I Wednesday December 11, 2002 michigandaily.com/arts mae@michigandaily.com RTS N8 --IL- Emerson Quartet to perform at Rackham . Z 4 4444 r S~4.... .~ .o'l By Lynn Hasselbarth Daily Arts Writer Imagine the vibrating energy and sheer power of a full piece philhar- monic orchestra. Combine this with the unique musical interpretation and heralding voice of a soloist and you have found the heart of the Emerson String Quartet. Despite the distinct musical personalities of its four mem- bers, this ensemble is remarkably cohesive, united in full commitment to the art and joy of performance. The Emersons return to Ann Arbor this Fri- day for a performance at Rackham Auditorium where they will perform a selection of classical music's most riv- etmng masterpieces. Friday night's program will consist of works from famous composers Bedrich Smetana, Franz EMERSOI Schubert and Dmitri QUA Shostakovich. With each piece having been creat- At Ra ed in a different historical Audit context, audience mem- Friday a bers will travel in time $20, through 180 years of . classical music. The per- Unversity M formance will open with Smetana's String Quartet in e minor, also known as "From My Life." Written in 1876, the quartet is an autobiographi- cal account of the composer's descent into deafness. In its melodic, yet intensely dark musical phrases, the piece chronicles Smetana's bouts of silence and loneliness as his hearing slipped away. In the final movement, Vivace, the violin strikes a shrill, sus- tained E natural, representing the inter- nal ringing that precedes complete loss of hearing. Following Smetana's piece will be Shostakovich's String Quartet No. 8 in c minor, the center point in a series of 15 quartets composed by the Russian musician. As a public artist in the Sovi- et Union during Stalin's great terror, Shostakovich's career evolved with the political climate. This particular piece, composed in 1960, displays the tensions of Russia's unstable past. The final piece of the evening will transport the audience back to 1824 with Schubert's String Quartet No. 14 in d minor titled "Death and the Maiden." With this a Aus piece, Schubert expands on a melody from a song written seven years earlier. The recurring theme of triplets running through musical scales brings continu- ity to this diverse and highly emotional piece of music. Interpretations of these great works are heightened to a new level when per- formed by the Emerson String Quartet. The distinguishing aspect of this ensem- ble lies in its ability to maintain the individual voice of each of its musicians while maintaining and unity throughout. Typically, a single lead violinist domi- nates string quartets. However, this approach narrows the potential of other members and lowers the prestige of the entire group. The Emersons, on the other hand, alternate Eugene Drucker and Philip Setzer as first violinist in order to share the role of leader and fol- STRING lower. Unlike other quar- ITET tets, the Emerson String Quartet pays equal atten- kham tion to the inner workings nrium of the two remaining 8 .m. instruments. A third vio- $40 lin is played by Lawrence Dutton, providing a per- sical Societ cussive edge to the group. To fully complete Emerson's multi-layered sound is cellist David Finckel. He provides a constant vibrating rhythm as well as neat and articulated musical lines. Emerson sees the voice of each instrument as a criti- cal component as well as the personal sense of artistry of each musician. "Their individual personalities are cur- rent," said publicist Austin Wrubel. Musical talents and suggestions are "combined for the good of the music." With six Grammy Awards and over- whelming international acclaim, the Emerson String Quartet has made its permanent mark in the world of classi- cal and contemporary music. Named after the beloved American author, Ralph Waldo Emerson the ensemble is based in New York City and is a regular guest of Carnagie Hall. With a 120 per- formances a year in venues from Vien- na to Paris, Philadelphia to San Francisco, Emerson has inspired audi- ences across the world. What keeps them grounded is a collective yearning to share their art and an "incredible zest to create music." ' Rob Schneider is ... "The < v .stapler. Courtesy of Touchstone SCHNEIDER REVEALS HIS INNER 'HOT CHICK' By Jenny Jeltes Daily Arts Writer From running around with animal instincts to playing a male gigolo, Rob Schneider has devel- oped an interesting array of characters in the film industry, not to mention in his successful stint on "Saturday Night Live." In his upcoming film, "The Hot Chick," directed by Tom Brady, the star come- dian entertains audiences once again by playing a popular high school girl, Jessica, who gets trapped in a man's body. "The Hot Chick" will be the third screenplay in which Schneider had a significant part in the script writing. He also wrote "The Ani- mal" and "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo." In a recent interview with Schneider, Brady and Schneider's co-star, Anna Faris, The Michigan Daily got the inside scoop on what it was like to create "The Hot Chick." When asked how in the world the idea for this movie came about, Schneider explains, "Tom used to see me making fun of my own girlfriend, and he thought that would be a funny movie. We took the form and inverted it and made it a weird love story." Schneider also mentioned how he had just gotten married during the production, and this new joy carried over into his acting, especially during the special moments between characters Jessica and her best friend, April. "This was a special one. I was falling in love. All of those scenes were really sweet. It was fun to play." Anna Faris ("Scary Movie") plays April, who is also a member of the "in" group, one in which each member is, of course, an attractive, popular cheerleader. When asked how Faris identified with the role, she explains how it embodied experiences that she never had. "This was a high school I did- n't have in my high school reality, I was pretty angry. I was president of the drama club for three years. I turned 16 and looked like I was 11. I looked so young." Faris expresses her enthusiasm about working with Schneider, "I'm lucky to work with such a great comedian and such great people. I was really excited to be a part of the project." The young actress had just finished doing a series of training videos, which she described as just plain "awful." She is far more excited about her next job, "Lost in Translation," a comedy starring Bill Murray. Faris plays a movie star who is doing press in Tokyo for her recent film. Of the many hilarious scenes in "The Hot Chick," Faris mentions the "pillow fight" scene, where Jessica and all her friends start playfully knocking each other around, as her favorite. Most of them were wearing only shirts and panties, including Jessica, with "her" hairy chest and pits. When asked how Rob liked being seen so often wearing only silky ladies underwear, he notes how he had spent hours on the stairmaster for the part, in order to tone his rear end. Schneider kept female viewers in mind while playing the role. While sipping his organic tea, Schneider remarks, "I wanted to be respectful to women. I didn't want to be mocking them; that's one thing I didn't want to do because then I'd think it would defeat the purpose of what you are trying to do." He also mentions the benefits and chal- lenges of playing such a role. On a more serious note, he discovered what it was like to be more emotionally available, and at times "more vulnera- ble." To Schneider, this character allowed him to explore such areas. Brady is well aware of Schneider's risk-taking abilities. He explains how "He's willing to do any thing ... It's not like he panders for a laugh. He's willing to go to the most vulnerable places. He tries things that no one else will, and as a writer and a director, that's more than you can ever hope for." Brady and Schneider met on the television series "Men Behaving Badly," which had a successful, though short-lived run. Brady's first significant writing job was on "The Critic," which began in 1994 and ran for two seasons. He was also a pro- ducer of the show. Brady had also written a few episodes for "The Simpsons" and "Home Improve- ment" before moving on to the more recent films that he co-wrote with Schneider. The relationship between Brady and Schneider has been successful. Brady remarks how, "Our sen- sibilities are different ... and I think that works." When Schneider asked to describe himself, he had quite an amusing response: "Not very tall." Danes' 'My So-Called Life' shines on empty DVD By Katie Marie Gates Daily Arts Writer Nearly a decade ago, ABC took a chance on a new drama about the life of 15-year-old Angela Chase, a young girl overwhelmed with teenage angst as she searches for her identity. Unfortunately, the series only lasted 19 episodes. But during its brief run, "My So-Called Life" supplied one of the best teenage dra- mas of our lifetime. Now, eight years later, BMG pres- ents the entire series on five DVDs complete with specific scene selection for each episode. The package is a reminder that many great shows are often lost because of bad ratings. Set in suburban Philadelphia, the pilot introduces us to the Chase fami- ly: Graham (Tom Irwin, "My Life and Times"), Patty (Bess Armstrong, "That was Then"), Danielle (Lisa Wilhoit, "Flying Virus") and of course, Angela (Claire Danes, "Romeo and Juliet"). They perfectly depict the typical suburban American family com- plete with sibling spats and overprotective par- ents. Annoyed by her mother and distanced from her father by puberty, Angela's lone- ly and confused state MY So-C LIFE: THE PLETE S DVI Picture/Sound: Show: **** Features: No S 20th Centu leads her to "Beverly Hills, 90210") and Rickie Vasquez (Wilson Cruz, "Party of Five"). This interesting pair offers a fun alternative to her boring "so- called life" but not with- out consequence. Rayanne suffers from ;ALLED alcoholism while Rickie E COM- struggles with his sexual- ERIES ity throughout the series. D The two show Angela the teenage world of parties ***9 and mayhem. Many of their excursions seem unrealistic especially tars considering these stu- ary Fox dents aren't even old enough to drive. Throughout the series, Angela's voice echoes over her actions revealing her innermost thoughts and dreams and eloquently describing each moment of her life, giving it meaning and significance. Many of Angela's thoughts revolve around Jordan Cata- lano (Jared Leto, "Fight Club"), a very good looking boy at school who, in his mysteriousness, intrigues her to the point of infatuation. One of the 19 episodes is voiced over by another character, Brian Krakow (Devon Gummersall, "Felici- ty") the boy-next-door, who is in love with Angela. His parents are psychia- trists and he longs for the "normal" family life of his neighbor. Brian and Angela were friends as kids but grew apart and are now only linked by Brian's obsession, which leads him to the Chase residence frequently with lame excuses to see her. His unrequit- ed affections are sad as she oblivious- ly focuses on Jordan. Though the menu on this DVD is lacking artistically with bizarre color choices and fades, the scene selec- tion is an excellent feature usually unseen with television programs. There are no special features, but this is understandable considering the history of the series. Despite fan efforts to save the show in the winter of 1995, it ended abruptly yet appro- priately for this thought provoking drama. Unlike many teenage series of today, fast approaching soap- opera like proportions with overly repeated storylines, the cancellation of "My So-Called Life" allowed for it to be viewed as something inspir- ing instead of overdone. The final scene of the series leaves the audi- ence wondering about the outcome of the characters and about their own lives. No matter how many episodes actually aired, in this aspect, the show achieved great success making this DVD a worthwhile purchase. 0 Courtesy r ofUM We are four wild and crazy guys! befriend Rayanne Graff (A.J. 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