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October 01, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-10-01

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 1, 2003 - 3

Five years ago...
An anonymous female student
reported that Michigan football
offensive lineman Jason Brooks
sexually assaulted her in February
The student said Brooks made
sexual advances toward her late one
night as she walked into South
Quad Residence Hall.
The University punished Brooks
under the Code of Student Conduct by
making him attend counseling and pro-
hibiting him from having contact with
the student.
But the alleged victim said she
thought the charges should have gone
"When he chose to do that, he
forfeited his rights and privileges
as a member of that team," she
said. "Going into the (Code)
process, all I wanted was for Jason
Brooks to be removed from the
football team."
Ten years ago...
The Michigan Supreme Court
ruled that certain aspects of the
1988 University presidential search,
which brought James Duderstadt to
the helm of the University, were
The court said the Board of
Regents violated the state's Open
Meetings Act by holding secret
meetings with various sub-quorum
groups to discuss the candidates.
Several of the regents reacted with
"This is the University of Michi-
gan. We obey the law," Regent
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said.
"We acted in good faith in what we
though was permissible under the
law, but the state supreme court
thought otherwise."
In documents released the follow-
ing year, it would be revealed that
Duderstadt was not the first choice
of the regents.
Originally, New York Public
Library head Vartan Gregoria had
been the prime choice. But Gregori-
an refused after Baker threatened
him with a tough time if he decided
to come to Michigan.
Sept. 28, 1957
From Little Rock, Ark., Michigan
Daily Editorial Director James Els-
man Jr. reported that events were
starting to calm down after the inte-
gration of Central High School three
days before.
But although the "Little Rock
Nine" - nine black students previ-
ously chosen to integrate - had
entered classes, they did not attend
the high school football game the
night before.
A few days before, Elsman succeed-
ed in disguising himself as a high
school student to enter the building. He
was the only journalist inside the
school on its first day of integrated
Oct. 4, 1984
Twenty-two-year-old student Karen
Duffy was found dead in Nichols
Arboretum. Duffy committed suicide
with a gunshot wound to the head
and left a note for her parents and
brother. Duffy had been a resident
advisor in South Quad. Residents of
her hall said she never showed any

signs of depression.
"She was very easygoing. She was
very laidback," said Nancie Thomas,
fellow resident advisor.
Sept. 28, 1962
A green and white bell, previous-
ly missing from Michigan State
University's Delta Upsilon fraterni-
ty chapter, showed up at the Univer-
sity of Michigan's Alpha Tau
Omega chapter.
The bell was used the next day to
toll out Michigan's points in a foot-
ball game against the University of
Sept. 30, 1954
The Student Legislature approved
a motion 22-4 condemning the dis-
missal of Pharmacology Prof. Mark
Nickerson. Earlier that year, the
U.S. House Un-American Activities
committee called Nickerson to testi-
fy, but he chose to invoke the Fifth
Amendment regarding questions
dealing with his alleged Communist
The resolution declared that Nick-
erson's unjust and swift dismissal
violated academic freedom.
"Nickerson was guilty of believing
an unpopular and objectionable ide-
ology," the motion reported. "It is

MSA opposes Historic District expansion

By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
Greek and co-op houses stand to benefit if the
Michigan Student Assembly succeeds in blocking
the expansion of the Washtenaw-Hill Historic Dis-
trict of Ann Arbor. A resolution opposing the
expansion was passed at last night's MSA meeting.
The External Relations Committee of MSA will
cooperate with the Office of Greek Life and Ann
Arbor residents to lobby City Council against the
initiative, which would raise the cost of living for
students in Greek and co-op houses.
The initiative would expand the historic district

to include an area east and south of Central Cam-
pus, increasing the number of properties in the dis-
trict from 21 to 176. Many of these properties are
Greek and co-op residences.
Homeowners in the historical district are
required to take care of their property in specific
ways to maintain their historic qualities. These
requirements are often expensive due to the
unavailability of construction materials, said ERC
Chair Bobby Counihan.
The state of Michigan provides tax benefits to
individual homes and to businesses to help them
afford these requirements, but group-living houses
such as Greek houses and co-ops do not receive

these benefits because they do not file for personal
income tax. The price to live in these houses would
rise to cover maintenance costs.
Last April, when the initiative was brought
before the City Council, a strong negative reaction
erupted from students, many of whom spoke out at
a City Council meeting to oppose it. As a result, the
resolution was tabled until this fall.
Counihan, an Engineering senior, attended the
City Council meeting. Afterwards, he contacted the
Office of Greek Life to move against the initiative.
Counihan said the ERC will help register mem-
bers of sororities and fraternities to vote so that they
will be able to speak up at City Council meetings

when the initiative comes back to the table.
"We're also supposed to meet with the Historic
District Commission. We're just talking to the City
Council about the issue," Counihan said.
The ERC will also work with the state in order to
provide group-living households with a monetary
break to provide for maintenance if the initiative
passes at City Council. "We're going to talk to the
people we know in Lansing to see if they can get a
benefit like the regular homeowners do," he said.
Counihan said similar issues affect Greek houses
on college campuses all over the state.
He said it is unclear when City Council will
again take up the resolution.

Sw eet 17 _~~~~ ~-

Continued from Page i
bought tickets last season were able to purchase them for
free, and all students, in general, are more likely to turn
in applications right before the deadline.
The announcement has, however, motivated some students
to go ahead and purchase tickets. LSA freshman Sara Kase
said she had been considering buying tickets, but her and her
roommate finally decided to buy them after the announce-
ment. "I definitely gave it a second thought because I thought
the games would be more fun," Kase said.
After reading about the NCAA decision, Business
School junior Jon Disner got his housemates to go in on
tickets. But he had planned on purchasing them regard-
less of the announcement because of how well the
Wolverines played last season, he said.

"I wanted to get tickets to support the team," Disner said.
Students who turned in their applications before yester-
day's deadline will have a chance at sitting in one of the
477 unassigned bleacher seats on the floor donated to the
Athletic Department by an anonymous donor. Students
who had tickets last season will automatically be placed in
the bleachers and will have their checks returned. Then, if
any seats remain, a lottery will be held among new appli-
cants. The rest of the students will be assigned seats
behind the bleachers.
Although the priority deadline has passed, Bodnar
stressed that students can still buy season tickets. Season
tickets will be available until about a week before the
first exhibition game against Michigan Tech on Nov. 8th.
The ticket package is $115.
"Students can still jump aboard the Maize Rage,"
Bodnar said.

LSA and Music School senior Jo Chen waits in a line of
hundreds of students yesterday afternoon while reading
through application forms Seventeen magazine distributed at
its fashion photo shoot in the Michigan Union's Blane Room.
7 -DALy

Continued from Page 1
including President Bush.
"My bet is that he would speak
on the issue once it's already
received its position on the ballot,"
Drolet said. "It's a difficult issue
and there are a lot of party leaders
looking at this from a philosophical
Bush's stance on the issue
remained ambivalent this year. He
filed a brief with the Supreme Court
in January attacking the University's
policies as quota systems. When the
decisions came down in June, he
cheered the Court's decision to strike

down the point system.
Education of voters on the
ACRC's position will be vital if it
gathers enough signatures. Drolet
and Jones said they would both be
open to a public debate with Uni-
versity officials.
But Brandenburg said he thought
running a door-to door grassroots
campaign remained the best way to
go. He recalled an incident when

the Coalition to Defend Affirmative
Action and Integration and Fight
for Equality By Any Means Neces-
sary picketed his business and he
went out to speak with them.
"Quite honestly, there was no
talking," Brandenburg said, making
an exception of one pleasant con-
versation he had with a protester.
"The rest of the group was pretty
noisy, a little bit insulting."

"Four hundred thousand signatures in a state
of nine million people is a big challenge:'
- Leon Drolet
American Civil Rights Coalition Chair and State Rep (R-Clinton)

newborns and other patients. "Music makes me calm
and my rounds enjoyable and pleasant," he said.
Continued from Page 1 The Gifts of Art has made another lasting contribu-
rather than constantly being told what to do, Sims said. tion to the hospital. The program coordinators helped
"This makes the patients very happy," she said. build the Friends Meditation Garden in the courtyard
Another popular undertaking by the Gifts of Art is near the University Hospital, complete with benches,
the bedside musicians program. Harpist Julie Hussar, flowers and fountains.
one of the musicians who provides music for patients, Sims said the garden is popular among patients, and
said patients become very content when they hear many of them ask that they be taken there so that they
music and feel more relaxed. can relax under the sun.
Recalling a time when she played in the neonatal The Gifts of Art hosts most summer programs in the
unit, Hussar noticed that when she played music, "the garden to offer people a chance to enjoy nature as well
babies feel relaxed and (doctors) saw decreases in heart as soothing music jimsai.
rate and increases in oxygenation." The Gifts of Art receives its funding from operating
Soothing music generally helps all patients feel relaxed gift shops and collects a modest commission when
and nurses feel more at ease when caring for patients. something is sold from their exhibits, Sims said.-The
"Everybody just loves it," said Brenda Hershberger, a program plans to add a mural to the hospital's main
nurse in the neonatal unit. "We're very fortunate to lobby and sculptures and marble fountains wherever the
have Julie, and it makes a difference in our life." ambiance can be improved.
Cyril Engmann, a physician in the neonatal unit, Due to the hospital's privacy concerns, patients could
regards the music as "wonderful healing therapy" for not be reached for comment.



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