mm" 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 4 the michigan daily BDRM. 7 PIECE cherry sleigh bed new in 1 BDRM. AT 808 E. KINGSLEY. Spacious FREE RENT FOR a month at Greenway box. Sell $600 can deliver 248-470-3350. bdrm. all util. incl. Free prkg. $535/mo. Call: Park Apts! Don't miss this great opportunity KING PILLOWTOP MATIRESS & box 248-738-7022. to live in one of our beautifully remodeled 1 , & 2 bdrm. apts. Featuring balconies, central new in plastic, w/ wananty, only $225. 1 LG. BDRM. enough for 2 people, all appl., & 2 rbrap osand ba s , eewaa 248470-3350. cable incl., $500/mo.student. 722-1894. air, Ann Arbor schools, and easy feeway ac- cess. Flex. leases. For details call 434-2844 QUEEN PILLOWTOP NEW mattress & box w/ wananty, only $160. 248-470-3350. USED SLEEPER SOFA for sale, $150 or best offer. Call 734-623-0386. !!!!!!!CENTRALCAMPUS PARKING!!!!!!! Very Cheap & Convenient. Call Sara 497-0323 ***** PARKING AVAILABLE ****** Several locations throughout Central Campus. Don't be caught in the cold. Call 761-8000 or stop in at 610 Church St. CAMPUS PARKING Excellent Locations. Call: 668-1100. PARKING SPACES AVAIL. N. Main & Kingsley. $100/mo. 734-426-6154. CARS FROM $500. Police impounds. Hondas etc. For listing: 1-800-319-3323 ext 4494. TOYOTA CAMRY DX 1990, Auto, Cruise, 4-cyl., PB, PW, PDL, tilt, AM/FM, tint, white, remote start, $2,000 OBO 160KM. 248-624-4145, !!! 6/7 BEDROOM Tri-Level w/ prkg. up to 6 cars, cathedral ceilings, skylights, remod- eled kitchen, beautifully furnished, and ac- cess to exercise facility and study lounge w/ computers. Near CCRB. Private shuttle to North Campus. Avail. Fall. Call 741-9300. !!!!!! NICE 3 bdrm. hse. @ Hill & Main with new carpeting. Near Stadium, campus & downtown. Prkg., wshr./dryer, full kitch., basement, living rm., dining rm., & sun rm., 3 -4 tenants. $1650. Call: 248-738-5578. U of M, N. Campus 1 & 2 bdrm. $699 includes heat, water, parking. 996-4992 Visit us @ Security Deposit $250 !!!!CENTRAL CAMPUS - MAY TO MAY Newly refurbished 6/7 bdrm. houses for rent, fully furnished, ethernet, laundry, parking. CALL 734-972-RENT (7368). !!MUST RENT NOW!! GREAT DEAL!!- 2 bdrm. central camp., 402 Hill, short term lease avail. neg. on rent, fum. 332-6105 or 497-0323. !*!* OWN ROOM in charming older homes. 3 to 5 blocks to campus. $395/up. Short term lease possible. 741-8882 /717-1110. !BEAUTIFUL 7 bdrm. home. Central air, 3 full baths. Sept. - Sept. lease, 2004/2005, $3500 plus utils. 663-1370. *!* AVAIL. Effs. & 1 bdrm. apts ($665-$795), 2 bdrm. apt. ($995) & 3 bdrm. apts. ($1095- $1725) NEG. In charming old homes, close to campus 741-8882/ 717-1110. ********* NOW LEASING ************ 2004/05 18 Locations Throughout Central Campus. Elf., 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Don't Delay..... RESERVE YOURS TODAY!!!! Call 761-8000. *****AVAILABLE AUG. 1 and Sept. 1, 2004 near Med. & Central Campus. Modern 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Fum. and Unfum. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. **STUDIO/2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE** ONE BLOCK FROM DIAG! A University Towers Apartments (734) 761-2680 *LARGE ROOM, HILL St. off State. Prkg. For male. $349/mo. 274-0733 or 995-3276. 2002 SONY VIAO Laptop for sale. Loaded w/ all programs, DVD/CD. NewCondition. 2 batteries. $650 o.b.o. 810-577-6775. ACTIVE COLOR LAPTOPS, $429, parts, accessories, memory, IBM factory rebuilt, DVD, warranty & Internet ready. 662-7193. 6 BDRM. AT 806 Arch & 335 East Jefferson for Fall 2004. Call JMS Prop. 222-9033. A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR FALL 2004: Tired of living in an apartment build- ing or house surrounded by people you don't know? Why not rent an entire house, with your friends, that is divided intouseparate apartments. You have your own bdrm., living space, kitch., and bathroom. These houses are great for a group of friends who enjoy liv- ing together, but require their own private space too. HURRY!! Houses still available: 3 and 6 bdrm. houses: 709, 713 Church St. (Across from East Quad) fum., prkg., ldry., lots of living space!! Sept. Lease. Call Bob- bie (C & I Management, LLC): 877.426.1360. AAHH! START W/ UNBELIEVABLE large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts., 1 1/2 baths., and contem- porary in every way. Add free internet, free satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ computers, great location near CCRB, and free resident shuttle and you have Geddes Hill. May and Fall leases avail. 741-9300. AVAIL. FALL 2004 4-6 bdrm. houses, great locs. on campus, $1,650-3,700. See listing at Call 761-8220. AVAIL. IMMED. 1 bdrm. 602 Monroe, incl. heat/water. Bargain at $565. call 761-8220. . 1121 STUDIO, I & 2 BEDROOM UNITS* Furnished & unfurnished- One block from UM Campus. Tower Plaza. 663-1530. APARTMENTS FOR SPRING/FALL 2004 Leasing Begins October 6,2003 Wilson White Company, Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity AVAIL. IMMED. GREAT WESTSIDE 2 bdrm. w/ deck, $900. Call: 734-769-5778. AVAIL. IMMEDIATELY! CONTEMPO- RARY I & 2 bdrm. apts. Recently remod- eled, covered prkg., easy freeway and UM ac- cess. Flex. leases. Day:741-9300 Eves. 368-6489. AVAIL. JAN.! GREAT 1 bdrm. apt. in prime loc. Heat & H20 ml. Furn., Prkg. avail. 665-8825. AVAIL. NOW PRIVATE Locking Bdrm. Avail, in 4 bdrm. penthouse unit. Heat and Water included. A/C, Laundry on premises $500/mo. 665-8825. AVAIL. NOW WILLIAM & Division. Eff., 1 Bdrm. Apts. Security Buzzer, Laundry, and separate storage lockers. Gallatin Realty Co. 368-0256. AVAIL. NOW.2 BDRM. APT. Air condi- tioning. Prime location, fireplace, for Fall. Heat & water included. Furnished, free park- ing, $1199/mo. Call 665-8825. AVAILABLE FOR FALL '04 Eff., 1, 2, 3, and 4 bdm firm. prkg. close to B and Law School 734-612-9935. AVAILABLE FOR FALL '04! Effs., 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., and houses on Central Campus. Jan. & May leases avail. Call Amvest Proper- ties @ 260-3610. AVAILABLE NOW! FURNISHED ROOMS, only blocks from campus. Share kitchAdry.bath. Starting @ $400. Call 994-5284. AVAILABLE NOW Nice unfurnished one bedroom and effi- ciency apartment one block to business and law. Call 734-944-2405. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1ST, 67 bdrm. Queen Anne Hse. w/ 2 kitch. & 2 baths. 511 N. Fifth Ave., Keytown. $2450/mo + utils. Call: 954-568-3323. BEAUTIFUL LARGE HOUSES close to campus, 6 to 12 bedrooms, some May and some September leases. call 663-1370 or email for a list. BEAUTIFUL OLD WEST side. Two bdrm., dwshr., wood firs. $825. CHEAP! 994-5284. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT NEXT YEAR? Leasing at Varsity Management 625 Church St. 668-1100 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Campus Area Apartments Wilson White Company, Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity LOVELY LOCATION AND LOW PRICES Across from U-M Hospital 1 & 2 Bedrooms at low rates Free Heat and water Call Medical Center Court Apts. At 734-662-2950 today!!! MAY 2004 EXCELLENT 5 BDRM, House, 525 S. Fourth Ave. Furn. Dwshr., Disposal, Prkg., Ldry., Central A/C, High Speed Inter- net to all Bdrms., Hardwood Floors, Newly Painted., $2950 Includes All Utilities Except Electricity. 662-7121. NOWLEASINGFORFALL2004 CAMPUS RENTALS HOUSES AND APARTMENTS STOP BY FORA BROCHURE 1335S. UNIVERSITY 665-8825 WWW.CAMPUSREALTY.COM OAKLAND MANAGEMENT PROPERTIES Sleeping Room: $299. Sink, Refrigerator, shared bath. 1131 Church. Water, Heat, Elec. FREE SEPTEMBER RENT FREE HI SPEED INTERNET (For Leases Signed by Sept. 30, 2003) Email: OaklandManagement@ 734-741-5021. EHO. OLDIE BUT GOODIE! Fantastic room in a 2 bdri. apt. 331 Packard near Division. Lots of nooks & crannies. Fum., heat & wa- ter incl. Call Varsity Mgmt. 668-1100. ONE AND TWO bdrm. fum. apts. near cen- tral campus. Rent incl. onsite laundry, heat, and water. Prices from $595-$695. Campus Management 663-4101. PETS WELCOME! CONTEMPORARY 1 & 2 bdrnm. apts. Great campus locations. Call for details. 741-9300. RIVER'S EDGE APARTMENTS! Why pay the high A2 prices? Ypsilanti is only 15 min. drive to campus. Leasing now! 1, 2, & 3 bdrms. From $595. Free Heat & Water. 487-5750. Virtual tours and apply online at TOWNHOME. BEAUTIFULLY REMOD- ELED 2 bdrm bi-level. Great location!,Easy freeway access. Avail, immediately. On cam- pus prkg. incl. 734-741-9300. TWO AND THREE bdrm. apts. in two-story home. Private entrance and street parking. Located near Kellogg Eye Center, only 4 blocks to the Med. School. Prices from $695-$750. Campus Management 663-4101. ARABIC TUTORING AVAILABLE. Elementary through college. 734-623-2061. BABYSITTER/ HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED care for one child and light housekeeping. Tues. 5pm-9pm & Sat. 8am-12pm. Trans- portation required.$10/hr.Call 734-663-0483 COLLEGE CLEANERS: PROF. Dry Clean- ing & Ldry. Free summer storage. 715 N. University. Next to Hill Aud. 662-1906. EDITING, TYPING OF dissertations, theses, term papers. Grad. school applic. 332-1592. ELIMINATE CREDIT CARD debt legally. Not consolidation or bankruptcy but true ELIMINATION. Call 231-487-9089 or go to PRIVATE TUTORING FOR LSAT, LAW SCHOOL FINALS, BAR EXAM My credentials: - perfect 180 on LSAT - Michigan Law grad (3.85 GPA) - licensed attorney -10+ years of teaching experience - hundreds of delighted students 734.996.2861 THESIS EDITING. 25 yrs. U-M exp. 734-996-0566 TOP TEN LAW Schools? Private LSAT Tutor! Guaranteed Results 313-510-5832 TUTORS! MAYSSOUN BYDON, U of M Law School Class of '99, presents her elite team of GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT tutors. Best preparation course in town. Call the Institute for Higher Learning. 734-213-5728. A FULL PILLOWTOP set, brand new, in plastic, only $125. 248-470-3350. A QUEEN PLUSH top mattress/box, name brand, new in plastic, only $140. 248-470-3350. BDRM. 5 PIECE set new in box. Sell $495. 248-470-3350. Can deliver. !!BARTENDING!! $300/DAY potential, no experience necessary, training provided. 800-965-6520 ext. 125. $ EARN $. F/Tday shift workers needed in fast paced student cafe. Make capuccino, sandwiches, etc. Exp. pref. Call 668-6770 or apply at Amer's Coffeehouse in the Union. ***HIRING IMMED. 4 Lunch Shift. Addi- tional wait staff needed for breakfast & dinner shifts $8.50/hr. Free Meals. Call The Exective Residence 763-7819, Ask for Chuck or Anne. A SPRING BREAKER NEEDED! Work for Sunsplash Tours. 2004's Hottest Destinations & Parties! 2 free trips / high commissions @ 1800426-7710. ANN ARBOR NIGHTCLUB looking for bouncers. Exp. pref. but willing to train the right people. 994-5835 ANN ARBOR'S LARGEST Sports Bar is now hiring p/t cooks. Apply in person @ Scorekeepers, 310 Maynard. 995-0100. BABYSITER FOR 3 year and 6 year old in our home. Must have car and good driving record. Occasional nights and weekends. $10/hr. References required. 734-669-9247. BARTENDER POSITIONS! MAKE up to $300/shift no exp. req., flexible hours, great pay! call 800-806-0085 ext 1445. BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED $250 per day potential, local positions Calll-800-293-3985 ext. 504. BE A BARTENDER!! The fun job. Earn $15 - $40/hr. Don't be ripped off by mail order scams, Real hands-on training in actual night club setting. The only way to get hired. Day, evening, weekend classes avail. Local school listened by MI Board of Higher Ed.,u Call now: 1-866-I- CAN-MIX FREE INTERNET BUSINESS! No Direct Selling/Recruiting Involved. For info Visit: FUTURE LAW STUDENTS! In Ann Arbor for at least 2 years? Part-time law clerk needed p.m.'s. Call 734-572-0200. BECOME ONE OF AMERICA'S HEALTH CARE HEROES! Launch your career in primary care and pay for school at the same time! The National Health Service Corps has a fantastic scholarship opportunity for primary care students committed to bringing health and hope to an undeserved community where health professionals are hard to find. Call (800) 221-9393 or visit for more information. CPR AND FIRST AID INSTRUCTORS NEEDED: An opportunity to build your re- sume, eam money and save lives. The Amer- ican Red Cross seeks CPR/first aid instruc- tors. We will train. Flexible schedule day/evening/weekends. Reply GET PAID FOR your opinions!! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS $11.25 base/appt. No Exp. Needed!! Temp or Permanent. P/FT. Scholarships avail. Conditions Apply. Customer Sales / Service. Mustbe 18+ Call: 734-944-1223 INDIVIDUALS WITH A history of depres- sion needed to complete questionnaire by mail or in person. Call 866-841-9090. INDIVIDUALS NEEDED FOR RESEARCH STUDIES: The Pfizer Research Clinic in Ann Arbor is seeking healthy males for participation in upcoming medication re- search studies. Study participation requires a stay of approximately 10-14 days in the Re- search Clinic. Payment for study participa- tion ranges from $1800-$2200. You must not take daily prescription medications or have any chronic illness. For more information, call the Research Recruiters at 1-800-567-8804, during normal business hours. Pfizer Research Clinic 2800 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml. 48105. LOOKING FOR FOOD SERVICE waitstaff. Job entails sales and service of Fine Wine and Food. Qualifications include a desire to provide superior guest experience to our clientele, in our highly rated, locally owned and operated establishment. Experience pre- ferred but we will train. Hours vary. Wages include:$2.65/hr. plus the best tips in town! Please apply in person daily 2-Spin, 2900 S. State Street, Suite 7, Ann Arbor, MI. (734) 332-9700. MICHIGAN TELEFUND NOW HIRING students for flexible night and weekend schedules. Earn great money and make new friends while supporting your University. Awesome Resume Builder! Work Study /Non-Work Study. Apply online: 998-7420. MOVIE EXTRAS / MODELS NEEDED. No exp. req. Eamup to $500 - $1000/ day. 1-888-820-0167. ext u183. PAID EXPERIMENT $29. Fun group com- puter game, 3 hours eves. Central Campus. Go to to sign up. SCOREKEEPERS IS NOW HIRING Cooks, Floormen and Waitstaff. Apply in person at 310 Maynard, A2 - 995-0100. SITTER WANTED FOR occasional work 7 year-old girl, needs own transportation call 996-8601. 4 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Refusals 4 Academically above average 9 Lofty stunts 14 Paranormal power, briefly 15 Without aid 16 Sound 17 Cry of triumph 18 Author-paid publisher 20 Jazz pianist Lewis 22" does it!" 23 _ Tome and Principe 24 New Mexico art center 26 May celebrant 28 Testiness 33 Hides, magician-style 37 Cocoon occupant 38 Permeate 39 Clay pigeon sport 40 Culturally flamboyant 41 Mink kin 43 Kitchen addition? 44 Sorority members 46 Abu Dhabi VIP 47 Taj Mahal city 48 Close with 49 It's produced at high speed 51 Break 53 Vogue alterna- tive 54 Baseball stat 57 Type of service 60 Chinese nut 4 Sniritil nnre 2 Dept. of Labor group 3 Hormel product 4 Warning 5 Championship games 6 Actor Chaney 7 Element 8 Clockmaker Thomas 9 Away-from-home computers 10 " Town" 11 Poet's products 12 Town with a tilted tower 13 Average 19 Starchy tuber 21 Alley wanderer 25 Bach compositions 27 Gamble 28 Parking - 29 Saginaw Bay's lake 30 Withdrew, with "out" 31 TD replay tempo 32 "Seinfeld" character 34 Dismiss 35 D.C. railway 36 Iron output 21 21 42 Enormous number 45 Trappers 50 Mouse sounds 52 Where Warsaw is: Abbr. 54 Humpty Dumpty et al. 55 Speckle-coated horse 56 Piedmont grape- growing area 58 Drop 59 Remote button 61 Complain 62 Symbol of holiness 63 Large-screen film format 65 Emulate the weasel? 66 Pasadena-to- Santa Ana dir. 1 BLOCK AWAY FROM CAMPUS. Wash- ington Manor Apts., 418 E. Washington. Beautiful furn. 1 bdrm. apt. Avail. Immed. Sublet. Call Varsity Management @ 668-1100. APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Roommates. List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. WWW.SUBLET.COM ROOMMATE NEEDED CALL in avail. immed. one bdrm. @ 415 E. Hoover. Furn. heat and water included. George 913-0359. SUBLET 1 BDRM. avail. now. Great loca- tion on campus. Regular rent $725/mo. re- duced to $645/mo. 996-2836 STUDENT WORK Work Around Classes We Train Call:734-944-1223 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: F L E A S PARE A C N E LOA N C A N O N C H A D A C R E A U T OS E R N E W I N W I N S I T U ATIS1 N LEDOTN E LATER SL O U S E D E S C L E A R A L P I N E M O S V I I P L AC E O F 8 U S I N E S S E I N N E E E D E R L E L E D O N E R R L A T E R C R E E E V ET S H O W C A U S E JO R D E R S H O M E G R I L L I D E A O R E L E G R E T E D A M E AR L R E E D S T Y P E CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Available. 665-8825. CARRIAGE HOUSE ACROSS from CCRB, large contemporary 2 & 3 bdrm. bi-level apts.- 1.5 baths, furn. Fall leases avail. 741-9300 CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! Spacious room avail. at 1346 Geddes. Furn., prkg., heat & water incl. Yes it's just a short run to the CCRB. Call Varsity Mgmt. 668-1100. ECONOMY MINDED? GREAT 2 bdrm. furn. apt., Old West Side, only minutes to campus!! Call Varsity Mgmt.668-1100. EIGHT BEDROOM HOUSE at 930 S. For- est. 2 bath., 2 kitchen, 2 living rooms, park- ing. 8-10 people. Call JMS Prop. 222-9033. FALL 2003 CLEARANCE Sale. 1 bdrm. hi- level units @ State & Packard $525-$600 per month. Incl. H20 and prkg. 4, 8, and 12 month lease options. MOVE-IN TODAY! Call 663-3098. FALL 2004-TOP Quality UM house or apt. Call 761-6170 or 355-1010 btwn. 8am-9pm FALL 2004: 6 bdrm. w/ study. 3 baths., up to $7000 in football prkg. $2700/mo. 769-2344 or Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication. Rates: $3.75 per line for the first issue and $1.75 per line for each additional consecutive issue. * Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details * Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non-business ads only) * All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives 9/30/03 Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 113 1 16 19 22 23 25 26 27 I 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 1 day 2 days 3 days 2 lines 3 lines 7.50 11.25 11.00 16.50 14.50 21.75 4 days 18.00 27.00 5 days 070 - Sublet 21.50 32.25 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 37 I' 11 i I . . _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _