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September 08, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-08

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 8, 2003


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Abbas' exit

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RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) -
Yasser Arafat chose the Palestinian
parliament speaker to take over as
prime minister Sunday after a day of
intense backroom politicking that fol-
lowed the resignation of Mahmoud
Several leaders of Arafat's ruling
Fatah party confirmed the nomination
by consensus of parliament speaker
Ahmed Qureia, though it remained
unclear if he would accept.
Meanwhile, Israeli helicopters fired
two missiles at the home of Hamas
militant Abdel Salam Abu Musa in the
Gaza Strip on yesterday, wounding at
least 11 people, witnesses said. There
was no word on whether anyone was
killed or whether
Musa was hurt.
It was the
eighth such Israeli
missile strike
s in ce a H amas
suicide bomber a
killed 22 people
on a Jerusalem
bus on Aug. 19.
Those attacks
have killed 12 Abbas
militants, includ-
ing a senior political leader, and five
Israel edged toward all-out war with
the militant group, as Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon announced all of
the Islamic militant group's members
are now "marked for death."
Abbas' resignation Saturday set off
heated negotiations. Arafat had refused
to grant him more power over the
Palestinian security services, capping
four months of wrangling between the
two since Abbas took office.
Qureia, a moderate who helped cob-
ble together the 1993 Oslo accord
between Israel and the PLO, has led
past negotiations and has credibility
with the Israelis.
The resignation dealt a serious blow
to the U.S.-backed "road map" plan for
establishing a Palestinian state by 2005.
Israel and the United States refused to
deal with Arafat, whom they accuse of
fomenting terrorism, and made Abbas
their partner in peace efforts.
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell
said any Palestinian prime minister
must have clear control over security
forces and use them to crack down on
militant groups like Hamas and Islamic
Jihad. "That person has to have politi-
cal authority and the determination to
go after terrorism," Powell said on
ABC's "This Week."
The "road map" plan requires the
Palestinians to dismantle militant
groups. Abbas, despite his strong sup-
port for the road map in principle, has
refused to do this forcefully, appealing
in vain to the militants to disarm.
flaws may
not uncover
The Associated Press
No weapons of mass destruction

have turned up in Iraq, nor has any
solid new evidence for them turned up
in Washington or London. But what
about Baghdad's patchy bookkeeping
- the gaps that led U.N. inspectors to
list Iraqi nerve agents and bioweapons
material as unaccounted for?
Ex-inspectors now say, five
months after the U.S. invasion, that
the "unaccountables" may have been
no more than paperwork glitches left
behind when Iraq destroyed banned
chemical and biological weapons
years ago.
Some may represent miscounts, they
say, and some may stem from Iraqi
underlings' efforts to satisfy the boss
by exaggerating reports on arms output
in the 1980s.
"Under that sort of regime, you
don't admit you got it wrong," said
Ron Manley of Britain, a former
chief U.N. adviser on chemical
His encounters with Iraqi scien-
tists in the 1990s convinced him
that at times, when told to produce
"X amount" of a weapons agent,
"they wrote down what their superi-
ors wanted to hear instead of the
reality," said Manley, who noted
that oroducing VX nerve agent, for

Charles Taylor used fear, patronage and state monopolies to control what diplomats
and business leaders estimate amounted to 90 percent of Liberia's economy - every-
thing from imported rice to diamonds, timber and lucrative shipping registry fees.
Tracking that money, and breaking Taylor's control of what's left, is crucial to
rebuilding war-ruined Liberia. But diplomats say Taylor, working the phone from
his new villa in exile in the jungles of southern Nigeria, isn't letting go easily.
These officials, citing intelligence reports, paint this picture of the gusted war-
lord-president's attempts to keep his hand in the pot:
Within days of his Aug. 11 acceptance of asylum in Nigeria, Taylor began mak-
ing multiple calls each day to successor Moses Blah - violating his exile agree-
ment - and Foreign Minister Lewis Brown. He also is trying to collect debts
from Liberian business figures in Monrovia and attempting to solicit donations for
unknown purposes.
"We don't know why he's raising money. What's clear is that he's keeping con-
tact with the remnants of his government," Geoff Rudd, the European Union's top
diplomat in Liberia, told The Associated Press.


FRESNO, Calif.,
Calif. candidates
target Prop. 54
The leading Democrat and Repub-
lican vying to replace Gov. Gray
Davis are both taking aim at another
issue on the Oct. 7 recall ballot:
Proposition 54, which seeks to limit
what racial data the government can
Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante is trans-
ferring $3.8 million in questioned
contributions from Indian tribes and
unions to a committee to fight the
measure, his campaign consultant
said yesterday.
Republican Arnold Schwarzeneg-
ger, under fire for his positions on
immigrant issues, said Saturday for
the first time that he also opposes
the measure.
"There is no way we can match
that," Proposition 54's backer, Ward
Connerly, said in yesterday's Los
Angeles Times. The University of
California regent acknowledged the
measure would likely be defeated.
Bomb kills 6, injures
34 in marketplace
Violence surged sharply in Indian-
controlled Kashmir Saturday with a
series of separatist attacks across the
Himalayan region. At least nine peo-

ple were killed and more than 40
wounded, police said.
In the deadliest attack, a bomb
exploded in a busy wholesale market
on the outskirts of Srinagar. killing
six people and wounding 34, said
Tirath Acharya, a spokesman for the
Border Security Force.
A Pakistan-based militant group,
Hezb-ul Mujahedeen, claimed
responsibility in a telephone call to a
local news agency in Srinagar, the
summer capital of India's Jammu-
Kashmir state.
MILTON, Bermuda
Bermuda left ravaged
by Hurricane Fabian
The dark clouds of Fabian lifted Satur-
day, revealing the devastation wrought by
the most powerful hurricane to hit
Bermuda. in 50 years: pulverized trees,
shorn rooftops and tens of thousands of
homes without power.
Four people were missing from the
storm, which unleashed 120 mph winds
when it slammed into the British territory
Friday afternoon.
By Saturday, the storm had moved on
and the reality of the devastation had set
in. "We have experienced a considerable
beating," said John Burchall, a
spokesman for the Bermuda government.
Divers were looking for the missing
- two police officers and two civilians
- whose vehicles were swept off a
causeway Friday, but poor visibility ham-
pered the search.

QALAT, Afghanistan
Afghan troops prepare for offensive
Hunareas or Aignan government troops preparec yesteraay for a new
offensive against Taliban guerrillas in the south and east, including along
the border with Pakistan.
The planned offensive came amid a visit by U.S. Defense Secretary Don-
ald Rumsfeld, who told a joint news conference in Kabul with President
Hamid Karzai that the infiltration of terrorists into Afghanistan "is some-
thing that requires continuing attention."
"It's happening all across the globe. It proves the point that the global
war on terror is not a problem in one country or for one country," Rums-
feld said.
A spate of attacks on Afghan police positions along the border and
inland and heavy fighting in the past two weeks in a remote mountainous
region of southern Zabul province have raised fresh doubts about the pre-
carious grip Karzai has over parts of the country.
Karzai, who took power after U.S.-led forces ousted the hardline Taliban
regime in late 201, has postponed for two months the process of approv-
ing a new constitution, his spokesman said yesterday.
The president insisted, however, that historic elections - the first in
Afghanistan in decades - will take place as planned in June 2004.
Former Liberian leader still tied to nation

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763.2459, nows@mlchlgandally.com
EDITORS: C. Price Jones, Kylene Kiang, Jennifer Misthal, Jordan Schrader
STAFF: Jeremy Berkowitz, Soojung Chang, Adhiraj Dutt, Sara Eber, Victoria Edwards, Margaret Engoren, Rahwa Ghebre-Ab, Alison Go, Michael
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