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September 15, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-15

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September 15, 2003
©2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 10

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditoriafreedom

Rain and
the day with
cloudy condi-
tions in the

LOW: 51



employee's body found in LSA Building

i _

Corpse found in LSA
Building; police do not suspect
foul play in death
By Victoria Edwards
Daily Staff Reporter
The body of an unidentified 49-year-old
University staff member was found by a

Department of Public Safety officer at 3
p.m. Saturday on the fifth floor of the Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts Building,
DPS said.
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown said the
cause of death is under investigation, but
she added there is no reason to suspect foul
play as cause.
"The cause of death will be discovered

later this week, by an autopsy ... by the
Washtenaw County Medical Examiner's
office," Brown said.
She said that although the LSA Building
is closed on the weekends, there was no
sign of a break-in.
The length of time the body had been in
the building before it was discovered is also
unknown, she said.

The body was found during a random
security check of the building by the
unidentified officer.
The LSA Building was almost complete-
ly empty, as all offices and departments
apart from that of the Cashier's Office have
been evacuated due to renovations. The
building's renovation began in late April
and is scheduled to be completed in the

summer of 2005.
Brown said yesterday that DPS began the
process of notifying family members about
the death.
She said more information would be
available today.
She would not disclose the University
department with which the deceased was


The Michigan Daily

Inside: In SportsMonday, a closer look at Saturday's victory. Page 1B.

With one the most impressive
performances since a 34-8 win
over Penn State in 1997, Michi-
gan kept its hopes for a trip to
the Sugar Bowl and a national
title alive with a 38-0 win over
Notre Dame on Saturday. The
shutout came in front of a
NCAA record crowd of

111,726 and was Michigan's
first shutout of Notre Dame
since 1902.
Senior running back Chris
Perry, who ran for 133 yards on
the ground, was responsible for
four of the team's five touch-
downs - three on the ground
and one on a pass from quarter-
back John Navarre. With his

133 yards, Perry became just
the second running back in
Michigan history to rush for
over 500 yards in the first three
games. Perry has 549 rushing
yards on the season.
The Wolverines will go to
Eugene, Ore. this Saturday to
face the Ducks at Autzen Sta-

Police put end
to weekend's
block parties

By Ryan Vicko
Daily Staff Reporter

Former Michigan wide receiver and Heisman Trophy winner
Desmond Howard is interviewed by a Fox Sports
announcer at a pep rally Friday on the Diag.
Diafg rally gears
students up for
By Michaei Nisson
Daily Sports Writer
Here's a quick bartending lesson: What do you get
when you mix hundreds of screaming fans, a former
Heisman Trophy winner, a 235-member marching band
and a bunch of frat guys? The answer: A Michigan pep
The 34th annual Run for the Roses pep rally, organized
by Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, was an energized prelude
to Michigan's 38-4 win against Notre Dame on Saturday
The event was held Friday evening on the steps of the
Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
Michigan students and fans turned out in masses,
stretching across the entire length of the Diag. The large
number of people crowding up to the center of the rally
had a striking resemblance to the excited Michigan fans
that pile up at the gates of Michigan Stadium for every
home game.
This year marked the first time that the event was held
on the Diag. In previous years, the event has been' held at
the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity house on State Street, but
due to the large crowds that flooded the streets and
stopped traffic last year, a complaint from the city of Ann
Arbor forced the fraternity to change the location of the
pep rally.
One of the surprise events of this year's rally was a
cameo appearance by former Michigan wideoutfand

Annual block parties and the football
team's crushing victory over Notre
Dame on Saturday translated into one of
the most anticipated party weekends of
the semester.
Traditional party spots like Church
Street and East University Avenue
hosted some of the biggest unofficial
block parties on campus. But two of
the largest block parties - Arborfest,
on Arbor Street, and Lindenfest, on
Linden Street - did not fare so well.
Engineering senior Matt McGrail
lives on East University, where he and
his roommates hosted a party with
live music played by local band Who's
Aaron. The music, which could be
heard for blocks, attracted nearly 100
people. And what began as a small
party, soon became a house full of
people overflowing into the front lawn
and side driveway.
Commenting on his class load this
semester, Engineering senior Mark
Richardson said, "It's rough ... you
just have to make time to have fun."
Dancing to the music played by
Who's Aaron, LSA senior Defne
Allen said she has been having a good
time this semester. She added, "Notre
Dame sucks... and Michigan rules!"
The Ann Arbor Police Department
broke up both the Linden and Arbor
block parties and sent students home
at about 11:30 Saturday night. Before
AAPD arrived, Arbor was flooded

with partygoers, but by 1 a.m. the
street was nearly deserted.
"The cops just came and broke it up
all of a sudden;' LSA senior and Arbor
resident Craig Paridy. Paridy said he was
not aware of any fights. Police told him
a local business reported loud noise on
the street, but Paridy said the only near-
by businesses still open were two stores
that provided kegs for the parties.
An AAPD officer who refused to give
his name said, "There were thousands of
people blocking the streets. ... Our pri-
ority was to clear down the street and
end the parties." When asked why they
targeted houses rather than people in the
streets, the officer said the houses were
the source of the crowd, and that there
was underage drinking.
Paridy said initially officers were
polite, but when they cleared the streets,
he had to gain clearance from the AAPD
See PARTIES, Page 7A

Michigan players Chris Perry, John Navarre and David Bass congratulate each other after scoring a
touchdown in the first half against Notre Dame Saturday.

See RALLY, Page 7A


Service offers free
phone calls online

Everyone's invited

The BAMN boycott of Coors has not had a negative effect on the sales of Coors products
seen at various party stores, such as the Campus Comer on south State Street.
Affirmative action
supporters urge
boycott of Coors

Former 'U' student at
Kazaa predicts Skype will
catch on among students
By Michael Kan
Daily Staff Reporter
The creators of the popular file-
sharing program Kazaa are stepping
into a new direction with their peer-to-
peer technology: free telephone calls
over the Internet.
Using Kazaa, users can download
music and movies without paying a
fee. Now they can use Skype, a new
free peer-to-peer telephony applica-
tion, to make unlimited worldwide
phone calls.
Niklas Zennstrom, chief executive
officer of Skype and the former CEO
of Kazaa, who attended the University
in 1989, said Skype will completely
alter the way telephone calls are made
in the future.
"Many college students will use
Skype to make phone calls instead of
the good old phone system - why
wouldn't they? Skype is free,"
Zennstrom said. He added that the
A service is eas to ne and the sound

are not something new. Similar servic-
es such as Net2Phone can make Inter-
net telephone calls for a cost. Instant
messenging programs such as ICQ and
Yahoo Messenger can make free tele-
phone calls like Skype can, but their
sound quality is not as clear as Skype.
Skype is the first Internet telephone
service to use peer-to-peer technology.
Zennstrom and his associates decid-
ed to create Skype after the tremen-
dous success of Kazaa. "We were
looking around for the next area where
peer-to-peer (technology) could have
an impact and we thought that peer-to-
peer could solve the problems that pre-
vious Internet telephony solutions have
faced," Zennstrom said.
Although Skype's main function
provides users with free telephone
calls, Skype also acts as an instant
messenging program. A user can see
who is online and send text messages
to them, Zennstrom added.
LSA senior and computer science
major Albert Bertram said there are
many Internet telephone services, but
they are not widely used. However,
Bertram added, "They could become
very popular since the technology for
them has imnrnved"

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the University com-
munity might be unable to "tap the
Rockies" if certain students have
their way.
The Coalition to Defend Affirma-
tive Action and Integration and
Fight for Equality By Any Means
Necessary is urging students to boy-
cott the Coors Beer Co. It said
Coors donated at least $100,000 in
an effort to get California voters to
approve Proposition 54 next month.
Proposition 54 would bar the state
from collecting any data from citi-
zens regarding race, ethnicity, color
or national origin.
"We want to stop any more fund-
ing from going to Ward Connerly
for his campaign in Michigan
against affirmative action," LSA
senior and BAMN member Kate
Stenvig said.
Connerlv is a Tniversit of (Cali-

the drive for Proposition 54 and a
referendum on Michigan's ballot
next year which would ban the use
of race preferences.
But Coors spokeswoman Amy
Valdez affirmed Coors' stance
toward civil rights.
We support the principles of
equal employment, opportunity and
affirmative action," Valdez said. We
don't support any organizations'
efforts to attack affirmative action
or civil rights."
"He's not even on our board of
directors," Valdez said. "It doesn't
make sense to boycott Coors Brew-
ing Company over something that
Joseph Coors is doing or not doing."
But Stenvig said Coors has
numerous violations over the years
in regard to violating civil rights
and unfair labor practices. The com-
pany donated money to the Center
for Individual Rights - the conser-
vative watchdog group that sued the
U Tniversitv seven vears nver the use

Freshmen Sam Yoon and Maciej Danielewicz hang out in their



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