reasonable price we experienced something new and delicious. The rest of the class - all Blands - found a Chili's restaurant and had straw- berry daiquiris and french fries while lis- tening to American rock music. In what must be considered a victory for the Blands, another Jimmy John's opened it's doors in Ann Arbor last week. Apparently, three stores selling tasteless, dry and poorly baked bread and overly- mayonnaised sandwiches just wasn't enough for the Blands. Maybe they just couldn't get enough of the faux old adver- tising, free smells and fluorescent lighting. Jimmy John's is not good food. Despite their ads, it does not have the "World's Greatest Gourmet Sandwiches." Yet people swear they are wonderful. I will not deny that there are times when a Jimmy John's sandwich hits the spot - in the same way a Pabst Blue Ribbon does. However, it displays a remarkable level of ignorance as to what real food is to argue that Jimmy John's is quality food - or even remotely gourmet. Well, there's no accounting for taste, right? Wrong. Take your food relativism and shove it. Freshly baked bread topped with farm fresh tomatoes is better than white bread and Kroger's tomatoes, guar- anteed. People might think they prefer Kraft Macaroni & Cheese or Lipton brand tea, but this is for lack of trying anything better or a result of years of palate dead- ening foods. It takes a little while after switching to real food to begin to taste all the subtleties of flavor, but once tastebuds are awaked, there is no going back. Blands are bland largely because they are lazy. The 10 minutes of effort it might take to make a real sandwich is just too much for a Bland, who would much rather walk somewhere out of his or her way to pay someone to prepare an inferior sand- wich. Instead of using a modicum of plan- ning to buy a real loaf of bread from a bakery or perhaps go shopping for food with a menu in mind, Blands put as little thought into eating decisions as possible. Blands might argue that they aren't lazy, but rather too busy. However, the minimal effort required to eat better and the gloating attitude through which they express their love of all things boring belies this claim. Not only are Blands lazy, they are deeply in denial. Unwilling to believe bet- ter food is available at roughly the same price, Blands create a mythology around their choices and can be heard talking at length about the quality of ingredients at Jimmy John's or the superior taste of a Bloomin' Onion. Psychologically unwill- ing to find foods that are in actuality bet- ter, Blands build up an aversion to new foods and flavors. Price is the last defense of Blands. "Surely," they argue, "better food costs more." Well, it can, but it doesn't have to. A bit of intelligent shopping goes a long way. Fresh breads and local produce can be found at bakeries and farmer's markets for no more than a few dollars and will provide for more meals than a sub. Yes, I'm a food elitist, a first class epi- curean. But better that than a Bland, a food relativist, living in a world without moral absolutes and unable or unwilling to distinguish good quality food from bad. Piskor can be reached atjpiskor@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Massad's lecture was 'insulting' and unrealistic TO THE DAILY: It's people like Joseph Massad who are the reason that there is no peace in the Middle East (Profs address Arab-Israeli conflict, honor Edward Said, 10/17/03). If Students Allied for Freedom and Equality wanted to provide a "better under- standing" of the conflict, it failed miserably. Mossad tastelessly and tactlessly spent his entire lecture attempting to undermine the legitimacy of Israel and of the Jewish people. His compari- son of Zionism to Nazism and racism was insulting. The applause received for his com- ments showed that there are still those around who prefer the unrealistic option of getting rid of Israel over peace. I, as a Zionist (and according to Massad a racist, anti-Semite and Nazi), have accepted the right of the Palestinians to have their own country. It's time that people in Mas- sad's camp recognize Israel's right to exist as well. The Palestinians aren't going anywhere and neither are the Israelis. Next time you want to promote understanding, stop using immature and uneducated comparisons, stop trying to undermine the other side's existence and accept reality. Only when we eradicate these methods can we take the first step on the path to peace.' JOSH BERMAN LSA sophomore Coverage of Said event biased; SAFE 'wants to destroy Israel' TO THE DAILY: Although I am sure that the reporter meant to cover Students Allied for Freedom and Equali- ty's Edward Said lecture fairly (Profs address Arab-Israeli conflict, honor Edward Said, 10/17/03), the article is so one sided as to be worthy of a state-run Arab press. First, Arrine summarizes the tripe that Joseph Massad spewed, then pretends to offer a balanced approach through the Daily's time-honored tra- dition of asking the biased crowd that attended whether it found the propaganda-fest useful. From what I could gather from the publicity ex ante (and the "coverage" ex post), Massad's message is: Shame on the Jews, who were perse- ruted that thevn owrs nrcuite Fair ennah hut to do the same to others. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is tragic and complicated. People on both sides, especially Palestinians, are suffering. SAFE contributes to the problem by spreading lies and dissimilation, but SAFE has a right to lie all it wants; the Daily should know better. SAFE doesn't want a real discussion of the conflict - it wants to destroy Israel. The Daily should want a real discussion, but only time will tell. MICHAEL KIEVAL Law School Bush should work to improve U.S.-Arab relations TO THE DAILY: In all fairness to Slava Goldstein, his letter to the editor (Reader would rather be bigot than sensitive, dead, 10/17/03) is brutally honest. It is also, unfortunately, based on a misunderstand- ing of facts. Take Iraq, the most obvious of examples. How many Americans were killed by Iraq in the past decade? Now compare that number to the number killed in the past year in the invasion and occupation against Iraq. And all those deaths in the past year are supposed to be justified by the "threat" Saddam and his regime posed to homeland security? We now know that the weapons of mass destruction never existed and that the evidence for them was fabricated. And now there is the occupa- tion. Rather than Iraqis cheering in the streets, there are daily attacks on our troops. Yet the message to President Bush remains unclear. He continues to ask for an increased presence to crack down on the terrorists, the ones that were non-existent before intervention in the region. Leaving all sensitivities and prejudices behind and thinking logically, it is obvious that you do not deal with a people backed into a corner by pushing them further. Would detaining those with a "Middle Eastern com- plexion" or taking away the rights of Muslims make for a safer atmosphere? Would it help American and Arab relations? If you do not want to take my word for it, ask any Japanese American about World War II. CARMEL SALHI LSA junior Chair, Students Alliedfor Freedom and Equality the blame on those that promote hate and big- otry, he feels that all American Muslims are guilty of crimes that they have never committed. Maybe in countries like Israel and Turkey it can be perfectly legal to discriminate against citizens due to their ethnicity or religion, but the U.S. Constitution clearly states that these types of actions are illegal. Also, if we were to look at the current record of these unconstitutional policies, we would see that there have been no improvements in the safety of Americans. Reports are constantly con- cluding that Americans are no safer now then they were before Sept. 11. There is absolutely no proof that this discrimination against Arabs and Muslims has in any way prevented a terrorist attack, so even supporters of the government's discrimination of Arabs and Muslims can't even argue the effectiveness of these policies. Areri- cans have a legitimate desire in wanting to pro- tect themselves from terrorist attacks, the problem lies in the way the Bush administration is going about doing this. Starting offensive wars to destroy non-existent weapons of mass destruction and bending the Constitution to mis- treat innocent people will not stop terrorism, if anything it may even promote more of it. MOHAMMED ELGHOUL LSA junior Vice chair, Students Alliedfor Freedom and Equality Photo of Sigma Chi house appears to be inaccurate TO THE DAILY: It is a very sad time for the thousands of Uni- versity Sigma Chi alumni like myself who have such fond memories of the brotherhood and the house, which by the way, is the oldest standing structure in the country built specifically for the purposes of housing a fraternity. To its mem- bers, the Sigma Chi house is the physical embodiment of life-long friendships, lessons learned, and the University itself. In recent years, the alumni brotherhood worked tirelessly to improve the house struc- turally and as a positive force on campus. There were constant efforts to work with current mem- bers to instill a a sense of personal responsibility and integrity in matters relating to Sigma Chi and the principles it embodies. Unfortunately, those efforts did not nay off. I I I. SUA7~ UJAThL U4V~ LU1~ Q4yPPnIM4JI t u b Ott u tac . a " 1 >1 I I