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October 10, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-10

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 10, 2003



Baghdad police station bombing kills 8

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A suicide
car bomber crashed a white Oldsmobile
into a police station in Iraq's largest Shi-
ite Muslim enclave yesterday, killing
himself, nine others and wounding as
many as 45. Earlier, gunmen - one
dressed as a Shiite cleric - shot and
killed a Spanish military attache.
The violence, six months to the day
after Baghdad fell to American forces,
underscored the predicament of a capital
whose deliverance from Saddam Hus-

sein's tyranny has been repeatedly
undermined by terrorism, attacks on
U.S. forces and sectarian unrest.
The ancient city's landscape is now
lined with massive concrete blast barri-
ers and coils of barbed wire outside
hotels, government departments and
along stretches of road near U.S. mili-
tary bases.
As in previous attacks, there was no
claim of responsibility for the 8:30 a.m.
bombing in Sadr City, a Baghdad dis-

trict with an estimated 2 million Shiites.
"It was a huge blast and everything
became dark from the debris and sand. I
was thrown to the ground," said
Mohammed Adnan, who sells water-
melons opposite the police station.
Vegetable seller Fakhriya Jarallah said
two of her sons were repairing the out-
side wall of the compound.
"I ran across the road like a mad-
woman to find out what happened to my
sons. But thanks to God they are both

safe," she said.
Policemen and some in the crowd
that gathered outside the police sta-
tion after the explosion offered an
assortment of possible culprits that
ranged from non-Iraqi Arab militants
to Saddam loyalists and Shiite radi-
cals angry about a cleric's arrest.
The killing of the Spanish military
attache happened across town in the
upscale Mansour area about 30 minutes
before the car bombing.
D.C. sniper
suspect to
C "
FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) - Lee Boyd
Malvo's lawyers said yesterday they
will mount an insanity defense at his
murder trial in the Washington sniper
case, arguing that the teenager was a
victim of "indoctrination" by the older
John Allen Muhammad.
"This case is so bizarre in its facts,
and the degree of indoctrination is so
severe, that we would be remiss if we
failed" to put the sanity issue before a
jury, said Craig Cooley, a lawyer for
the 18-year-old Malvo.
The prosecutor in the case, Fairfax
County Commonwealth's Attorney
Robert Horan Jr., said that he has
reviewed the reports of a court-
appointed mental-health expert and
that there was nothing to suggest men-
tal illness on Malvo's part.
"It says absolutely nothing about
insanity," Horan said. "Apparently it's a
late-blooming insanity."
But Cooley said the insanity defense
is not based on the work of the court-
appointed expert, but on experts who
were retained privately and examined
Cooley said that indoctrination is a
form of mental illness and that it will
ultimately be up to a jury to decide if it
amounts to insanity.
Meanwhile, in Manassas, the judge
in the Muhammad case ruled yesterday
that the 42-year-old Muhammad can-
not present any mental-health evidence
at his own trial because he refused to
submit to an examination sought by
In previous motions and hearings,
Malvo's lawyers have argued their
client had been brainwashed was
"under the spell" of Muhammad, but
yesterday's pre-trial hearing was the
first reference to an insanity defense.
For the defense to work, Malvo's
lawyers will have to show jurors that it
was more likely than not that Malvo
could not tell right from wrong at the
time of the shootings.
If found innocent by reason of insan-
ity, Malvo would be committed to
mental hospital until he is found to no
longer be a threat. But he also faces
several other charges in Virginia and
other states.
Virginia law requires that Malvo
now submit to another mental-health
examination, this time by an expert
selected by prosecutors, if he wants to
present the insanity defense to jurors.
At yesterday's hearing, Circuit Judge
Jane Marum Roush rejected prosecu-
tors' first choice, forensic psychiatrist
Park Dietz, after the defense argued
that prosecutors also had selected Dietz
to examine Muhammad.

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MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Afghanistan
Aghan militias sign truce after fighting
After fighting that killed dozens of people, rival warlords in northern
Afghanistan said yesterday that they had reached a truce and would begin with-
drawing tanks and other weapons within 48 hours.
But with soldiers squared off along a tense battlefield, it was not clear whether
the cease-fire would hold despite assurances from both sides.
The fighting between the two groups - both nominally loyal to President
Hamid Karzai - was the worst in northern Afghanistan in months, with one side
claiming more than 60 people were killed.
One warlord, Atta Mohammed, said the truce took effect immediately and that
both sides would return all weaponry to their bases in 48 hours.
"I am sure this cease-fire will hold," Mohammed told The Associated Press.
Gen. Majid Rozi, a senior commander for northern warlord Abdul Rashid
Dostum, confirmed the details of the truce and said the withdrawal of
weapons had begun.
The agreement followed talks involving Afghan Interior Minister Ali Ahmad
Jalali and British Ambassador Ron Nash.
"If there is no peace in the north of the country, it will damage the trust
the international community has in us," Jalali said after the signing of the
truce yesterday.
inochet-era killings resurface in U.S. court
For the past few weeks, a jury has heard witnesses accuse Armando Fernandez
Larios, an army lieutenant during Chile's bloody 1973 coup, of executing political
prisoners, wielding a medieval-style mace in a terrorized town and watching as a list
of those marked for death was drawn up.
Fernandez, now a Miami auto body shop manager, is defending himself in a law-
suit accusing him of being a member of the Caravan of Death, a mobile killing squad
that executed 75 political prisoners in the weeks after Gen. Augusto Pinochet seized
The case, unfolding in federal court in Miami, is the first trial in the United States
stemming from the 30-year-old killings. The family of one of the victims - Winston
Cabello - has accused Fernandez of killings, torture and crimes against humanity,
and is seeking damages. The amount sought will be announced during closing argu-
ments, which could begin as early as this week. The trial began Sept. 23.
Fernandez has denied any role in the killings and torture.
Joshua Sondheimer, a lawyer with the San Francisco-based Center for Justice &
Accountability who sued on behalf of the family, said the main goal is not the money.



U.S. looks for security
breach in prison camp
Two dozen investigators began
searching for possible security
breaches yesterday at the U.S. prison
camp for terror suspects, where
espionage charges have heightened
tensions among soldiers.
On Wednesday, investigators from
the Miami-based U.S. Southern
Command reported t o the island,
following by a day the arrival of five
non-American-born Arabic inter-
preters contracted by the same com-
pany that employed an American
translator accused of spying.
Investigators will try to establish
how a translator already under
investigation got secret clearance
and was allowed onto the base, and
how a second translator managed to
leave with classified information.
In addition, a Muslim chaplain is
under investigation after allegedly
leaving with diagrams of the prison
New Calif. gov. looks
forward to transition
Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger
introduced key members of his transition
team yesterday, saying the first thing they
would do is conduct an audit to find out
1 ) 1

just how serious the state's deficit is. He
also called on Gov. Gray Davis not to
make any more appointments or sign leg-
islation in the waning days of his admin-
istration, although Schwarzenegger
acknowledged it is Davis' right to do so.
"I would like it really if he doesn't sign
any more bills, as far as that goes,"
Schwarzenegger said. "I'm absolutely
convinced that when the governor says
that he wants to have a smooth transition,
that we will in fact have a smooth transi-
tion. And I am looking forward to that
and the process has already begun."
Researchers study
pain of broken heart
A rejected lover's broken heart may
cause as much distress in a pain center of
the brain as an actual physical injury,
according to new research. California
researchers have found a physiological
basis for social pain by monitoring the
brains of people who thought they had
been maliciously excluded from a com-
puter game by other players.
Naomi Eisenberger, a scientist at the
University of California at Los Angeles
and the first author of the study to be
published today in the journal Science,
said the study suggests that the need for
social inclusiveness is a deep-seated part
of what it means to be human.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.



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