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September 18, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-18

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September 18, 2003
02003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 13

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditordfalreedom

the day and
cloudy by
night, with
winds at 13
to 14 mph.

HIYx+: 78 t
LOW: 59


Ore. prof
sues Pipes
for website
By Tomslav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter
University history Prof. Juan Cole
was one of eight professors singled out
by a campus watchdog website for
allegedly teaching a biased view of
events in the Middle East almost a year
Now an Oregon professor is taking
action by suing writers Daniel Pipes and
Jonathan Schanzer, who accused him of
being a "left-wing extremist" and for
calling Israelis "baby killers" in an 2002
New York Post article posted on
Douglas Card, adjunct sociology pro-
fessor at the University of Oregon, said
he filed a defamation suit after Pipes
refused to remove the article from the
Campus Watch, which is run by the
Middle East Forum, a Philadelphia-
based think tank.
Pipes, a self-proclaimed auditor of
higher education, heads the Middle Eas-
Forum, while Schanzer is a member of
the Washington Institute for Near East
Campus Watch is devoted to monitor-
ing professors teaching about Middle
Eastern issues, and articles posted on the
website have criticized several profes-
sors across the country, including Cole
and Card, of being biased against Israel.
The site also listed the University as
The article written by Pipes and
Schanzer accuses Card of calling Israel
"a terrorist state" and telling students that
on their final exams they should support
Card's belief that Israel "stole land."
Cole, who said al-Qaida was only
an irrelevant fringe group two weeks
after the Sept. 11 attacks, responded
to the lawsuit by calling Daniel Pipes
"a serial slanderer of anyone who dis-
agrees with him.
"I am glad to see Professor Card stand
against Pipes's sleazy tactics and wish
him well with his lawsuit," he added.
Cole declined to specify why he con-
siders Pipes a slanderer and did not com-
ment further on the issue.
Pipes, who was recently appointed
amid controversy to the board of the
U.S. Institute of Peace by President
Bush, said he had no comment on the
lawsuit when contacted yesterday.
Schanzer did not return messages left at
his office.
Card said although his decision to file
suit was "long and painful," he spent
months trying to negotiate a compro-
mise with Pipes last year.
"I became sick at heart to see that
See LAWSUIT, Page 5A

.California dreamin

Female faculty
increase their

numbers at

i u 9

The University hired 43
female science and engineering
faculty to the Schools of
Medicine, LSA and Engineering
By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
University programs in science and engineer-
ing made significant headway over the past year
in the recruiting and retaining of female faculty
Provost Paul Courant announced on Monday
several advances in a University-wide initiative to
increase female representation in the sciences.
Part of the National Science Foundation's
ADVANCE program, the University's plan has
been in effect for about one year.
"I believe we have made good progress this
year in all four of the areas I've outlined -
recruitment, retention, climate and leadership (of
female faculty)," Courant said in Monday's
In the past year, the University hired 43 female
instructional track science and engineering facul-
ty, about half of whom are in the clinical depart-

ments in the School of Medicine. Six teach in the
College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and
seven in the College of Engineering.
Evita Nedelkoska, vice president of the Society
of Women Engineers, believes the University cre-
ates a hospitable environment for women engi-
neers and feels that it's moving in the right
"The University does a great job of creating an
environment where you don't see engineering as
a male-dominated field. The real world displays
the stereotype of engineering being male-domi-
nated. In a sense, the University's positive envi-
ronment is motivating," said Nedelkoska, a
mechanical engineering senior.
ADVANCE differs from other recruitment
and retention initiatives because it is data-
based. The administration uses both quantita-
tive and qualities data to evaluate the
circumstances of women in the faculty and
the hiring practices of professors.
"Through the program's advisory committees,
they recognized that there was a need to change
university practices; we had to change traditional
ways of recruiting. Faculty members tend to hire
people like themselves, so if we really want a
See ADVANCE, Page 5A

Varsity athletes too*
can get the blues
By Evan McGwvey
For'The Daily irve& w

Brian Turner sells his spray paint artwork on State Street yesterday. A Santa
Barbara, Calif., resident, Turner has been traveling across the country by bus and
hopes to finish his trip in New York.
Spirituaity helps soe
blacks cope with stress.

By Bron Daniels
Daily Staff Reporter

"We as people will not be broken and are instru-
ments of own destinies," said LSA Okuna Odaba, a
self-described born-again Christian.
For more than 20 years now, Social Work Prof.
Robert Taylor, his wife Linda Chatters and author
Jeff Levin have been conducting research on the
aspects of religion that blacks extol.
Taylor and Levin said they found that religious
participation through prayer and communal church
life strengthens spiritual sustenance and can serve
as a safeguard against unexpected stressors.

"The notion of self worth and resiliency in reli-
gious traditions has perpetuated through time with-
in the black community," Taylor said.
Their studies used a survey to primarily under-
stand Christianity in the lives of African Americans.
Their assessment of data has produced insight
regarding the "positive associations between
aspects of religiosity like prayer and Bible reading
with overall satisfaction with life," Taylor said,
referring to "Religion in the Lives of African Amer-
icans;' the book he co-authored with Chatters and
Levin published this year. Taylor and Levin said
they found that religious participation through

Each week, Michigan track team member Stann
Waithe deals with classes, daily practice and six
hours of team-appointed study hall. Outside of ath-
letics and studying, he does not have much time left
for socializing.
"So far the only people I've hung out with are
teammates. You hope to meet people in classes but
so far the only people I know are from track," said
Waithe, an LSA freshman.
The pressures of Division I athletics combined
with academics often leave athletes, especially
freshmen, distanced from their peers.
Hockey team member Mike Brown and his
teammate Jason Dest both say they feel the differ-
ences between student-athletes and non-varsity-ath-
letes are natural.
"It's our life, we came here to play hockey and go
to class," Brown said.
"I'd rather be playing hockey and have a busy
schedule then just sit around all day," Dest added.
Both Dest and Brown highlighted the help their
coaches have given to the players.
"Our coaches care about us, they gave us a (writ-
ten) guide to help us with academics and stuff,"
Brown said.

Engineering senior and West Quad resident advi-
sor Neal Moyer sees loaded schedules as the main
rift between student-athletes and other students.
"The athletes on my hall are busy. Their schedule
is tough. When they are around they are great,
cracking jokes and having fun with all the guys.
But they are almost never here;' Moyer said.
Women's gymnastics Coach Beverly Plocki said
she feels that student-athletes have an advantage in
terms of integration into the University community
See BLUES, Page 5A

Panel tackles
issues raised
by rulizgs in
By David Braison
and AdIdr Dutt
Daily Staff Reporters
Students who missed the outcome of the nation's
affirmative action debate had the chance to catch the
highlights last night.
A panel of administrators assembled in the Michi-
gan League Ballroom to discuss the outcome of
April's U.S. Supreme Court affirmative action deci-
sions and the revised admissions process the decisions
"We're not using a point system anymore," said
Theodore Spencer, director of the Office of Under-
graduate Admissions. He was joined by a panel con-
sisting of General Counsel Marvin Krislov, LSA Dean
Terrance McDonald, and Prof. emerita Patricia Gurin.
Spencer and McDonald described the new
application process as having increased faculty
input - with faculty reviewing applications.
Applications contain more questions about stu-
dents and their family's background and place
greater emphasis on their socioeconomic situation.
Short-answer questions were added and expanded
as well as an optional essay to discuss awards, honors
and significant experiences. Students also have the
option to include SAT-II, AP and IB scores. New

Fuel cells promise
clean emission but
not in near future

By Adam Supernant
For the Daily

A project that could revolutionize
everything from the way people drive
their cars to the way toasters run,
hydrogen fuel cells are one of the lead-
ing technologies in decreasing the
world's reliance on oil, gas and coal.
Despite several obstacles, fuel cells
could be the solution to Earth's dimin-
ishing fossil fuel supply and increasing
energy demand.
"Whether hydrogen is used directly
as a fuel or indirectly as part of fuel
cell, it would in all likelihood be an
improvement over most things we use
today to drive engines, heat spaces and
operate appliances;" said retired Urban
Planning Prof. Mitchell Rycus.
Demonstrated by the blackout last
month that paralyzed New England
and the Midwest, some say there is a
growing necessity for alternative ener-
gy sources that do not revolve around
traditional fossil fuels. In response, the
U.S. government and special interest
groups like the National Hydrogen
Association have launched initiatives
to develop renewable energy sources
and create a power grid that would

hydrogen fuel cells are
sound because their
only exhaust is water

fuel cells involves a reaction between a
hydrogen fuel source and oxygen that,
with the help of a catalyst, produces
energy useable in cars, household
appliances and ideally power plant
Environmentally, hydrogen fuel cells
are sound because their only exhaust is
water vapor. Economically, the market
for hydrogen production is vast
because it could be derived from an
infinitely renewable resource - water.
The new technology is still in its
early stages and questions regarding
the acquisition of mass quantities of
hydrogen have yet to be answered.
"However, the problem has always
been, where do you get the hydrogen?
All methods that I'm aware of require
another energy source, such as elec-
tricity, to extract hydrogen from some



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