4 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 OP/ED Ua tdign atoll 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 letters@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 LoUIE MEIZLISH Editor in Chief AUBREY HENRETTY ZAC PESKOWITZ Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE It made me nauseous because I had to use so much of it. It was so weak in potency that I really threw up." - Barrie Dalley, on legally purchased medical marijuana. Dalley is one of the ten patients registered to buy marijuana from the Canadian government, as quoted in The Canadian Press. SAM BUTLER Ti-LE SOAPBOX $ ki tf S uh IiC " Free trade and cowbells JASON PESICK ONE SMAL. VOICE ike the other 111,725 people at the spectacular Irish humiliation on Sat- urday, I had a really good time. I've been going to Michigan foot- ball games since I was too young to remember them, and Saturday's was one of the great ones of my life. Not only were we incredibly successful against Notre Dame, the other university with such a rich, historical football tradition, but the student section was out of control. It was notably loud for a stadium known for being gigantic, but quiet. The highlight for me, however, was that I got to play the cowbell in the stands, a role with which Michigan faith- ful are very familiar. The cowbell belonged to my friend Jeff, and I operated it for him because of my musi- cal background. After a while, I jokingly said to him, "Jeff, this is like socialism because you own the means of production, and I am the proletariat operating them for you." Clearly, students at the University are not members of the proletariat class. They may think they are or fancy themselves as being members of the proletariat, but the point of going to college is to become a part of the knowledge- and skill-based economy. But there are a number of students here and at uni- versities around the world who have been con- fused into believing that they are members of the proletariat and that they must rise up against a capitalistic conspiracy. On Sunday, the World Trade Organization trade negotiations collapsed in Cancun, Mexi- co, as developed and developing nations could not agree on much of anything. The developing countries wanted the rich nations, such as the United States and the European Union, to reduce their tariffs and their domestic subsidies, and the rich nations wouldn't do it. In recent years, the United States has pressured countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines to open their agricultural markets and engage in trade with the rest of the world. They agreed, but we continued subsidizing our farmers, which only further impoverished their third-world counter- parts. This is a particularly heartless policy because of the United States's dark history in those two countries. As usual, thousands of protesters greeted the delegates in Mexico to protest against free trade, capitalism and international eco- nomic organizations. These people surely have a right to protest against the talks, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why they'd want to. It seems that they actually believe the quip I told Jeff at the football game. They see the world the way Karl Marx saw it - composed of owners and proletariats, and for some reason, they have decided to side with those countries most resembling the owners. By protesting talks designed to let farmers and workers around the world sell their products to developed nations, they are in effect advocating on behalf of the status quo - a status quo that keeps millions, if not billions, of people around the world in desperate poverty. By trying to stop the negotiations, the pro- testers are making the point that subsidizing U.S., European and Japanese farmers at the expense of farmers in poorer nations is fair. Either they have not fully thought through the implications of their actions, or they are actual- ly more concerned with the plight of the farm- ers in the developed world than the poverty farmers in the Third World. But those on the left are not the only ones supporting policies that they probably don't intend to advocate. By bowing to political interests and not expanding free trade and the wealth that globalization can create around the world, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy that will keep the developing world in wretched economic despair. Not only is this morally repugnant (I wish I had more space to discuss how morally repugnant this is), but like the leftists, he is pursuing a policy that will result in consequences he surely will not want to face. The reasoning behind his deci- sion to provide massive amounts of funding to fight AIDS around the world and to bring prosperity to the Middle East is so states will not be vulnerable to those forces wanting to use them as terrorist havens. He seems to know that stability depends on at least a mod- erate level of prosperity. So in the name of slowing globalization, we have populists fighting to expand poverty and a war president creating instability. Bour- geoisie unite! CORRECTION: My last column mistaken- ly stated that Audrey Hepburn passed away this year. It should have read that Katharine Hep- burn died at the age of 96. Pesick can be reached at jzpesick@umich.edu. Security for sale ARI PAUL I FOUGHT THE LAW 4 In a time when the Bush administration has such a tight hold on language that liberal has become a naughty word, I'll experiment to see how well the right can take its own medi- cine. President Bush has been the most liberal president in terms of spending government funds in recent memory, and he has demonstrated no abili- ty to conserve our resources and has been completely fiscally irresponsible. His request for nearly $90 billion while wanting to decrease the federal govern- ment's income by billions more by cutting taxes is nothing less than fuzzy math, a blunder of arithmetic to be burdened on the working and middle classes. His lack of thrift when it comes to feeding the military and making contracts with his friends in the oil industry is, indeed, liberal in the worst sense of the word. His entire presidency has been devoid of any notion of frugality. But somehow it all doesn't make sense ideologically. While Bush has fought tooth and nail to fully privatize everything from education to health care, insisting that the market brings the product to its full poten- tial, he has treated the military like a socialist institution paid for by you and me. According to the rules of American conservatism, shouldn't the military, like all other ventures in the public sphere, be made better by placing it in the competi- tive market? Ruben Duran, editor in chief of the Michigan Review, the free voice of the campus right brigade, argues against a pri- vate military saying, "the idea of having a privatized fighting force ... I would imag- ine, is an issue of security." In addition to having reservations about a military "that exists outside of direct government con- trol," Duran added, "... in general, the idea of hiring a rent-a-grunt to defend Ameri- can interests irks many." I should say the idea certainly irks me. Could you imagine it - a military acting only in the interests of profit, forfeiting our security from external threats so that some CEO in a WMD-proof bunker could make a few bucks? So even Duran, a stalwart defender of the virtues of a free market, recognizes not only the flaws of capitalism but how they ,can compromise our security, well-being and way of life. So why is the military an exception? While defense from external threats is something we cannot compromise, it is by no means the only thing. Thomas Jefferson taught us, "If a nation expects to be igno- rant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Why risk the quality of education to fall if the market is imperfect if an intelli- gent society creates a freer society? Why not ensure that intelligent society by mak- ing education a public fiscal interest? And any student of medical history will tell you that viral epidemics can be just as catastrophic as organized terrorism or invading foreign armies. Privatizing health care and giving pharmaceutical free reign in the market is letting up our defenses against an equally dangerous external threat. A libertarian will argue that people like Jefferson wanted government to have no role in public life other than protecting the country from foreign invaders. In an aes- thetic sense this notion may reverberate the wishes of our aristocratic founding fathers, but from a utilitarian and pragmat- ic standpoint, barring the public from determining its destiny in these arenas weakens the fibers that make a society safe and strong. There is a better way. Firstly, we need a president that knows that spending frivo- lously while shortening income leads to debt and ruin. Then we need to invest our resources wisely as well as cautiously. Imagine that. The public would be banded together to ensure security and a high quality of life for the United States with some extra cash to spare. It'll be beautiful. Paul can be reached at aspaul@umich.edu. 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR AAPD actions during block parties unfair, inappropriate TO THE DAILY: It is difficult to see exactly how the Ann Arbor Police Department's actions (Police put end to weekend's block parties, 09/15/03) taken against this weekend's festivities were aimed to keep Ann Arbor citizens and students safe. In fact, it is difficult to see any purpose to their oppressive tactics other than pure harassment and power assertion. The lesson that we should all draw from Friday and Sat- my girlfriend practicing. After an awk- ward pause when the officer realized her offensive comment, she asked my girl- friend if she had been drinking. She said yes after being badgered for a few minutes and then was breathalyzed. Of course it came up negative, just like mine did (I do not know why they tested me, I guess I was guilty of standing next to someone who did not throw a cup), but that did not stop the cops from taking my ID and keep- ing us there on the street as hoards of visi- bly drunk students strolled by. So the AAPD stopped us for throwing a cup onto the lawn, which we did not do, and then threatened to write us up tickets even though our breathalyzer tests did not come n nciaf.,o All of t+i.4 urge ,ann an hl Daily's depiction of student activist displays lack of journalistic integrity To THE DAILY: In the interest of fairness and journalistic integrity, the Daily must provide photo-edit- ing guidelines to graphic artists, as well as an apology to the student activist on the left side of the photo illustration accompanying 'U' activists - both conservatives, liberals - stay in the national spotlight, (9/16/03). The student in question is an articulate leader of the anti- Iraq war movement. The bottom portion of her "Support our Troops" sign says "Bring a [ .t r ~ a fk~ ~~~ q~~ ii ....... ........ . .. .. I i