LOCAL/STATE Senate rejects Granholm's The Michiaan Daily - Thursday. Sentember 25. 2003 - 5A ...... .... ... ... . ... .. .,..... vv w nvv .v wvv vi rr .new department proposal LANSING (AP) - The state Sen- Michigan Chamber of Commerce, said ate yesterday rejected Gov. Jennifer the new appeals process will favor labor "This has not been a Granholm's order creating the new if contentious cases are decided by an . state Department of Labor and Eco- appointee of a Democratic governor. fair process and nomic Growth. Senate Majority Leader Ken Sikkema perha thepin The Republican-controlled Senate (R-Wyoming) asked Granholm to with- ps process voted 22-16 along party lines to reject draw the executive order to address sena- the House will be the new department that would combine tors' concerns. He said the Granholmoert the functions of the Department of Con- administration should have worked with more delberative. sumer and Industry Services and the lawmakers to come up with an executive - Liz Boyd Department of Career Development. order they could support. Granholm spokeswoman Several Republican senators said "I truly am sad that we have come they don't like the way the executive to this point today," Sikkema said. consideration," Boyd said about the order changes the workers' compensa- "I felt the path of cooperation was order. "This has not been a fair tion appeals process. better than the path of confronta- process and perhaps the process in the The Worker's Compensation tion. ... She has chosen this path and House will be more deliberative." Appellate Commission board would the Senate will rise to meet its con- The measure now goes to the House, be eliminated under the order. stitutional obligation." but it was unclear yesterday whether the Instead, worker's compensation Granholm, a Democrat, signed the Republican-controlled House would appeals would be considered by two executive order on Sept. 17. It will take take up the Senate resolution or vote on appellate magistrates - one repre- effect in 60 days unless it is rejected by its own measure to reject the order. senting workers and one represent- both chambers of the state Legislature. Matt Resch, spokesman for House ing employers. If the two Liz Boyd, spokeswoman for Speaker Rick Johnson (R-LeRoy) said magistrates don't agree on a case, Granholm, said the governor is House Commerce Committee Chairman the tiebreaker is the chairman of the standing by her executive order. Clark Bisbee will continue to hold hear- Board of Magistrates, who is "The Senate made up its mind ings on the executive order. Bisbee, R- appointed by the governor. before this was ever issued and before Jackson, has introduced a similar A few business groups, including the they had opportunity to give it fair resolution in the House. New Mich. bill prevents sex offenders from adopting kids Uk j~ EMCEES: Alma Wheeler Smith LANSING (AP) - A state House committee yester- day unanimously approved legislation that would pro- hibit convicted sex offenders from adopting children. The bill was prompted by the case of an Oakland County man who served 11 years in prison for raping a woman and then was allowed to adopt children. He was charged with sexually assaulting his adopted daughter. State Sen. Gilda Jacobs (D-Huntington Woods) said she introduced the legislation to fix a loophole in the current law. The law now prohibits people who are convicted of sexually assaulting a minor from adopting children. Jacobs' bill would also prohibit those convicted of sex- ually assaulting an adult from adopting children. Barb Lambourne, of Grand Haven, organized a support group called Citizens for Second Chances for families with relatives charged with criminal sexual conduct. Lambourne told the House Family and Children Ser- vices Committee that the legislation could prohibit sex offenders charged as young adults from ever adopting a child. Decisions about whether a person is fit to adopt a child should be left up to caseworkers and attorneys, not state lawmakers, she said. "Please give the discretion back to the people trained to make these decisions," she said. Jacobs said it's important to have high standards for adoption. "I'm one who believes in second chances," she said. "But sometimes safety of kids has to trump other issues." The House Family and Children Services Committee voted 9-0 to send the bill to the full House. The Senate approved the bill in June. MICHIGANDAILY.COM NEEDS YOU. E-MAIL GFINK@UMICH.EDU TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN JOIN OUR ONLINE STAFF. No EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 5pm Register to VOTE, watch "Unprecedented," about the 2000 Florida election, eat pizza & subs, and learn from student and local progressive organizations, and the presidential campaigns. Power Center Lobby. 7pm Come hear speeches, listen to music and get involved! Free Ben & Jerry's ice cream after the event. Power Center Auditorium. c PONSORED BY: The Apollo Alliance www.apolloalliance.org; Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour www.rollingthundertour.org ; Rock the Vote www.rockthevote.org; PIRGIM www.pirgim.org; Campaign for America's Future www.ourfuture.org; Michigan Student Assembly; American Movement for Israel; Muslim Student Association; UM NAACP. 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