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September 26, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-26

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 26, 2003 - 3A

Symposium to
encourage future
business owners
Learn about corporate entrepre-
neurship, social enterprise and ven-
ture capital while networking with
students, business executives and
venture capitalists.
The symposium will be held
today from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in
the Business School's Hale Audito-
Scholars to
discuss changes
in Poland
The team of Polish scholars will
examine 20th century Europe in
"Social Change in Poland - What
Have We Learned So Far?" and will
explore Poland's transition to a democ-
racy and a market economy.
The conference will run today from
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 to
5:30 p.m. on the sixth floor of the Insti-
tute of Social Research.
Concert to pay
tribute to Costa
Rican painter
"Dance Concert: A Tribute to Paco"
will honor Francisco Amighetti with
dances performed by eight dance stu-
dents with music by Costa Rican com-
poser Eddie Mora and a set by award
-winning Costa Rican muralist and set
designer Eduardo Torijano.
The concert will be held at 8 p.m.
today and tomorrow in the Video
Room of the Media Union.
Hillel offers
services for Rosh
Orthodox services will be held
tomorrow at 9 a.m. at the University
Hillel followed by reform services at
10 a.m. Conservative and Orthodox
services will be held Sunday at 9 a.m.
at Hillel.
features the
Summer night sky
Fall's arrival is accompanied by
the bright starts of the Summer Tri-
angle. Watch these stars enter the
western sky in "The Stars of
Autumn" at the Exhibit Museum of
Natural History, starting tomorrow
at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 and 2:30 p.m.
The exhibit runs until Dec. 14.
Museum shows
Russian art of
the 18th century
Join James Steward, University of
Michigan Museum of Art director and
professor of art history, as he discusses
"The Private Tastes of the Romanovs in
18th Century Russia." Steward is the
curator of the exhibition, "The
.Romanovs Collect: European Art from
the Hermitage." The talk begins at 3
- p.m., Sunday in the museum.
Renown poet to
read works at

Business School
Michael Palmer, author, poet and
Chancellor of the Academy of Ameri-
can Poets, will read some of his works
at 5 p.m. on Monday in Davidson Hall.
'U' career
counselors offer
Stop by the Career Center's
"Road Show" and meet Career Cen-
ter advisors who will teach you how
to polish your resumes and get
started on the right career path.
The meeting will be held from
noon to 2 p.m. on Monday in the
Michigan Union.
Event to discuss
* Species Act
Join Brock Evans, executive
director of the Endangered Species
Coalition, as he discusses the
impact of the 30 year old act.
The lecture, part of the Ecosys-
tem Management Initiative's Distin-
guished Speaker Series, will be held
from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Dana
rt*Natural Resources Building.
.. mnhknu hanrI to

Hazing inquiry continues NCAA
Continued from Page1IA

Stretch it out


Continued from Page IA
task force, either through e-mail or over
the phone, it is sent directly to the task
force chair, who then forwards it along
anonymously to other members of the
committee in order to protect the com-
plainant's identity, task force chair Brid-
gett Mamola said.
The role of the task force is then to
investigate the accusation and determine
if enough evidence is present to take the
case to the Greek Activities Review
Panel. That panel determines the guilt or
innocence of the accused fraternity and
passes out any necessary sanctions.
"We do not pass any judgment on
whether or not there has been any haz-
ing. We just collect information. We are
a reactionary body, not a judicial one,"
Mamola said.
Vice President for Student Affairs E.
Royster Harper praised the task force in
its role of deterring and investigating
hazing incidents on campus.
"I certainly think that it reflects the
values of the IFC. They have taken a
strong position against hazing," Harper
said. "They want to get it out of their
organization, and I commend them for
But Muhl said the 12-member task
force has had some difficulty in deter-
ring hazing.
"It's proven to be very effective in the
past," he said. "The biggest problem
with the committee is that most of the
time, the students aren't willing to tell
the committee certain information that it
needs in order to proceed.
They don't want an investigation to
occur, they just want the complaint on
the record."
Social pressures from other members
of the fraternity, as well as fear of retri-
bution or of being disliked may play a
role in why a student would not want an
investigation, Muhl added.
In addition, many of the complaints
the task force receives are not from
students at all, but rather parents, resi-
dence hall directors, and other people

outside of the Greek community. In
these instances, students may never
have intended for the complaint to
arise and may not support the ensuing
"Without the support of the particular
student to help make sure the investiga-
tion is complete, it can never be perfect,"
Muhl said.
While neither Muhl nor Mamola
would give any examples of complaints
the task force has received in the past,
The Ann Arbor News reported that the
task force investigated a hazing incident
at Sigma Chi last March.
GARP found Sigma Chi guilty of the
incident, and the fraternity was placed
on probation.
Assistant Director of Greek Life John
Duncan refused to comment on other
fraternities that are under probation for
hazing violations, as well as the specific
hazing violation Sigma Chi was found
guilty of in March.
He did not say why the fraternity was
put on probation for the previous occur-
rence instead of having their recognition
withdrawn from the IFC.
"They were put on probation because
the student judiciary thought it was nec-
essary," Duncan said.
As of three days ago, the local chapter
of the Sigma Chi fraternity is no longer
recognized by the IFC. The IFC unani-
mously voted Monday night to withdraw
their recognition of the group - mean-
ing that it will no longer support, spon-
sor, partake, or publicize Sigma Chi
activities, including Rush - until the
international organization petitions to
return to campus.
The fraternity has also been suspend-
ed by its international headquarters for
an indefinite period of time.
Officials at the International Sigma
Chi headquarters say the fraternity
wants to continue its relationship with
the University in future years.
"We want to make sure the environ-
ment at the University of Michigan is
right for when we come back," Sigma
Chi Corp. President Mark Anderson

ners in addition to the postseason
But the NCAA imposed additional
penalties in May after conducting its
own investigation, including placing
the program on probation until 2006,
reducing one scholarship through the
2007-08 season, banning the four for-
mer players who received money from
any relation with the program for 10
years and the additional postseason
ban that was lifted yesterday.
The University then appealed the
postseason ban declaring that the penalty
was excessive because it would be pun-
ishing current players that had nothing to
do with the scandal.
The NCAA states in its bylaws
that precluding programs from post-
season competition were for cases
that "involved individuals remain
active in the program, a significant
competitive advantage results from
the violations, or the violations
reflect a lack of institutional con-
trol." In its report, the Infractions
Appeals Committee ruled that none
of the three factors that are grounds
for a postseason ban were present in
Michigan's case.
The committee that gave Michigan an
additional postseason ban said that the
money Ed Martin gave provided Michi-
gan with "a staggering competitive
advantage." But the Appeals committee
disagreed, saying that the four players
would have played at Michigan regard-
less of the scandal.
The other penalties imposed by the
NCAA are still intact.
Don Canham, University Athletic
Director from 1968-1988, believed that
the appeals committee made their deci-
sion because the violations were dealt
with so well by Michigan head coach
Tommy Amaker and the rest of the Uni-
versity. "(The committee has) always
been extremely fair in my opinion," Can-
ham said.
The Wolverines finished with a 17-13
(10-6 Big 10) record last season and
look to contend for an NCAA tourna-
ment bid this season.

Ypsilanti resident Brock Varner gets help from a physical
therapist at an open house at the MedSport clinic yesterday.

Continued from Page 1A
5:30 p.m. on Sunday at Palmer Field.
Another event University students can
participate in during Rosh Hashanah is
the Tashlich. "The walk symbolizes
throwing away everything that is nega-
tive, throwing it into the water and let-
ting the moving water carry it away,"
Goldstein said.
Tashlich traditionally uses bread-
crumbs to symbolize casting off the
problems of the past year. In Ann Arbor,
Tashlich is a traditional walk to the
Huron River.
For many University students, Rosh
Hashanah is an opportunity to reaffirm
faith and see their families. LSA sopho-
more Jay Rapaport will spend the week-

end attending services with his family.
"I'm really focused on this past year and
my mistakes and problems and how this
year I can improve on that record,"
Rapaport said.
Said LSA junior Daniel Loewenstein,
"Rosh Hashanah is a really good time to
go to synagogue and see your family."
"The world situation is not the most
stable right now, let's hope and pray that
this will be the year of stability" Gold-
stein said.
For University students staying on
campus for the holiday, the Chabad
House and Michigan Hillel will hold
services for all members of the Jewish
community at their locations.
The Chabad House is located at
715 Hill St and Michigan Hillel at
1429 Hill St.

Continued from Page 1A
event. "We love to do benefits for good
causes and this feels a little more mean-
ingful than usual."
Students also expressed enthusiasm

for event's call for increased political
"Everything around us is affect-
ing us and the choices we make
today will affect us in the future,"
added LSA sophomore Yasmin


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